• Published 28th Feb 2018
  • 5,022 Views, 117 Comments

A Mother's Love is Eternal - Flaming_Nova

Celestia has a secret that no pony other than her sister know's, will her hopes for the future come true of will they crumble to dust?

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Ch 5. Sisterly Bonds Run Deep

Author's Note:

here you go guys Chapter 5 of A Mother's Love is Eternal this chapter is filled with the feels so hope your ready for it so please enjoy.

The house of Night Light and Twilight Velvet an hour after the arrival of Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

Velvet and Night Light had spent what felt like a week trying to get into their Daughter’s room to console her but after everything they’ve tried nothing seemed to of worked. There was only one thing that either of them could do in this situation they would need to talk to their daughter’s rainbow maned friend to figure out what happened to cause their daughter to be in such distress. With a knowing look exchanged between them both Night Light gave a small jerk of his head signaling his for wife to go speak with Dash while he keeps watch over Twilight. Without a single word spoken between them Velvet made her way towards the guest room where Rainbow Dash was currently amid her own version of the freak-out from Lesson Zero.

Rainbow Dash was currently wearing a hole into the floor of the guest room Twilight’s parents had put her in, so they could console their daughter. Rainbow was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact of her and Twilight are sisters and alicorns.

“How is it even possible for us to be alicorn’s when I’m a Pegasus and Twilight (or maybe I should start calling her sis from now on… uh!! I don’t even know anymore!!!) Twilight is a unicorn.”

Rainbow thought to herself while scratching at the between her eyes with her right fore hoof as to try to alleviate the growing headache. “Well it would explain how only I’m able to perform the sonic rainboom and Twilight is able to do that howl flaming white unicorn stunt. Why in Faust’s name would Princess Celestia (or maybe should I start calling her mom?) give us up in the first place I mean sure she is the de facto leader of an entire nation, but she could at least have at least tried to be a mother to us.”

But before Rainbow could continue her tirade about Celestia she was pulled from her thoughts by a knocking of the door. Without even getting a chance to give her consent to enter Twilight Velvet had already entered the room and closed the door behind her, as velvet turned to face the rainbow Pegasus she was greeted by a look she never expected to see on her daughters’ cocky friend. It was the look of some pony who just had their entire world view put into question. At this Velvet had only two thoughts run through her mine and those were 1. To console her daughters friend and 2. Try to figure out what would have caused them both this much mental and emotional distress.

“Oh, my Celestia?! Rainbow Dash what happened is everything alright sweetie?” Velvet cooed with the same motherly voice she uses when talking to a scared foal.

All Rainbow could do was wince at the mere mention of her so-called birth mother’s name. This hadn’t gone unnoticed by the older mare, so Velvet decided to try pressing the issue. “Rainbow Dash you are currently the only pony who knows as to why Twilight has locked herself away in her room so please dear tell me what’s going on!” Velvet snapped but her words seemed to of had an effect since Rainbow Dash had relaxed if only just by a sliver, but it was just enough to get an explanation from her.

Rainbow let out a heavy sorrowful sigh after taking a few seconds to ready herself she told Velvet everything she and Twilight learned from their talk with the princesses. Velvet had not been expecting any of what she had just heard and needed to take a few seconds to process all the new information she had just been given and it totally justified the reactions the two younger mares had shown upon hearing it.

“And that is everything I was able to find out from the princesses before Twilight bolted out of the castle, I had end our conversation earlier than they would have liked to rush after Twilight to make sure she was safe because Faust only knows what she might have done in her current state. But judging from the fact she locked herself into her room as soon as she made it inside I was worrying over nothing.” Rainbow said trying to lift the alabaster unicorn’s spirits, but it didn’t seem to help relieve even the slightest bit of Velvet's worries.

Velvet had managed to pull what little of her composer remained back together to ask Rainbow one last question before she herself started to become just as emotionally unstable as her daughter. “Rainbow Dash I know after how I snapped at you earlier I don’t have the right to ask this of you but could you…” but before Velvet could finish her sentence Rainbow had her hoof to her muzzle.

“You want me to fly outside and enter Twi’s room from the window and try to calm her down am I right?” Rainbow snarked with her trademark half mouth grin etched onto her own muzzle.

All Velvet could bring herself to do was nod her head in agreement. Just like that Rainbow was flying to the front door and left a confused Velvet seeing only the prismatic trail that always followed the rainbow maned Pegasus when ever she flies faster than 20mph.

Twilight had cast the sound-proofing spell and was currently Lying face down her bed keeping up a magical barrier intended to keep any pony wanting to enter from her bedroom door out but since she had only just learned the spell the night before receiving the letter from the princess she still needed to keep all her focus on maintaining the spell. Unfortunately, she had forgotten about her Pegasus friend/sister who was currently making her way into the room from the bedroom’s skylight. Twilight made a mental note to remind herself to make counter measures against aerial intruders or in this case a cocky Pegasus who was being to nosier for her own good.

“Hey Twi, is everything alright…” Rainbow said while sheepishly scratching a hoof behind her head, doing everything she could not to start shrinking under her lavender friend/sisters burning gaze.

When Dash had finally managed to make eye contact with her friend she was greeted by a sight she had hoped too never half see again Twilight’s coat was now pure white just like Celestia’s and her mane and tail were made entirely out of fire with tiny balls of fire burning where her pupils should have been. Thankfully Night Light had the foresight to ask princess Celestia if she would put a fire-proofing spell on house when Twilight became her personal student all those years ago. So anything within it's walls wouldn't be turned to ash whenever Twilight got angry. "Rainbow Dash what in Celestia’s name are you doing in here I thought if any pony would understand my current need for privacy it would have been you my so-called sister!!!” Twilight yelled at Rainbow Dash in the Royal Canterlot voice.

Rainbow took a few steps back Twilight did have a point she was the only pony aside from Twilight who would understand what she’s going through but that was all more reason why Rainbow Dash needed to be by her side. “Oh, don’t give me that crap Twilight! But your right I do understand and that’s why I’m here because I’m both your sister and friend I’ll always be here right by your side Through the both the good times and bad. Even if the whole world was to suddenly turn against you I’d be there by your side to tell them to shut the buck-up. No matter what comes our way I’ll always be there for you so please sis don’t push me away.” Rainbow Dash Begged with a pleading look and streams of tears rolling done her face.

It was Twilight who had to take a few steps back this time never all this time since she met Dash had she ever seen her sister cry or look so scared and frightened. Within seconds Twilight had scooped Rainbow up into a bone shattering hug to try to console her sister. Several long minutes passed by and it appears that Rainbow Dash had calmed down considerably. “Your absolutely right Dash no matter what happens we’ll always have each other and that’s never going to change. But you realize that this means you now have two sisters a brother and a niece.” Twilight said with just a hint of sarcasm.

At Twilight attempt at a Celestia impersonation Rainbow just couldn’t suppress a fit of laughter. Rainbow tilted her head slightly, so the two sisters were at least able to see each other’s eyes. “Wow Twilight if that’s your attempt at a Celestia impersonation it seriously needs some work.” She said to her sister in the same snarky tone Dash always had before this howl ordeal started.

At this Twilight brought her hoof towards her chest and tried to act as hurt as possible. “Who me? Why I never.” Just after those few words left her mouth they both broke out into another fit of giggles.

When all was said and done it was nearly midnight and both Night Light and Twilight Velvet had gone to bed but not before leaving dinner on the table for their two young house guests. After eating their meals Rainbow Dash and Twilight were practically dead on their hooves but both managed to get into the same bed. “Good night sis.” They both said sleepily just before the realms of sleep claimed their tired minds.