• Published 28th Feb 2018
  • 5,007 Views, 117 Comments

A Mother's Love is Eternal - Flaming_Nova

Celestia has a secret that no pony other than her sister know's, will her hopes for the future come true of will they crumble to dust?

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Chapter 6 Flash Back: Separation

Author's Note:

hey, there guys I know it's been quite some time since I've posted the next Chapter to A Mother's Love is Eternal. Thank you all so much for supporting me.

but I'd like to give special thanks too Artfulcord who gave me the story idea which made this chapter possible. as thanks to him for his help, I put his OC Stellar Nova into this Chapter.

Celestia had just risen from her bed after crying herself to sleep late into the night. Luna had given Twilight and Rainbow Dash the album that showed Celestia was their birth mother. Celestia knew that both her daughters would probably react poorly to the news, but she had hoped against hope for a slightly better outcome than the one she had received.

Rainbow Dash was Furious, she had the most reason to be, given the fact that Celestia basically abandoned Rainbow Dash only making time for Twilight as she was to be Celestia’s personal student. But what Celestia hadn't been expecting was the look she had received from Twilight it was that of someone who had been betrayed by the one pony she looked up to most in this world. Before Luna or herself had any time to explain Twilight had already bolted from the castle with Rainbow Dash following her sister from the air.

Celestia had curled back up into a ball on her bed her wings placed upon her head as the heartache from losing both of her daughters once again was just too much for the solar princess. Celestia’s mind was now being flooded by the memories of the events which led her to give up her daughters and stripping them of two-thirds of their alicorn magic.

Canterlot Castle 20 years before the return of Nightmare Moon

Canterlot Castle’s medical wing currently had pony nurses and doctors getting everything ready for Princess Celestia’s arrival giving she had just gone into labor. Celestia had chosen two of her most trusted medical staff members to be present for the birth of her children. The first was a Grey unicorn stallion by the name of Doctor Stellar Nova he has rainbow eyes a short dark Grey mane and tail his cutie mark was that of a quarter moon inside of a bright orange and yellow sun, the second was Nurse Tender Hooves an amber Pegasus mare with a red mane and tail with yellow streaks both done up into buns she has teal eyes and a flaming heart cutie mark.

Tender Hooves helped Celestia into one of the many beds in the castles' maternity ward. After what had felt like centuries of pain giving birth (I won’t be getting to the nitty-gritty of it since this is rated E) the wait was finally over. Doctor Nova and Nurse Tender hooves had finished cleaning up the twin alicorns fillies and were bringing them to their mother. The princess had asked to have a picture taken to commemorate the day of their birth. Upon getting the picture Celestia’s next actions came as a surprise to the medical ponies that were present.

Celestia’s horn had started to shimmer in her golden aura which was then followed by a flash of blinding white light. When the two ponies regained their sight, they were baffled by what they were looking at. The older twin a lavender filly with a violet mane and tail with a purple and pink stripe running down its center had been replaced with a unicorn filly of the same color scheme, while her younger twin a cyan filly with a rainbow-colored mane and tail had also been replaced not with a unicorn but a Pegasus of the same color scheme.

After Celestia confirmed her spell went off without a hitch she then turned her head to the rooms only other occupants with a despondent look etched onto her muzzle. “The two of you must swear an oath of silence to never speak a word to any pony of their existence, If those who wish harm against Equestria learn of them they would most certainly use my daughters as leverage against me and Equestria itself.” Celestia stated convincingly but not to the other ponies' no she was trying to convince herself that what she was doing is for the safety of her daughters.

“You may leave us,” Celestia said while trying to keep her regal composure with a bow the two ponies left their princess to bond with her daughters before their inevitable separation.

Celestia’s face softened into a half smile trying to hold back her tear as she returned her gaze to the sleeping fillies that still rested in her hooves. Taking in their faces for what would hopefully not be the last time.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door Celestia turned towards the door to then be greeted by Tender Hooves who had two birth certificates in her hooves. Once Celestia had calmed down Nurse Tender Hooves came up to the princess’s right side then asked the following question in the same motherly tone Celestia herself uses when addressing her subjects. “What will you name then?”

This cause Celestia to let a tear roll its way down her right cheek before replying with a lump in her throat. “I’ll name the oldest Twilight Sparkle in honor of her aunt who has powers over the night, and I’ll name the youngest Rainbow Dash in recognition of the prismatic trail I’m sure will follow her wherever she flies.”

Tender Hooves was taken aback by the mention of an aunt seeing as the late Captain Silver Shield was an only child there was no way they could have an aunt unless the princess had a sister which brought two questions to the forefront of the young mare's mind. 'Where could this mysterious sister be, and the way doesn’t any pony known about her.' But before she could voice the many questions flooding her mind Princess Celestia had broken the silence. “I bet you wish to know who this aunt I have spoken of is and why she hasn't ever made a public appearance am I correct?”

All the nurse could do was nod her head in agreement. “Well, I’m sorry my little pony I cannot say anymore not until after certain events come to pass,” Celestia said with a sorrowful expression on her face.

Tender Hooves was wondering what events the princess was talking about but decided to just let it go and turned towards the princess and nodded in agreement. After spreading the word of the royal foals passing away shortly after birth Tender Hooves returned to her daily duties. Celestia grabbed a dark brown clock from the nearby coat rack the entrance of the room as to avoid any undue attention as she made her way to the house of Canterlot’s lower noble families the home of Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

Celestia took one last look on her daughter’s sleeping form which was currently wrapped up in a light pink blanket with small purple six-pointed stars sewn into the fabric. Twilight currently had a Grey unicorn doll with black mane and button eyes held tightly in her tiny hooves as she slept blissfully unaware of the distress of the solar monarch. After half hour of searching Celestia found the house she was looking for.

Celestia placed Twilight onto the porch of the house, Celestia brought her hoof to the door and pounded on it repeatedly. After some time passed a light from what Celestia could only assume was the parent's bedroom turned on. With that, she made her way over to the bushes but not before placing a small slip of paper in between the folds of the bundle which she levitated onto the porch or the house. Just as Celestia managed to get herself well hidden behind a thicket across the street which overlooked the porch, the lights from the parent's bedroom to the front porch turned on one by one in rapid succession until the tired form of still half asleep Twilight Velvet came into view.

Comments ( 21 )

Aaah you're back!

Ya sorry for wait that damn writer's block just wouldn't let up.

Im sorry but what do you mean by that

Its alright I don't really mind it that much.

What a way to come back!

Is my story really so good that I have someone beginning for more?

Thanks I will and please feel free to send me any ideas you have for future chapters I'm always looking for new idea's.

I hope you update soon. Btw when Celestia was ask wh

When Celestia was asked what will you name them? You wrote then.

And halve could have been half .redwalllover28

Really I could of sworn I wrote it differently. But thanks for the input I'll do a quick re-read to clairify.

Interesting, I would love to see more of this story.

I should be crying at this, but I have a tendency to put my OC in fanfics so I'm too busy laughing at what he's doing.

If I might make a suggestion for a possible continuation, write about Dash and Twilight coming to grips with the revelations, maybe confronting the ponies they thought were their true parents, maybe realizing in a way that the ponies who raised them kind of are since they were the ones who raised them. Maybe finish off with the two returning to Ponyville fully intending to never speak of it again. And then there is the issue of will either ever trust Celestia again? Possible sequel material... someone puts two and two together and Dash and Twilight are placed in danger due to the information getting out.

This has so much potential it's a shame to see it languish.

You're doing so well. It should continue. :twilightsmile: :rainbowkiss:

I want to continue the story but I just can't get any inspiration for more chapters.

That's understandable. I sometimes get the same feeling.

Watch some MLP again it's where I get some inspiration and I watch yugioh

Ya I've done that but nothing seems to come to me.

Well something will come all it takes is a spark to ignite the creative juices

The story is good. Sucks that there isn't more. Grammar needs a little work.

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