• Member Since 30th Jun, 2015
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Comments ( 23 )

I hope you get time back and we human it seems wrong to force this lifestyle of them wasn’t his choice it also seems mentally that starlight is in printing on him and he starting to get to Stockholm syndrome affect on hI’m as well And some of them not realizing the effect of the consequences of what they did

It's like the ponies iq dropped to room temperature.


Grasping at straws a bit there aren't we, Mr. Web M.D. Psychiatry Degree.

Is this supposed to make my blood boil, because that’s exactly what it does.

I like this story, so hopefully the next chapter comes out sooner, last story I was fully interested in updated three months later, so hopefully your faster and better. I would LOVE LOVE, if Rainbow Dash was in this story and her and Anon were Bros before Anon got filly-fied, I read a lot of stories were anon calls her Rainbro. I know this is your story, but you would just make my whole week if Rainbow and Anon were bro’s. Anyway keep the good work up 👍

I expect Anon to physically attack either Starlight or twilight at some point. And more then just swatting her horn.

I am begging for a sequel. I don't think I've laughed so hard before.

Well, ponies without common sense and Anon-bashing almost always makes a great combo. That idiot should have known what he agreed to. Lucky bastard still got a good deal.

hopefully he will update these stories because they are good

I'll wait for the next chapter with some reservation. I hope the way Anon's been treated is due to a side-effect, and his cuteness compounds it.

I don't know what you have planned, but I'd be amused if another side-effect changes Anon's appearance and pony type based on whoever claims him as a parent/guardian, and it eventually leads to silliness when ponies begin to fight over him. Being different types of ponies would also allow Anon to find other ways to amuse us.

Either way, I wish you the best with this story.

You know Anon, in some magical settings, when the caster, or casters, of a spell/curse die/are killed...the spell/curse ends...

Just throwing that out there...

“Okay, have fun! I know I will!” You didn’t like the sound of that. “Come on then, Anon! Mommy Starlight will show u de wae to walk!”

I see what you did there

Considering the tags, and the rating? Something tells me yellowquiet is exactly what he imagines. And he'll like, yes he will... in time :yay:

If this happened to me, I start biting ponies left and right to make them stop picking me up saying I'm cute. I be supper pissed all time.

This make me remember back when I was little that loader you yell the less the adults hear. Haft this chapter is what that is for Aron.

Yeah, they're fucking horrible. They fucked up and don't really care they harmed someone, and now they insist on humiliating someone who USED to be their friend.

Honestly if I were him I would just tell ponies they did this to him on purpose not intending to ever turn him back, because they certainly don't give a shit about his happiness.

This Story is awsome, I like it so much, I hope to see more of it.

I would not be upset at more

This story is more frustrating to read than anything else. the humiliation and complete disregard for anons oppinions is simply hair raisingly madening, i skipped most of the chapter after i couldnt take any more of the BS after the spanking to see if they will finally behave like hes a friend and a being worthy of being listened to.

Comment posted by denir deleted Jul 4th, 2019

I hope you come back soon. I also hope you update the story that is good

Oooooo this story makes my blood boil. I actually dealt with some of this stuff when I was younger, from transphobes to being too cute when I wanted to be normal.
I crave more. This rage is wonderful

It's funny, I would not refuse to continue the story of Anon.

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