• Published 10th Mar 2018
  • 459 Views, 1 Comments

A Normal Day In Eqestria - tflex

Follow the adventures of everyone's favorite pony Fluttershy as she frolics through the meadows.

  • ...

Normalcy ends here.

twas another beautiful day in Equestria.

the birds were singing,
the giant cows were grazing the fields, munching away at the Apple family’s trees, the Apple family’s most prized possession.

Applejack was running into the barn to get her newly acquired shotgun,

This particular day was perfect, perhaps a little too perfect, and that's why Pinkie pie decided to investigate.

"It’s just an average day in Equestria!, we have lots of days like these!" Pinkie said in her usual ... attitude.

"What?, who are you talking to?" said Fluttershy, worried that Pinkie might have gone completely bonkers… again.

"No one, Fluttershy don’t worry about me, i'm perfectly fine." Pinkie says calmly, as she get's up from the bench and cartwheels away all the while laughing hysterically at a nonexistent joke.

"Yup, she's definitely gone insane. (fudge biscuits)" said Big Mac walking by while pulling a cart filled with... apples obviously.

"Sigh" Fluttershy sighed, It was finally time.

They, no, SHE had tried to postpone this moment for a long time now but since Pinkie had gone bonkers once more, it was finally time to... go home and feed her animals. (Plot).

There were probably starving, she could feel Angel's hunger in her bones, and that's not because Angel was sawing away at them all night with a huge blunt saw, at least to him it seemed huge.

5 weeks ago.

While Pinkie pie and Rarity were visiting Ponynopolis Pinkie had been diagnosed insane by two doctors who looked strangely like the Flim flam brothers, but since the Ponyville police had burnt the Flim flam brothers at the stake with pressure from the Ponyvillans... who finally lived up to their name,

There was no chance there were the Flim Flam brothers the police chief confirmed, thus the brother's speculation was treated with the utmost respect.

Celestia had tried to keep Pinkie under solitary confinement but with Pinkie finding a way to escape every time, she soon gave up and ordered her execution.

That is, before Twilight had promised to have her friends keep a close eye on Pinkie at all times, and send a report to Celestia if and when they notice any strange behavior from her.

Fluttershy had finally gotten home after hours of walking, being 5 feet tall sure had it’s disadvantages, but since she was home now it was finally time to feed Angel.

She tried to explain the situation to Angel but long story short, Angel ate her.

just kidding, Harry did.


Twilight hates Pinkie pie, no joke, for a long time now she’s been working secretly on a ‘cure’ for Pinkie pie. (if you know what I mean).

“Spike!, hand me the next one” said Twilight

“Sure thing Twilight.” Spike says sealing Pinkie’s fate by passing Twilight the bottle marked poison, while all the while reading his new comic book about a mysterious green hero with a question mark on his face.

“Finally, I can rid the world of this scientific travesty, Pinkie pie!.” Twilight said maniacally as she rubbed her hooves together, complementing the crazed look in her eyes.

Which combined with her bad hair day let’s her pull off a Dr Wily look if Dr Willy went Emo and dyed his hair different shades of purple.

Meanwhile at Sugarcube corner… (Character development was happeneing).

Pinkie Pie was doing random stuff… the reader hated random stuff and just skipped to the next chapter thereby skipping a major plot point.

Meanwhile at Angel’s house…

Fluttershy had narrowly avoided being excessively annoyed to death by Angel; apparently she had run out of carrots after Angel’s last feeding session and had forgotten to replenish her supply.

And THAT is why Angel kicked her out of the house, luckily her shrink juice effect ended just as Harry was about to eat her… which is why she’s still alive, bummer.

Fluttershy wasn’t a violent person and since she never considered being one, she picked up her shopping basket and started her journey to Ponyville’s only market place.

As Fluttershy walked down the road… pathway is more like it.

She couldn’t help but remember that she hadn’t fed any of her animals since yesterday, she had to get her act together and concentrate more on things that matter rather than small details like her well-being, and health.

“Hey Fluttershy!” yelled the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they sped past her.

Saying Fluttershy was startled would be an understatement since she had somehow scaled a nearby Crystal palace in record time, and was frozen with shock.

A door opened behind her causing Fluttershy to almost jump off the castle roof.

“Fluttershy?” said a surprised Spike.

“Spike!, it’s just you” said Fluttershy trying to calm herself, as Spike walks into the only door in the balcony beckoning on her to follow him.

“So, how’d… I mean why’d you get up from there?” Spike asked trying to ignite some small talk as he opened the hallway door.

“Umm” Said Fluttershy as she walked through the door following Spike very closely behind.

Everything looked shiny and pristine in the Hallway which made the red stain under a particular door stand out like a sore thumb.

“Umm” Said Fluttershy starting to hyperventilate, she could feel her pulse starting to rise as she eventully collapsed.

“It’s nothing, I’m sure it’s just one of Twilights potions” said Spike.

*THUD*, Spike turned around only to find an unconscious Flutershy.

*Blitzzz* (The lights sparked as the State of emergency alarm mounted on Canterlot castle activated).

“Fluttershy!” Exclaimed a confused Spike, he didn’t know what to do.

He really didn’t know what to do, it was time to head to the bunker, but with Fluttershy like this he just couldn’t… he was too good a dragon to leave her behind for that maniac.

Spike Quickly ran to Fluttershy, grabs her, and begins to pull her towards the stairs… just two more floors to go, maybe if they were lucky Pinkamena would go after other unlucky ponies who didn’t have bunkers in their multi-million bits castle.

Bunkers were the only way they could survive this particular series of Quarantines.


Whelp, or she could just come for them immediately… she was definitely getting closer, Spike thought as he pulled Fluttershy down the first flight of Stairs, one more floor to go, he was sure they could make it, but he couldn’t help but feel disappointed in Twilight, usually she teleported to wherever Spike was during each Quarantine to bring him to safety.


Welp, if he had any doubt about Pinkamena following them it all had dissipated.


The light finally gave in leaving Spike in darkness, that could only mean that She was in the building.

Spike was getting tired but knew that he couldn’t give in now, he had to get Fluttershy and himself to safety, but having no lights to warn him, he instinctively stopped in his tracks.

‘Clop,clop,clop’ hoofsteps sounded behind him getting closer every second, it was over, all his effort in trying to save Fluttershy, It was over, maybe she’d offer him a quick one, but he knew it was wissfull thinking, she wasn’t going to.

He felt a syringe slowly get pushed into his neck as he begins to lose consciousness,

Spike dared not struggle as the world went dark.

The end

Author's Note:

This story is a result of me trying to write a story about Fluttershy going to Ponyville market.

Comments ( 1 )

I think this was a documentary on how Pinkie sees the world. I don't know how else to explain this

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