• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago

An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 59 )

A new story from my favorite above-average author? With Spike in it, at that?

...I've never closed my girlfriend's legs so quickly.

I might be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure the sight mods would go nuts if they saw the cover art. Having explicit content in it is very prohibited, and I can clearly see the tip of a Dragon dick. Not trying to be mean, but someone is going to throw a hissy fit.

That's a tail! Trust me, I reviewed the art. But thanks for the concern either way!

I give this a maybe out of 10



Let's not talk crazy, bro. I was thinking more along the lines of, oh, what's that thing Nickelback became after 2003? ...Bad? Yeah, that's it.

wonderful! let the next chapter be there first time having sex!

Any chance we can get an image number for derpibooru?

Pretty good. And different.

Found it!
There are three in the "series"

From the first sentence I knew that Spike and Anakin wouldn't get along :rainbowwild:

I am extremely happy that's not a "Complete" tag.
Bring on the debauchery.

I want to make the joke. I don't know if I should make the joke.

Oh fuck it.

Not even over 9000.

Reminds me of that Adam Sandler movie, 'Click'. That movie was terrible.

Please do continue this story...I love the frank and open relationship the two have and the way you write is quite enjoyable to read. I am looking forward to chapter two!

Your titles are fantastic.

I believe the next chapter needs Twilight screwing Spike. Be it through his body on hers, another button giving both equipment from the other or anything beside that. But it must happen :rainbowwild:

Whelp, I'm hooked. Onward to Debauchery!

Spike's work for Celestia meant he got to see Twilight more than he would have liked

Less than, surely?

You could turn and leave now and we would not stop you.

:moustache:: "Okay, bye!"
The End.

He sat in the bed of his inn room with a small grin as he realised another thing: there were so many more buttons to press.

This will be fun!

Spike probably should have left the remote alone. There were so many buttons to press, any of them could have caused something disasterous to happen, and he would have been the sole cause.
...but there were so many buttons to press.

Can't beat the last argument. Do it!
(Maybe one of the opens an manual...)

"Sleep?!" Twilight almost barked, her eyes hardening, though she soon giggled away her seriousness. "Who needs sleep?! Let's test this further! I want to see what this thing can do!"

Careful here...
Screw it! It's time for science!

"Okay... am I the only one who thought that was way hotter than it should have been?"

Nope. And now hurry up and make it even more hotter!

At least Twilight would have some cum in her when they switched back, and for some reason, Spike was fond of that idea.

We can't blame him for that, can we?

Good premise!
I'm curious what the other buttons will do.

Aren't the eyes a bit of a giveaway though? Since Spike still has green eyes despite the swap?

Spike really is going for broke here, ain't him? Go get 'em! Although I do believe he should practice with Rainbow first. If only to let her get a taste of his grapes :trollestia:

The fact that the first thing Twilight did with her double cannons was not giving Spike the double penetration of his life is rather disappointing. For shame Twily, for shame!

Ah, porn logic; where the father fucks the daughter, and the mother joins in. Never gets old.

Obvious to see where this Twilight got her kinkiness from.

Well, here's hoping there are no negatives feels about this. Get the feeling, Twilight, is about to be a HUGE prev here, and Spike's counters are about to be a little pre-mature.:moustache::twilightblush:

Good writing and good luck!

This is the part where it turns out Twilight was genuinely helping the Crusaders with interview technique while Spike was away.

Slowly, Velvet placed her hand

Hand? :rainbowderp:

Ehhhh. Can't really fault you for the paid commission's contents, but - damn. This started out so amazingly well, and then just randomly went into porn cliches :( Such a let-down.


I think there's something Velvet isn't telling us...

You know, I was rather interested until this chapter, but incest just isn't my thing. It was nice and well-written up until now, but I didn't see this part coming.

"...fine, you've got me there. You're just so damn fluffy, it's awesome." Spike smushed his cheek against his foreleg as he said this, a small buzz in his body as he hummed in appreciation. "How do you not just rub your fur all day?"

Now I want a pone to snuggle for myself!

Twilight shook her head. "The power should still be there, you just need to be attuned enough with me in order to draw it out. Its like how you had to grow accustomed to standing and walking as me at first, it should be easy once you get a hold of it."

Wouldn't it rather be that he has the magical power of an alicorn combined with the magical control of a foal?
That would be a very dangerous combination...

They were patters of affection that landed against the most pleasurable spots of his body, pressure points he never knew he had, for he had never had them.

Almost as if the knew his body like her own?
If you think about it that actually makes lot of sense.

"Are you even sure that the duplicate is completely capable?"

:twilightsmile:: "Only one way to find out."

"Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked, a curious glint in her eye. "How old are they these days, again?"
"Sweetie and Apple Bloom are both nineteen, Scoots recently turned eighteen. Why do you ask?"
"No reason! Anyways..."

I hope she doesn't think what I think she is thinking.
(And now I feel bad for thinking about it in the first place.)
Edit: It looks like both are thinking about it...

"You think I didn't see you flirting at the table earlier? Your mother isn't as clueless as you think, honey. Besides," she said, hopping up onto the bed beside the pair of them and spreading her legs, "I thought your idea was wonderful, so I was hardly going to intervene. Something like this really spices up your sex life, doesn't it?"

That's the spirit!

"Has our daughter been speaking naughtily to you, dear?"
"Damn right she has," Night Light panted, his cock twitching without anything to fuck.
"Why don't you go wash her mouth out with cum, then? I want a turn on her pussy..."

That's even more lewd than I expected... I approve!

"You've still got a favour to return to me, when you're feeling up for it." Velvet winked. "You any good at eating pussy, Twilight? Don't worry if you're not, mother knows best..."

Go on...

Not only had he managed to get both of Twilight's parents to fuck him, they still wanted to after the first time? Oh, jeez, Twilight was going to be so pissed when she found out about this... or would she?

Depends on what she did o the CMC. We will probably learn about that next chapter. (Right?)

Anyway, good chapter!

Now we need Twilight to get Spike pregnant

Can not wait till the next chapter.

Woah, that took a huge fucking left turn there at the end

Spike loved sand. The way it slipped between his claws, the soft brush of it as he kicked it up and watched it settle, the hot, comfy blanket it made for him as the Saddle Arabian sun beat down on him.

I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough...

So, this is marked "on hiatus." That's DEFINITELY not "cancelled but I don't want to admit it," right?

... Right?

Oh... I turned mature on, yeah, my bad.

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