• Published 11th Mar 2018
  • 2,218 Views, 284 Comments

A Compass to the Soul - CartoonNerd12

Rainbow Dash has always want a life at sea but not in the way she thought. Tormented by her past, she tries to move on with her life but nightmares and memories keep reminding her what she had. Will she ever be free from her shadows?

  • ...

Under Our Spell

Under the sea, the group kept on swimming until Rumble voiced out, "It just occurred to me, but aren't there sea monsters in the ocean?"

Seaspray replied, "Oh yes, a quite few actually."

Sky Beak mentioned, "But they are only legends. Or else why would we have hid in the ocean if such dangerous creatures existed?"

Skystar and her cousins agreed with her saying, "The ones we've heard the most about are Krakens, Leviathans, and Cecaelias."

Capper mock shocked, "Oh my!" not believing in sea monsters himself.

Terramar added, "And don't forget Sirens, their voices can sink a ship!"

Soarin pointed, "Yes, I've heard of them. They're the one sea monster the Navy fears while at sea. Even if it is a bunch of nonsense."

They kept on swimming until they came across a ship graveyard making them stop. The scene was foreboding and daunting that a chill went down their spines.

Spike suggested, "Maybe we should go around?"

Flash shook his head, "Wouldn't do any good, it's a very huge place, it would take forever to go around."

Rumble asked, "How did this happen?" and stayed closer to Soarin feeling more scared than usual.

His mentor answered, "Lots of stuff, storms, leaks, sharp rocks, accidents… A lot of things can go wrong on the sea, Rumble. I should know…"

Suddenly a large shadow overcastted them and they looked up to see a ship floating above them. Followed by a haunting melody that went…

"Ahhh…. Ahhh… Ahhh…"

The sound got stronger and louder until Terramar pointed out, "Look! Over there!"

They did look and saw three sea creatures that were light brilliant gold, light violet, and light cerulean as they swam up from the graveyard and were singing up to the ship.

The group gawked at what they were seeing especially Soarin who uttered, "Sirens… Real sirens…"

Sky Beak gestured, "Yes, they're about to sink that ship!"

Flash declared, "We can't let that happen!"

They charge toward the Sirens that were still singing till Spike shouted out, "Hey!" making them stop abruptly.

They turned around to glare at the intruders.

The yellow one spoke, "Well look at what we have here, sisters."

The purple one said, "Some seaponies, a water dragon, and a catfish. Oh, yes, we're so intimidated."

The blue one released a bubbly giggle.

The purple siren inquired to the yellow siren, "What do you think we should do, Adagio?"

Adagio grinned evilly, "Oh, I have one idea…" she opened her mouth and went, "Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh…"

Her sisters joined her, "Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh…"

Soarin yelled, "No! Cover your ears!"

Adagio chuckled, "Little seapony, that won't do any of you good…" she kept singing and a magical surge came from the Sirens' red jewels on their chests.

One-by-one the magical song got to Flash, Seaspray, Terramar, Rumble, Big Mac, Capper, and Spike making them go into a trance. The ones that weren't affected were Sky Beak, Skystar, Silverstream, and Soarin.

The blue one pointed this out, "Adagio, Aria! They're not under our spell!"

Adagio responded, "Yes, I thought as much with the seamares, the other two I will admit are a surprise." She pointed to Sky Beak, "You must be married if you were able to withstand our song." then pointed to Soarin, "But you, a strapping young stallion such as yourself shouldn't have been able to resist!"

Soarin smirked, "That's because I have a love waiting for me back home."

The blue siren complained, "Aw, nuts!"

Aria rolled her eyes at her, "Quit your whining, Sonata, at least we got these stallions right here." motioning to Big Mac and Flash.

Sonata swam up to the hypnotized seaponies and said, "I guess you're right, they are quite the lookers…" she touched Big Mac's arm, "And this one's got muscles! Yum!"

Soarin felt like gagging and demanded, "Let my friends go!"

Silverstream added, "Yeah! And let my brother go too!"

The Sirens laughed in spite.

Adagio told them, "Sorry, my poor unfortunate souls, but they're our slaves forever now."

Aria smugly said, "And there's nothing you can do about it."

Sonata piped up, "Too bad! So sad!"

They laughed again then Adagio ordered to Seaspray and Big Mac, "You two, keep an eye on them while the rest of you come with us as we sink that ship."

All of them said in a monotone voice, "Yes, mistress."

The Sirens swam up with their unwilling followers behind them.

Those that weren't under the spell watched on helplessly as the Sirens began their song again and broke through to the surface.

Applejack had been busy shouting out orders to the crew as Rarity and Fluttershy looked on.

The unicorn commented, "Getting into the role quite seriously, are we? It's only been a day since our captain and comrades have gone missing and you're acting as if you own the ship!"

Applejack scoffed, "I swear, do I really come off as someone who would take power for themselves?"

Rarity replied, "Well you do come off as a bit brash and forward, that one can't help but wonder."

"For Celestia sake! I'm just doing what needs to be done! As First Mate I have to take over the Captain's duties should something happen to her! And something did!"

Fluttershy suddenly mentioned, "Do you hear something?"

They stopped talking and listened and sure enough Fluttershy was right, voices singing a very lovely melody making Rarity questioned.

"Where is that coming from?"

Derpy shouted down from the crow's nest, "Applejack! Off the starboard bow!"

The crew rushed to the side and saw three colored creatures in the water, singing away in harmony.

"Sirens!" Moondancer gasped and got out a journal to write this down.

Fluttershy said, "Oh my, they certainly do have beautiful voices."

Bon-Bon questioned, "Shouldn't we be worried that they'll crash the ship?"

Applejack rubbed her hoof nonchalantly on her shirt, "Nope, because we're all mares here and none of us can be affected by the song. My Granny Smith and Grandpappy told me that Sirens cannot lure a mare to her doom nor can they mess with true love, they should know because they've dealt with Sirens before. So let them sing their pretty little ditty and eventually they'll grow tired and go away."

In the water, the Sirens continued to sing but Aria noticed they weren't crashing and realized, "Adagio! They're all mares!"

"What?!" the eldest of the sirens bellowed out.

Sonata stopped singing too to notice, "She's right! Wow! For once we can't sink a ship because they're all girls! That's so funny!"

Adagio barred her teeth, "It is not funny… It ruins everything!" then her gaze turned dark, "Well then… looks like we'll have to do this another way…" she dived back down followed by her sisters.

Applejack saw them go and said, "Well, that's that everypony, time to get back to work."

But as they were about to head to their stations the ship suddenly made a jolt! And started to rock side-to-side, making everyone exclaim and slide around.

Applejack grabbed onto the bow and spotted seaponies and something like a sea serpent and a catfish using their fins to hit the boat.

"What in the hay?!" she hollered out. Then she saw the Sirens on the side smirking evilly at the sight.

So that's it! We couldn't fall under their spell so they have other creatures doing the sinking for them!

She looked back and saw most of her crew was getting seasick from the motion mainly Fluttershy and Rarity.

Applejack tried to think of something but even she was starting to get nauseous and dizzy from the movement, she prayed to the heavens, "Great Sun Goddess Celestia, help us!"

Back down below, Soarin and the others saw how the Sirens were using their companions to sink the boat. It was an interesting development considering the Sirens had to resort to this when their singing didn't work for some reason.

Soarin said, "We have to do something! Silverstream, Skystar think you can distract our guards?"

The cousins gave determined looks and replied, "You bet!"

Together they swam up to Seaspray and Big Mac while mocking them and gave chase with success.

Sky Beak and Soarin quickly swam in the other direction toward the ship graveyard where Soarin pointed out the ropes left on the sunken ships and grabbed them before swimming up to the surface.

Once they broke through the water, they saw the commotion firsthand making Soarin turn to Sky Beak, "I need you to turn me back into a pegasus!"

Sky Beak did as he asked by touching his gem and Soarin's hoof. In a flash the stallion was back to his true form and flew up to the ship.

The boat was still rocking back and forth making all the mares seasick, while Soarin was surprised by the crew's gender it suddenly made sense why the Sirens couldn't crash the ship. He found the mare that wore the captain's hat and went to her, "Just hold on! I'll stop them!"

Applejack was stunned to see a pegasus stallion out of nowhere and got a quick glimpse of a familiar silver compass around his neck before he flew off.

Soarin aimed toward the Sirens who were shocked to see the colt flying above them and roped them together then he handed the rope to Sky Beak who pulled them down into the water. Soarin then used more rope to gather up his friends and moved them away from the ship where it stopped rocking.

The crew caught their breaths and slowly recovered from being dizzy and sick.

Soarin struggled to keep his friends under control as they tried to wiggle out of their bonds.

Back under water, Sky Beak was able to tie the Sirens to the mast of a ship and Skystar and Silverstream had been able to do the same with Big Mac and General Seaspray.

Sky Beak demanded, "Now lift your spell off of them."

Adagio defied him, "Never!"

Sonata blurted out, "Yeah, you'll get to us to sing again to lift the spell!"

Her sisters gave her dark looks.

"What? What did I say?"

Skystar smirked mischievously, "Is that so? Well then… Maybe we should…" she touched her broken pearl and transformed into a giant whale! And said in a deep voice, "Force you into singing again!"

The Sirens gawked at this before gulping and started to sing, "Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh…"

The magical surge went straight to those under the spell and became free from their trances.

Satisfied the method worked, Skystar turned back into a seapony with her cousin looking at her suspiciously.

"And you didn't do that earlier, because…?"

Skystar blushed in embarrassment, "It didn't occur to me until just now?"

Silverstream commented, "Oh." then shrugged it off, "Oh well, mistakes happen."

Within moments, they freed Mac and Seaspray and the others that been tied up by Soarin.

Soarin went back to the ship where Applejack faced him, "Thank you kindly for your help stranger but I have to know…" she scowled and pointed, "Where did you get that compass?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because a friend of mine has one exactly like it and I want to know if you stole it from her."

"What?! No! I've done no such thing!"

"Then you wouldn't mind if I look it over."

"I rather you didn't, it's a personal item that means a great deal to me."

"How so?"

Soarin turned the object over so she could see the description making her gasp loudly and before he could explain she accused, "Ya thievin' liar! That is her compass!"


Rarity came to them then and gasped too, "It is! It has the same words and everything!"

Before Soarin knew it, Applejack shoved him into the wall and took out one of her pistols while threatening him, "Now you're going to tell me where you got this compass or else!"

Soarin choked, "I didn't steal it! It's mine!"

By then Fluttershy came on deck after recovering from her seasickness and saw what was going on and gasped when she saw who the stallion was.


They turned around in surprise and Soarin gasped himself when he saw…


Both Applejack and Rarity were stunned by this development with AJ saying, "Wait… Soarin? As in… Rainbow Dash's fiancé, Soarin?"

Getting a closer look at him, Fluttershy shouted gleefully, "Yes! It's him!" she ran up to him and gave him a big hug! "Oh, this is so wonderful! We thought you were dead!"

For the third time that day, Soarin yelled, "What?!"

Rarity surmised, "But that would mean… The compass really is yours."

Applejack added, "Yeah, Dash told us how you two had matching compasses shortly after your engagement."

Hope rose for Soarin, thinking that is was it, he would get to see his beloved at last after so long and inquired, "Is she here?!"

The three mares exchanged cringing looks before Applejack took off her hat and somberly replied, "There… there was storm and she and a few of our crewmates got stuck in a rowboat in the middle of it and… it floated away…"

Dread came over Soarin. He couldn't believe it. Never had he come so close to reuniting with the love of his life only for fate to so cruelly keep them apart! He went to the side of the ship and slammed his hoof on it then he crouched down in sorrow.

Fluttershy gently approached him, "Let's get you inside the galley for a nice cup of tea and we'll tell you everything's that happen."

He slowly nodded.