• Published 11th Mar 2018
  • 2,218 Views, 284 Comments

A Compass to the Soul - CartoonNerd12

Rainbow Dash has always want a life at sea but not in the way she thought. Tormented by her past, she tries to move on with her life but nightmares and memories keep reminding her what she had. Will she ever be free from her shadows?

  • ...

I Know Those Eyes

"She was here?!" Soarin exclaimed while holding Cheese's shirt.

"That's right, her and the rest of her friends especially my Pinkie-Winkie."

"Pinkie-Winkie?!" Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy gasped.

"Right, Pinkie and I were engaged to be married. That is… until I got cold hooves…" he said with remorse.

Rarity gasped more loudly, "No wonder she never told us!" Her eyes burned at the stallion and forced him into a corner, "How dare you run off on a mare on her wedding day!"

Cheese held his hooves up, "But it's okay! We reconciled and she forgave me!"

"A likely story! I won't believe that until I hear it straight from Pinkie's mouth!"

Applejack eased the unicorn back, "Easy there, Rare." she asked Cheese, "Where are they now?"

"On their way to South Amareica, I gave them my own boat to get there."

"Can you show us where in South Amareica?"

He nodded, "By now they should have met with my old friend, Daring Do."

Soarin gawked, "You know Daring Do?!"

Cheese chuckled, "You and your fiancée… it's really sweet knowing you two are a lot alike… In fact, it makes me super happy knowing you were alive this whole time! When she told me you were dead… it was so sad seeing the hurt in her eyes…"

Soarin hung his head, "I never wanted that for her… Hearing the sorrow she endured after I went missing…"

Rarity reassured him, "Again it was not your fault darling. It was just one of those things…"

He muttered, "One of those things… And yet it caused a young couple's happiness to wither away for two whole years!"

They looked at him sympathetically.

He sighed and sat on his haunches, "I just want her back in my arms… I'm so close to seeing her and yet I'm still so far away…"

Fluttershy touched his shoulder, "And you will… Because from the moment she'll see you, she'll be so surprised that she'll run right into your arms and won't let you go for hours on end…"

He released a small laugh, "That doesn't like something my Dashie would do."

"You be surprised yourself… I was there the day she heard the news about you. She came straight to me and cried in my lap for the whole day."

Soarin slacked jaw from hearing that, he knew his love's feelings were hard to come out but for her to lose it the moment he disappeared from her life is amazing.

"I… I had no idea I had that much of an impact on her…"

"Oh Soarin, you know as well as I do that she doesn't like to show her feelings that much but when it came to you going away she didn't know what to do with herself until she met Captain Celaeno. But even then she wasn't really all that happy with that life. She always told me that she was missing a part of herself, a part that could never come back…"

"Do you think she meant me?"

"I believe so."

"Because when I was away on the island, it felt like a part of me was missing too and I think it was her…"

Cheese sniffled, "That is so true! Because when Pinkie and I were apart it felt like a piece of my soul was ripped out of me! It wasn't until we reunited was when I felt whole again!"

Applejack slowly started, "Well… I'm afraid the reunion will have to wait a little longer, cause we need our sleep in order to be ready for our journey tomorrow."

Soarin sighed again, "You're right, let's go to sleep and hope that tomorrow will bring us more luck."

They agreed and settled in at the inn with all their crewmembers, enjoying a somewhat restful night.

In the Kirin village, Rainbow Dash and her group had eaten a full meal and rested in one of the huts. It was hard to sleep since Rainbow was anxious to get going and try to find the Water Rose without the legend getting in the way.

She thought it over in her head, The Water Rose can only be found by two hearts that have remained faithful to each other no matter the circumstances…

"What does that even mean?" she muttered to herself not wanting to disturb her comrades while they sleep. She pondered on it a bit more before finally sleep overwhelmed her not realizing a dark blue alicorn with flowing night sky hair appeared before her and used her horn to touch Rainbow's forehead before disappearing.

The next morning had come and everyone but Rainbow had woke up and her friends tried to wake her up with Pinkie trying every trick in her book but nothing worked as the rainbow-colored mare kept snoring away.

Twilight commented, "I guess she was more exhausted then she thought from these last couple of days."

Scootaloo asked, "But she'll be okay, right?"

The unicorn nodded, "Of course, besides after all the things she been through after losing her fiancé this is probably the most peaceful I have ever seen her."

Once they left her alone, they met up with Quibble and Daring Do who was going over the jungle's geography as Daring drew it out in the sand with Quibble questioning the girls, "She's still sleeping in?"

Twilight replied, "Pretty much."

He scoffed, "Well that's just perfect, we're here on a mission of upmost importance and she can't find herself to get out of bed?!"

"I'm sure it's only because this whole entire ordeal has been emotionally draining on her, after all we have finally reached our destination after weeks of travel and that much closer to finding the cure to Celaeno's poison. It's a lot to take in that one should be able to sleep the stress off."

Daring suggested to Quibble, "Maybe you should do that too. You always seem so uptight about everything."

Quibble frowned at her, "If I'm uptight it's because I know how important it is to make everything goes right or else it falls into absolute chaos and we have no way of ever getting back on track."

Daring countered, "Okay then," she told Twilight, Pinkie, and Scootaloo, "As I was telling Mister Perfect here," she pointed to her sand drawing, "I have a rough idea on where the Water Rose could be. It would be in one of the most secluded parts of the jungle as it's very hard to navigate in and if what the legend says is true about how it could only be found by two faithful hearts to each other… Then it's our best shot."

Twilight smiled, "I agree, but we'll have to wait until Rainbow Dash wakes up to see what she thinks and we certainly cannot start the journey without her."

Daring pointed, "One thing's for sure though," she looked at young pegasus, "I am not going to let a filly come with us."

Scootaloo groaned, "Why not?!"

Twilight gave her a weary look, "Seriously, Scootaloo? You know why. Besides, I'm pretty sure Rainbow would agree with Daring here. She'd want you to stay in the village where it's safe."

The filly sighed, "Okay… you're right."

Pinkie then suggested to her, "Hey! I know what'll cheer you up! We can explore and play on the beach!"

Scootaloo beamed at the idea, proclaiming, "Okay!" and the two went off.

By early afternoon, Rainbow Dash woke up and let out a big yawn while stretching out, "Sweet Celestia! That was the best sleep I ever had!"

Twilight came in and told her, "It should be, because you slept throughout most of the day!"

"WHAT?!" she jumped out of the bed and looked out to see that Twilight was telling the truth. She accused, "Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"We tried! But you wouldn't get up!"

"Uh… that's weird…" she eyed the jungle, "Think the climate did something to my body?"

"It's possible, but I think it has to do more with the stress you have. That your body just caved in from the exhaustion."

Dash pleaded with her eyes, "If that's true, then please don't ever-ever-ever tell this to the others when we find them. I got a reputation to keep up after all."

Twilight rolled her eyes but said, "My lips are sealed." then she updated Dash on what Daring said, adding, "I think she's right, and she does know this area more than we do so whatever she says has to be right."

Dash nodded, "Makes sense to me." then looks around to ask, "Where's Scootaloo?"

"She and Pinkie went to the beach to play around."

On that note Rainbow went toward the beach.

Scootaloo was admiring the tide pools Pinkie Pie was showing to her, commenting, "This is so amazing!"

A hermit crab came out of the pool and crawled toward the filly. Scootaloo held out her hoof for the crab to climb on and giggled as its claws tickled her.

Pinkie giggled with her and picked up a starfish and put it on her forehead.

By then Rainbow swooshed in and landed next to them.

"Mom!" Scootaloo joyfully exclaimed, "You're up!"

"Eh, sorry for scaring you kiddo, I wasn't myself for some reason. Normally I don't sleep in like that."

Pinkie mentioned, "Yeah, don't you usually take naps to avoid that?"

Dash made a weary look, "That's beside the point, Pinkie."

"Or maybe…" she gasped loudly with the starfish popping off her forehead and landed back in the pool, "You were put under a spell to make you sleep in! Yeah! The spell was design to keep you under until you woke up at the right time!"

Dash pffted, "That's ridiculous even for you!"

Pinkie merely shrugged, "You never know. Because if you're awake now then something big is about to go down."

"This wouldn't have to do with your Pinkie Sense, does it?"

Scootaloo looked at her adopted mother quizzingly, "Pinkie Sense?"

Pinkie replied, "Of course not, silly! That's not how my Pinkie Sense works, that only happens when something is about to fall or if a big doozy happens. Remember when Twilight finally believed in my Pinkie Sense?"

Dash chuckled under her breath, "Yeah, before that she nearly went stir crazy on the ship trying to prove it didn't make sense."

After that they stayed on the beach for awhile giving Scootaloo and Rainbow more time bonding and Pinkie ended up building an impressive sand castle. But then in the midst of their fun, Dash's compass started glowing and floated up!

The mares and filly stopped with their games and stared at the compass, feeling stunned.

Dash gawked, "Wha- what's happening?!"

Pinkie gasped again, "Oh my gosh, Dashie! You have a magical compass!"

Scootaloo gestured, "And it looks like it's pointing in a direction!"

Sure enough the compass was floating to the left of them toward some giant boulders on the beach.

Pinkie volunteered, "I'll go get Twilight!" and zipped away.

Wondering why the compass was pointing her in that direction, she told Scootaloo, "Stay right here. That's an order." and let her compass doing the leading.

"Here?" Soarin asked Cheese seeing the jungle with a shoreline attached to it from the ship.

Cheese nodded, "That's right."

Applejack was at the helm and steered the ship toward the shoreline with big boulders on it. The ship landed right next to the sand and she gave the command to drop the gangplank.

Soarin went down the plank and felt the soft sand between his hooves but as soon as he had touched the ground, his compass started to glow and float! Shocking him.

"What in the- ?!"

He saw his compass was pointing in the direction of the boulders and so he followed wondering where it was taking him for to be fair this wasn't the strangest thing he ever encountered, no that honor went to Discord for sure.

The compass seemed to glow brighter and brighter with every step.

At the same time on the other side of the oblong boulders Rainbow's compass was glowing brighter too with every step she took on the sandy beach as she started to go past the boulders and turned a corner.

At that exact same moment Soarin turned a corner too and then with a gasp he saw a familiar sight.

Rainbow too gasped at seeing a very familiar pegasus she once knew at a fair distance. Causing her heart to beat faster and her mind was racing.

Could it be…? Could be that you've come back to life? It can't be… And yet… there you are…

Their compasses were still glowing and floating but the ponies paid no attention to them but only onto each other.

For the longest time they stared at the other hardly believing this was real. The only sound that was being made was the waves crashing against the shore and rocks. Then finally Soarin slowly took the first step and Rainbow did the same. Their pace gradually got faster until they raced into each other's arms in a tearful embrace.

Rainbow repeated loudly, "You're alive! You're alive! You're alive! You're really alive!"

"Yes, Dashie… I'm alive… I always was…"

While they were lost in their own world they didn't see their friends coming from behind them with shock joyful expressions on their faces.

Twilight and Pinkie saw the group behind Soarin and Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity saw them in turn and exchanged a nod with them and met up with the reunited lovers.

Author's Note:

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! :heart: