• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 3,615 Views, 369 Comments

A Very Happy and Sunny Life - Wearin Hat

A diary, much like any other, containing the strange story of the oddest resident of Ponyville.

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The Universal Answer to Everything

I know what you’re about to say but I’m not even in the mood for it so shut up. If I want to change my routine up a bit then I will.

Stupid routine.

Yes, I’m talking about how I left to take care of my chores before doing an entry and no, I’m not sorry. And don’t use that language you filthy book, I’m eating my damn breakfast.

Stupid book.

I mean, what’s Twilight’s deal? Can’t she just give me my bits and leave it at that? She’s always done it that way before. Why change it now? I mean, I was only trying to do my damn chores and she had to go and get into my business.

Stupid foal machine.

Rose wasn’t any better. That was stupid. So stupid. I mean, yeah, she’s gonna deliver my stuff to V for me and tell her the stuff I told her to tell her, but that in no way justifies what she told me.

Stupid foal machine.

What? You wanna know what’s wrong with me? Oh, I don’t know, Booky, could it possibly be everything in my stupid life? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Stupid life.

All I wanted was to go give Rose the stuff to give to V and get my bits from Twilight. That’s it. There wasn’t anything in my plans dictating that I learn horrible truths or receive horrible mail and have to deal with the Derptard. None of that crap was supposed to happen and yet it did.

Stupid crap.

I mean, who designs this crap? An urn is just a fancy vase. That’s it. That’s all it is. Just a fancy vase, meant to hold flowers. That’s it. A vase is meant to hold flowers. That’s it. An urn is just a fancy vase. It should be meant to hold fancy flowers. That’s it. Not the ashes of dead ponies. Nope. Not at all. Who would even design something to hold the ashes of dead ponies? Who would burn a dead body and why would they keep the ashes? It’s sick.

Stupid irony.

Could you imagine it, Booky? I was almost ashes once. That could’ve been me in that stupid thing. Worse yet, you would ask if you had a mouth? All that’s left of Shirley somewhere in this world are her ashes. That could’ve been her in that stupid thing. I poured actual ashes out of that stupid thing. It was stupid. So stupid. That could’ve been her I poured out. Stupid.

Stupid stupid.

And yes, before you ask, I did go to the sight of my life’s misfortunes to try and find her ashes. I couldn’t. In what can only be described as yet another notch on life’s belt all that remained of my burned down house has been cleared away as if it were never there. And apparently the stealing of Shirley’s remains wasn’t enough for the ponies I lived near. No, they had to go and build a damn garden where my house used to be. It’s stupid. Shirley didn’t even like gardens.

Stupid garden.

What if it was her in that urn? What if some sick foal machine went and found Shirley’s ashes and put them into that urn? That…no, I can’t think about that. It’s too much.

Stupid brain.

Twilight, stupid foal machine, why’d she go and get into my business? I mean, if I wanna walk around crying then I’ll do it and she has no right to stop me. All I wanted was to get my bits from her and be on my merry fucking way, but she had to have it her way. Stupid foal machine. At least she finally stopped being such a little bitch with her money -you know, with her not spending it- and finally paid full price for my crap. That’s no excuse for her behavior, however, and if not for the mom and her stupid son then I would’ve sought retribution against that foal machine.

Stupid nerd.

What? The mom and her stupid son? Yeah, when I came barging into the nerd’s library -as I am wont to do- with all my crap there was a foal machine and some whiny little brat. I hate that stupid colt. They just kinda hung back as I did my business with the nerd. That was, until, Twilight took the stupid hat with the propeller and gave it to the mom. Apparently that thing was the property of her stupid son. She thanked me and had her stupid son thank me. No big deal. Then she looked at him, she gave her stupid son a look.

Stupid look.

Booky, do you know what love is? True, absolute love? The kind that penetrates all barriers and thaws all iced hearts? It’s the kind of love a mom has for her foal. The kind of love Mom had for me. That stupid look. It’s the one that Mom used to give me. The look that says that she loves him, so very much that it hurts her when she understands that she’ll be gone someday and he’ll have to be without her. A look I miss. A look that stupid brat clearly didn’t deserve. A look that didn’t do crap to make me stop crying.

Stupid tears.

I couldn’t get out of there soon enough. Not even the lesbian could stop me. She -I can’t call her a him anymore as it confuses my brain mouth- happened to be doing whatever the crap it is she does in the sky when I was on my way home. I had even managed to curb my stupid crying when she got in my way. That was her mistake as I did not miss with Carty -hard wood and pony skull does not equal comfort- this time. Oh, if only it had been the Derptard instead.

Stupid Derptard.

Why’d she have to wait? Why couldn’t that have been her I hit? No, she had to wait until after I had hit my mark to make an appearance. Though, to her credit, she didn’t send me careening into the river this time when she ‘accidentally’ tripped me. And what did she want, you…you aren’t asking that? Oh, right. I did kind of hint at it earlier.

Stupid book.

For the first time in ever I actually had mail today. Go figure. And from whom was it sent from? Why, my bookish companion, it was from my dear old Daddy! A pony I was unaware still walked amongst the living and whom I would not mourn the passing of!

Stupid Dad.

You’d think he’d have gotten the message the last time he tried to send me a note and I ate it. Stupid idiot. He’s so stupid. I hate him. I didn’t even read it. Nope. Not even a bit. I hope it said he was dying. That would be great! I don’t know that, though, as I tore it up right in front of the Derptard and finished the trek to my house unhindered and tear soaked. What? You’re wondering how getting a letter from that shit of a father of mine could make me cry worse? Well, aren’t you a smart book.

Stupid book.

This mevening has sucked. I meant it. I’ve hated every second of it. It’s been so stupid. I mean, come on, is it too much to ask for a pony like myself to get exactly what he deserves?

Stupid mevening.

At least these pancakes are pretty good. Oh yeah, I decided to redo P-Day since the last one was ruined. This one has fared no better…not that I expected any different.

Mammam meum desidero.

And no, I’m not translating that. If you haven’t learned Ancient Equestrian yet then that’s your own stupid fault.

Author's Note:

Greetings true believers! It is I, the Wearer of Hats!

I don't have much to say this time around, so I'll get right to it. I've attempted to put this story up on Equestria Daily and, wouldn't you believe it, my lack of editing has finally caught up to me. If you're interested in editing "A Very Happy and Sunny Life" then please contact me and I'll subject you to the tests of worthiness so that I might judge your...um...worthiness.

Hats off to ya!

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