• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 5,937 Views, 48 Comments

D.N.A: Damn Not Again - Chemtest

Celestia says stallions shouldn’t be equal. A drunk Irishman fixes that.

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Chem prepares himself, but a single pony marches out from the rest. She wears very ornate, ceremonial armor. The army parts to the side, and she marches forward.

She eventually faces Chem face to face. Chem doesn’t leave his bipedal stance, and glares down the pony in front of him.

The mare smiles, “Greetings. I am General Midnight Blaze, leader of the Equestrian Royal Guard. We have come to crush your revolution... but we offer a compromise.” She motions back to the castle, “You have shown bravery by daring such actions against Princess Celestia, and you have shown your willingness to talk. If you open that gate, and turn over everyone following you, then we offer you a chance to be an advisor to Princess Celestia. You shall be forgiven of all crimes against her, and you shall get a prime spot next next to her. Do you accept these conditions?”

Chem growls, “I am no coward, I shall not turn them over to you!” He lashes out with his hoof, striking Midnight Blaze in the forehead. She instantly falls like a sack of potatoes, and Chem shouts to the army, “Come on then, face me!”


Time Turner watches the interaction from inside, and shakes his head, “We can’t leave him out there alone!” He looks behind him, and sees a glint of bronze. He rushes back, and rallies the stallions, “Come on, get up! Get off your damned asses and do something!” He points to the back room, “Get that damned hammer over here! You five, help me!”

The stallions all look at each other dejected.

Turner growls at them, “Look outside, you fuckers. He is standing against a fucking army and isn’t so much as flinching. Yet here you are, giving up hope because of possibilities! You are all a disgrace to the pony race, moping about over nothing. Chem needs us, or he will die!”


Chem smiles as the army enters into a full charge towards him. He shakes his head, “I am so disappointed. They aren’t even keeping a coherent formation.”

The first guard reaches him, stabbing forth with a spear.

Chem dodges to the side, and pulls on the spear. He grabs the spear into his own hooves, and takes advantage of the now unbalanced guard. He sweeps the sharp tip right by one of her armored boots, detaching the tip, and knocking that leg down.

Chem sweeps forward with a jab, right to the guard’s throat. The guard quickly begins to cough, only to be knocked out by a blow to the side of the head.

Another guard tries to bash Chem with a club. Chem barely dodges, and tries to hit the guard with the staff.

Another guard blocks it with their sword, causing the staff to bounce harmlessly away. This prompts the club guard to swing once again. Chem blocks the blow with the staff, but the thing breaks in half from the blow.

Chem throws down the broken staff, and sweeps the legs out from the club guard with a kick. As he does this, his lower position means he barely dodges a slash by a sword.

He rushes forward, close to the sword guard. He grapples onto her leg, trying to force the sword out of her hoof.

Yet it is to no avail, as a third guard comes and pushes him to the ground. He rolls back to his hooves, and sees another sword being swung at him.

He flips over it, flying into the air. Yet, he finds his flight short as a pegasus guard kicks him back down to the ground.

He crashes down, and tries to roll back up. Yet, he finds himself rolling into the hooves of a guard.

He is pushed back, and feels a great pain right near his back.

Then another, then another.

It doesn’t take Chem long to realize exactly what is happening.

He screams in pain as another guard stomps on him. Then another, then another.


Time Turner glares out of a peephole, and he looks over at one of the stallions. He nods.


Chem can only hear his heartbeat... and his pained screams. It seems like the torrent of stomping is endless.

But something breaks through. He hears a loud crash, and the stomping stops.


The guards around him draw their weapons once again, and move away from him. Yet then, he hears more thudding, and a sword flies over near him.

Hooves pick him up, and he can hear Time Turner, “Chem, are you all right?!”

He looks up, and smiles at Turner, “Wow... you guys actually did it.” Chem rolls out of his hooves, and rises on his own.

Turner rushes over to him as he struggles to stand, “Are you all right?”

Chem laughs, “Nope. I can feel blood filling my lungs, and I know that isn’t good.” He looks forward, and sees his army of thirty stallions charging at Celestia’s army. He stumbles forward, and yells, “Charge!”

His stumbling eventually turns into walking, and eventually into a jog. Something seems to be empowering him, and healing him.

He eventually begins a full on charge, and yells at the enemy.

The guards slowly start to back up as he charges forward. Until one of them screams, and runs back into the forest.

He gets closer, and the various guards all begin to join their comrade in fleeing. They seem to shrink as he gets closer, as well.

And he can see an odd red light shine on all of them.

The whole army begins to retreat, and Chem jumps into the air.

He yells with all his might, and finds himself higher than should be possible from a jump.

The Chaotic Mana all around him listens, picking up on his spirit.

He crashes back to the ground, and sends out a shockwave.

One guard is hit by the red shockwave, and a bolt of lightning strikes him. Then that bolt arcs to another guard, then another, then another.

The lighting bolt travels to every guard running away, and fries them just enough so they’ll survive.

Chem stands in the middle of the field, and sees the final guard fall.

Turner rushes up to him, mouth agape, “Chem... you’re an alicorn!”

Chem tilts his head, “Like Celestia?” He looks to his back, and sees a pair of wings there, “Well shit, I am!” But as he looks back, he notices a slight red glow. He traces it to it’s source, and sees the bow tie on his neck glowing red. He looks to Turner, “Mind explaining to me what magic fuckery is happening here?”

Turner takes a step forward, and examines him, “Well, it seems you preformed a feat great enough that you ascended. It must have something to do with your bow tie, but we can figure that out later.”

Someone interrupts them, as Mimic shouts, “Sir Chem, look!”

He looks where Mimic points, and sees a horde of pegasi flying towards them.

One lands in front of him, and it turns out to be a thestral, “Chem Patton, we are at your service.”

Tuner smiles, “These are the ones we got!”

Chem shakes his head, “Dear god, how many are there?”

The thestral responds, “Ten thousand, Chem Patton. What would you have us do?”

He looks around, and sees the guards twitching. He shakes his head, “Half of you are to heal these guards and make sure they do not die. The rest are to follow me.”

The thestral nods, and the pegasi all begin. But, before he can so much as blink, Mimic speaks from his side, “Sir Chem, we await your command.”

He turns around, and sees all thirty of his stallions standing there. As he looks, five thousand pegasi file behind them, and look towards Chem. The thirty all hold a loose position, and all the pegasi immediately snap to attention.

He smiles, “Stallions, mares, unicorns, pegasi, earth. Celestia has shown her true colors today. She will not give us any mercy, she will not give us any quarter, she is not afraid to wipe us off the face of Equestria! But we pushed her back, we showed mercy, we gave quarter, we did not stoop to her level, and we won! But one battle is not the entire war, no! Celestia still sits behind walls and gates, she still pushes down stallions, she still refuses to see reason! We do not stop here, and we shall not stop until we reach Canterlot! She will see reason, or she will be replaced! So onward, towards Canterlot!”

The thirty stallions all cheer, and the pegasi all give a coordinated salute. Chem points into the Everfree Forest, and marches in.

The army all follow.

They follow their Brave leader.