• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 5,922 Views, 48 Comments

D.N.A: Damn Not Again - Chemtest

Celestia says stallions shouldn’t be equal. A drunk Irishman fixes that.

  • ...


Chem walks around the Palace, unsure hooves leading him to a new destination. He looks into a random room, only to see that it is the dining hall. He quickly leans back out, and closes the door.

A castle servant walks up to him, “Prince Chem, are you looking for something?”

Chem scratches his hair a bit, “Well, Celestia told me to find something. Didn’t specify what, just said I would know when I saw it.”

The mare smiles, “Ah, yes, I think I know what she was talking about. Follow me, I know the way.”

Chem trots after the mare as she sets off down a hall. They trot for a while, and Chem begins to realize the hall get dusty.

He looks to the side, and sees the walls coated in a thin layer of dust. Holders for banners and tapestries sit all around, their gold shine cut by the dust. Chem sneezes as dust gets near his muzzle, “What is this place?”

The mare keeps her head away from all the dust, “The Old section of the Palace, built even before Nightmare Moon.”

Chem admires the dust, “And you don’t clean this?”

The mare shakes her head, “Princess Celestia asked for us to not mess with anything, and to forget about it’s existence. But, I didn’t listen, let my new hire confidence lead me in exploration.”

Chem smiles, “Doesn’t seem like you’re forgetting very well. Wouldn’t Celestia be mad if she caught you here?”

She shrugs, “Don’t really care, I am showing you around. I’m sure you’d pardon me of all crimes for being so nice.”

Chem nods, “You know, I very well might if I need to. You seem brave, type of pony I like.”

She smiles, and they stop in front of a door. She pushes it open, and nods, “This, is what I imagine you were looking for, Prince Chem.”

He steps through the door, and sees more light shining. It seems to be a little platform, a balcony, one where a giant throne sits. It is easily twice the size of Celestia’s throne.

The balcony looks over the throne room. Right below the huge throne are Celesita and Luna’s own thrones. But, theirs are very bright and colorful in design. This throne, however, is simply made out of marble. The only variation on it’s color is a single black circle on either side of it, right where the head would rest.

Chem takes a step closer, and touches the throne. No dust seems to have settled on it. No, it seems perfectly clean and smooth to the touch. The throne also is noticeably colder than the room.

He moves to the front of it, and carefully eases himself into it. The throne seems to turn colder as he sits in it, but slowly turns warmer and warmer.

Eventually, the throne returns to room temperature, almost as if accepting Chem. Yet Chem still can’t seem to find comfort within the throne.

As he shifts around, two ponies fly up to the balcony. Derpy and Turner land in front of Chem, and both tuck their wings back into place. Turner smiles, “So, Prince Chem?”

He nods, “Seems to be that way.” But then he looks closer at Turner, “Wait, Turner, when’d you get wings?”

Derpy speaks up for him, “Actually, Chem, we have something we would like to say. We tried to back at Slane, but couldn’t get it out in time.”

Turner follows up, “What you said about not always being a pony, well, it shows a trust in us. So, we’re going to return that trust. You see, Chem, we... aren’t exactly ponies either.”

Chem smiles, “Really? Wow, I never expected that. Well, come on, what are you?”

Turner slowly is consumed in blue flame, one that shifts his form back to normal. And, likewise, Derpy is consumed by a brown flame.

Tempus and Traicere stand before Chem, nerves slightly overtaking them as Chem observes them.

He raises an eyebrow, “That’s it? Just, bug versions of ponies? I thought it was going to be something far worse with how nervous you two were.”

Tempus takes a step back, “You... you’re okay with our natural forms?”

He nods, “Well, yeah! You’re still the same person.”

Tempus nervously scratches behind his head, “Well, actually, we have different names. I am Tempus, Chem. Derpy is Traicere, in reality.”

Chem smiles, “Oh, fancy names, eh? Would you mind if I still called you Turner and Derpy?”

Tempus smiles back, “Go on ahead. In all honesty, I like that name more. I think it is more... suiting to who I want to be.”

Traicere smiles as well, “Of course you can, Chem. Just as long as we don’t have to refer to you as Prince.”

Chem nods, “Oh yeah, I absolutely despise that title.” He then glances between them, and takes notice of their wings, “So, you talked about doing something fun. Want to fly around Canterlot?”

Turner shifts back to his pony form, but now with wings on his side. He nods, “Gladly, Chem.”


A decree is heard through the lands. One that mares and stallions shall be equal, right from the mouth of Celestia herself.

The chaos and strife from the gender divide fades, into a new order for the world.

Deep underneath Canterlot, something comes to life.

A magical coffin within a dark chamber, all the way at the end of the Crystal Caverns. It begins to shake, and loses the faint glow coming from it.

Four hooves kick up at once, sending the lid flying off. And instantly, the room is filled with a white glow.

A pony rises from the coffin.

His wings and horn sit, waiting, and the white glow from his eyes lights up the entire room. The shape of the room is obvious to him as soon as he sees it.

A circle.

He uses his pent up power, and blasts a hole through the wall. He breathes easier, magic now being dispelled.

The circle is broken. And he begins his ascent to Canterlot.


Far away, something similar happens. A zap of magic hits the sleeping form of a pony, and he gasps back to life.

He quickly begins coughing, finding it difficult to breath in the damp underground. Yet, with a simple exchange of words, Mana quickly purifies the air for him.

His long, black beard scrapes across the ground as he stands. As he moves his head up, the single black bell at the end of his hat jingles, filling the room with a new sound.

He reaches over, and picks up his cape. It looks like a star bursting, right before supernova, dark red surrounded by dark purple. It shares the color with the hat, yet serves to cover up something different. Instead of short, black hair, this cloak covers his leather colored skin.

He looks around the room, seeing every object set up for the ritual. He sits back down, now donned in his cloak and hat, and begins to communicate with Mana.

He tells the Mana all about his target.

The one named Chem.

Comments ( 5 )

Welp all hell is about to be bright to chem.

Well that was quite the quick small story. Enjoyable though.

A really funny story 😂

What did I just read, and why did I enjoy it

what if there's someone on the other continents of equiss just ready to nuke the planet. thats funny

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