• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 5,847 Views, 441 Comments

The Iron Horse: Human After All - The Hat Man

Turing Test is a robot pony. She's Equestria's Minister of Technology (it's a long story). When she learns of the untold advanced technology in the world of humans, however, she sets off on the ultimate field trip. Canterlot High has a new student...

  • ...

The Game Has Changed

Staring up at Gadget, Sunset swallowed and opened her mouth to speak when she heard Twilight cry out first.

“Gadget, listen!” Twilight shouted. Her voice gave out and she went into a coughing fit. When she recovered, she continued. “If this is about getting more magic, then trust me, it’s not worth it! I was affected by Equestrian magic too, just like you are now, and what you’re doing could cause harm to both worlds!”

“Okay, first of all,” Gadget said, “you can all stop calling me ‘Gadget.’ Gadget was a mousy, weak little nobody who was foolish enough to trust everyone around her. I, by contrast, am bold and powerful and won’t be held back by anyone ever again! The name isn’t Gadget… it’s ‘Technomancer!’”

“Pfft,” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Lame!”

“What?!” Gadget shouted, her magical aura suddenly flaring out brightly.

“Yeah, that’s right, I said your dumb supervillain name is lame!” Rainbow shouted up to her, cupping her hands to her mouth. “Heck, even ‘Midnight Sparkle’ was a better name for Twilight’s evil form, and at least she didn’t call herself that!”

“I don’t know why, but I feel like I should be offended,” Twilight muttered.

“It is not lame!” Gadget shouted, clenching her fists.

“Also, while we’re critiquing,” Rarity said, “I, ah, don’t mean to be crude, dear, but… when you fly over us like you are right now… you may want to reconsider wearing a skirt.”

Gadget crossed her legs and blushed, the green numerals on half of her body momentarily turning red. “Sh-shut up, all of you!”

“Yeah, girls, maybe we shouldn’t be antagonizing her!” Sunset growled through gritted teeth.

“Yes, let’s give her a peace offering,” Turing Toast said. “A peace… of toast offering! Eh? Ehhh??”

They all groaned.

“As I was saying,” Gadget continued, narrowing her eyes at them, “there’s a big difference between me and either you, Twilight, or you, Sunset: I’m not doing this for myself. I’ve already got all the magic I need. By flooding this world with magic, I can make it a readily available resource to everyone! And not only that, but once Equestria is accessible to all of humanity, I can share all of humanity’s technological advances with them in return! It’ll be a new era of magical and technological innovation that will revolutionize both worlds!”

Turing Test’s eyes shifted. “Ah,” she said to herself quietly.

Meanwhile, Sunset gasped. “But that… Gadget, you can’t do that!”

“Oh, I think I can,” Gadget said as she folded her arms. “But I guess you want to explain why, right? Well, don’t bother.” Her expression turned sour. “Girls like you always act sweet and friendly, but it’s all an act. You just see people as a means to an end. Or else use them as pawns in your schemes!”

“Gadget, you’re literally using Turing Test as a pawn in your scheme!” Sunset shouted. “Look at her! She’s a living, thinking being! And you’ve made her your slave!”

Gadget froze, glancing down at Turing Test as she stood there, her expression still blank.

“I… I’ll let her go once I’ve done what I need to do!” she cried. “I only did this to her because I had to!”

“Why?!” Sunset shouted back. “What possible reason could you have for this?”

“Because I knew that you’d try your little trick where you transform, get your cute little pony ears and pony tails and zap me with your rainbow-colored magic to take away my power,” Gadget replied. “Well, I’m too smart for that. I had Turing Test copy your abilities so that she could beat you at your own game! She’s smarter, faster, and stronger than any normal human. And now that she’s copied your powers, she can counter anything you throw at her!

“So, what do you say? Why don’t you just surrender and let me unleash the magic of Equestria upon the world?”

Sunset stared at her, but then the defiance in her eyes died away. “Gadget… I want you to know that I’m sorry,” she said. Then, suddenly, her eyes popped open.

“Everyone, transform! Now!”

“Finally!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she clenched her fists, a fierce grin on her face.

“Turing, stop them!” Gadget shouted.

Turing Test tensed up, ready to spring into action. “Understood.”

Sunset and the others began to glow and lift off the ground as they began to transform to unlock their full powers. As they did, Turing Test sprang forward and tackled Sunset, pinning her to the ground. The connection lost, the others fell to the ground as well.

Sunset struggled as Turing pinned her arms to the ground.

“Turing, stop!” she shouted.

“My apologies, Sunset Shimmer,” Turing said quietly. “But I cannot.”

Rarity saw Turing holding Sunset down and was the first to act. She put out her hands and put a shield around Sunset, breaking Turing’s grip on her.

Turing immediately turned to Rarity and rushed toward her at superhuman speed as she channeled Rainbow Dash’s power. Rarity screamed and put up a shield to defend herself just in time before Turing could get to her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack shouted. “Hold her down for a second!”

“I’m on it!” Rainbow shouted back.

She ran at Turing with her own super speed, but at every turn, Turing seemed to dodge her. The two of them seemed to almost blink in and out of existence to the others as Rainbow lunged at her only to find that Turing had changed positions.

Rainbow grit her teeth. “Darn it, hold still!” she yelled.

“If you wish,” Turing replied, momentarily pausing.

Rainbow Dash grinned. She rushed forward and grabbed Turing’s wrist.

“Applejack!” Rainbow shouted.

“I got ‘er now!” Applejack said, running at Turing to grab her free arm. “I’m sorry to do this Turing,” she said, holding her firmly with her super strength, “but we gotta stop this. I hope ya understand.”

“I do, Applejack,” Turing said. “And I am sorry too.”

She then lifted Rainbow Dash over her head.

“Hey, what are you—”

Turing latched onto Rainbow’s wrist and proceeded to use her like a cudgel, hitting Applejack over the head repeatedly with her until she released her grip.

Now that Applejack was subdued, groaning in pain, she dropped the likewise incapacitated Rainbow Dash on her fallen comrade.

Gadget burst out laughing. “Was that really the best you had?” she managed to ask between laughter. “I sure hope you have something else up your sleeve, or else this is going to be pretty embarrassing!”

“Um,” Fluttershy whimpered. “I don’t want to hurt you, Turing, but…”

She took in a deep breath and seemed to scream, but no sound came out. A moment later, Turing was swarmed by a cloud of aggressive, terrifying…


(“Ay, our girl over there says we oughta stomp yo’ metal butt!”) one butterfly said.

Turing stood there impassively. She opened her mouth and mimicked Fluttershy’s ability to communicate with animals.

(“Chill out, homie,”) Turing said in butterfly-speak. (“Dat girl is feeding you some straight-up jacked nectar! I ain’t no punk! Word is, dat girl says yo wings is basic AF.”)

The butterflies paused in their assault. (“Fo real? Oh naw she din’t!”)

They flew at Fluttershy, who screamed her apologies as she was (not so effectively) assaulted by the swarm of butterflies.

Gadget smirked. “Oooh, talking to animals… you really are the Aquaman of the group,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Sunset looked to Twilight, who was frozen with fear as her friends were effortlessly defeated one by one.

“Twilight, just suspend her in the air!” Sunset shouted.

Twilight snapped back to reality and held out her arm. An aura enveloped Turing Test, lifting her off the ground where her super speed and strength were useless.

“Mobility compromised,” Turing said.

Gadget frowned, but then froze as she noticed that there was one girl missing among the group of them.

Wait… where’s the pink one?! she asked herself.

She whirled around and saw Pinkie Pie shaking candy sprinkles into her hand. She gripped them tightly and they began to glow. She reeled back and tossed them at the tower.

The explosion tore the tower in two, leaving only some metal stubs latched onto the pedestal where the Equestrian portal lay.

“Nice job, Pinkie!” Sunset shouted.

“Hmph,” Gadget said, rolling her eyes. “Well, that’s inconvenient.”

She raised her hand and it glowed with her magic. Instantly, the tower began to reassemble itself. It was complete a moment later, as though Pinkie had done nothing at all.

“Aww!” Pinkie cried.

Gadget turned her gaze to Turing Test, still suspended in the air. “Will you please take care of them, Turing?” she asked. “I don’t want to have to keep rebuilding my tower!”

Turing nodded. “Understood.”

Turing raised her hands, mirroring Twilight, and the other girls found themselves suddenly levitating off the ground.

“All targets neutralized,” Turing said flatly.

“Hey! Put us down!” Rainbow Dash shouted, her legs churning uselessly in midair.

Gadget smirked. “Much better, Turing,” she said. “Just hold them there a little longer. The process is almost complete… the tower has almost gathered enough magic to create a perfect feedback loop!”

Sunset did her best to move, mimicking swimming motions as she tried to propel herself toward Turing or Gadget, but the magical aura held her fast.

Well, no choice now, she thought to herself as she reached for her backpack. She undid the zipper and pulled out the gauntlet that Twilight had repaired earlier. She pulled it over her hand and shut her eyes, focusing only on Turing Test.

Turing Test stiffened, gripped in the power of the gauntlet, and the girls all crashed to the ground as her powers were cut off.

“Now!” Sunset shouted as she got to her feet. “While we still have a chance!”

They rose into the air once again as they began to glow.

Gadget’s eyes widened. “My own invention… they…” Her expression darkened. “You would dare to use my own invention against me?!”

She turned her gaze to the tower as Sunset and the others began to transform. She flew to the top if the structure and placed her hand on the apex of it. She could feel the magic that was accumulating there. She focused and began drawing it into herself, feeling it coursing through veins as though her very blood had turned to electricity.

The green glow of her own magic grew in intensity until it was almost blinding.


Gadget released a burst of energy, and suddenly the girls crashed to the ground, their transformation incomplete. Turing was still suspended in the air, however, as Twilight managed to continue levitating her.

“Twilight, keep holding her!”

Twilight coughed, gritting her teeth as she struggled to keep her focus. “I’m… trying!”

“͝Wai̸t͞ j͞u̴st́ a͠ se͝c̢oǹd,̷” Gadget said, looking down at her hand, a fiendish grin on her face. “͏Thiş ͠m͏a͏gi̵c̢… I ͢think͘ t̴hąt ̕I҉ ̢ca̕n…”

She pointed a finger at Twilight.

Twilight felt a jolt run through her; the aura she was holding over Turing Test dissipated, and the robot fell to the ground with a loud clang.

“̧O̶h҉oḩohò, I͟ d̨on’t ̶b͠elie͜ve thi͏s,”̢ Gadget exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. “Ap҉a̸g͡and͝o ̨l͠a͜s ͟l̕u͡c̷es̀!͘” She snapped her fingers, and all the girls felt a similar jolt run through them.

Rainbow Dash got to her feet and prepared to rush at Turing only to find herself running at normal speed. “What the… what just happened?!”

“͠I͜ ҉ćan ͏HACḰ ̧y̧óur màgic!̨” Gadget laughed. “̶I̸ ̢thought ̷I’̕d̵ r͝ea̢ched m̶y҉ ́pea̢k, ̕bu͠t I͜ ̕j͏u͟s̛t͏ u͡sed the e͠xces̨s ͞m͢agic ͟i̛n ͡m͠y to̵wer t͜ó ͏overc͡l҉oc҉ḱ ̧my p̕òw̶e̷rs!͜”

Sunset gawked at her. Gadget’s voice had taken on an even more distorted and unearthly tone. The girl was cackling madly, kicking her legs gleefully as she levitated over them.

“W̴ait wai̧t̸… c͘h̕eck͜ ̕t͠h͡i͞s ҉o̡ut̷… Co̕ntr̴ol ̡+ ͠C…͟ and͟ now… C͜o̴n̴trol ̸+ ͢V!͝”͠

A moment later, two dozen green, ethereal identical images of Gadget appeared around them.

Sunset gasped and began to back away. “Gadget, stop—”

She was suddenly tackled by a group of the copies. A few of them held their hands over her mouth as they restrained her. Others yanked the gauntlet from her hand, breaking her hold over Turing Test. All around her, her friends were likewise being overwhelmed and pinned down by the clones.

“Y͟o͘ư ̢see tha͜t͠, S҉uns̴e͡t̵ S̨h̴imm͞ęr͞?̨!” Gadget laughed, floating down to the ground. She sneered as she approached her. “Í’m͞ n͢ot ͜li͜k͟e a͡ny̡thi̸n͞g̕ y҉ou͡’ve͢ f͝a͘çe͘d͡ befo͢r̶e… ҉I̢’͡m̕ too ̵s̕ma͠r͘t ̵to͞ ͏f͜a͞ll ̡f̨o҉r y̧our̀ si͢m̕p̴l͜e t͏r͏ìcks̵!̛ ̨I̵’͞m t̢h͏ȩ n͘ew̸ go͢d̀des͢s̢ ̢of ̕t̴h̕is ͏ẃorl̡d! ͝I͠ ̡w͜i͏l̡l͞ sho͜w̨ ev̛e͢r͢yon͏e҉ w̛hat I̢’m͟ ma͟d͠e͞ ͘óf̧, ͘an͝d̨ ̴I͘ wi͟l͏l̵ ne̛ver͠ ҉EV̛ER b͝e ҉di͏s͝r͘èspe̡c͏t̨ed͞ ̕a͏gai͝n!̛!͞”͡

She seized Sunset around the chin as her clones all snickered in a bizarre, distorted harmony. Sunset could only whimper as Gadget locked eyes with her.


Gadget released Sunset and stiffened as she heard the familiar voice. She slowly turned around to see Fall Leaf standing nearby. Turing Toast stood next to him.

“Hmph. What are you doing here, Fall Leaf?” she asked, floating over to them, her voice assuming a slightly more normal tone.

Turing Toast jumped in front of Fall Leaf. “Stay back, or you’re toast!” she shouted. She ejected a slice of toast from her back directly at Gadget.

Gadget caught the toast easily and took a bite. She made a face. “It’s burnt,” she grumbled.

“Learn with the toast, burn with the toast,” Turing Toast said bitterly.

Gadget rolled her eyes. With a wave of her hand, she levitated Turing Toast. “Turing Test, hold this for me, would you?” she asked, tossing the little toaster over to Turing Test, who caught her easily. Gadget then turned her attention back to her little brother, who stared back at her with widened eyes.

“What do you think, Fall Leaf?” she asked, sweeping her arm out dramatically at the scene unfolding all around them. “I’m not such a dork anymore, am I? Don’t you think your big sister’s cool now?”

Fall Leaf only stared back at her, though she could see from the rise and fall of his chest that he was breathing hard.

She frowned when he remained silent. “Well?!” she shouted.

That seemed to jolt him back to reality, and he opened his mouth to say something. “I… I…”

Gadget grinned expectantly.

Then Fall Leaf’s eyes filled with tears as he broke down crying. “Y-you’re not my Sis!”

She froze. “What?! What do you mean, of course I am!”

He shook his head. “No, you’re not!” he shouted back. “You’re hurting everyone! Miss Sunset told me to stay back, but then I came here and I saw you… and… and the way you started acting… y-you’re making that robot lady do bad things even though she doesn’t want to!”

Gadget swallowed. “Listen, I’m only doing this until the tower can destroy the barrier between this world and the next one,” she said, offering him a weak smile. “That way, all the ponies can learn from humans, and humans will all get magic… just like me! Don’t you want to have your own superpowers, Fall Leaf? You’ll be like a superhero!”

She reached out for him, but he slapped her hand away.

“No!” he screamed. “I don’t wanna be like you! You’re not a superhero! You’re a monster!”

Gadget grit her teeth. “̴W̨h̵at ͜di͟d ̵y͟o҉u ͞sa͘y?̸”͠

He sniffled, but he looked at her through his tears with sudden anger in his eyes. “I got mad at Sunset when she said you were a monster, but… but she was right! Sis wouldn’t do this! Gadget got picked on at school so much she used to come home crying! She’d never be a bully, but that’s what you are!”

“That’s… but they were…” Gadget stammered, looking all around her. She saw the looks of fear on the faces of the other girls and remembered the feeling herself. She swallowed. “L-look, it’s not like I want to hurt anyone. I’m doing this in the name of progress… it’ll be okay, you’ll see!”

Applejack scoffed, still struggling against the group of clones holding her back. “You sure are enjoyin’ yerself fer a gal who doesn’t wanna hurt anyone!” she shouted.

Gadget stared at her. “That’s… I mean, you… I didn’t even hurt any of you that badly!”

Sunset managed to jerk her head around and get her mouth free. “What about Turing Test?!” she shouted.

Gadget glared at her. She snapped her fingers and the clones holding Sunset down vanished. “What about her?” she asked.

“Gadget, please, let Turing go,” Sunset pleaded, holding her hand to her chest. “I’m sorry that things went so badly between us, and believe me when I say that I know how good it can feel to lash out and take your frustrations on other people. But nothing justifies manipulating Turing’s mind and making her a slave!”

Gadget took a step back at the word “slave.” She put on a weak smile. “Stop saying that. It’s not like that,” she said. “I mean, I removed her will, so it’s not like she actually minds it. Isn’t that right, Turing?”

“That is not correct,” Turing replied.

Gadget whirled around. “Wait, what did you say?”

“I am indicating that I do, in fact, mind what you are doing to me,” Turing said. Her expression was still blank, her voice still uneven, but that just made her words all the more unsettling. “I am suffering greatly because you are making me fight my friends by combating them with their own powers. I hate it, but I am unable to resist your commands since you placed my will into this small toaster which resembles me.”

“Tch. I have a name, thank you very much,” Turing Toast said, rolling her eyes.

“I am also greatly saddened to see what has happened to you, Gadget,” Turing continued. “I do not wish to see any harm come to my friends, and yet my involvement has unintentionally led to your transformation.”

Gadget grit her teeth. “Don’t lie to me,” she said. “I know you don’t really think of me as a friend. You were just using me!”

“Gadget,” Sunset said quietly, “think about it: without her own will, she doesn’t have the ability to lie to you. If you’re uncertain, you could just order her to tell the truth, and she’d have no choice but to do it.”

Gadget swallowed. “That’s… that’s true, I guess,” she muttered. “So, Turing? You really did think of me as a friend?”

“Correct,” Turing said. “When Sunset Shimmer described the dangers of the magic you were collecting, I was terrified that something would happen to you. I have greatly enjoyed learning about this world from you and Sunset and my other friends, and I wished to avoid a disaster that would endanger it. I care a great deal about you, and I hope you will forgive me one day for not being able to save you.”

Gadget held her hand over her mouth and swallowed a lump in her throat.

She looked around and saw everyone staring at her. She saw the sadness on the girls’ faces as they heard Turing pour her heart out in such an emotionless tone. She watched as Sunset went over to Turing and put her hand on the robot girl’s shoulder. And she turned to see that Fall Leaf was still crying…

Her own baby brother was terrified of her.

Monster, she thought, and looked down at her hands. One glowed with a green aura of magic, the other was lined with scrolling ones and zeroes. My own brother called me a monster… and he’s right.

I really am a monster.

Gadget hung her head. She slowly began to rise into the air. The others watched as she flew high over them all and took a deep breath. She gathered as much magic as she could muster between her hands, forming an intensely glowing ball. Then, with a guttural shriek, she released it, the magic exploding outward and washing over them with blinding light.

Sunset raised her arm, shielding her eyes, but when she looked again, she saw that the tower over the portal was completely gone. The power lines were back on their utility poles, the computers were back in the Canterlot High computer lab, and the windows were intact once again, as though they’d never been smashed at all. The clones were all gone as well, and her friends all got to their feet.

She looked at Turing Test. At first, her expression was still blank, but then she blinked and turned to face Sunset. She broke into a warm smile.

“All systems nominal, Sunset Shimmer,” she said. “It seems as though my will has been reinstalled.”

“Turing!” Sunset cried, throwing her arms around her. “You’re all right!”

The others all rushed over as well, forming a group hug.

“I am glad to have returned to normal, my friends,” she said. “However, perhaps we should not all be in close proximity. You seem to have forgotten that Twilight Sparkle is still sick.”

They all jumped back, offering their apologies to Twilight, who blushed even as she tried to stifle a cough.

“Sorry, everyone,” Twilight said. “I hope I’m not still contagious!”

“As do I,” Turing said. “I do not wish to contract a computer virus.”

They all groaned at that, except for Pinkie, who burst out laughing. “Good one, Rinny!” she said. “I’ll have to remember that one. What’d you think of it, Turing To...oh.”

Her expression changed and they all looked to see that Turing was holding Gadget’s mechanical toaster.

“Ah. It seems that when my will returned, Turing Toast reverted to her original form as well,” Turing said.

“Aww, I’m gonna miss her,” Pinkie said, frowning.

“However, strangely enough,” Turing continued, “I seem to have all her memories and experiences. In a manner of speaking, she is still present. However, I also have a strange compulsion to shove slices of bread into myself. Perhaps I will ask Father to make some modifications to me.”

“Ick,” Rarity said, making a face. “That sounds garish. I mean, for starters, where would you even insert the bread?”

Rainbow Dash started to snicker, barely stifling her laughter.

“What?” Rarity asked. Then her expression changed as it dawned on her, and her cheeks reddened. “Oh, really now, Rainbow Dash, grow up!”

“Wait a minute!”

They all looked and saw Fall Leaf was nearby, a panicked look on his face.

“Where’s Sis?” he asked. “I don’t see her anywhere!”

They glanced around and saw that Fall Leaf was right. Gadget had simply vanished.

“Where could she have gone?” Fluttershy asked.

Sunset pursed her lips, considering the question. “I think I have a pretty good idea where she went…”


The cloudy sky overhead had just begun to let the rain loose as they arrived at Gadget’s house. It was a light drizzle, and they all packed into the living room. The house was so quiet, that at first, Sunset began to wonder if she’d been mistaken about where Gadget had gone.

“Sis?” Fall Leaf shouted.

At first, there was no response, but then they heard a voice call out, “I’m down here.”

They all moved toward the basement door, but Sunset paused. “Hang on, everyone,” she said, holding up a hand. “Maybe we shouldn’t crowd her. I’ve gone through this before, and having some space can make things easier. Why don’t you all wait up here while Turing, Fall Leaf, and I go see if she’s okay.”

Fall Leaf frowned. “Um… maybe I should stay here.” He swallowed. “W-what if she’s mad at me?”

Sunset put a hand on his shoulder. “I think she’ll want to see you, but we can check up on her first, all right?”

He nodded.

That settled, Sunset and Turing Test made their way down the stairs. Gadget was sitting on the floor, her back against the wall. She was curled up, hugging her legs to herself. Her eyes were red and her hair was messy, but she looked normal otherwise, all hints of her transformation gone.

“Hello, Gadget,” Turing said. “Are you all right?”

She heaved a sigh. “No,” she said quietly.

Turing frowned and stepped closer to her. It was then that she noticed the boxes she’d placed nearby. Inside were the jars containing the magical orbs she’d gathered before.

“You were right,” Gadget said. She swallowed and looked up at Sunset. “Everything you said was right. You said the temptation to use the magic would be too much. You said that it could turn me into a monster. You said I was isolated, unhinged, and obsessive, and so I couldn’t be trusted with it. And all those things were right.”

She pointed to the boxes.

“Take them with you,” she said, her voice breaking. “I… I don’t want them anymore. I’ll just end up hurting people.”

Sunset bowed her head. “I’m sorry I said those things about you, Gadget,” she said.

Gadget laughed mirthlessly. “What for? You were right,” she said. “Maybe this is why I got bullied so much… maybe I really deserved it all along for being such garbage as a human being.”

Turing’s eyes went wide. She crouched down to meet Gadget’s eyes. “Gadget! You must not say that! No one deserves to be abused in that manner.”

“Well, if I didn’t before, I sure do now,” Gadget grumbled. Her lip began to quiver, and she looked at Turing Test with tears in her eyes. “I… I took a piece of your mind from you, Turing! I forced you to do what I wanted. I used you, and you just wanted to keep me safe!” She sniffled, trying to speak between sobs. “S-so don’t tell me that you forgive me or… or that you still want to be friends because I don’t deserve it!”

She hugged herself even tighter.

“Just take the magic and leave me alone. You’re better off forgetting about me. The world would be better off forgetting about me! Everyone would be better off if I was dead!”

She scrunched her eyes shut, unable to hold back her tears anymore. Then she felt a pair of arms enfold her and hug her close. Her eyes popped open she saw that Turing was resting her head on her.

“Please do not say that, Gadget,” she said quietly. “Whether you wish it or not, I do forgive you. And I do wish to continue being your friend. If you want to cause me pain, the worst thing you could do, far worse than anything else you have have done, would be to refuse my friendship.”

Gadget looked at her in shock for a moment. But then she choked back another sob and hugged her back, crying on her shirt.

“Turing Test… I’m so so sorry!” she cried.

Sunset sat down on Gadget’s left. She put her hand on her shoulder. “Listen, Gadget,” she said. “I know how you feel right now. It may have been even worse because when I was transformed back, I had to deal with the aftermath of the monster I’d turned into and realize what a rotten person I was before that. But there are two things I ought to tell you.

“First, it wasn’t all your fault. When people get corrupted by magic, it twists their minds. They get so focused on their goals that they forget about almost everything around them. I’m not saying that it didn’t find a darker part of you to latch onto, but you are not Technomancer. She’s just a shadow of yourself.”

“Like in Persona?” Gadget asked quietly.

“You play Persona?!” Sunset exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. Then she blinked. “Er, back to the subject…

“The other thing you should know is that… this was just as much my fault as it was yours.”

Gadget paused to look at her. “What? No, I’m the one who—”

“I know what you’re going to say, Gadget, but let me explain,” she said, holding up her hand. “After all my encounters with Equestrian magic, I’ve grown so fearful about people abusing it and obsessing over it that I never really even gave you a fair chance. I just saw the way you obsessed over Turing Test, and then saw what you were doing with magic and panicked. I said I wanted to be your friend, but then I turned right around and made a decision with Turing Test behind your back. I should have explained my fears to you and tried to help instead. You should have been part of the discussion.”

Gadget adjusted her glasses. “Maybe so,” she said, “but I’m the one who spied on you. And then I overreacted like that… I guess, after so many people treated me that way, I just got used to putting up my defenses. I just thought you were another pretty, popular girl who wanted to get everything her way. But now I see that I was wrong.”

“You do not think Sunset Shimmer is pretty or popular?” Turing asked.

Gadget actually cracked a smile at that, while Sunset just rolled her eyes.

“In all seriousness, Gadget,” Turing said, “I should also apologize to you. When Sunset Shimmer informed me of the danger of your research, I thought only of the consequences, and not of how depriving you of your work would affect you. Furthermore, you pointed out the hypocrisy in my own actions: I was eager to learn all about human technology for use in Equestria, but let myself be convinced that Equestrian magic could not remain in human hands.”

“Yeah, but look what happened!” Gadget exclaimed. “Sunset was right; it is dangerous!”

“But taking it away from you would not solve the problem of it,” Turing said. “There is magic in this world now. Others may find it and use it for their own purposes as well. Your methodology was far from perfect, but you had managed to safely contain and study magic on your own. Denying you that knowledge would leave this world more vulnerable, not less.”

They both blinked at that.

“Oh my gosh,” Sunset said, smacking her forehead. “That’s right. You’re exactly right, Turing.”

The three of them sat, backs against the wall, with Sunset on the left, Gadget in the middle, and Turing Test on the right.

“So, basically,” Gadget said, “we’re all dumb.”

“Oh yeah. We are so dumb,” Sunset said.

“Perhaps so,” Turing said, placing her hand on Gadget’s shoulder, “but we should not dwell on our mistakes for too long. We are only human after all.”

Gadget had to smile in spite of herself. “I… I want to thank you both,” she said as she started to tear up again. “Thank you for being my friends. I’ll do my best to be worthy of it from now on.”

Sunset and Turing returned her smile and each put their hands on her shoulders.

“Jeez, look at me crying again,” Gadget said, raising her glasses to wipe her eyes on her sleeves. “I’m a mess today. But more importantly… what should we do now?”

Turing assumed her “thinking” pose the way Sunset had shown her. “I now realize my folly… in a strange way, I have managed to repeat the mistakes of both my father and also Princess Celestia.

“Like my father, I let my zeal for technology and progress blind me to the possible consequences. I realized it when I heard you, Gadget. You said you wanted to ‘revolutionize’ Equestria, which is exactly what I wished to do. The wonders of this world, this new, expressive body, the potential to revolutionize Equestria overnight - figuratively speaking - may have led me to overlook the dangers of disseminating the knowledge in a world that is not prepared for it. My own actions might have eventually become just as damaging as what Technomancer was planning.

“I must learn from this experience. So, if you are willing, would you both teach me not only about the advantages of human technology, but also about the negative impacts it has had?”

Sunset and Gadget smiled.

“Sure thing, Turing,” Sunset said.

“You can count on me, too!” Gadget said, giving her a thumbs-up.

Turing looked down at the gesture and then back at Gadget. She held up her own robotic hand and mirrored it.

“There is one more thing to discuss, however,” she said. “As I have stated, I have also made the same mistake as Princess Celestia: she feared the consequences of technology and went to extreme lengths to suppress it, while my fear of magic in this world caused me to take the same action. However, suppression would be just as dangerous as reckless progression. Therefore, Gadget, I believe that I should instruct you on proper ways to contain this magic so that you may continue your studies.”

Sunset and Gadget gawked at her.

“Turing,” Sunset breathed. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m with Sunset,” Gadget said. “How do you know that it’s the right thing to do?”

“I do not,” Turing said. “But we cannot simply pretend that the problem does not exist. Furthermore, you are now among the small number of humans who can truly respect the power of magic. Despite the risks, the potential benefits to the human world are very real, and I can think of no one better equipped to help discover them. What do you say?”

Gadget smiled, swallowing a lump in her throat. “I’ll do my best,” she said. “I promise.”

“Well, now that we’ve settled all that,” Sunset said, getting to her feet, “we should probably go talk to everyone upstairs before they start to worry.”

Gadget sighed. “Right,” she said as she got to her feet. “We might as well get it over with.”

A few moments later, the three of them came upstairs. They were greeted by silent, uneasy stares (and some coughing from Twilight).

“H-hello, everyone,” Gadget said, wringing her hands nervously. “I… I want you all to know that I’m really sorry about what happened.”

The group regarded her with silence. Gadget shrank inward, not meeting the judgment and condemnation she knew must be in their eyes.

“Eh, no biggie,” Rainbow Dash said with a shrug.

Gadget stared at her. “I… what? I put two entire worlds in danger!”

“Been there, done that,” Twilight said, raising her hand.

“Look, if Turing Test forgives ya,” Applejack said, “then I ain’t gonna hold a grudge.”

“Not to mention how much your little brother believes in you!” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, he’s a real sweetheart!” Pinkie said, ruffling Fall Leaf’s hair.

“Ew, I am not!” he protested. He then turned to face Gadget. “Um… are you okay, Sis?”

Gadget smiled. “Yeah,” she said. “I’m fine. And it’s all because you finally pulled me back to reality.” She walked to him and knelt down, hugging him tightly.

“Ugh. You don’t need to get so mushy, Sis,” he muttered, hugging her back. “You’re still a dork, by the way.”

“Yeah, but there’s worse things in the world,” she said. “I love you, Fall Leaf.” She then kissed him on the cheek.

“Eww, gross, Sis!” he said, and pulled himself free of her grasp before running to his room and slamming the door.

“Well, now that that’s settled,” Rarity said, “I believe we should get home. Especially poor Twilight, considering how ill she is.”

Gadget cleared her throat. “Actually, there is one more thing I forgot to mention,” she said. “Um… what should we do about... this?”

She held up her hand. It began to emit a green magical aura.

“Wait, you still have your magic?!” Sunset cried.

“I… I didn’t know how to get rid of it!” Gadget shouted. “Can you, I don’t know, zap me or something?”

“Hold on,” Twilight said, “you mean that you managed to untransform yourself? And you’re in control of your actions now?”

Gadget looked down at her hand. “I… I guess so…”

Twilight gaped at her. “That’s amazing!” she cried. “Gadget you’re incredi… ih…”

She then erupted into a sneezing fit.

Turing Test mulled this new development over and said, “Well, if you are controlling this power rather than it controlling you… then perhaps you should keep it. It may help you in your scientific research on magic to have magic of your own.”

“Research?!” Twilight cried once she’d stopped sneezing. She ran to Gadget and seized her hands. “Can I help?! I would love to research magical applications for technology with you!”

Gadget actually blushed. “I… well… you really want to study with me?”

“Yes! We’ll be study buddies! Er, once I’m well again, I mean,” Twilight said. She then looked down and saw that she’d accidentally pressed a used tissue into Gadget’s hands. “Oh. Um, sorry.”

“In that case,” Turing said. “Sunset Shimmer, would you please send Princess Twilight a message for me? I would like to extend my stay in this world a little longer in order to complete the work we discussed. And also… I would not mind attending Canterlot High one more day, if that is all right?”

The girls all wore excited expressions. It was going to be, as Pinkie Pie put it, “The best Monday ever!”


It was indeed one of the best Mondays ever. After spending the day studying and discussing technology with Gadget and Sunset the previous day, Turing spent the day at Canterlot High living as a normal human student.

She started the day in P.E. class and learned about a strange new game called “basketball.” After a few minutes of outrunning, outshooting, and perfectly passing the ball, the gym teacher decided it would be best for her to switch teams every five minutes. Turing didn’t mind as long as she was allowed to play. Unfortunately, it all came to an end when one of the students taught her something called a “slam dunk,” and Turing accidentally snapped the hoop right off the backboard with her substantial weight.

In home economics class, Pinkie showed her how to make a loaf of bread. It was a lot of fun until they sliced a finished loaf and Turing suddenly felt the urge to toast every slice the students made.

In science class, Turing was hearing a lecture from Dr. Time Turner about a human named Nicola Tesla. She got the entire class to laugh when Mr. Turner asked “Okay, class, who can name a machine they use every day?” and she raised her hand and responded with “Myself.”

Geography class went well enough, but Cheerilee had to tell Turing to be quiet when she kept trying to correct her on the names of people and places that didn’t sound “equine” enough. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, who shared the class with her, it seemed the pony-related names were easier to remember, which is why she failed her quiz at the end of the week by responding with answers like “Las Pegasus,” “Van Hoover,” and “Whinnyapolis.”

She met a lot of the other students at lunch, including that world’s versions of Bulk Biceps, Derpy, and Lyra and Bon Bon. It went very well right up until she found out what hamburgers were made out of.

In language class, Turing discovered that they were reading a book called Of Mice and Men. Turing hadn’t read it, so the teacher gave her a copy… which she flipped through and absorbed immediately, commenting with a sad look, “Ah… it is so sad that George was forced to shoot Lenny in the end.” Half the class was upset at being spoiled, the other half was relieved that they didn’t have to finish the book, and the teacher just groaned that she’d have to re-write the test.

Last of all, Turing found herself in Cranky’s class once again with Sunset.

“Oh, h-hi there, Turing Test!” Microchips said when he saw Turing take her seat next to him.

“Hello!” Turing said. “Are you well? You seem to be sweating significantly.”

He blushed and looked away, muttering something about the summer heat.

Cranky entered the room and saw Turing as well. “Well, you’re back,” he said.

“She decided to stay a little longer, sir,” Sunset said. “Is it all right if she attends your class again?”

Cranky, to everyone’s surprise, grinned. “Sure. Actually, I’ve got a little something for her to do,” he said. “Turing Test, you seem to be pretty gifted at math… maybe I should give you a really tough problem.”

“I would relish the challenge, sir,” Turing said, leaning forward eagerly. “What do you wish for me to do?”

“This is a little something called the ‘Collatz Conjecture.’ Start with any positive integer. If it’s even, divide it by two. If it’s odd, multiply it by three and then add one. Keep doing that and eventually you’ll come back to one every time… or so the conjecture says. I want you to see if you can find a number that doesn’t eventually lead back to one.”

Turing blinked. “That does sound difficult,” she said. Then she grinned. “I will do my best, sir.”

“I’ve been at it since I was a graduate student, but no human’s ever solved it. I’d love to know if there’s an answer. Good luck!

“Now, the rest of you turn to page 92…”

Turing, meanwhile, sat in silence, her eyes focused on nothing in particular. It got a bit worrisome for a few of the students when her internal machinery started making a noticeable humming noise (that Sunset played off as a bee she said she saw flying around).

At the end of the hour, the bell rang and Cranky went back to Turing Test as the other students got up to leave. “So, Turing? Did you find something?”

She blinked, her gaze refocusing, and she looked up at him. She frowned and said, “I apologize, but I was unable to find an exception.”

He sighed. “Oh well,” he said. “About how far did you get?”

“The greatest trajectory I reached following this process before stopping was three sextillion, one hundred seventy-nine quintillion, three hundred eighty-nine quadrillion, nine hundred eighty trillion, five hundred ninety-one billion, one hundred twenty-five million, four hundred and seven thousand, one hundred and sixty seven.”

He gawked at her. “I… wow.” He smiled. “Well, thanks for visiting my class. It was nice having you.”

As he walked away, Sunset leaned over to Turing and said “Wow, Turing… that must be a record!”

“You mean three sextillion, one hundred seventy-nine quintillion—”

“No, not that,” Sunset said quickly. “I mean a student getting Cranky Doodle to smile twice in a row.”


Despite the chaos of the previous day, the city seemed to carry on as though nothing much had happened. Scientists proposed that the odd things that had happened might be the effects of a solar flare, but there was no evidence remaining of what had happened. The police had no explanations either, but they did give awards to officers who had helped keep the public calm and rescue people trapped in their cars. Two officers in particular, Violet Wisp and Orange Slice, were recognized as achieving a new record in Canterlot City for the most windows smashed in the course of rescuing civilians.

They did not get a promotion for their work, but did receive the Golden Car Door award.

Which they had to share.


That evening, Sunset and Turing Test approached the portal. Turing carried a bag with books and schematics Gadget had given her and notes she’d taken to share with scientists in Equestria. Sunset, for some reason, was only carrying a cardboard tube.

“It was really nice getting to know you, Turing Test,” Sunset said.

“I enjoyed meeting you as well, Sunset Shimmer,” Turing replied. “Though it was a very chaotic visit, I will treasure the memories I have made here with you and the others. Enjoying this new, expressive body has been wonderful as well. I admit that I am slightly reluctant to return to Equestria, knowing my equine form will lack its features. Perhaps someday I will be able to upgrade it with the knowledge I’ve gained.”

“Well, it sounds like you got what you needed in the end,” Sunset said.

Turing nodded. “Correct. But I believe that one of the best lessons I learned came from Fall Leaf.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What do you mean?”

“Ultimately, it was his emotional connection to Gadget that decided our battle. It was not magical power or superior technology or anything else. In my own position as the Minister of Technology, I may have discounted the feelings of the citizens and focused solely on the benefits of the technology I have championed. My colleague, Barnstormer, has called me ‘cold’ and ‘insensitive.’ While I do believe he holds some bias against me as a robot, there may also have been some truth to his words. Princess Celestia herself advised me to consider how to allay the fears of the public, even if such fears are baseless, but I disregarded her advice in favor of pursuing even greater technological advances.

“Now I see that forming connections with my fellow beings will help forge a new path. Technology without consideration and compassion will only bring disaster. If I am to be successful in bringing all these new innovations to Equestria, I must find the ‘human’ connection, as they say here. Did I use that idiom correctly?”

Sunset grinned. “Perfectly,” she said.

The two of them stood before the portal.

“The are so many wonderful things technology has done for this world,” Turing said quietly. “And so many awful things as well. It affects the way you talk to each other, the way you navigate your world, and even the ways you wage war.”

“You really did seem shaken when Gadget and I explained the atomic bomb,” Sunset said.

“That such power is possible without magic is both incredible and terrifying. Such is the case with many things in this world.”

Sunset sighed. “I’m sorry if we burst your bubble,” she said.

But Turing shook her head and smiled at her. “My bubble is not burst, I assure you,” she said. “I have learned respect to balance my awe. And I have many ideas about how to introduce human technology to Equestria, albeit cautiously. It will not be easy, but I will live up to my responsibility as the Minister of Technology.

“You and the others have renewed my resolve, and I believe that I have a better understanding of how to proceed. Thank you, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset grinned. “I’m glad I could help. Oh, and there’s one more thing… I have a present for you!”

Sunset held up the cardboard tube.

“Ah,” Turing said. “Thank you very much, but… while Equestrian technology is not at the level of this world, we do in fact possess cardboard.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. She removed a plastic lid from one end of the cardboard tube and pulled out the thing she’d placed inside. She unrolled it to reveal that it was the portrait of Turing Test she’d painted the other day.

Turing’s eyes lit up. “Oh! You are allowing me to keep this?” she asked.

“It’s a little something to remember me by,” Sunset said as she rolled it up and placed it back in the tube before giving it to Turing.

“I will treasure this gift, Sunset Shimmer!” she replied as she took the painting. “But do not worry: even without this gift, and even if I did not possess a perfect memory, I am certain that I would never forget this experience.”

The two friends embraced.

“Goodbye, Turing,” Sunset said. “And good luck in Equestria.”

“And good luck to you as well, Sunset Shimmer. I will visit you again very soon.”

With one final wave and a smile, Turing Test stepped through the portal, leaving Sunset behind as she went home to Equestria.

On the other side of the mirror, Turing found herself once again on four legs. She glanced down at her hoof, finding it somehow odd to not see a hand there.

She looked up and saw Twilight standing there, waiting for her. Twilight went over to her and gave her a hug.

“Did you have a nice visit, Turing Test? I know Princess Celestia will want to hear all about it!”

“I had a most wonderful visit, Twilight Sparkle,” she said, and tried to smile… only to realize that she lacked the mouth to do so.

She turned to face her reflection in the magic mirror she’d just passed through. Her familiar equine form looked back at her.

“Ah… I am going to miss that tongue.”

“That what?!” Twilight exclaimed.


It was a few weeks later when Gadget opened the door to her basement workshop. She raised her hand, and it glowed with magic for a moment. The overhead lights came on in an instant, as did her computer and a larger device off to the side of the room.

“Welcome back, Gadget!” said a small, synthetic voice. “Did you find anything?”

“I sure did!” Gadget said, a smile on her face as she reached into her backpack and retrieved another jar with a glowing orb of magic inside. “Better process it now. I can’t wait to tell Turing Test about everything that’s been happening lately!”

She carefully opened the jar and hooked it up to the device at the side of the room. With another wave of her hand, the machine sucked the orb up through a tube and into itself. It began to hum and whirr as pumps and motors worked in concert to add the necessary components.

While the machine worked, she went to her desk, which was the cleanest it had been in years, and picked up the book and pen she kept nearby. She opened the page and began writing.

Dear Turing Test,

This journal you gave me from Equestria really is amazing. I love it! Maybe I can find a way to make a more up-to-date version, though. I could find a way to send pictures or things, like a cell phone! Well, we’ll see.

Anyway, things are going pretty well. I’ve been offering some advice to Twilight about some project she’s been working on. Something about a robot dog. Neat, huh?

I’ve also started watching a lot of anime with Fluttershy. At first, I didn’t think she was ever gonna talk, but she really opened up when we found a series we both liked. And, just between us, she borrowed a couple of manga from my “private” selection too. ^_^

Well, I know we decided that it would be a bad idea to make my research on magic public for right now, but Everton sure wasn’t happy when I showed up empty-handed. The good news is that they didn’t kick me out of the program; they just put me on academic probation. Now I’m building some robots with a guy named Champ Umahara. It’s really fun, and we think we’ll make some great robots for future competitions.

...Also, he’s really cute. :heart:

All in all, things are going great. I’m still collecting magic and learning more every day. I’ll keep waiting for the day when I can share it with the world. And I owe it all to you and Sunset.

Thanks again, Turing.

Your friend,

She smiled, then remembered something.

P.S. Good luck with your demonstration! I think it’s going to be a huge success!

She felt a nudge at her foot and looked down. “Aw, someone want some attention?”

“I miss you when you’re away!”

Gadget reached down and picked up the small thing. She held it aloft and cuddled it, rubbing her cheek against it before putting it in her lap.

The thing was a toaster, one with purple eyes and little legs and a tail. Turing Toast v2.0, or just “Toastie,” was the result of some of her own magic, the runic coding she received from Turing Test, and some of the special substance she was currently manufacturing. Best of all, Toastie was much sweeter than her predecessor, and didn’t pester her to make toast all the time.

“Hee hee… so, can I help you with anything? Maybe a snack…?”

Gadget rolled her eyes. “All right, Toastie,” she said. “I’ll have a little Nutella on white.”

“Yay! Coming right up!”

Gadget heard the machine running down, so she got up once Toastie had leaped off her lap and went to where the machine terminated in a small nozzle. There was another small jar under it and she watched as a purple, viscous substance exited the machine and poured into it.

“Another vial of refined thaumatrium,” Gadget said, putting a lid on the vial.

It wasn’t as powerful as raw magic, but it was infinitely more stable. A little bit had proven enough to fuel Toastie for months, and she wasn’t going to run out of thaumatrium anytime soon. When Turing showed her the process and helped her to construct the refining machine, it was almost too good to be true. And while she would have to keep it all safe and secure, she was finding more and more ways to use it with Twilight and Sunset’s help.

I’ll certainly need it for my next project, she mused, turning to a pegboard on her wall. There was a sketch and a blueprint there of what she hoped would be her next project.

It was labelled: “Mechanical Arms.”


Turing Test stood in the living room inside the small farmhouse. There were a few reporters and photographers from some of the most prominent newspapers in all of Equestria milling about. There were also a few government officials working in the next room, making final preparations for the demonstration. Nearby, curiously quiet, was Minister Barnstormer. And, at the center of it all, was a very nervous-looking earth pony stallion, along with his wife and son.

One of the officials came over to her and whispered, “Minister Turing Test? We’re ready for you now.”

She nodded and went over to the farmer and his family. “Mr. Wheat Germ?” she asked, getting his attention. “We are ready to begin, if that is all right with you.”

He gave her a long look, running his tongue around his mouth. The colt sitting at his mother’s knee kept staring at her.

“Right, now… Minister Barnstormer asked us to do this,” he said. “And I’m still up for it. But are you sure this is safe?”

“We have done multiple studies to show that it is,” she replied. “But I give you my word as a Royal Minister of Equestria that this is completely safe. I would never ask you to do something like this if I thought otherwise.” She bowed her head solemnly. “I believe this will be something that improves the lives of ponies everywhere, sir. In a few moments, I am confident you will agree.”

He looked to his wife, who smiled and nodded to him. He also looked to Barnstormer for reassurance, and Barnstormer also gave him a small nod.

“All right, let’s try this thing out,” he said.

The officials wheeled in the device on a trolley. It had a wire that went outside and then along to a series of wooden poles that continued on into the distance. The photographers had already taken several pictures of the scene, and the reporters were vigorously taking notes.

Turing pointed to the device on the tray: it was a black, candlestick-shaped telephone. Unlike other telephones, the earpiece had been modified to broadcast sound more loudly so that everyone gathered could hear it.

Wheat Germ took larger earpiece off the hook and set it down next to the phone. “Okay, now what?” he asked.

“Tap on the hook and it will notify the operator.”

Wheat Germ nodded and did as she said. A moment later, the operator on the other end’s voice came through the earpiece: “This is the operator! How may I direct your call?”

“Um… what do I say?” Wheat Germ asked.

Turing stepped forward. “Operator, please ring A001,” she said.

“Right away!” the operator cheerfully replied.

A moment later, they heard a ringing sound through the telephone.

“So, um,” Wheat Germ said, “what happens next?”

A moment later, however, the ringing stopped, and he heard a new voice. “Hello? Anypony there? Ya said someone was gonna start talking, right?

Wheat Germ’s eyes bulged. “M-Ma? Ma, is that you?”

“Wait, Wheat Germ? Son? You’re the one who called me?”

The farmer wore a look of astonishment on his face. “Ma, you… you live near Lunar Bay!”

“I sure do. I’m here now!”

“But that’s halfway across Equestria!”

“You mean you’re back at the farm?!” his mother exclaimed. “Why, I… I didn’t think I’d get to talk to you until next Hearth’s Warming, son.”

The farmer put his hoof over his mouth. “Ma, I… it’s real nice to hear you.”

The excitable colt nearby shouted “Hi, Grandma!”

“Green Bean? Oh sweetie, are you there too?”

“We’re all here, Grandma!” Green Bean shouted. “Ma’s here too!”

“Hello, Mother,” Wheat Germ’s wife said.

“They didn’t tell us who we were supposed to be calling, Ma,” Wheat Germ said. “I… I can’t believe it! I… I don’t know what to say!”

“Oh, sweetheart, I can’t believe it either!” the older mare said on the other end of the line, her voice breaking slightly. “Well… why don’t you just tell me how everypony’s doing?”

Turing watched as Wheat Germ spoke to his mother clear across the nation, a distance that would take days to reach even by train. The reporters furiously took notes while their photographers took photograph after photograph, eagerly lapping up the scene.

Barnstormer watched in silence for a moment, then stepped outside, letting the heavy screen door shut loudly behind him.

Curious, Turing Test followed him. She found him standing off at the corner of the farmhouse.

“Minister Barnstormer?” she asked. “Are you feeling well?”

He looked over his shoulder at her and smirked. “Oh, I’m just fine,” he said. He turned back and looked out at the land around them, so Turing came up beside him and also took in the scenery.

All around them were seemingly endless fields of wheat. The softly rolling hills seemed to take on a golden hue as the sun began to set over the horizon.

“Beautiful out here,” he said. “Isn’t it?”

“I… I admit that I have a limited capacity to appreciate aesthetic beauty,” Turing said. “A friend of mine recently gave me a lesson in art that was very informative, however. I believe I still have a lot to learn in that respect.”

“Well… then just trust me: it’s beautiful,” Barnstormer said, chuckling to himself. “You know, I grew up on a farm like this. Just an ordinary colt who spent his days shucking corn and fishing and things like that. Then Daddy lost the farm. We couldn’t pay the bank back after a terrible blight that ruined our crops that year. It was just awful…”

Turing Test put her metallic hoof on Barnstormer’s shoulder. “I did not know that,” she said. “I am sorry.”

“It’s all right,” he said. “It was a long time ago. But just the same, I eventually took to city life. And even if it took me a few decades, I made it to where I am in life today: a personal advisor to Her Majesty herself! But then… you’ve had your own struggles too, I suppose.”

“Yes,” Turing replied. “I have.”

Barnstormer took a deep breath. “I always wanted to protect farmers like my father. I’ve always tried to ease their minds and help them not to worry. This whole ‘phone’ business… the government sticking big phone poles through land that could be used for crops. It really got to me. I hate to see anyone, be it banks or landlords or even the government bossing the average farmer around.

“But this stunt of yours… well, Minister Turing Test, I knew the instant I saw that farmer’s face light up, that very instant he heard his mother’s voice… I knew right then that you were right. This invention will make a lot of ponies’ lives better. And when the papers hit tomorrow, everyone in Equestria will know it.

“I used to think you only cared about some abstract idea of ‘progress’,” he said. “But you took the time to reassure that pony in there. And this will lay a lot of other ponies’ fears to rest, too. You didn’t have to do this, but you did. You took the time to care. So, thank you.”

Turing’s ears twitched. “Thank you for telling me that, Minister Barnstormer,” she replied.

He turned to smile at her. “Just Barnstormer,” he said. “That’s what my friends call me.” He put out his hoof.

Turing Test looked down at it, her pupils constricting, before her eyes shifted into upward curves to show her happiness. She shook his hoof. “Then you may simply call me ‘Turing,’” she replied.

There was a cough behind them. They turned to see a government worker standing there.

“Uh, Ministers, would you please come in?” she asked. “The reporters have a lot of questions for you!”

“Affirmative,” Turing said. “We will return momentarily.”

The worker nodded and went back inside.

“We shouldn’t keep them waiting, Turing,” Barnstormer said. “After all, we’ve got an awful lot of work to do together, and it all starts today.”

Turing nodded. “Agreed,” she said. “Let us begin.”

And so the two Ministers went inside the farmhouse. They would face the press, the ponies of Equestria, and even the Princesses in the coming days.

Turing’s demonstration seemed to transform things overnight. Her colleagues began to treat her with more respect, and the ponies of Canterlot, eager to experience the new sensation of the telephone, began to come to her with accolades, rather than rotten vegetables and insults.

Slowly but surely, Turing was finding a place in the hearts of the ponies of Equestria. Though there would be many obstacles, Turing decided to face them with determination as they all stepped towards a tantalizingly unknowable future.

Author's Note:

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this story. I realize it was a much shorter adventure, but I hope it was satisfying nonetheless. Thank you so much for reading, everyone. At the time of this writing, I've been going through a rough patch, and the nice comments from readers has bolstered my spirits. :heart:

Reference time!

  • First of all, the title. We're back to more Daft Punk! And not only that, it's the first time the reference has been from the Tron: Legacy soundtrack, the black sheep out of their other studio albums. The title references the overall theme of this story, dealing with change (resisting it, lamenting it, and managing it), and indirectly refers to the concept of innovation and paradigm shifts in general, which is another major focus of the story.

  • Gadget refers to Fluttershy as "the Aquaman of the group." This references the ongoing joke that Aquaman's ability to talk to fish isn't really useful given that the Justice League's enemies are usually land-based.
  • Gadget shouts "Apagando las luces!" which is Spanish for "Turning out the lights!" or "Lights out!" which references the line spoken by Sombra in the online game Overwatch. The ability disables all the abilities of the enemy team within range. Appropriate as Gadget uses her powers to disable the powers of the girls.
  • Control + C and Control + V are, obviously, the commands used in most applications to copy and paste text respectively, which is why Gadget says it before she makes clones of herself.
  • Less a reference than an echo. When Gadget says "Everyone would be better off if I was dead!” and Turing Test tries to convince her otherwise it's meant as a callback to the story arc "In Two Minds" from Everything's Better With Robots! in which Gadget likewise urges Turing Test to care about her own life. Only now, the roles have reversed.
  • Gadget references the video game Persona, in which characters occasionally confront shadow versions of themselves. Sunset seems to enjoy playing them, referencing that she does enjoy games, such as the short where she stands in line for a copy of "Tirek's Revenge."
  • Turing reads the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. It's a great book, but if you haven't read it... yeah, I kind of spoiled it for you already. I mean, Turing did.
  • The Collatz Conjecture is a real unsolved math problem. If you're curious, you can read more about it here.

Well, all that's left is the epilogue. I hope you enjoy it. :raritywink: