• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 5,847 Views, 441 Comments

The Iron Horse: Human After All - The Hat Man

Turing Test is a robot pony. She's Equestria's Minister of Technology (it's a long story). When she learns of the untold advanced technology in the world of humans, however, she sets off on the ultimate field trip. Canterlot High has a new student...

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A few weeks later...

It was a warm summer day, and though the late morning sun beat down, the weather was mild. In Canterlot City Park, a pair of figures strolled across the thick, lush grass before momentarily taking refuge in the shade of a large oak tree.

One of the figures was a young woman with gray, metallic skin and glowing violet eyes. The other was an older man, his face lined with wrinkles, his skin a ruddy reddish-orange, and his hair thinning and gray.

The older man wiped the sweat from his brow and looked down at his companion with a raised eyebrow.

“Turing, this is truly fascinating,” he said, his voice soft spoken and high-pitched, “but I am both out of shape and quite unused to this gangly, bipedal body. And you still haven’t told me why you petitioned for temporary release from Celestia only to bring me to a park of all things. Would you care to explain to me now why you’ve dragged me to this strange universe with nary an explanation?”

Turing Test looked up at Cobbler Mustang. He was dressed in a white shirt with an old-fashioned black string tie and a pair of gray pants and periodically wobbled to and fro on his two legs.

“I am sorry for the trouble, Father,” she said. “However, I believe that you will find that this was, in fact, worth the effort.”

“I suppose the strangeness of this world is made up for by its technology,” he said, “but you’ve already shared your notes with me. If I had known I’d have to change my very physiology… well, now that I think of it, I’d still prefer it to spending another day in that tower. Breaking up the monotony has proven quite a challenge.”

Turing bowed her head. “I assure you, Father, this will be a very special experience,” she said. She moved from the shade of the tree and beckoned for him to follow. He grumbled a bit but walked after her.

The area they walked to was a large garden filled with beds of roses, hedges trimmed into whimsical shapes, and vines that crawled over arches and bloomed with beautiful flowers.

“Well, this is all quite nice,” he said. “Still, other than my interest in peach trees, I’m not much for gardens. That was… well, that was your eldest sister’s area of expertise.”

“I am glad that you mentioned her, Father,” Turing said. Then she suddenly stopped and took his hand in both of her own. “Father, please listen to me: I have told you about the technology of this world. I have informed you and Princess Celestia of the ways that it is far beyond our own. While I do believe caution should be exercised, some of it has already proven invaluable. Among these discoveries is an invention which you were responsible for in our world: the artificial heart.”

Cobbler froze. “That… I take great pride in knowing that it may one day save other ponies’ lives,” he said, shutting his eyes. “I only wish that I had had the time to perfect it. Then perhaps Georgia… perhaps she might have lived.”

He opened his eyes, meeting hers. “Not that I would trade you for her, Turing Test,” he said, putting his hand on her shoulder. “I love you as my daughter because that is what you are. Robot or no, you are my very real daughter, and I love you with all my heart. I simply wish that you could have met Georgia Peach as she truly was.”

Turing smiled and hugged her father. “Few things give me greater happiness than hearing you say such things, Father,” she said quietly. Then she took a step back. “However, as I was saying, the artificial heart in this world was a much greater success. Many lives have already been saved by it. Though this world’s version of you was not its creator, it has nonetheless had a great impact.

“You see, Father… I…”

Turing trailed off before looking away in one direction, so Cobbler followed her gaze.

He froze. His jaw dropped.

A young woman was digging in a flower bed near the visitor’s center as she hummed a tune to herself.

She wore a pair of overalls and wide-brimmed hat, but when she took it off for a moment and mopped her brow with a handkerchief, her face, even as a human, was unmistakable.

It was Georgia Peach.

“Georgia…” Cobbler breathed. “It’s… it’s not possible…”

Turing held his arm. “She survived in this world, Father. I did a great deal of research with Sunset Shimmer and Gadget, and I was eventually able to learn her story. Her heart also began to fail her as a young woman. However, the doctors were able to give her an artificial heart while she waited for a donor. Due to advances in this world, she lived long enough to receive a new heart. She is now alive and healthy and works as a horticulturist for the city park.”

Cobbler clapped his hand over his mouth as tears ran down his face. “Georgia,” he whispered. “Oh… oh my sweet baby girl… she lived…”

Turing frowned. “Father… I am sorry. Is it too much for you? I did not mean—”

“No,” he said, embracing her again. “No, sweetheart, I… I never once thought I would see her alive again. And I know that she’s not truly my daughter and that she’s some other Cobbler Mustang’s daughter… but still… to see her like this… oh, my precious girl, this is the most wonderful gift I could ever have received!”

Turing beamed at him. “I am so glad, Father,” she said. “If you wish, there is time to speak to her.”

He froze. “I… but… won’t she… I mean, she has her own father…”

“You need not tell her the truth,” Turing whispered. “Simply tell her that you stopped by to say ‘hello.’ This world’s Cobbler Mustang is a professor at Vanderbull University. Like you, he is an expert on technology and robotics.”

Cobbler swallowed. “All right,” he said. “I… I’ll keep that in mind.”

He walked over to her. The young woman was so occupied in her work that she didn’t even notice him until his shadow crossed over the flower she was inspecting.

She turned and her large brown eyes lit up. She tossed away her hat, revealing her dark brown curly locks of hair.

“Daddy!” she exclaimed, breaking into a wide smile. “Why, what ever are you doing here?”

Cobbler managed a smile despite the lump forming in his throat. Her voice was just the same as his daughter’s had been.

“W-well, I… I was simply in the neighborhood, and I thought I’d pay you a visit,” he said. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Oh, don’t be silly!” she said. “I wish you had told me! I would have cleaned off all this dirt and tried to look a bit more presentable.”

Cobbler shook his head. “Georgia, don’t worry about that,” he said. “You look lovely, sweetheart, just doing what you do.”

She chuckled. “Well, you certainly are in a good mood, Daddy,” she said. “Well, do you have a little time today? My lunch break is in half an hour, so if you would care to join me…?”

Cobbler almost said yes, but then he remembered that he was on a strict time schedule. Turing had promised to have him back in less than an hour.

He swallowed. “I’d love to, Georgia, but I really must get going,” he said. “But… well… I j-just wanted to stop by and tell you… that I love you. I love you very much.”

Georgia’s lips parted. “Why, Daddy, are you crying?!” she gasped. “Oh, Daddy, I love you too. Don’t make such a fuss now, I’m right here!”

She went to him, wrapping her arms around him and laying her head on his chest.

He choked back a sob and returned the hug, trying and failing to stop the tears that came.

For a time, it was just the two of them there, father and daughter.



Cobbler made his way back to the portal, Turing Test at his side.

“Are you certain that you are all right, Father?” she asked.

“Oh, I know I got quite emotional back there,” he said, “but yes, Turing, I’m quite all right. Seeing Georgia like that, grown and happy and strong… doing what she always wanted to do… even though it made me miss my real daughter terribly, I am still so grateful to you for what you did today.”

He paused a moment, kissing her on the forehead.

“You gave me a chance to see her again, even if it was just for a brief moment,” he said. “That’s more than other fathers can say who’ve lost their child. I will cherish this memory for the rest of my days, and I have you to thank for it.”

Turing held him close, just as Georgia had held him a short while ago. “If it were not for your invention, Father, I would not have known to do research on this world to see if they had made similar advancements,” she said. “With the knowledge I have gained, Equestrian scientists can improve upon your design and save the lives of countless ponies. We will honor Georgia Peach’s memory by ensuring that one day no pony need share her fate.”

“That, my dear,” Cobbler said, turning to face the portal, “may be the second greatest part of my legacy.”

Turing tilted her head to the side. “The second greatest? What is the first?”

Cobbler winked. “Why, my children, of course,” he said. He took her by the shoulder and led her toward the portal.

It was time to leave the past. It was time to face their future. It was time to go home.

Author's Note:

See you next time, everyone. 🎩

Comments ( 47 )

That’s so... heart-touching. It brings tears in my eyes.

I had to add this song.

Nice epilogue. :pinkiehappy:

I didn't expect feels, but god dangit I'm infected.

I'm not crying, you're crying. Dang onion cutting ninjas.

Ah, and the sequel has now been read fully by me. And I desire more, even though I am worried nothing so far will be as long as the original story was, as what will come to be is only more or less specials. Unless you prove me wrong?
And you did not dissapoint. Gadget did indeed become something, even if it was something else than I was hopin, it was still interesting

Amazing as always, Hat Man. I have to admit, at least to myself, it was really easy to predict what was going to happen in the story, especially with how Gadget, sorry Technomancer, was defeated. However, I am like that for most stories. I have always been able to predict what will happen in stories very well. So it may just be me.

The epilogue was the best. Yet another extraordinary part of the Iron Horse series is completed. Keep writing!!!

Signing out, VShuffler42

Tear virus detected.
Running antivirus scan.
Antivirus scan failure.
Antivirus scan failure.
Antivirus scan... tear virus stabilized.
Running analysis.
False Positive. Tear.exe marked as valid program.
Loading tissues... please wait.

:heart: You leave some of the best comments, Georg. :twilightsmile:

Georgia’s lips parted. “Why, Daddy, are you crying?!” she gasped. “Oh, Daddy, I love you too. Don’t make such a fuss now, I’m right here!”

Ya got me. :fluttercry:
But I see I'm in good company. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, my bad. They kinda slipped past me. I was distracted by feels.

:raritydespair: you got me crying

I wonder if Turing will open an institute of technology and a school to pass this knowledge down. What would Neighsay say?

Quick someone help, I'm... feeling!

This is me crying. Thank you once again.

Risky meeting alternates, but this one visit was probably ok.

This is a manly rear moment

Whelp my face is leaking, thanks a lot man. And it won't stop...:raritycry:

an awesome story! will there be a sequel?

If you mean more Turing Test/Iron Horse stories, yes. If you mean another EQG story, I don't have any plans for that right now, but it's possible. :pinkiesmile:

You and you're darn cheat codes to unlocking emotions. These are going to save some robots a lot of time someday.

i just want more Turing Test :pinkiehappy:

I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not crying...

Okay, dammit, I'm crying. Fuck, that was beautiful.

DANG IT!! You got me to cry!! You got the man who has sat through every sad animal movie without crying once, to cry.. gosh dang it!! Agh the feels, these are both sad yet good feels!! Agh!! Darn you and Bless you!! AGH!!

I did NOT notice that! Huzzah! <3

Also LOVE the adorable Artwork as per always ^_^

Seriously though MOAR Robot Horse Fanfiction! <3 <3 <3

Great epilogue that is most touching, both with Art and Writing!

...Though I still hope that there is more Robot Horse Waifu goodness in the future! ^_^

This definitely something Turing would do for her beloved father. If I could describe this epilogue in two words, it would be, "THE FEELS!!!!". This is what makes your stories truly great. Thank you.


If I could describe this epilogue in two words, it would be, "THE FEELS!!!!". This is what makes your stories truly great. Thank you.

That's me! Hat Man: "Feels Distributor Extraordinaire!" :coolphoto:


Great epilogue that is most touching, both with Art and Writing!
...Though I still hope that there is more Robot Horse Waifu goodness in the future! ^_^

Thanks! Though, realistically, she ain't nopony's waifu but Maud's, but yeah, there will be more Turing in the future. :raritywink:

Yes, I knew this must happen at some point, but it's so wonderful.

Thank you for the smile on my lips...

What a beautiful epiloge...I think I have tears in my eyes...

It was time to leave the past. It was time to face their future. It was time to go home.

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, my heartstrings!
I can't even, hnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg


Oh hat man you could do a side story sequal? about 02 and her adventures of freedom

We'll see 002 eventually. Don't worry. :raritywink:

She chuckled. “Well, you certainly are in a good mood, Daddy,” she said. “Well, do you have a little time today? My lunch break is in half an hour, so if you would care to join me…?”

This epilogue is breaking my heart ;_;

Cobbler winked. “Why, my children, of course,” he said. He took her by the shoulder and led her toward the portal.


This was a wonderful sequel. It was fun to see Turing in the EG setting, even using its tropes. Almost like an EG movie following a full season. I adored this. Thank you.

So good to have seen this mini-sequel. Love your stuff Friend.

I think it's mostly just a little too cerebral for me. I enjoy it, but understand only enough to realize there is a lot going on that I don't understand.

...Huh. I can only recall two other cyberpunk-esque anime from the 90's off the top of my head. Battle Angel Alita, all two episodes IIRC, and Armitage the III. Key the Metal Idol doesn't count I suppose.

But what I really grew up on was Yu Yu Hakusho. Namek doesn't count, as my parents hated it, being afraid it's spur violent tendencies (BECAUSE I, LIKE TOTALLY CAN BLOW UP A PLANET WITH MY INDEX FINGER, TOTALLY MORE VIOLENT THAN WALKER TEXAS TEENAGER), and every episode I DID catch...felt like the same one.

I'm a bit confused why she's so critical of the Major though. Does she not have any plans to upgrade herself? Afraid that if she does give herself eyelids, a mouth, or a sensation of touch she'd lose something of herself?

God damn you, you made me cry again. Again. I'll get you next time Gadge-- er, Hat Man!

yayness :yay:

THAT epilog... simply wonderful. Cobbler meeting Georgia Peach, or a version of her. I tip my hat to you, good sir. (but first, I'll have to put it on...)

Gaaah! The feels.

Thank you for The Iron Horse: Human After All! It is an excellent example of threading an extremely difficult needle, in this case crafting a teen rated tale with story beats that match the animated shows. I made a blog post about some of the reasons I think this is spectacularly done. I appreciate you for sharing it with us!

Stop making me cry. It is unkind... :raritycry:

Another beautiful entry. I fear the day I run out of Iron Horse stories to read.

Thanks to the power of Google nothing is beyond translation

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