• Published 4th Apr 2018
  • 6,545 Views, 187 Comments

A True Mother - cccvvvttt

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight, along with the Mane Six, and her son, were all making there way back into Canterlot Castle. They had just sent John to the moon, only for his stone prison to break within two days, and for the lack of air to slowly take his life. In retrospect, he deserved everything that was going to come to him, but they still couldn't help but to feel a little guilty and sorry for John.

"What do we do now?" Zachary asked Twilight. She looked back at him, with a small grin on her face.

"Well, I was thinking that since we're still in Canterlot, we could go and meet my parents." Twilight suggested. Zachary nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay, that sounds fun." Zachary said, with glee in his voice. He had meet Twilights parents before once, when they came down to ponyville to meet him. They seemed nice enough, but they seemed to be nervous about meeting him at the same time, so Twilight had to reassure him that everything was cool with Zachary, and that he was a nice kid.

"Well, I suppose you girls wouldn't like to come too, would you?" Twilight asked her friends, already knowing that Princess Celestia wouldn't be able to make it, due to her duties.

"Yeah, that sounds like it would be 20% cooler." Rainbow said, with a tone that sounded like she was cool with the idea, yet a little nervous. Rainbow hadn't really met Twilights parents before.

"I wouldn't mind, if you don't mind, that is...." Fluttershy said, with her usual kind and polite voice.

"Ah got nothin else ta do." Applejack said, with a small smile forming onto her face. "Ah'd love to meet your parents, Twilight."

"That sounds marvelous, darling." Rarity said, also with an exited, yet nervous look, that was similar to Rainbow Dash's.

"I'm in! It sounds super duper fun!" Pinkie said, with her usually energetic voice, as she bounced up and down off the ground. Twilight smiled, as she knew she could always count on her friends.

"Thanks girls, I really appreciate this." Twilight said, with a grateful smile. They were getting near the small bridge that was over the lake, though it was still a good distance away, but as they walked, Twilight noticed that Zachary was holding his side, in the same place where he got shot at.

"Is it hurting again?" Twilight asked, and Zachary just replied with the nod of his head. Her horn began to glow, as she pointed it at his side, and the bright magic made it's way to Zachary. As it made contact, all the pain that Zachary was feeling suddenly disappeared in a flash. Zachary gave her a smile, as she smiled back. Rainbow, however, had a look of concern on her face.

"Hey Twilight, I'm no doctor, way too cool for that, but don't you think he should have stopped feeling this pain by now?" Rainbow asked, and Twilight nodded.

"Yeah, it should be gone by now, but for whatever reason, it isn't." Twilight said, as she looked back at Zachary, who was looking up at the sky, with a curious look. He wondered what John was thinking about right now, if he could still think at all.

"This is very concerning." Celestia started, as they were almost to the bridge. "Even though we don't know a lot about humans, I don't think that one like Zachary should still be feeling the pain after the-" She was cut off, when the bridge that they were about to walk on collapsed out of nowhere, causing the everypony and the human to jump back.

"What the, why did the bridge collapse?" Twilight asked, as she was in shock from what happened. The two guards, Cloudy Arrow, and TriforceAndroid quickly made their way over to them.

"Are you okay?!" Cloudy Arrow asked, with great concern in his eyes, and TriforceAndroid shared the same look.

"We're fine.... That was just unexpected....." Celestia said, as she looked back at her companions to make sure that they were safe too.

"What caused that to happen? I mean, some of the workers just got done refurbishing it." TriforceAndroid said, still with that shocked expression. "How could it fall apart so easily?"

"Maybe it's just that those ponies are terrible at their jobs." The voice of Blueblood said, as they all turned to look in his direction. Cloudy Arrow sighed, as he despised Blueblood, along with TriforceAndroid. They both only saw him as a spoiled, rotten prince who only thought of himself, and not the other well beings of ponies, though lately, he has been being nicer around certain ponies.

"Greetings Blueblood, what are you doing here?" Celestia asked, and Blueblood put on a look of concern, which he could easily fake.

"I was just soooo concerned, because the whole bridge falling, it could have hurt poor little Zachary..." Blueblood said, turning his gaze over to the small child. He soon realized that he was disregarding all the other ponies that where around him.

"Of course, I'm glad that your all okay too, wouldn't want anything bad to happen to two of the princess's of Equestria." Blueblood said, with an uneasy smile.

"What about the hero's of Equestria, aren't you glad that there alright too?" Cloudy Arrow said, giving Blueblood a suspicious look.

"Look, I'm sorry that you where all nearly injured in that accident, alright?!" Blueblood said, losing his temper a bit.

"Blueblood, you must calm down." Celestia said, as she gave her nephew a glare. "You can't loss your temper like that, alright? If you want to be the prince of this land." Blueblood nodded.

"Yes, I understand, auntie." He said, as he looked back at Twilight and Zachary. "Say Twilight, I'm sure that you're going to be really busy today, you know, being the princess of friendship and all, so why don't I watch over Zachary? I'm sure your really busy."

Twilight was stunned at the sudden offer. Blueblood was not at all good with kids, in fact, he was terrible with them. Plus, he wasn't exactly the most trustworthy pony out there, considering the way he treated Rarity at the Grand Galloping Gala.

"Sorry, but I already have plans today to do with Zachary, I don't really have any duties of being a princess right now." Twilight started. "Plus, I think that one of my friends could watch him, like Rarity or Applejack because, well no offense, but there more experienced than you are." Bluebloods anger began to boil, but he calmed down, as to set a good example for Zachary.

"Well that's fine, I guess, but if you need my help with him, don't be afraid to ask." He said, as he trotted off back inside the castle through the other door.

"Well, that was weird." Twilight said. "Why is he being so nice to Zachary? He's never nice." They all nodded in agreement, even Celestia nodded with them.

"My nephew just, well he thinks that because he's royalty, he's better than everypony else, when that's just not the case at all." Celestia said. She did really care about her nephew, and she loved him with all of her heart, but if his behavior doesn't change soon, then he wont be fit for the prince of Equestria.

"We should get back inside, and get ready to meet my parents." Twilight said, and all of her friends nodded in agreement. As they began to walk through the other building, Cloudy Arrow and TriforceAndroid just stood there.

"Hey Cloudy." TriforceAndroid said, getting his friends attention.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Cloudy asked.

"Well, Blueblood wasn't out here when the bridge fell apart, and the bridge breaking didn't really make that much noise, so he couldn't have heard it from inside the building." TriforceAndroid said. Cloudy Arrow's mind clicked, as he realized that he was right.

"Your right, you don't think that he, planned that, to hurt the Princess's, do ya?" Cloudy asked, and TriforceAndroid gave him a not so sure look.

"He wouldn't want to hurt Celestia, but that probably isn't the same with Twilight Sparkle." TriforceAndroid said making them both confused.

"But why does he want to hurt Twilight-" Cloudy Arrow stopped talking, as it clicked in there heads.

"Twilight is the one closest to Zachary, and Bluebloods been nice to Zachary..." TriforceAndroid said, now with full suspension clear in his voice.

"Bluebloods trying to get Zachary away from Twilight!" They both said at the same time.

"Wait, why would he want to do that?" Cloudy Arrow asked, and TriforceAndroid shrugged.

"I don't know why, but whatever the reason is, it probably isn't good." TriforceAndroid said.

"Yeah, we can't let that happen, Blueblood would be a terrible father!" Cloudy Arrow said. "Plus, Twilight's already been such a great mother to him, that just taking him away from her would be a bad move." TriforceAndroid nodded with agreement.

"Come on, we should try to find more evidence, so we can prove that this is what Bluebloods trying to do." TriforceAndroid said.

"Lets go!" Cloudy Arrow said, as they both ran inside the castle at a slow, but not in a way that would make them seem out of place at that moment. They were going to get Blueblood.

Meanwhile, on the moon...

John was frozen in cold, hard stone. He couldn't move, breath, or hear. The only thing that he could hear, was the thoughts trapped deep in his mind.

How am I still alive? This is impossible, I should be dead, but how am I still alive? He knew that he was trapped in stone, and was in space. As he sat there, waiting for something, anything to happen, he soon got thoughts on revenge. As he went into his twist, sickening fantasy's

The first one he had, was where he was in a room, with the mane six tied up, hopeless to escape. As they were tied up, there was only one of them tied up to a chair in the middle of the room.

"Hold on Zachary, mommy's coming." Twilight said, with clear panic in her voice, as she tried to get out of the ropes she was tied in, but to no avail. Zachary was whining, as they heard the footsteps of John growing near to them, along with something metal clanking to the ground.

"Hi there." The clearly mental John said, with a smile, as he was caring a axe in his hands. Zachary looked at him, now with full tears streaming down his face, as John got closer to him.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Twilight shouted, as she tried harder to get out of the ropes. Zachary stared John in the eyes, as if begging him to stop, but he wasn't going too. He lifted up the axe, and brought it down, as Zachary looked away. The sound of something sharp going through skin could be heard, as the sharp cry of Twilight, and the mane six were heard.

"NO, YOU MONSTER!!" Twilight said, as she now let some tears of her own fall to the ground.

"Your turn...." John said, with an evil grin, as he walked towards them.

If John wasn't turned into stone right now, he would be having the biggest smile he ever had in a while. However, due to his vision being blocked, he couldn't see the small black light around his chest area growing bigger and bigger. Soon, John stopped his thoughts, as he felt his legs again.

What the... John said in his mind, as he felt feeling in his upper body as well. Then, his vision came back to him, and he gasped, as he realized what had happened to him. He wasn't stone anymore. He bean to panic, as he hold his breath, to try and conserve air.

There has to be something I could do, and maybe I can get help. John thought, as he felt his lungs getting tighter and tighter. Ge watched, and looked for help, but there was none. No one was coming for him. As his lungs got tighter, he put his hands over his mouth, as he felt like he was about to explode.

He had tears falling down his cheeks, as he had his last thoughts. Soon, John's arms lowered, as a look of shock was on his face. His eyes rolled in the back of his head, as a little bit of blood began to come out of his mouth. His lungs had exploded inside of him, causing his last moments to be the most painful he had ever felt in his life. John, the child abuser, John the horrible monster of a human, was no longer alive.

Twilight was in her room, along with Zachary and Spike, as they were just about to leave for Twilights parents house. As they were leaving, they saw there other friends ion the hallway, waiting for them.

"Hello girls, ready to go?" Twilight asked.

"Ready than I'll ever be." Rarity said, still having a look of nervousness present on her face.

"Don't worry, I think you'll like my parents a lot." Twilight said, as they all walked out of the room. Spike was glad to be out of there, due to the fact that he didn't go to Johns sending to the moon. So, he went back to the room, and waited for Twilight to return, which she finally did.

"Are you excited to see your grandparents again?" Twilight asked Zachary, and he nodded his head.

"I can't wait, they were so fun last time." Zachary said, with excitement in his voice. She giggled. Even though he has been through so much, even though he has been through abuse, nearly getting killed, the pain of knowing that his real father killed his human mother, he still manages to be that sweet innocent little boy that Twilight found a month ago. She was truly proud of him.

They continued their walk, as they made their way out of the castle. The day was beautiful out, as ponies walked around, enjoying their days mostly. Some of them had smiles on their faces, other's had frowns, and a group of them just looked plain annoyed.

"So, Twilights parents are cool, right?" Rainbow asked Zachary.

"Yeah.... They were too me, anyway." He replied, with a reassuring smile. He knew Rainbow was a daredevil, but he also knew that in the month she had known her, she can be nervous about certain things. Twilight however, began to notice something as they walked. Some of the ponies weren't walking around, like the usually were, making some of the streets seem empty.

"Hey, is it just me, or does it feel like some of the ponies are missing?" Twilight asked, and they all shook their heads.

"Not really, why?" Applejack asked, as Twilight gave here a look of uncertainty.

"Well, some of the ponies that /I saw everyday when I used to live in Canterlot.... Are gone and....." Her voice trailed off, when she noticed that there where papers. They were at a distance, but Twilight could still see bright, red letters on them that spelled out Missing.

She ran up to one, and picked it up, and saw that indeed, there was a pony missing.

"Girls, some of the ponies are missing." Twilight said.

"More like a lot of them, look!" Rainbow said, and pointed to the right. Twilight gasped. To her right, where some more missing posters, of different ponies. As her eyes scanned the posters, they shrunk as she recognized two of them. As she walked up to the two, her worst fears where confirmed.

The missing poster was of Twilight Velvet and Night Light, both of her parents. She gasped, as the world around her seemed to fall apart. She could only look at the poster, as her friends were looking at her, confusion on their faces.

"Twilight.... Are you okay?" Spike asked, which snapped her out of her staring contest with the poster.

"My Parents...... There Missing..." Twilight said, earning a gasp from everypony else.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted, still in shock over what they just heard. Twilight sniffed, as she took a look back at the posters.

"Yeah, missing...." Twilight said, as she began to let the tears break from her eyes. She never thought that this would happen, it just seemed like a thing that happened to everypony else, but never happened to her. However, that just was not the case here.

As she wetted the paper with her tears, her friends, along with Spike and Zachary could only stare at her, with sadden expressions plastered on their faces. None of them were really sure what they could do, whether they should go up to Twilight, or to just let here rinse out her eyes from the large amounts of tears.

My parents.... They were always there for me.... Even in my time of need.... What do I do...? Twilight thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when she felt a small little arm wrap around her back. She looked, only to see Zachary, who was hugging her, with comfort.

"We can find them! I know we can...." Zachary said, trying his best to make Twilight feel better, and it was working.

I have a child now too, and if I was missing, I* would want to see Zachary again, my little boy.... I have to find my parents! Twilight thought to herself, as her tears came to a halt. She looked down at Zachary, and gave him a soft, yet determined look.

"Your right Zachary." Twilight said, as she placed a hoof on Zachary's shoulder. "We can find them, and we will find them." Now with determination, she levitated Zachary onto her back, and walked back to her friends. "We need to find my parents. Maybe the pony who took them, took all the other missing ponies as well."

They all nodded in agreement with her, but soon gave each other confused looks. Applejack looked at Twilight.

"Um, where do we start exactly?" She asked, not at all sure where to start.

"The best place would be my parents house." Twilight said. "They might have left something that could be a lead." They all gave a nod of confirmation.

"Well, lets get going then!" Rainbow said. They all walked to the house, to find out what exactly happened to her parents.

Author's Note:

Finished this at 11 p.m, hope you liked this one.