• Published 4th Apr 2018
  • 6,530 Views, 187 Comments

A True Mother - cccvvvttt

  • ...

Chapter 7

A few days ago....

Luna's moon shinned down upon Canterlot, as many of the residents were peacefully sleeping in their beds. One of them, happened to be the princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle. Though she was not sleeping in her own bed, she was sleeping in one of the beds in Canterlot castle, the place where Celestia, along with her sister lived at. Twilight was not alone in the room, as she had her assistant Spike, and her adopted human child, Zachary sleeping in the same room with her. She had her wing placed softly, and with protection around her sons body, as they both peacefully slept.

Twilight's sleep was cut short however, when she hear the noise of the bedroom door open. Due to the fact that she could be a light sleeper sometimes, she could often wake up to the slightest noise, even though most of the time she had a hard time waking up to such things. She rubbed her eyes, as she got up slowly, trying her best not to wake up the sleeping child next to her.

"Who's there....?" She asked groggily. When her vision came back in full force, she could see the darkened figure of a unicorn pony walking into the room. Once that unicorn walked into the light of the moon, Twilight could easily see who it was. It was prince Blueblood. "Blueblood! What are you doing in her?" He just chuckled as a response.

"Oh Twilight, you have made a terrible mistake, yes you have indeed." Blueblood said, laughing quietly.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asked, before shaking her head. "Get out! We're trying to get some sleep here!" He in response, just shook his head in disagreement.

"Oh no Twilight, you got this all wrong. It is you that will be leaving this room. In fact, you wont even be able to use your body after I'm done with you." He said, making Twilight even more annoyed than she had to be.

"Stop it, or I'll say to Celestia that you wouldn't leave us alone, and then you'll get punished." Twilight said, in a low harsh whisper.

"Hey, do you remember that pain you had in your neck earlier?" Blueblood asked, causing Twilight to be stunned.

"What...? How did you know about that?" She asked, still annoyed. He just smiled, as his horn lit up, causing green magic to come out of it, and to flow into Twilight's neck, in the same place she felt that pain in. She gritted her teeth, as she felt herself loose control of her own body. Soon, she fell off the bed, causing Zachary to jolt up. However, him being extremely tired, he fell back to sleep.

"Good now, don't wake up Zachary, be good and stay there, I still want you, and nopony else is going to have you." He said, as he levitated Twilight out of the room, and into the dark abyss that were the hallways. He was taking her in a place nopony could find her, until it was time to use her.

Present day

Zachary woke up to a loud noise, that also caused him to jolt up in surprise. As he looked around, he could see that he was in the castles throne room, however there was something different about it. It was in a darker color, and instead of the two thrones that were there for both of the princesses, instead there was only one, and the pony sitting in that throne was none other than Blueblood.

"Why hello there Zachary, it's nice to see that you're up." He chuckled, before putting on a serious face. "After your three day nap." This caused the young child to drop his jaw with surprise.

"Wait, I've been out for three days?!" He asked, with a shocked expression on his small face.

"Yep, and I, being as great as I am, decided to look over you." He said, putting on a fake sadden look. "It's too bad that your mommy couldn't be here to do that. What a shame..." Zachary quickly got up, and gave an angry look at the rotten prince.

"No, you're the one who took her away!" He replied, feeling his anger growing stronger and stronger by the second. "What did you do with her?! Give her back to me!" Blueblood once again let out one of his cursed chuckles.

"Oh, silly child. You can't have her back, you belong to me now, and you will never see her again." He responded, before continuing. "In fact, I got Celesta, Luna, and most of the ponies you've met down in Canterlot dungeons, except for you." Zachary seemed confused more than anything.

"So why did you keep me up here? Why didn't you also put me in the dungeons?" Zachary asked, and Blueblood chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked, Zachary just being silent for that. "It's simple, you're popular in this world. The only human that has been here. Everypony knows your story. You had a great family in your homeland, then your dad looses his job, and so does your mom. Then, he kills your mom, making him go to this jail place in the human world. You get adopted by two of the most horrible humans ever, and Princess Luna makes you come here. You nearly get killed by getting shot by the one named John. Do you see my point now?"

Zachary still didn't understand, and Blueblood let out an annoyed sigh, whilst putting a hoof up to his face with annoyance.

"You can make a good name for myself, you knucklehead!" Blueblood shouted, causing the young child to flinch back a bit. "I need you to say how much I helped you ever since you came here, how I'm such a great pony to be around, and how I'm better that Celestia or Luna could ever hope to be, it's that simple!" Zachary looked shocked, but then he put on a brave face, as he walked closer to the snobby prince.

"You think I'll ever do that?! Help you after everything you have done?! Forget it, I would rather die than do that!" Zachary shouted, while staring daggers at the prince. He sighed, as he looked at the two royal guards that he had taken control of.

"Fine, have it that way. But just so you know, now the citizens will have to suffer from your mistake." Blueblood smirked, as he lifted a hoof, pointing to the exit of the room. "Guards, round up the ponies of Canterlot. They don't deserve to have any sort of freedom. Take them to the dungeons, and make a few build a statue of me or something." The guards left without saying anything, due to Blueblood using the same spell he did on Twilight.

"What... What are you going to do with me?" Zachary asked timidly. Blueblood let out a smile, as the door to the throne room creaked open, as the both looked. It was the same shadow pony that had taken him from the hidden library underground.

"I'm extremely bored, so I want you to fight this dark pony. If you win, then I'll throw you in the dungeons with your fellow friends. If you loose, then I'll throw you in a dungeon without your friends." Blueblood said. Zachary wasn't much of a fighter, but he turned around, and raised his fist up, ready to defend himself from whatever it was. "Oh, and there's a catch as well...."

He shinned his horn, as the darkness around the pony started to disappear, revealing the pony under it. The pony caused Zachary to freeze.

It was Twilight. His mother. She still had some of the shadow around her eyes, her eyes no longer being lavender, but instead a horrifying green glowing color. Her body twitched unnaturally, as she made her way over to the small child, who was now horrified.

"M-mommy...?" He asked, while trembling with the sudden fear he had in his heart. She just walked closer and closer to him, as Blueblood laughed. He had to fight his own adopted mother.

A few moments ago...

Cloudy Arrow felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, as his vision started returning to him. At first, it was blurry, but then it started to get more clear and clear, as he began to recognize the figure above him. The figure was of another pony, who he knew as TriforceAndroid.

"My head, ugh..." He said, starting to get up slowly, as the pain he felt grew less and less. As soon as he got up, he began to wobble around, as if he had a long night at a bar.

"Whoa dude, take an easy. You've been out the last fey days." TriforceAndroid said, as he reached out a hoof, which Cloudy
gradually took.

"What happened...?" He asked, rubbing the back of his still aching head.

"Blueblood happened." TriforceAndroid replied. "He has Princess Celestia in one of the other dungeons, and he put a thing around her horn so that she can't use any of her magic! Blueblood probably took over Canterlot!" Cloudy Arrow gasped, as he looked around the dark dungeon.

"We've got to find a way out of here then!" Cloudy Arrow said, before remembering the other elements. "What about the other elements? Can't they help us?" TriforceAndroid shook his head no in response.

"No, I think they have been taken into the other cells. We're on our own right now." He said, as he to began to look around. "We need to escape from here, and take down Blueblood!" Cloudy nodded in agreement, before he remembered somepony, or more like some human.

"Wait, what about Zachary? Is he here?" Cloudy Arrow asked, and TriforceAndroid sadly shook his head.

"No, he's with Blueblood. I don't know what he wants with the child, but whatever it is, it can't be good." He replied, as they both suddenly heard a pair of hoof steps coming their way. This gave Cloudy Arrow an idea.

"I have an idea! Quickly, hide in a dark area!" He harshly whispered, and TriforceAndroid did just that. As the guard came closer and closer, Cloudy started to act like he was in great pain. He started to groan and make a lot of noises, indicating that he was in pain.

"Help me..." He said, as he was holding his side. "You got to get a doctor..." The guard, who was under Bluebloods control, had no idea if he should try to help the inmate, or just keep walking. He thought of the words Blueblood had told him

Make sure that our 'guest's are in good health. I might need them later for them to do my bidding. The guard knew that something was wrong, so he levitated one of the keys he had around his neck, and unlocked the cell.

"This better be important...." He said, as he walked in to examine Cloudy. As he was doing so, he failed to notice the figure coming out of the darkness. The figure slowly came up to him, with a hoof raised. "I don't see what could be wrong with you. You're fine-" He was cut off, when he felt the hoof make contact with the back of his head, powerful enough to knock him out. Luckily, he had his helmet removed, due to that being the only way that Blueblood could control them. They grabbed the key, and left the cell, locking it so the guard couldn't escape when he awoke.

"There, now he wont be a problem any more." TriforceAndroid said, as they both walked down the hallway. They passed many cells, most of them were empty, but they stopped at the ones that had familiar ponies in them.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! All of you!" Cloudy Arrow exclaimed, as he saw the two princesses and the mane six in the cells, the ones that had horns had something around them that didn't let them use magic, and the ones with wings had them tied together.

"Cloudy Arrow, TriforceAndroid...... How did you get out of your cells?" Celestia asked, showing signs of weakness in her voice.

"We tricked one of the guards. We need to get you out of here!" TriforceAndroid said, as he walked towards the cage.

"No, forget about us." Rainbow spoke up, starting to stand. "You have to go and get Zachary, and you have to take down Blueblood." Cloudy Arrow shook his head in disagreement.

"No, we can get you guys out of here, we can't do it without you." Cloudy Arrow said, as he tried get the cell opened with his hoof, but failing at doing so. Celestia looked at her two guards.

"You have too, I'm sorry, but Blueblood has the key to this cell, and it wont open without it." Celestia explained. "I believe in you two, I don't know why he didn't brainwash you two, but it's up to you two now to get Zachary, and to stop Blueblood. I can't believe my own nephew would ever do this to me, but he did, and he made it very clear. I just wish I could see it before we ended up here..." Celestia said, looking down. Cloudy Arrow and TriforceAndroid looked at each other, before looking back.

"Blueblood has the entire royal guard under control, right?" TriforceAndroid said, He remembered when Cloudy Arrow was still knocked out, he heard him talking about it with Celestia and the others. "How are we supposed to defeat him, and get Zachary if he has power like that?" Celestia had an answer.

"Try to find Princess Twilight, or try to get a message to the Crystal Empire to help us." Celestia responded, before putting on a soft smile. "You two are some of my best royal guards that I have, I know you can do this. Quickly, go up to where ever Blueblood is, and then free us after he is no longer in power." She was right, Cloudy Arrow and TriforceAndroid were two of her best guards. They knew they had to do something.

"Alright... We'll try...." TriforceAndroid said, as the both of them began to walk further down the hallway, receiving a lot of words of support from the mane six and the two princesses. They walked until they found a staircase that lead upwards into the castle. Once they were inside the castle, there was something different about it. They could sense it. It seemed darker than usual, and there were other weird vibes that it was giving off.

"Come on, lets go." Cloudy Arrow said, as they both walked down the hallway. Neither of them had their helmets on, so it was easy to walk past the other guards, as they pretended to be hypnotized, which worked well for them.

"We're do you think he is?" TriforceAndroid asked, looking around the area. They soon spotted the throne room, and heard an all too familiar voice in there. "He's in the throne room.... Why didn't we try that before...?" His question did not receive an answer, as he and Cloudy Arrow walked up to the door, as the heard the voice of a young child.

"M-mommy...?" The voice said, and the both of them knew that voice. It belonged to Zachary.

"He's definitely in there!" Cloudy Arrow said, as they both of them rammed through the door. As Blueblood was about to watch the fight between mother and son, he was caught off guard by the sound of the door being forcefully opened. He looked and saw that the only two guards he didn't take control of, were there.

"What the- How did you escape from the dungeons?!" Blueblood demanded, and they both chuckled at that.

"It wasn't that hard when you only have one guard down there." TriforceAndroid said, wile looking at Zachary, and then gasping at what he saw. He saw the unnatural form of Twilight, who was looking down at her son. She had no control over herself.

"What have you done to Twilight?" They both shouted, and Blueblood just shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess she finally had enough of the stupid child, and now she wants to get rid of him. It's as simple as that" Blueblood said however, Cloudy Arrow and TriforceAndroid didn't believe such lies.

"You're a liar! Twilight wouldn't ever want to get rid of him! You brainwashed her!" Cloudy Arrow claimed, pointing a hoof at him. "Let her go right now!" Blueblood shook his head, as he walked down from his throne. He had gained so much power from the last three days, that it also blinded him.

"If you want her back, then all you have to do, is defeat me." Blueblood said, with a smile that could make the bravest pony cower in fear. "Not like that will happen. You're no match for me." He said, as he charged his horn, and shot a beam at them. They both dodged it, as they knew that they had no other option, but to fight him.

Meanwhile, the possessed Twilight walked up to Zachary, growling lowly as she did. He backed up, knowing that Twilight would never do this to him. He didn't want to fight her, because he knew that she was still inside there somewhere. He just had to get her out.

"Mom, I know your still in there somewhere, please.... Come out, this isn't you...." He pleaded. It seemed to get to her a little, but she shook her head, and gave him a look of anger.

I'm not your mother.... It said, as she lit her horn, and blasted magic at Zachary, who quickly dodged the attack.

"Mommy, please! I'm your son! I'm your son! I love you mommy. Please...." He said, putting sadness in his voice. The darkness detached itself from Twilight's body, for just a second.

"Zachary....?" Twilight asked, before the darkness latched itself back onto her. The smile Zachary got when he thought he snapped Twilight out of it, slowly turned into a frown, as the possessed Twilight ran up to him, with the intent of doing something very bad to him.

Cloudy Arrow and TriforceAndroid were also trying their best to defeat Blueblood. They attacked him, trying to apprehend him, but failing at doing so. Blueblood had really gotten more power.

"Blueblood, stop! You know this is wrong!" Cloudy Arrow said, as he dodged yet another one of his attacks.

"I don't care! Your opinion doesn't matter to me, I will make sure that all of you suffer, I don't care about anypony else." Blueblood shouted. His words were true, he did only care about himself, and he did isolate himself from most other ponies for his life. That's why he lived in the castle, his parents wanted him to make friends, and they though Celestia would hep with that, but no matter what, he just always wanted to be alone, and he wanted power.

"Blueblood, if you continue, then we'll have no choice, but to hurt you." TriforceAndroid said, but his words bounced off of Blueblood, as he charged at him. Triforce, in defense, punched him when he got too close. He fell back, and he landed on his forehead. As he did, a loud CRACK rang out, as the two guard ponies had an idea of what just happened.

Blueblood got up, and what they saw shocked them. His horn had a large crack down the middle, meaning he could no longer use his magic.

"What have you two done?!" He demanded, but then he was quickly brought down by Cloudy Arrow, who apprehended him, and for good measures, punched him in the face. TriforceAndroid also came up to hold him down.

Zachary was pleading with Twilight. He refused to fight her, and he wasn't going to fight her, but she had no control over herself. That fact alone made Zachary shudder.

"Mommy... It's me! Please.... stop.... I love you.... You saved me from John..." Zachary said. He could tell Twilight was doing everything she could to fight the darkness. She was trying everything she could to fight off the darkness. Zachary knew he just needed a little more before she was free.

"Mommy..... you mean everything to me..... please... fight it.... I know you can- ARGGGG!" He suddenly shouted with pain, however, it didn't come from the possessed Twilight. Instead, it came from Zachary side, a little bit of blood coming out. He felt so much pain, that he collapsed, yet despite that, he still tried to get Twilight to snap out of it.

"Mommy......" He said, his vision blacking out. Suddenly, he felt magic come into contact with him however, it wasn't painful. Instead, it was warm, welcoming feeling. He could still feel the pain , but he could feel it slowly heal. He looked up, and saw the darkness that was attached to her was above her, and Twilight was using the healing spell that she would use whenever he felt the pain however, it seemed like it wasn't working like how it was before.

Twilight had tears streaming down her eyes as she used her magic to try and heal him the best she could. It seemed that the pain he had was somehow fighting back against her though, but she was but she was not going to give up. She grunted, as she kept focusing her magic on him.

Zachary then suddenly could no longer feel the pain, and he also felt something fall out from his side. It was the shards of a bullet. The same bullet that Zachary got shot with. Once Twilight stopped using her magic, the darkness above her flew around the room, before it finally disappeared, not being able to find another host worthy of it. Twilight rubbed her head, as she spotted her son, who was slowly beginning to get back onto his feet.

"Mom.....?" He asked. Twilight let a few tears fall from her eyes, as she ran up to Zachary \, and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Zachary! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, and he just nodded as a response. "I'm so so sorry that I did that to you. Can.... Can you ever forgive me?" He nodded his head in response.

"Of course I can, you weren't in control of yourself, but when you saw me in pain, you got control back." Zachary said. It was true. Twilight did get control back after seeing her son in pain. That's something a true mother does. "I love you mommy..." Twilight smiled, as she rubbed his back with comfort.

"I still love you too, and I always will...." Twilight said, as she continued to hold onto him. She looked down at the ground, and saw the bullet shards. "No wonder you were in pain, the doctors forgot to remove this." Zachary didn't care about that right now. He gotten his mother back.

Zachary's birthday.....

Zachary, who was now seven instead of six, was walking to Sugar-cube-corner with Twilight. Everything was back to normal, Blueblood was thrown in prison for his crimes. Since nopony died, he didn't need to have the same fate that John had. Twilight smiled down at the young child, who was walking close to her. He had no idea about what was to come.

"Why are we going to Sugar-cube corner?" Zachary asked, as Twilight once again smiled down at him

"You'll see, it's a surprise." Twilight said, as they finally reached the bakery. Once they stepped inside, there was a loud SURPRISE from the crowd. Zachary jumped, but when he saw all the ponies that he had met there, and the banner that said happy birthday, he smiled.

"This is for me?" He asked, his smile growing bigger as the crowd shouted yes. Twilight levitated a present that was hiding behind her mane, and handed it to Zachary.

"Happy birthday, Zachary. I hope you like it." Twilight said, as Zachary suddenly pulled her into a hug.

"The best present I got was you, mommy." Zachary said. This made Twilight's eyes leak tears of joy, as she hugged back.

"The best present I got was having you as a son." She said, as they both hugged. This was Zachary's best birthday that he had in a long while. He was happy to live in Equestria, and he always would be.

The End

Comments ( 23 )

You're good at this

Awesome ending. 10/10!


That was an Amazing Ending!!! *squees* *Gives a HUGE hug to (ATM) Cloudy & Triforce*Also while reading this I was so enraged at blueblood that an another alternative end to him (way worse than demon me killing him) was created

In my previous comment i mentioned i created an AE for Blueblood if you want to know to know what it is Just think cupcakes but with A very very :flutterrage: and :pinkiecrazy: me (Human) and blueblood.

Comment posted by OliverSparkle deleted May 7th, 2018

Amazing really amazing :twilightsmile:

Wait hang on, what about Night Light and Twilight Velvet? Did Zachary ever got a chance to meet his grandparents?

I'm very confused now, what happened with blueblood, how they defeated him, how they rescued the princesses and the mane six, what happened afterwards, and what happend with the library pony ?

i see grammar errors in it but also good story

Blue blood was thrown in prison. It says that in one of the last paragraphs, they defeated him by cracking his horn, then apprehending him. It said that he had the key, and every pony Zachary knew was there, so they were free.

Everypony Zachary met was at the party. He met them once, so that included them

Ah okay, was a good story btw

But I thought this story was gonna get a worst, sad, good and true ending as well

It was, but I did that with the others, no one read them, so I didn’t see the point

Alright then

Can’t wait for your next stories to come

Can you make a short story about me and Cloudy Arrow being rewarded for helping out and being dubbed as Royal Detectives? I think it'd be a good touch!

I’ll try

I just wanted to take a look at how far the story was and it is already finished? My feeling is telling me it is way to short if the pacing is similar to the first story, as far as I have read it already.

Sorry normally I don't write before actually reading it, but recently I want to speak my mind if I'm suprised about something and stuff like that.

Well... okay. I gotta say, it's a little difficult to take things seriously when Blueblood's plan is so... weird, and not even all that important since he abandons it so quickly. But even more so finding the diary with the three-step plan for eternal domination. Actually making it entries, like written text, would've helped immensely. Just those three bullet points, that's more funny than threatening.

Overall, I'd suggest trying to add a little more subtlety. If you hammer the audience over the head at each appearance of Blueblood that he's the Bad Guy, it lacks tension. Remember Gladmane, he didn't start out right away as the obvious antagonist. I mean, you added a line about how he was planning something like at the Gala with Rarity, but as far as I'm aware, he didn't plan anything then. He was too prissy and she got angry with him (they also apparently made up in another episode); what was this supposed plan anyway?

Anyhow, I see you're writing stories where OCs of your friends appear, and perhaps that's the main focus. I just wish you'd leave a little more room for other people to get invested in your work.

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