• Member Since 5th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Sunday

Israel Yabuki

Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories


Comments ( 60 )

Word of advice: to tie in with the first story, have them visit the restaurant

I'm sorry that he had a bad family you can get bad family great work cant wait for the next chapter

Well what do we have here, a bit of sexy fun with moondancer? this is gonna be fun. Nice to see her getting more love.

Good job my friend!! ANy news on the changeling story? Or any others currently in development?

my editor is planning on helping me out with the rest of the story since I'm way behind on it

That run-on description. Fix it. Fix it, now.

Does Twilight Sparkle appear or at least get mentioned in this story?

Wow. Another update so soon. Didn't see that coming. Definitely not complaining though

I love how this series is so long

of course, my editor and I are working on that right now

Wow. Done already. You must've really wanted to do this. Though, if I may ask, who's next? You've done the Mane 6, the Royal Sisters, Cadance, Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, Tempest, Fleur, Chrysalis, Saffron, Ember, even FlutterBat. And now you did Moon Dancer. So yeah. Who's next?

Up next is the long-awaited Spike x Emily clopfic

Can you make an extended remake of twilight's story?

With a little bit of teamwork and some extra freetime, my editor and I finished up faster than expected

you mean add a few more chapters to the Twilight story I made a year ago?

It didnt much of a rating and i think it deserves better.

The writer has gotten better over time. I beleive it can't hurt to go back and make some imporvments without harming the main storyline. But i just feel bad that Twilight's story had the lowest rating.

Even though I appreciate the support, I still feel like it was rushed. While, I am going to have them get together in 1 month, I'm gonna make sure they actually take the time to improve themselves as friends first.

I think I'll take up on that advice and get to work on the previous stories

I can imagine you made the reader in Rara’s story sing boulevard of Broken Dreams well it’s your story you write it the way you wanted to be

Actually, I have another idea for the OC's trademark song

you didn't give us a description of Agni is it because he's still a baby?

Here's his description: He has his mother's fur and hair color, but has his dad's eyes

What you think of Agni and Raging Halberd

Not bad eh, I like it.
(I am not Canadian, my cousin is)

My 1 question is this, who takes off their pants before their shoes?

Moondancer looked up at you with an adorable smile with an added blush. The light from Luna’s moon made her fur glow so brightly and it also seemed to make her eyes twinkle beautifully. You fell head over heels in love with her even more. Without her even realizing it, Moondancer danced with you in a slightly faster pace. When she did realize it, she felt happy that she still had the ability to dance so wonderfully.

No wander why she is called Moondancer.

This is good so far. I mean the pacing is pretty fast but Im still enjoying it.

You know I can totally imagine both of them dancing with this song playing in the background.


Not a bad choice. I visioned them dancing to this song

Luna giggled as she was sure her husband would have already told you that. “Dear subject, you are in the great city of Canterlot which is the capital of our land, Equestria,” she explained placing a gentle hand on your shoulder as you continued to look out the window.

And yet, the names of these places still doesn't give him any geographical understanding of where he is. Nobody brings a map or gets a map, or even a globe, for these displaced humans to know where they are.

like I said, that, I'm trying my hardest, okay? My editor and I aren't scientists

“Oh come here, you tease,” Moondancer giggled before she reached around your neck to pull you toward her lips. She added a little more tongue to the kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth and vice versa. She started getting more adventurous and reached down, grabbing one of your butt cheeks. You didn’t mind it at all.

What is it with girl's touching guys asses

Some girls are attracted to guys with plump asses

“Imagine that: You asking me, Moondance, to “dance” with you under the light of the “moon.”

I thought they had a thing for breasts. Big ones.

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