• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 2,737 Views, 104 Comments

Studying (with) You - PonyPlays2014

Sandbar decides to be Gallus tutor and help him understand Generosity. And he must hurry because the exams are almost due! But they soon discovers something else along the way.

  • ...

Fauna the Fan

"Here", Gallus says as he takes the round object into his other claw and places it on the ground between them.

The pony stares at it without showing any reaction at all.

"A ball? Where did you get a ball from? And why?"

"That's my ball. You should have seen it when you-", the blue male begins to explain but he stops himself before bringing up that painful experience again.

I should've just stopped after ball, the griffon criticizes himself but Sandbar tries his best to remember the ball and, indeed, he does remember it.

"Oh right! I almost tripped over it when I came by the way", he answers and the additional information causes the griffon to chuckle and scratch the back of his head.

I should better not bring up the talk itself, Sandbar thinks after he finished his sentence.

"Well", he rejoins with a laughter accompanying his voice, "Luckily nothing happened, right?"

"Lucky for you", Sandbar teases him before asking him why he brought the ball.

Gallus picks up the ball again and explains, "You said you could teach me a few tricks soooo..."

He places the ball right in front of the pony's left front hoof and takes a few steps back before continuing his explanation, "show me what you have in store."

"Oh", Sandbar lets out a little voice as he realizes what is going on.

I was just kidding... I mean, I am pretty good but the last time I played was in that tournament and I might be a bit rusty and maybe I oversold myself there... but I guess I can show him a few of my old tricks.

He looks back at Gallus, who smiles and nods his head towards the ball in anticipation, and, after taking a deep breath, he kicks the ball into the air and begins to keep it in the air by hitting it over and over again with either his hooves, his head or his backside.

Not bad, not bad but I'm sure I can top that. the blue male thinks as he watches Sandbar perform his little trick.

"Hey", he shouts as he raises to the sky and waves his arms to get the pony's attention, "pass it to me! We can win this super important and totally not fictional tournament final game! Pass the ball to me!"

A smiles appears on the stallion's face as he notices his friend in the air and, while pretending to be a commentator, he kicks the ball high enough for Gallus to catch it.

"The Star Defender from the School of Friendship passes the ball to the team's eyes in the sky and strongest offense player. Those two really form a dangerous combination that no one can stop!"

With the ball in his claw Gallus makes a few quick twists and turns before flying a loop and dropping the ball at it's peak to give his friend the opportunity to shoot.

"What's that!", the griffon reports in a strange accent, "Gallus dropped the ball! Was that a miscalculation or did the ball slip out of his claw?"

Before the ball hits the ground Sandbar gathers all the power he has and hits the ball as hard as possible. It flies high into the air and in a 45° angle, a perfect shot... until it hits the tree's canopy and gets stuck there.

"Great shot but maybe you can practice your aim a little bit more", Gallus jokes before landing next to his friend, who stares at the tree in horror.

Oh no! The ball! I need to get it back or Gallus will freak out!

"I'm so sorry", Sandbar jabbers without taking his eyes off the plant, "I didn't mean to lose your ball. I will get it back, don't worry. Whoever loses it, fetches it after all, right? Just wait here and I-"

"Dude", Gallus stops the stallion from going on and on with his apology by covering his mouth with one of his claws, "Chill, okay? I'll get it. I can just fly up there and get it. If you climb all the way up and down again we will be here for days. Plus you are not a good climber... You know that, right?"

But Sandbar can't accept that. His friend already proved to him today that he can be generous and friendly and it was the rule their group decided on together. It was the only fair way to decide it when they were playing together.

"But... but...", he stammers even with the claw still covering his mouth, "the rule says that I have to get it so-"

"And I say I will get it now so sit down and watch, okay?"

He spreads his wings and flaps them a few times to gain as much height as he needs. The tree is about 30 to 32 feet high and the ball landed almost at the top. He carefully comes closer so he doesn't hurt his wings or gets stuck like the ball. It happened before and he does not want it to happen again!

Where is that ball... I know it should be here somewhere... The tree is green and the ball is purple and black! There is no way I can miss it

But, much to his surprise and his annoyance, the ball seems to have landed near the trunk of the tree where it's darker and, therefore, much harder to see.

Great... Maybe I should have let Sandbar get- No, no, no! He would have taken too long and what if he got hurt or, even worse, got stuck? It's safer this way, he scolds himself for even starting to think that way and, after landing on one of the thicker branches, he makes his way into the green depths of the tree.

Luckily for him the ball isn't that hard to find but it still takes him some time to get there, because he can't fly with so many branches and leaves nearby, and free it from the tree's strong clutch.

Finally! Let's get out of here... This place sucks...

With that goal in mind he turns around and follows the same way he used to get to the ball to get out of this greenish nightmare. And, after long minutes of suffering, he finally escapes the hellish hold of the tree. It may have just been a tree but this tree is a traumatizing one!

"You got the ball! You're awesome!"

He hears his friend cheering him on as he descends from the top of the tree to land on the blanket with the ball in his claws. The former frown is instantly replaced by a big smile and reddish cheeks.

"You got the ball!", he repeats but, after taking a closer look at the griffon, he begins to giggle, "And a few other things..."

Gallus is covered in little sticks and leaves. His wings, his back, his hind paws, his neck and even the top of his head is decorated with little pieces of brown and green. One of the little sticks is right bellow his beak and it looks pretty funny in contrast with the yellow feathers.

"What do you mean?", Gallus asks but instead of getting a real answer, Sandbar steps right in front of him and comes closer to his beak.

The griffon's head turns completely red immediately! At least it would have if his blue feathers wouldn't hide some of it but the color does come through a bit. But the heat he feels is there, no doubt, and it ignites his entire body with the heat of at least a thousand candles.

I... He... What is he..., his mind tries to work but this moment is just to much to handle for him.

He closes his eyes and waits but instead of feeling what he thought, or at least hoped, would happen he hears his friend saying something.

"Your entire body is covered with leafs and sticks from the tree. It looks pretty funny but if I were you I would probably get rid of them. They could get very annoying."

He... took a leaf... That's it, the griffon thinks as he stares at the green plant in the pony's hoof.

He must have spit it out before telling him about it

And I imagined...

The heat increases even more as he realizes what he thought would happen and that he really wanted it to happen. And the offer his friend makes him only makes the problem even worse.

"If you want to I can help you clean them off. Some of them are really hard to reach for you", Sandbar offers with a bright smile on his face.

He knows that Gallus would never accept someone else cleaning him. He takes big pride in his look and he would drop dead before letting someone else help him with it. And again he is right with his speculation.

"No thanks!", the blue male sputters, "I will search a restroom and take care of it myself."

I knew it, the pony congratulates himself and a smirk adorns his face.

He looks around and notices the big tower near town hall with a giant clock on it.

What! It's already 6 p.m.! No way! I can't believe 7 hours went by that quickly! I really need to get there again..."

"While you are gone I can pack together so we can leave", Sandbar offers but Gallus seems to be a little bit confused.

"Why? Do you want to go?", he asks but after hearing the time his eyes get wide and his beak falls open, "No way! 6 p.m.? Already? Time really flies by when you're having fun. Speaking of flying: I should really get going and find a restroom I can use. You pack and I get rid of those pesky things."

He notices a leaf sticking to his shoulder and tears it off. He drops the ball, takes off and flies to the nearby cafe and enters it, starting Sandbar's turn to act.

Now is my chance!

He folds the blanket as quick as he can and drops it next to the basket. He then takes out his little moneybag and runs off to the market area they visited this morning. Most of the booths are gone but the one he aims for is still open and his new friend is still running it.

"Hey Fauna! I'm back!", he shouts and, after noticing her new friend, the nice mare waves at him.

"Hello Sandbar! Glad you came back. Isn't your friend with you?"

She looks around and tries to spot him but her attempts are completely in vain.

"No", the male replies, "He is busy but I really wanted to come back because I need one of those flowers. Aurora's Kiss was it, right?"

The salesmare's eyes begin to sparkle and she gasps for air before asking the one question the has on her mind right now.

"You're buying it for the griffon, am I right?"

How? How can she know? Oh sweet Celestia! That's so embarrassing...

His face shows how surprised he is and his rosy cheeks tells her that she hit the bullseye with that theory.

"How do you know that?", Sandbar asks but Fauna's explanation is as simple as it is confusing for him.

"To be honest: It was pretty obvious to me. The way you talked about him and I really felt how much care for him. I didn't want to ask because it would've been rude to ask something when he was around but now I can! So..."

Her gaze passed right through his eyes and into his brain, causing Sandbar to feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"So... what?", he asks but he already knows what she wants to know.

"Does he know about you and... well... everything?"

"What do you mean with everything?", Sandbar asks as he raises one of his eyebrows in confusion.

"W...", Fauna stops and looks at him almost as if she got turned to stone by a Cockatrice but she recaptures herself pretty fast and begins her explanation.

"Well... You buy this flower for your friend, right? And you buy it because you hope that he will like it, right?"

Obviously, the stallion thinks to himself and nods two times, giving Fauna the sign to go on.

"What exactly do you want him to think when you give him the flower?"

"That it was nice from me? And that I'm glad to have him around me and that I hope we can spend more time together? Do you mean something like that?"

A small smile forms itself on the mare's face and she nods before asking one more question.

"And why do you want to spend more time with him?"

"That's easy! He is a lot of fun to hang out with and I really like to see him relaxed and calm and happy and when he is happy, so am I. Also he always has interesting ideas and is very brave and-"

"See! You are totally crushing on him. Case solved", Fauna suddenly interrupts him and a big smirk took the smile's place.

WHAT! There is no way I have a crush on Gallus! He is just a friend. A good looking, charming, funny, interesting... I have a crush on... Shoot...

His eyes turn wide and his mouth falls open as he finally realizes that the feelings he felt when he was near his friend, when his friend defended him and when he first met his friend were not just happiness or gladness, they were love and attraction.

"So you finally realized it? Good! Now we can work on a way to tell him that!"

"I can't tell him that. Especially not now! We just became friends again and I don't want to make it weird and uncomfortable for him to be around me, especially now! He needs my help with our exams and not with making his life even more confusing and frustrating. Also I don't think he... swings this way at all... But I still want to make him happy and, if that means to suppress my feeling that's fine by me. Friendship is also good... right?"

Now that I know that I actually want more than that... Is it really enough?, he asks himself but something else captures his attention.

Flora, who listened carefully to her new friend's explanation, begins to sniff and a few tears roll down her cheeks before wiping the off.

"That is the saddest thing I have ever heard! And you want the flower to make him happy and to know that there is always something from you near him... How romantic and tragic! How tragmantic!"

"That's not it! I just told you that I just want to give him those flowers because he liked them!", Sandbar tries to defend himself but something inside of him tells him that she wasn't that wrong.

It is true that he will form a connection between the flower and me but... This was not the reason why I wanted to buy it! Right?

She begins to cry even harder and blows her nose before leaving the stand for a few seconds to get the flower for Sandbar. After returning she puts the flower into a very beautiful light-green pot and hands it over to her friend, who opens his sack to pay.

"No! This is a present from me for you and your friend", she explains after refusing the coins on the counter, "I don't want your money but I want you to tell him how you feel one day, okay?"

Sandbar can't believe what he just heard!

She wants me to have it for free! No... that is too kind... There is no way I can accept that!

He shakes his head and pushes the coins even further towards her, causing Flora to look at them once more.

"I really appreciate the gesture but I can't accept it... I can't accept a present like that from someone I barely know..."

"Okay! Let's not call it a present. Let's call it a good-luck-charm I made for you and it would be very rude to refuse it now so take it and be happy with your griffon-boy or else...", Fauna twists Sandbar's own words and uses them against him with a big smile on her face.

Wow... She is smart and very stubborn... And I don't have time to continue a debate I will lose anyway so I guess it's better to accept it

He begins to giggle and puts the Bits back into his sack before admitting his defeat.

"Okay, okay. You won Fauna", he declares his surrender and takes the flowerpot, "Thank you very much... for everything. I hope we will see each other again soon."

"Of course we will! I want to congratulate you and Gallus when you two are finally a couple. There is no way I will miss out on that!"

"IF we even become a couple, which we will not", Sandbar corrects her but she meant what she said.

"You will get together... trust me. I have a sixth sense for things like that and I've never been wrong my entire life!"

Someone is excited but maybe she is right... Maybe I should tell him how I really feel and maybe he feels the same way! And then I grow wings and a horn and I become the Princess of unlikely things... Keep dreaming, keep dreaming... Those little gestures and moments must be enough for me.

"I should get going. Gallus could be back any second and I don't want him to see the flower yet. Thank you so much for your help and for listening and for the flower of course! It really helped! Bye"

He runs off and looks back to see Fauna wave him goodbye.

Better hurry or Gallus will catch me red hooved! Literally!

Without wasting any second he crosses the bridge and reaches the basket. He carefully puts the pot next to the blanket and takes the bottles and empty boxes out of the basket so he can reorganize it.

I have to make sure the pot and the flower don't get damaged when we home... Let's see...

The pony takes the pot and places it in the center of the basket and tries his best to work around it while packing together the bottles and the boxes. After reshuffling it about three times he finally succeeds and, to hide the new object, he covers the basket's opening with the picnic blanket.

Looks normal... He shouldn't get suspicious.

He sits down and waits for Gallus to return, which does not take very long. Only a minute later the griffon shows up, completely clean and freed from the twigs and leaves.

"Shall we go?", the blue male asks and Sandbar agrees after taking the basket and placing it on his back.

Gallus also takes his brown bag, places his ball inside it and hangs it around his shoulder.

They leave the meadow and cross the bridge, which leads them back to the market for the second, or third time in Sandbar's case. They try to get back to the fountain, where they landed before, and increase their speed but a voice they both know stops them.

"Are you leaving? Hope you had a great day Sandbar and Gallus!"

Fantastic... It's her, Gallus complains as he looks at the stand where the mare stands and waves, I need to give it to her straight but not with him around... Maybe...

He takes a quick look at the pony next to him to make sure he isn't looking right now. Luckily he is busy with waving at Fauna.

"Oh no!", he shouts, which catches Sandbar's attention, "I think I forgot my little sack with bits..."

He exaggerates with his tone, making him sound more like a damsel in distress than a guy who lost something but it seems to work perfectly.

"Don't worry! I'll go back and look for it, okay? You stay here", Sandbar offers and, before Gallus can even accept his offer, he already ran off to get it.

Finally... I hope you're ready for this!

"Hey... ehm...", he shouts as he makes his way towards her, "Sorry, I forgot your name. What was it again?"

He reaches the booth and stops in front of it.

"No big deal. Fauna is my name and flowers are my game! Well... actually they are my goods but it doesn't sound nearly as good as game. Where is Sandbar?"

"Oh he wanted to get something really quick but I want to know something. Are you from here?"

"Me?", she asks while pointing her hoof at herself and Gallus nods, "Nonono, I'm not from Ponyville. I'm from Sire's Hollow but I come here sometimes to sell my flowers and other products. And where are you from?"

Not from here? That's all I need to know, the griffon-male thinks to himself and a small grin appears on his face but he forces it to disappear while indicating the mare to get a bit closer so he can tell her what she wants to know.

At least that's what he wants her to think.

"That doesn't matter now. What matters is that, if you don't want to have a huge problem with me, you should stay away from Sandbar. Do you understand me?"

The smile on the mare's face slowly melted away as she heard the griffon's words and now a blank expression decorates her face.

"Do you understand?", Gallus repeats but Fauna still shows no real reaction to his questions so he decides to make it even more obvious what he wants.

He pauses and takes a deep breath before getting even closer to the mare's face and whispers something.

"Stay... away... from... Sandbar... Do you understand me? Stay away."

Fauna stares at him and his face shows the scariest expression she ever saw in her entire life.

"I...I...", the shaking mare stutters but she can't say anything.

She met many jealous mares and stallions before but a jealous male griffon is at least ten times scarier. At least! So instead of answering she nods and that is Gallus's cue to leave. But before he leaves he shows her that he is always watching her by pointing two of his claws at his own eyes, then at her and then back again at his own eyes a few times. With that taken care of he turns around and goes back to where Sandbar told him to wait. It takes a bit longer than he expected but Sandbar finally returns, disappointed in his own failure.

"Sorry... I couldn't find it", he admits but his friend cheers him up.

"I actually found it", the griffon explains, "It was in my bag but in the wrong pocket. Still thanks for going back Sandy."

Anything for you! Well... mostly anything, Sandbar thinks to himself as he enjoys the gratitude his friend showed him.

They continue their way and reach the fountain, which still looks beautiful to look at.

"Alright... Do you want to go from here or do you want to fly? I'm sure I can get us back in no time and maybe we can fly a bit higher this time if you want", the griffon asks but the decision was already made when they got here, at least for Sandbar.

"I wouldn't mind to fly... As long as I can hold onto you like I did before. it helps me feeling safer."

He looks at his friend with big eyes and trembling lips, almost resembling a little puppy who wants a home.

Stop being so cute! You're making me go through hell with your adorableness!

"Sure! I mean, if you want to. I don't mind it", Gallus replies and, after putting the basket into Sandbar's mouth, he repeats the procedure of this morning.

"I hope you're ready because here...we...GO!"

He flaps his wings as fast as he can and gains even more height that before. 30 feet... 40 feet... 50 feet!

In the meantime, Fauna recovered from the sudden verbal attack and she watches the pony and her attacker taking off.

Told ya Sandbar... My Gay-dar is never wrong. I wish you two the best of luck... and NEVER make him angry... He's scary...

We're even higher than before! How high can we go? I really want to go as high as possible but not today. I have to watch out so I don't drop the basket or the flower is done for.

The way to their school only takes a minute this time because Gallus flies a little bit faster than before. He can feel that Sandbar got used to it, at least a bit.

"Look! There is the school! I'm going to land in front of the dorm so we don't have to walk", the pilot announces before descending carefully and landing right in front of the door.

He lets go of his friend before touching the ground himself and folds his wings.

"Let's go inside", the pony suggests and Gallus agrees with him, opening the door to let him inside first.

They make their way to the first floor and stop in front of Sandbar's room, where their ways part for now.

"Today was awesome Sandbar, the picnic was a great idea. I can still taste the griffon scones", Gallus compliments his friend, who blushes slightly and thanks him for coming.

"I had so much fun with you. I hope we can repeat that."

"How about tomorrow? I'm free and that way we can also study a bit for-", the griffon reveals his idea but the pony cuts him off.

"Sorry... I'm very busy tomorrow but if you want we can do something together the day after tomorrow. But not too early, okay? Is 2 p.m. okay for you?"

But... He promised me to study. Isn't that the reason why he wanted to be my tutor? And now he says he's busy tomorrow? I can't belie... No, no I have to respect that and be nice. I'm sure he has something very important to do and the day after tomorrow sounds not bad.

Gallus's mind is running wild but he has no other choice but to accept his friend's wish.

"Sure... no problem...", he replies, setting their meeting in stone that way.

"Welp... I think I should get going... Today really wore me out. Good night-"


The pony places his hoof on the griffon's back to stop his exit.

"There is something I want you to have", he says before pulling away the picnic blanket and revealing the Aurora's Kiss, which causes Gallus to gasp in surprise and shock.

"I...is that...", he stutters and Sandbar completes the sentence for him.

"Yes! That is the Aurora's Kiss from the booth. You were so hypnotized by it so I bought it for you... I hope... you like it..."

Like? Are you freaking kidding me! I... I love it! I don't know what to say! I... I have to repay him somehow, no matter how!

The griffon's mind is filled with cheer and love for the flower and, even more, for his friend, who gave him this beautiful flower.

"I... I don't know what to say... Here! Let me give you the Bits you paid fo-"

"I don't want them. I don't want anything except for you to take it. Seeing you happy is already reward enough for me."

This answer causes the griffon's face to turn as red as an apple and his body to heat up more than a bursting volcano. But he has to play it as cool as he can... which is still very excited.

"Bu... I... O-okay...", he stutters again as he takes the pot into his claws and, without thinking about it, he hugs his friend as tight as he could, refusing to let him go ever again, "Thank you Sandy."

This feels so... good... Wait! Oh No!

Gallus realizes his actions pulls back again, freeing the pony from his prison-like hold. Sandbar stares at him with wide eyes and slightly red cheeks.

That must have been so shocking and embarrassing for him...

But, much to the griffon's surprise Sandbar returns the hug, but a shorter one, and wishes him a good night after that.

"You're welcome Gallus. Good night and take care of the flower."

"I will", the blue male response while taking a look at the red plant in his claw, "Good night."

After their farewell the pony opens his door and enters it, closing it behind him and leaving Gallus in the corridor alone.

I can't believe I did this... But... he hugged me back! Maybe..., Gallus begins to interpret the pony's action but his explanation is too unlikely.

He shakes his head and deletes the thought he created while he starts to walk back to his own room on the next floor, There is no way that's true. He was just being nice like he is to everypony... But that means it works! We can get along when I act more like a pony and not like a griffon. would still have hugged him but if a different pony gave me the flower I would have most likely refused it or just took it without saying anything, like a real griffon. So being a pony really works out perfectly! Awesome! Then again, I was really mean to Fauna... Luckily Sandy wasn't there with me... Maybe I can act out my griffon-personality when he's not around! That should work, right? Ri- Ow!

The sudden pain forces the griffon to stop his walk and rub his forehead while his mind tries to explain what happened.

Are you serious! Someone must have bumped into me! Oh that pony will pay for-
His inner voice stops as he looks in front of his face and notices the door to his room.

I... It was my... door... Wow! Luckily no one saw that...

He looks around to see if the hallway is still empty and luckily it is. After exhaling he opens his door and enters it.

I need to get some sleep... I'm tired... But first I need to get some water for the plant.

Gallus places the pot on window seat, so it can get enough sunlight during the day, and takes the empty bottle he saw noticed earlier to fill it with water from the restroom. He hurries outside and returns after not even twenty seconds have passed by.

"Here you go little buddy", he whispers while he carefully waters the little plant, "drink up and stay strong. You are very important to me, you know? My friend gave you to me."

The griffon pauses after noticing that he, indeed, speaks to a flower right now.

Wow... Speaking to a plant is a new low... But it feels nice to have someone to talk to... Maybe I should talk about my feelings...

He looks at the plant and decides to go to sleep but maybe he will talk to it tomorrow but right now he is way too tired.
He empties the bottle himself and places it next to the pot so he always has something to water it with. After that he puts down his bag next to his desk and drops onto his bed, face first.

So... comfortable..., he fancies his soft bed as he slips under the blanket and lays his head on the pillow.

"Good night buddy...", he whispers while already falling asleep, "Good night... Sandy..."

Finally the griffon is in a deep sleep and his must be dreaming something good because a small smile decorates his face.

Author's Note:

Those were the two longest chapters I wrote so far and I hope you enjoyed them. Many things that came up here will play key-roles in the next chapters!