• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 2,737 Views, 104 Comments

Studying (with) You - PonyPlays2014

Sandbar decides to be Gallus tutor and help him understand Generosity. And he must hurry because the exams are almost due! But they soon discovers something else along the way.

  • ...

The Griffon's New Clothes

The day after tomorrow Sandbar mentioned is finally here and, like the first time Gallus had to meet his friend, the griffon wakes up very early in the morning. The sun has already started it's journey for half an hour but the sky is still painted in the colors of orange and red, making it seem like it's burning all by itself. The blue male slowly opens his eyes and, before realizing that it is, indeed, time for their second, and hopefully better, study session, yawns before taking the open comic book, that lies on his chest.
I must have fallen asleep yesterday... What a boring day...

He marks the open page by putting one of his claws on it before taking a quick look at the cover and, much to his surprise and frustration, he remembers this cover very well.
Seriously? I started this issue at least four times now and I'm still only halfway done with it? Since when am I such a slow reader?
This question is easily answered and Gallus knows that answer all to well.

I can't concentrate... Every time I finish a page Sandy breaks into my mind and steals my concentration away and then I have no other choice but to think of him, ask myself what to do and worry about the next time we actually stu-
He finally realizes what event is due today. His beak drops open and his pupils shrink in sizes to nothing more but little dots surrounded by a slim, blue ring in the middle of an ocean of white. In one quick motion he throws the comic away and jumps to his feet, asking himself all the while what time it could be.
He said to meet him at 2 p.m.! What time is it? What time is it!

His eyes scan the room like a passive infrared sensor, looking for everything that could tell him the time but, after noticing the color of the sky, his panic slowly begins to turn into relaxation and his pupils regain their usual size.

It can't be that late so there is still time... But why am I even awake this early? That's nothing like me at all!

He begins to question himself but, instead of finding answers, he brushes them off and decided that he went to bed early and that there is nothing strange about waking up early the next day.
But what now? I can't go there yet and be like 'Heeeeeey look who's here!' That would be weird and what if Sandbar isn't awake? I would wake him up and that could lead to an uncomfortable atmosphere...

While being completely devoted to his thoughts he picks up the comic book, which now lies somewhere in the room far away from his bed, and places it back on the pile of colorful books next to his bed. His train of questions and answers stops when he sees his little flower bathing in the sun.

“You must be thirty, right little guy? Let me get you some water.”

Gallus snatches the empty bottle and takes on his daily journey to the male restroom. Except this time the hallway isn't empty! A few other students are also already awake and are preparing themselves for the day. He notices a pale-red coated earth stallion with a long, dark-gray, frizzy and currently wet mane and tail trying his best to tame it with a comb, which does not look very easy, and a peach-colored coated pegasus stallion who is busy brushing his teeth. He tries his best to ignore them and fills up his bottle with some cold water from the faucet but his patience gets tested as hears the other two males whispering something. Suddenly the pale-red stallion tries to start a conversation with him.

“Gallus was it, right?”, the pony asks, “ The water is getting into my eye. Can you give me my face towel? It's right next to you.”
The griffon takes a look to his right and sees the white piece of fabric hanging on a hook.
"Better idea: Get it yourself. I have better things to do", the griffon replies after giving the stallion a fear-inducing look,

With that he seals the now full bottle and leaves the restroom without looking back even once.

"I told you he wouldn't do it", the pegasus states after spitting out the remaining mixture of saliva and toothpaste, "He's a griffon and griffons only do stuff for money or other goods. So if you don't offer him something he won't even look at you."
"How did he even end up here? And why is he still here! This school is for ponies and creatures who are able to adapt and he doesn't even try."

Furious about the blue male's behavior the earth pony increase the force he uses to brush his mane but he stops as he feels something on his head. It's his towel.

"Here", the pegasus says before getting back to his own morning routine and the other male thanks him with a smile.

"Thanks dude. At least I can count on ponies like you."

Gallus, who already returned to his room, is busy with watering his flower as his stomach begins to talk to him, at least that's what it sounds like to him.

Okay, okay! I will get something to eat. Just let me finish and then I'll get something to eat.

This thought seems to please his belly as the sound begins to get quieter and quieter until it falls silent completely. He empties the bottle completely and puts it back next to the pot before getting ready to eat something. Again he grabs his little sack and hangs it around his neck so he is able to buy something in the cafeteria.
Time for a snack, the griffon already looks forward to his future meal as he leaves his room and makes his way down the stairs and out of the dorm building.

He is already halfway to the school but something, or better said somepony, notices him and asks for his attention.

"Oh Gallus, darling! Good to see you! I'm terribly sorry to bother you with something like that but do you mind delivering this package for me?"
The white unicorn trots towards the griffon and she seems to be stressed.
Miss Rarity? What is she doing here and what package is she talking about?, Gallus asks himself as he watches his teacher levitate something out of her pale-pink saddlebag, which has a blue diamond on it, just like her Cutie Mark, serving as a button to close and open it.
"I was on my way to the cafeteria...", he begins to find an excuse but his teacher interrupts him almost immediately.
"I understand completely. It's just", she begins to explain, "Sandbar asked me for something and I promised him to give it to him as soon as I can but I'm very stressed out and I don't have the time to search all the rooms to find his and Twilight is also not here to help me and"
Rarity is back in her own element: talking and being a drama-queen but Gallus already stopped listening to her. He stopped after hearing his pony-friend's name and that the floating, blueish-glowing package is meant for him.

A package for Sandy? Hmmmm... I could use that as an excuse to go there early! What a coincidence or is it fate? Naaaaaah, it's a coincidence but I won't complain, it benefits me after all.

A big grin builds itself up on Gallus's face but it gets replaced with a confused expression as he realizes that his teacher is still talking.
Has she been talking the entire time? What is she even talking about?

He turns his attention back to Rarity, who is still busy with excusing herself from taking the package to Sandbar herself.

"Usually Spike or Starlight would help me with something like that but I can't find them anywhere and then I saw you. I remembered that you brought him the blanket and I thought that it would be very generous and very nice of you to bring this to him too but if you're busy I understand that completely Darling. I'm sure I will find his room so go ahead and eat something."
The unicorn begins to levitate the light-beige package back into her saddlebag but Gallus sudden protest stops her motion as she stares at him with surprise written on her face.

"I can take care of it for you and give it to Sandy- Sandbar! I'm not that hungry anyway", the blue male reasons his decision but his stomach does not seem to agree with his idea as it begins to growl even louder than before.

Shut up and don't ruin this for me or I'll eat one of those disgusting cookies whole!

The threat fulfills its purpose as it shuts up the annoying organ completely so he can continue his offer.

"And I'm sure your timetable is already filled to it's brim with work and the creation of the exams. So just leave it to me and I will take care of it immediately!"

Suddenly a bright light blinds the griffon for a brief moment but the effect wears off quickly.
Wow! What was that! That was like staring at the sun during a solar eclipse, he thinks but immediately after thinking that he identifies the light's source. It is Miss Rarity herself! Her face literally glows with happiness and joy!

"Really? Oh Thank you so much Darling!", she almost shouts as uses her magic to let the average sized package float right in front of the male's beak, who stares at it, "I knew i could count on you! Thank you so much! I owe you something but nothing concerning your grades or the exam and nothing that could ruin our teacher-student-relationship but anything else."

Gallus nods and takes the package in his claw so he can clutch it between his chest and his arm to protect it. Miss Rarity, who gives him an approving nod, tells him to give Sandbar her regards before they depart and Gallus turns around to visit his friend and to fulfill his mission.
Time to see Sandy! ... Oh! And time to give him his package!

Priorities, am I right?

With a big smile on his face he returns to the dorm and revisits his friend's door but something stops him from knocking on it the moment he reached it.
Is that... Is he still vacuuming or what? I didn't took him for being a cleaning maniac and I'm pretty sure he isn't one. He is way too calm when coming in contact with dirt or dust but maybe he spilled something or dropped something. Maybe I should come back later... Naaaaaaah!

He knocks on the door but, just like last time, no one answers him and the other two attempts are also fruitless.
Come on! I basically hammered against the door. It is actually surprising that this thing is still one piece and not already smashed to pieces.

After trying it one more time he challenges his luck and checks the door handle. Much to his surprise it works and the door begins to retreat and offers the griffon a crack to look inside the room.
Why is it so dark in there? And... is that Sandbar at his desk? It doesn't look like he's cleaning anything at all but something must be going on. The noise got louder too. But... should I really just enter? It would be rude but I promised Miss Rarity to deliver the package so it should be okay.

After making up his mind the blue male opens the door wide enough to pass it and then closes it behind him, which also seals up one of the main light sources the room had offered. A few beams of sunshine enter the room through the, by curtains partially covered, window and a brighter light is coming from Sandbar himself. Or more likely something in front of him. The griffon slowly comes closer to his friend, who has not noticed him yet and who is still facing away from him.

"Sandy? I came by to give you something from Miss Rarity", he tries his best to get his friend to react but without any success.

"Do you want me to put it here? On the floor? On your bed?"

And again an answer is nowhere to be heard or seen. No words, no sounds and no sign or gesture. Instead the noise, that seems to get louder and louder, fills his ears and tortures his eardrums without any sign of mercy. Gallus, who can't take it anymore, places the package on the pony's bed and, from that position, takes a quick glance at the desk.
Is that... a sewing machine and a lamp?

His beak drops open as he eyeballs the machine in front of Sandbar's face as if he expects it to suddenly disappear like a mirage but no matter for how long he stares at it, the machine stays.

What is he doing with that machine? Wait? Is that what has been causing this deafening sound all this time so Sandy couldn't hear me or Smolder?

Without thinking about it the griffon-boy comes closer until he stands right next to Sandbar, who is still sitting on his chair fully concentrated on the piece of electronic in front of him.
Looks like he is sewing something... Wow, really? That was obvious from the start! Why did I even ask myself that? WHAT is he sewing is the real question!
Interested in the pony's activity he tries to figure out what he is currently working on but the piece of fabric is not very helpful. Instead of focusing on that, he tries to understand the drawings and sketches he notices on little papers all over the table. He notices a figure that could resemble Yona and one that could be either Ocellus or Silverstream but one drawing really stands out to him.

Is that me?, the blue male asks as he stares at a little piece of paper that got taped to the wall with sticky tape.

It shows a pretty good drawing of a winged creature with a beak and a tail and a few numbers next to it.

"What's that?", Gallus mumbles very quietly but, because he is very close to the pony's ear, his voice is still audible and unmistakably his voice.

This sudden input finally cracks Sandbar's concentration and he stops his work while giving a little screech as he turns his head and notice his griffon-friend next to him.

G-G-Gallus! What is he doing here! How did he even get in here! What is going on!

His brain is snowed under with work! All those thoughts and feelings and question fill it up rather quickly and he has no time to decode and make useful information out of them again so he just begins to talk nonsense.

"Gallus! What are you got in here? How did you doing here?"
He notices that his friend is still staring at something and he knows exactly what it is so in one quick movement he rips the sketch from the wall and hides under his hoof, which he puts directly on it.

"What was that?", Gallus asks but Sandbar immediately tries to skip the question to get to a new topic.
"A nice day we're having! We should go out and do something, right? Come!"

With a big and obvious fake smile Sandbar jumps to his hooves and makes his way to the door. That's the moment he also finally realizes how his friend even got into the room in the first place.

Oh... I must have forgotten to lock the door after coming back from the restroom a few hours ago. I was way to concentrated on my project and didn't notice it...

He stops for a moment but, after hesitating for a second, he continues his way out of the room but Gallus does not follow him.
Instead of that he is more interested in that piece of paper he mentioned before. He quickly grabs it and takes a closer look. It is little bit more crumbled-up than before but, just as he expected, there is no doubt that it shows the drawing of a griffon.

"Not in the mood. Why don't you tell me about this and this and that.", he suggests as he points at the little sketch, the dark-gray fabric, which is still stuck in the sewing machine, and the machine itself.

I'd rather... not, Sandbar admits to himself as he slowly comes back to his former place, his smile slowly disappearing from his face as he gets closer to his guilty pleasure.

"Well...", he tries to explain, "It's a sewing machine and that's some cashmere."
Nice save me!

But that is not what his griffon-friend meant and he makes it more clear by rephrasing it.

"Okay, okay. Very funny Sandy but seriously. What is all this stuff? Why do you have it? And why is there a picture of a griffon, either a Changeling or a hippogriff and a yak?"

Not a nice save me... And what now? Tell him the truth? I love sewing and making clothes. It's so much fun! Yeah, right...

His brain is not really helping him. Instead of that it is making it even worse!

I guess I have no choice but still... I'm sure he'll think it's stupid...

"I... like to make clothes...", the stallion whispers but his buddy is not sure what he just said.

I mumble mumble mumble? What does that mean?, he asks himself before requesting a repetition.

"Fine, fine... I like to make clothes. I know it's lame but I think what Miss Rarity taught can be really relaxing and-", but he can't finish his sentence before the sudden raise of the griffons voice startles him.


He takes a closer look at the fabric and notices a few pretty neat, darker embroideries on the fabric that resemble feathers and clouds.

"Is THAT what Miss Rarity is teaching us? I thought she only wanted to bore us to death and annoy us with some lame techniques to make boring fabric less boring but that is awesome! Did you do that all by yourself?"
His fascination is practically written on his face in form of his wide eyes, his open beak and the way he investigates the dark piece of cashmere.

"Erm... Yes, I did. It's was pretty difficult at first but I'm almost done with this one actually. Once you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy."
No way! That looks like something a professional Dude... what are they called? Fashion makers? Clotherers or something like that? Doesn't matter. It looks so good!

The griffon's mind is being flooded by excitement, astonishment, a little bit of jealousy but mostly by his own interest and a burning ambition to try it too.

"How did you do that? Did you just start and then it went without any problems?"
"What!", Sandbar asks with a little laughter in his voice, making it jump a bit, as he takes a closer look at his own work, "No, no, no. I trained on a few scraps of fabric Miss Rarity gave to me when I asked her about something to practice with. After that I began to get better and then I finally tried to do my first piece of clothing. I think it should be somewhere in my closet. Do you want to see it?"

As if Sandbar's fear and worries were just blown away by his friends unexpected interest and excitement, he is more confident in his own passion and his own ability.

"Sure!", Gallus answers with a cheer before Sandbar opens his closet and takes out a little box with different kind of fabrics in it.

"What are those?", the griffon asks and Sandbar explains to him that these are his first few attempts and that they were meant to be socks but some of them turned out like something entirely different like a glove, a little ball or just a huge disaster but it still helped him a lot.

"As you can see... I wasn't that good when I started but I tried it again and again and watched movies or read books about it and now I'm making", the pony explains the way he took from the start of his little to now and points at the unfinished business he was working on, "that."

"What is that suppose to be when it's finished?"

He really seems to be interested! Never thought I would have to say it but I guess Gallus is a fasion-griffon. Unexpected but very welcome!"

"Oh", Sandbar lets out a small sound before staying silent until Gallus presses the topic more and more.
"Come on! Tell me about it! Come on Sandy!"

And his stubbornness bears fruit because his pony-friend finally surrenders and admits what he was doing with a burning-red face.

"Well... I thought about starting a little line for our friends. You know... Yona, Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder... you... And this is my first project. It will be a suit jacket for... you."

For me?

Gallus turns his attention away from Sandbar to look at the in-progress jacket, which he really likes.

"So that's what this drawing of me was for. So you could use it as a reference...", Gallus says but his mind is not wasting his time with the drawing.

It has something else in store.

He made that for me? I never thought about that one can make something with that for someone else... Maybe I could...
He is lost in his thoughts and the idea he is creating. So lost that he doesn't notice Sandbar, who is still rummaging in his little box while speaking to himself.

"I totally forgot about that one... Or that... What was that even?"
The room is silent besides the stallion's mumbling until a loud voice interrupts the silence.

"Can you show me how it works?", the griffon-boy suddenly asks, causing his friend to drop one of the results of his former attempts.

WHAT? Did I understood him right? He wants me to show him the ropes?

This sudden request really keeps his brain busy but there is no time to think about it now! Gallus really wants to know how it works and Sandbar is pretty sure that he won't accept a no (not that he would have said no)

"Are you sure?", Sandbar asks, "It's not that interesting once you spend a lot of time with it and some parts can be really difficult. Also... I'm not sure how good I am with explaining stuff like that and the whole theory-part..."

"Sure I'm sure! And, to be honest, I don't really care about the facts, the history of needles or anything like that. The classes with Miss Rarity were filled with that stuff and it was so boring. Why don't you just work on the jacket and I will watch you. If I have questions, I will ask them and if don't then I won't. How about that?"

Yep... Now it's set in stone. He hates listening to boring tutorials or theory but without the theory he can't set anything in action. Maybe his idea can really work out if I show him all the steps and how everything works. And maybe he will listen to some things I explain to him during my own work.

Every little aspect is traveling through Sandbar's mind and it all fits together perfectly!

"That could work...", he mumbles while still being in thoughts but that's all Gallus wanted to hear and, with a cheer, he celebrates his friend's decision.


He runs to the bed, takes the package and holds it towards Sandbar with a smile on his face.

"Now open the package and get it over with so you can continue your work."

"For me? From who?", the stallion asks as he surveys the package puzzled.

Oh yeah... He wasn't listening before, Gallus thinks to himself with a little giggle.

"Miss Rarity gave it to me to give it to you. So now open it and get it over with so you can go back to work."
"Actually", the pale lime-green male answers, "the things in the package are for my work . A bit more cashmere and a few little additions to make it look more interesting and one-of-a-kind."

The pony takes the box and places it on the floor before asking his friend to open it for him.
"It's easier with claws...", he justifies his request but Gallus does not seem to care about why he wants him to do it because the second he said his words the package is already ripped open and the content is visible.

Some more dark fabric and a few little things like small, most likely fake gems, thread in different colors and different kinds of patches and many more additions can be seen in the box and, almost instantly, Sandbar takes the box into his hoof and places it on his back so he can carry it back to his machine and Gallus follows him.
"Look. This is where I put the thread so I can work on the fabric and secure buttons or sew different pieces of fabric together", he begins to explain as he shows him how to put the thread he needs, a black one, where it belongs to it can work, "and when that's done you place your fabric underneath the needle and turn the machine on but you have to be careful. If you turn on the machine and you forget to turn off the needle last time the needle will start sewing without warning and that can either ruin your work, damage the fabric or, even worse, you could hurt yourself."
"Did that ever happen to you?", the griffon asks as he watches his friend prepare the machine with a burning curiosity.

"Once or twice maybe. The first time I tried this on my own I forgot it and when I started the machine again i almost pierced my hoof but I was fast enough and pulled it away."
He was that fast? He never really looks that fast in gym when I'm watching him, the blue male thinks to himself as he eyes his friend with clear doubt in his eyes.

Sandbar seems to notice that and begins to giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Your face just now. You looked at me as if I just told you something totally unbelievable. I know I'm not the fastest but you can't imagine what effect fear and adrenaline can have."
"That sounds more like you. Fear is exactly the word I associate with you."
"You know", Sandbar replies with a devilish smile on his face, "I don't have to show you how it works."
That comment fulfilled it's purpose as the griffon's pupils gained twice their usual size as he stares at his friend, who returns his look with a cold one.

Oh... He is being serious!

"What?! I was just kidding Sandy! I really want to watch you.", Gallus begins to wail as he realizes his friend's threat and that he is willing to put it in action.

"If you really mean it, apologize to me."
Oh no... Not that again! He knows that this is my weakness!

Gallus notices the smirk on his friend's face before it disappeared only a second later.

He is doing that on purpose... But if he wants an apology I will give him one he will never forget!

He thinks for a few seconds before he drops to his knees and begins to whine and exclaim how much he regrets his words as over-the-top as possible.

"How could I have been so blind as to hurt such a good friend! I should be ashamed of myself and all the deeds I did and all the crimes I committed! The regret I feel can not describe-"

Before he could even finish his little act a roaring laugh interrupts him. Sandbar couldn't take it anymore as tears began to form in his eyes and, finally, a chuckle escape his mouth which turned into a joyful laugh.

"Please! No more!", he begs for mercy but Gallus enjoys this way too much to stop.

He continues his ham and even begins to use his arms and claws to support his bad acting. The stallion's laugh grows louder and louder as tears make their way across his cheeks and his stomach begins to hurt a bit.

"Okay okay! I forgive you but please stop! That's just too much for me to handle!", he finally accepts his friend's apology, who stands up again and also begins to laugh chuckle with a big grin on his face.

"Am I the master of apologies of am I not?", he asks with a sarcastic tone and Sandbar agrees in a manner similar to his.
"There is no one who can apologize like you, that's for sure."
"So", the blue male adds to his question, "Will you show me how it works now or do I have to apologize again?"
Another big grin forms on the griffon's face as Sandbar fulfills his request of showing him everything he wants to know.

They spend many hours together in the pony's room before they decide to get something to eat. Right after the meal they return and the private lesson continues. From time to time Gallus attention drifts away from the machine to his friend's face, who seems to be focused on his work but once in a while he also shoots a quick look towards his friend, causing him to startle before focusing back on the machine with a slightly reddish face.

After two more hours of work Sandbar finally finishes his masterpiece and, with a proud expression on his face, he shows it to his friend.
"I did it! It's done! Look!"
Gallus investigates the finished piece of fabric.

It looks even better than it did before!

The embroideries are more faint now but they make the entire thing look more interesting and unique. Some small white gems are decorating the shoulders parts and a a few darker gems, almost the color of coal, a forming a line from the collar to the bottom opening, getting interrupted by the buttons every time they come across one of those. There are 7 black buttons to button it up. The sleeves are also decorated with very faint embroideries.
That looks so awesome! I can't believe he did all that with that machine.

The griffon begins to fancy the little machine but his thoughts are being put to sleep by the voice of his friend.
"Could you try it on? I really wanna see how it looks like and if it even fits. Please!"

"Now? S-Sure, I guess", Gallus answers as he begins to unbutton the jacket.

I hope it fits... I really hope it fits!, Sandbar repeats over and over again in his mind as he feels his heartbeat increasing massively, I really tried my best to get all the numbers right so please fit!

It doesn't take him very long to put it on and, not really surprising for him, it fits. Not a perfect fit and surely not as good as a second skin but it does not get in the way, it's very comfortable and he really likes the contrast between his claws and the fabric. All in all: He would wear it again when he gets the chance.

"It feels good. It doesn't scratch and it's neither too tight nor not tight enough. Good job."

"Really?", he pony asks but he already knows that his friend told the truth.

His friend's kind words took a load off his mind and he lets out a sigh of relief, "Good to hear. I really thought I messed up your measurement but luckily I didn't."
He closes his eyes and places a hoof on his breast, hearing his heart beating faster than usually, as a smile decorates his equine face. But his friend's voice makes that disappear again.

"I can't really see everything. How do I look Sandy?"

Gallus tries to take a better look at himself but he can't see everything perfectly so he has to rely on his pal, who only stares at him with wide eyes.
You... You look amazing! The dark colors really make your feathers glow like the sun in comparison to it and the shape your upper body has in this jacket is really good. So... handsome...

Compliment after compliment runs through his head as if it were a fabric producing them on conveyor belts but every single one becomes more intense than the last one and that is clearly visible as the reddish color in his face increases according to it.

"I...You...It looks...", he stammers as he inspects every single inch of his friend's body as he turns to the left and the right to give him a better look.

"It looks really good on you!", the pony suddenly exclaims in one quick sentence but still easy enough to understand each and every single word.

"Really?", Gallus replies before trying to get a better look of himself again. Still not sure about his own look he begins to unbutton the beautiful piece of clothing to give it back to Sandbar but many different thoughts fly through his brain while doing so.

He had a really hard time talking at first, was it that bad? Or maybe it was that good! He really liked it or was he just being nice because we are friends? No... He promised me to always say what's on his mind... Right? I like it though...

That little monologue goes on for a few seconds but his conclusion is that his friend really liked it and that makes him very happy because he loves that jacket almost as much as his flower.

He hands the clothing over to his friend but he denies his attempt and pushes it back into his claws.

"It's yours, remember? I made it for you so you should keep it. I mean... if you even want to ke-"
"Really? Of course I want to! Thank you Sandy, you are the best!", he says before giving him a big hug which, much to his surprise, doesn't feel nearly as strange as their last one. Most likely because Sandy instantly answers that hug and also holds him tight. But, after what felt like an millennium, he releases his friend, who smiles at him before returning his attention back to the machine.
"I think I will finish the other pieces during the break and the next semester so..."

He switches his field of view to the griffon, who is currently placing the piece of clothe on the bed, before continuing.
"Do you want to sew something? Nothing big or complicated and you can do anything you want. Also, unlike class, here you have no rules and formal settings keeping you down. It's really fun and since you liked watching me, why don't you give it a shot."

I did enjoy watching him and it does sound not bad to just try it for the fun of it but I never really liked it in class with all those rules and tasks and Miss Rarity looking over my shoulders like those guards in Griffonstone.

Gallus looks at his friend, who gives him a comforting smile, and then proceeds to stare at the machine in front of him, deciding to either give it a shot or refuse the offer. Another look at his friend, especially his friend's eyes, eases his decision immensely. Sandbar is staring at the other male with puppy-like eyes, glittering and sparkling in the light of the room's bulb.

I can't say no to those eyes..., Gallus admits and, with a soft smile, he sighs in defeat and gives into his friend's wish.
"Sure", he answers, "As long as I can do what I want I don't mind."

"Awesome! You should know the basics and if you need any help just ask me. I can take a look at your stuff from time to time if you want."
I know that he won't accept my offer but there is no harm in aski-

"T...Thanks. I'll come back to that in case I need it", the griffon answers with a forced smile but that's not what throws Sandbar off his track. It's the fact that he actually agreed!

What! I... Since when... Why is he so... I am totally confused but at least he let me help so I should be happy. But it is still strange...

Sandbar shows a small smile as Gallus just nods but his mind is going crazy.
I really wanted to say no but a pony would have said yes so... I guess it won't hurt...

With that little situation finally settled the two males takes their position. Gallus takes his place on Sandbar's old seat as Sandbar gets a piece of reddish cotton and another piece of white felt, two very basic and simple fabrics. After placing the two pieces next to his friend he lays on his bed, ready to assist his friend whenever needed. Gallus turns on the machine and begins to try something and to get a feeling for the fabrics and, after making his first few moves, he notices that this is not such a bad feeling to whatever he wants with such a machine. He faces a few problems but, instead of asking his friend for his help, he takes a different approach and is able to solve them quickly on his own. No matter how much he tries to be like a pony, there are some things he can't change that easily.
"How is it going? Can I help?", the stallion asks from time to time but the answer is always the same.
"No, I'm good."

I think I'm actually getting the hang of it! I can't believe how hard and boring Miss Rarity made it seem to be. It's actually pretty rad!

Without his friend noticing it Sandbar takes a peek over the feather-covered male's shoulder and investigates his work.
That's... really bad but it's his first time trying it so it's not surprising, he draws his focus away from the pieces of fabric and rests it on Gallus, who seems to be concentrated on his actions, Looks like he's enjoying it. I could watch him all day long...

Suddenly the griffon moves his eyes away from the machine and pierces Sandbar with his look, who acts like nothing happened and just smiles nervously.

Was he checking me out? Or was he just checking on this... thing? Maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me but I could swear I noticed him starring at me... Must be wishful thinking.

He gives a quick smirk before returning to his work with a soft smile on his beak. Sandbar also relaxes again and enjoys the view he is having from his bed.

Hours go by in which Gallus tries and tries different techniques on many types of fabric before taking a quick break to eat and drink something at the cafeteria. After a short meal they return to Sandbar's room and take their former places for the rest of the day until the full-moon reaches the center of the sky above, leaving half of it's way already behind it.
Gallus turns off the machine and says goodbye to his friend, who begins to fall asleep.
"Thanks for letting me try it. It was... okay."
"If you want you can come back tomorrow and try out more things. I don't mind."
One more day with my favorite stallion? Hell YEAH! And I am curious what else I could try with that machine...
Gallus smiles while nodding in response to that offer.
"Sounds neat. I'll come after lunch, so 3pm if that's alright with you."
Perfect! That way I can prepare a few things for him so he can try anything he want! And I will be here too in case he wants to try- Okay, okay. You had your fun brain but let's be realistic. Watching him all day long will be enough for me.

His equine friend agrees to his idea and they wish each other a good night. The griffon takes his new piece of clothing and leaves the room.

[Sandbar's Part]
As soon as the door closes again, Sandbar shows his excitement and how happy it made him feel to see his friend so invested in his hobby and, especially, how much he enjoyed the jacket he made for him. He throws himself on his bed and covers his burning-red face with his pillow while being totally trapped in his thoughts.

There is that feeling again. Like a volcano erupting in my stomach, making lava flowing through my veins and heating up my entire body. I love this feeling and... I am sure I love him. It's really obvious now how much I really care for him... I really need to teach him something or else he will fail his tests... I know that he will manage to pass the Generosity-part of the exam but how can I teach him sewing and fashion design without teaching him any-
His train of thoughts suddenly stops as his realizes something. He pulls the pillow away from his face and his eyes seem to be glued to his table or, more precisely, Gallus' "fashion-objects".

That... that could work! He can teach himself just like he did today! That's perfect but it feels weird tricking him like that...
He scraps that idea but it quickly returns with a seasoning of guilt and the feeling of helping his friend as the desert, convincing him easily. He sighs as his view fades away into darkness and his body begins to feel heavy and numb. His consciousness turns itself of and the land of slumber welcomes him and his last thought with open arms.

[Gallus' Part]
He closes the door and begins his way back to his own room but the only thing he can really pay attention to is the feeling in his claws, which felt the vibration of the machine, and the beating of his heart every time the jacket, that he carries on his back, comes to his mind.

I still can't believe that Sandbar made this just for me! He is so thoughtful and really talented. I can't wait to see him tomorrow! And... messing around with the machine was fun too so I don't mind doing more of that too.
He slowly walks up the empty staircase until he reaches the empty hallway of the second floor.
Looks like everyone else is already in their rooms... How late is it?

He takes a look out of a window and notices the glowing orbit surrounded by little sparkling dots.
Very late i guess... No wonder I feel so heavy...

Lucky for him his room is not far and he manages to enter it and reach his bed before collapsing. His eyes begin to shut themselves but one sudden realization forces them open.

My flower! I forgot to water it the entire day! It must be starving.

The griffon jumps onto his feet, causing the jacket on his back to slide down and land next to him on the bed, and rushes out of his room holding a bottle tightly in his mouth. He runs into the restroom and fills it with water before returning to his room to give his plant-friend the sweet sensation of water it so needs.

"Sorry for the wait", he whispers without noticing it, "I really had an amazing day and I guess I forgot about you. I learned something no one else knows about Sandy and he even gave me that amazing jacket! It felt so good to hear that it suits me though it's possible he just tried to be nice but I really think he liked it. I even tried sewing myself and it isn't as bad as I thought or as Miss Rarity made it sound and seem like and tomorrow I will see him again. Don't worry little buddy, I won't forget about you tomorrow.

He stares at the flower for a few more second and watches the earth consuming the liquid he just purred onto it before finally noticing what he just did.

Did... Did I just talk to a plant? Wow... I am officially nuts but I must admit... It felt really nice to talk to someone about everything...
His eyes never broke contact with the beautiful flower during his little realization and a small smile shows that he doesn't mind being nuts as long as he can talk to someone... even if that someone is just flower. He leaves the plant's side and lays on his bed.
"Good night...", the male whispers while covering himself with the soft blanket.
Almost immediately he falls asleep.