• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 997 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The Lost memory orbs of Moon Scalpel - Evil_Spike

A Fallout Equestria fanfic set during the war itself.

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War changes everything.
It takes the world to places that it should never encounter, makes you think thoughts that should never be considered, makes you perform acts that should never be done.
War changed everything about Equestria. It not only changed the general landscape, but also the emotions and hardships that us regular ponies had to face up to.
But I doubt you give a crap about any of that, do you? The sufferance we went through, the ideals we thought over, the hardships we encountered, the laughs that we had, the lives we lost. You just want to hear a boring and supposedly "unbiased" rendition about the “superb” job the ministry mares were meant to be doing before the bombs were dropped. Am I right?
If so, then fuck you.
I'm not a fucking history book. And besides, if I were to recount everything that happened during the war in an unbiased way, I would be here for years, which seems strange, considering you're hearing all of this through my memory orb. Not only that, but most of those egghead books that tell about the war when anypony sees this will probably only make reference to all the poor innocents who lost their lives, not mentioning the torment they underwent, not mentioning that those people had lives. Not mentioning that ever single fucking one of them had their own story to tell.
No, those sources will always tell the stories and experiences of the “important” ponies, the ponies who did absolutely nothing but sat in their offices trying to make everything right while we, the regular ponies who weren't important enough to gain an audience with them, did all the bloody work (Well, except for the Ministry of Awesome, who actually gave a crap and showed it by fighting alongside us for "the greater good"). We sacrificed our lives for those ponies who did next to nothing to help. Especially those aristocrats. Fucking pussies.
I want to remedy that. I want to make sure our stories are told, and told properly, even though nopony will probably give a shit about those stories in due time.
I'm sorry, I should probably introduce myself and stop ranting, before you stop listening.
My name is Moon Scalpel. This is the story of my squad, my friends and my life during the great war for Equestria.