• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 996 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The Lost memory orbs of Moon Scalpel - Evil_Spike

A Fallout Equestria fanfic set during the war itself.

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Arc 1, Chapter 1: It Begins

It was late evening when the squad was called to attention. I had been sitting on a low lying wall, staring out over the horizon of the desert, wondering why they had bothered to put me into such a low lying squad of the overall military when Bit-Torrent approached me and put a hoof on my shoulder.
“You doing ok, dude?” She asked, with a calm expression slightly diminished by the weird goggles that she had on.
She was a cute little green pony. Not as lovely to look at as my wife and daughter, but still among one of the better lookers in the military. Not that that's saying much, seeing as how there were barely any mares in the military in the first place, let alone Mares with tech goggles permanently strapped to her face. Still, that was the way I had first come into contact with that strange pony.
Apparently she had been doing some private military work for a government agency to which she been told never to speak of to another soul (I suspected it was probably illegal and For Here Eyes Only level of secrecy) when something had gone badly and she was wheeled into Ponyville hospital slightly smouldering and with several broken ribs and a brain hemorrage.
It took all of the surgery departments supply of Hydra and healing potions to ward off the possibility of her slipping into a coma, as well as the skill of not just myself, but several brain surgeons who had teleported in from Canterlot to Ponyville to keep her brain from swelling to the point of explosion. Several times, we almost lost her, the damage was that severe.
“Yeah”, I said back, still not removing my gaze from the setting sun, which by this stage of the sunset had turned the sky into an orangey-red hue, similar to the sunsets I had seen as a colt. “Just reminded myself of what happened.”
“Are you still thinking of that? It's been, like, two weeks since the funeral. Shouldn't you have gotten over her?”
I looked angrily over at her.
“It's not just me who lost loved ones to those bastards, Bit, ” I snapped back. “We lost some of the greatest hopes for the survival of ponykind due to their cowardly attack. Most of us are still in mourning.”
“Ok, ok. Sorry for bringing it up. Geez, I didn't think it was that big a deal”.
“It wasn't so much the event itself that hurt Moon”, a soft voice said behind me. “It was the way it was carried out”.
Clydes-Dale had just come over to my resting point and was leaning against the sentry tower, looking relaxed, though with his usual slightly crestfallen expression, as though he had already resigned himself to some horrible fate which may have been forthcoming.
He was the youngest of the squad, yet still represented the massive tank of the group. With deep blue eyes, the large burgundy stallion had been one of the first ponies I had come across since joining the military and had been the first pony that had been introduced to me at Boot-camp, besides Bit-Torrent, obviously.
I had noted his resemblence to Big Macintosh, a good friend of mine from Ponyville, and had asked a few days after meeting him if he had come across the large workhouse in his relatively short life, to which he smiled sadly at me and replied “Nope, never heard of him in my life. Why do you ask?”
“Completely agree there, Clydes,” I said, turning my head to face my companions for the first time since I had come to sit on that rock.
“Ayep,” he continued. “Bit, don't be such a stuck up jerk to Moon. The whole nation is still in mourning over that massacre. Moon has every right to be upset over what they did there. Even more, considering how much he lost”.
I sniffed, remembering the hard memories of that radio report I heard that night, not to mention the shock and horror I faced when I saw those two police ponies knock on my door to deliver the news which I new was coming back was still unprepared for. “Thanks, Clyde. Glad SOMEPONY understands the pain I'm going through”.
He looked at the ground slightly sheepishly.
“Fuck those Zebra's,” a curt, slightly snobbish and unwelcome voice said out of the growing paleness of the sunset. Everypony turned around, and I groaned inwardly.
“Oh hello Night-shade,” I replied with barely disguised contempt for the noble approaching our group. “What the fuck are you whining about now?” Bit-Torrent asked him, the disgust ringing in her voice like she had just seen a toilet seat with the seat up.
Night-Shade had been consider to be one of the “upper-class” of Equestria due to the fact that he was a relative of Prince Blueblood, and he sure reminded us of that fact a hell of a lot, even though he was merely a 2nd nephew of his. As such, the snobbish purple stallion was generally th most hated among us, as Bit-Torrent was always quick to affirm.
“If it hadn't been for those Zebra's,” he continued, as if there had been no interruption, “No war would've started. If no war had started, then I wouldn't have had to demean myself to a commoner. I thought that we royals were not included in the conscription draw”.
“For the last time, Night, you're not a true member of the royal family. You're the 2nd nephew of the most annoying Prince in the last 50 years. So shut the fuck up,” Bit-Torrent retorted.
“Hey, hey.” I said to Bit-Torrent. “No need to insult the poor guy”. It wasn't like I was a huge fan of Blueblood or Nightshade to be defending him like this. It was more the fact that I didn't want to see arguments breaking out between everypony before our first mission had even been assigned to us by our commanding officer.
“I wasn't insulting him,” Bit-Torrent replied matter-of factly. “I was just...”
“Putting him back in his place”, Regulus stated categorically, moving up to be right next to me. “Yeah, yeah. We've all heard it before Bit-Torrent. You don't have to keep repeating yourself”.
The little dragon sure had grown ever since he had been handed to me by Princess celestia all those years, though it had only been a few weeks since his wings had started developing properly. Still at a young age for a dragon though, the little blue spined, red-bodied dragon barely rose higher than my own body height, something that was apparently highly hilarious to Nightshade. Often when this happened, I was the one reprimanding the bloody “prince”, as I was a fuck ton more loyal to my little dragon assistant and best friend compared to, as he put it, a “full blood royal”.
“Anyway,” Regulus continued matter-of-factly “General Johnson wants to see you all. Says he has our first assignment”.
“FINALLY,” Bit-Torrent shouted, flush with excitement. “So, what are we doing? Taking down a zebra encampment? Infiltrating the Caesar's palace? Oh please tell me we'll at least be able to kill some Zebra or pony traitor”
“That's highly unlikely, Bit,” Clydesdale replied. “More likely, we'll be just on patrol duty around this base until the general can think of a reason to move us onto a different camp.”
“Besides,” I said straight to her, with slight tears in my eyes, thinking of how many times I had “pulled the plug” on older stallions and Mares in Ponyville and Canterlot Hospital “You have no idea how difficult it to take another ponies life”.
“Well, we won't have any idea till we go see him. So let's do that”. Regulus said
“Ayep,” Clydesdale agreed.
Thus we turned away from the setting sun and headed back to camp, unaware that this would be the last time we ever spent any time healthily together in this camp.
Keep in mind this is the unedited version of this chapter. I'm hoping to have it edited within the next few days and hopefully when it is ready you will see it in all its glory. I'm merely publishing so you can get an idea of who the characters are.
Once again, special thanks to TwixieSparkle for the original concept, KKat for creating the Fallout Equestria universe, members of the BAU forum for acting as intermediaries to my fic, any editors who will give me advice, and finally, YOU, for even bothering to read this. Thank you all.