• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 3,124 Views, 186 Comments

Vampirisim - Wishes

Who knew that a vampony can so easily fit in to the pony society?

  • ...

Chapter Ten

"Well well well, if it isn't the famous Twilight Sparkle."

Standing in front of the Mane Six, Celestia rose up tall against the group. Her mane was fiery and she was wearing glistening golden armor. Her coat was a pale white they had ever seen, being so pure and bright as it was. Her right eye was a bright, kind of faded pink, the other one an unnatural gold. Her wings, instead of the feathery white ones, were covered in golden armor in the style much like Nightmare Moon's, a batlike shape. And her laughter was unlike anything Twilight could imagine...

"And that's Solar Flare to you!" She stomped her hoof, still wearing the golden princess horseshoes, her voice similar yet deeper and darker in comparison.

"Twilight," Pinkie came to her side, whispering in a hushed tone, "Nightmare Moon must have her in a hypnotic trance. We have to knock her out to remove it."

Twilight Sparkle nodded, then shook her head quickly. "Knock her out? It's almost impossible to defeat alicorns, and it's not going to be as easy as blacking out Blinkie."

The pink pony just looked off into the distance. Finally, she spoke. "I guess we have to try our best--"

"TRY OUR BEST!?!" the librarian exclaimed, though still talking in whispers.

Pinkie nodded. "...try our best so we can reclaim Celestia and not let everlasting nighttime take place in Equestria. And I'm not giving up my best friends just because one of them can't at least try to save the day...again."

The purple unicorn nodded and...

"You know that I'm still hearing you, right?"

Twilight turned to her corrupted mentor awkwardly, blushing. "I-I knew that..."

Solar Flare sighed and shook her head. "Anyway, my sister has ordered you at the castle. Are you going to meet her, perhaps?"

The librarian frowned. "N-no, we--"

Pinkie shoved her hoof in her purple friend's mouth. "Yes! Of course! We...are here to see Nightmare Moon! We are agreeing to her offer!"

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

The pink pony nodded, carefully removing her hoof from the librarian's stern face. "Really."

Solar Flare nodded hesitantly. "Very well, my master does as she does. You may proceed."

The mane six started on their way, but then the white alicorn spoke again.

"...except for you. Pinkie Pie, Pinkamena Diane Pie, whatever, come with me."

Pinkie Pie raised her hoof, stopping. Turning around, she walked back towards Celestia, nodding to her friends who had stopped. "Just...go without me, okay? I'll be there soon."

Solar Flare just smiled. "Of course. It'll only take a few minutes, I promise."

The rest of the Elements of Harmony simply nodded, and continued walking. Pinkie Pie turned to face Celestia with a stern expression, one her father always would use.

"What do you want?"

The alicorn seemed surprised at her anger. "No, no, no, you must have me mistaken. I just wanted to...ask you something. Have a little...discussion. To get to know you."

The party pony's expression grew angrier and more suspicious...until it finally popped back into its naturally happy smile.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!"

Celestia's mouth formed a smile. "Very well. We can walk through Canterlot. And you don't have any problem with the dark, do you?"

Pinkie Pie shook her head. "Not at all," she replied.

Solar Flare nodded, smiling evilly. "Good."


All was quiet in Canterlot. Instead of what Pinkie suspected was high-pitched screams from fanciful ponies and racing mares and stallions wearing suits and dresses as their everyday clothing, there wasn't a single pony outside, instead all of the home's lights turned off. It was...surprising.

And plus, Canterlot looked deserted.

Celestia hadn't said a thing to Pinkie Pie, and Pinkie Pie didn't spoke a word since walking with Solar Flare.

She took a quick look at her. Yes, it was like a fiery, Celestial form of Nightmare Moon...she looked quite dangerous, if she was to say so herself. Her mane was the only thing lighting her way, besides the moon's distant light, as she gazed upon the skies.

The night was dark and mysterious, the skies forming different though recognizable constellations. She had never studied them, but had fell asleep during one of Twilight's unnecessary speeches on space.

Suddenly, the alicorn spoke. "Pinkamena. I know your secret."

Pinkie was took aback. "W-what secret?"

"The secret you've been hiding from me," her eyes turned towards the pink pony, "You're a vampony. And you never told me."

The pink pony said nothing.

"And wow, lookie there, you don't even try to help your friend save the day. Discord. Element of laughter? How useless. I can see a reason for all the others, but not the element of laughter," Celestia's eyes burned, "Element of loyalty is obvious. Element of Honesty...honestly, she needs to help you. Element of Generosity is...I don't even need to say it. Element of Kindness...well of course. And Element of Magic unites them."

"I--" Pinkie began.

"Dont!" her wings unfolded quickly, her anger rushing quickly, "I was your ruler! I kept secrets, but was honest when somepony asked! And now, I believe you are lying once again!"

Pinkie gulped, afraid what to expect. It was like Nightmare Moon equipped Celestia with the anger of Applejack and Rainbow Dash combined.

"I can't believe Twilight became friends with a lying mischievous pony! And now I'll take care of you...and Nightmare Moon will take care of her..."

The party pony nervously glanced at Solar Flare's grin.

"Goodbye, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie ducked as the corrupted Celestia threw a punch. She was afraid to hurt her, knowing that the true Celestia was inside. She just stayed shivering on the ground as the alicorn regained her balance.

She was expecting more of a frown upon Solar Flare's face. But instead, her smile was bigger.


The Ponyville baker shivered as the ground shook. Cracks formed on the grass and sidewalk concrete bigger then usual, and skeletal hooves reached out and took hold, pulling themselves up.

She had summoned undead skeletal guards.

Pinkie jumped back. Her mane bounced as her eyes glowed red, her fangs popping out. There was no need for the sensitivity of the aching sunlight, since the moon was only there, glowing. It wasn't hurting at all.

Celestia smiled, nodding. Her voice was simple though evil.

"Get her."

Pinkie quickly dodged as the skeletal guard attacked her. She kicked it aside...she didn't need to worry about having them hurt while they did nothing wrong (she hated to do that). They were skeletal guards rose from their grave in necromancy. And they were attacking her. She had nothing to worry about.

Another skeletal guard attempted the same thing as the other. Pinkie did the same as she did...kicked it aside, the skeletal guard falling into miscellaneous pieces of bone. The guards weren't all that intelligent...they just did the same thing as the last.

It wasn't too late before the pink pony had defeated all of them that Celestia had summoned. It was just her and Solar Flare now...

"You cannot defeat your princess," she proclaimed, rising tall up against the vampony.

Pinkie gulped. It was true, she could not truly defeat her. She was simply in a trance...if she...

Celestia quickly kicked her to the ground. Pinkie was under Her Majesty's hoof; this, she knew, was nothing what the real Princess Celestia would do.

"Ready to die?"

The pink pony did not hesitate. She did nothing, though. All she did was think of a plan.

And she thought of the perfect one.

"No," she answered silkily.

Her eyes glowed a fascinating bright yellow. Her fangs pulled back into her teeth, but Solar felt a surge of energy taken from her.

She was drinking the energy from Solar Flare.

Pinkie looked at the corrupted Celestia. She was screaming in agony...it was something she hated. But the best part was that nopony was watching.

Solar Flare fell to the ground. Her screams died out and soon she was simply struggling...but not much since she didn't have enough energy to do so.

Her eyes went back to its normal bright blue after a while. She wasn't going to actually kill Celestia...a power she had but would not do...just make some time for her to escape and warn her friends about everything.


Twilight Sparkle was leading the way. Her horn glowed light, and it was much easier for them all to see. It was something Rainbow Dash called 'Twilight the yellow-horned unicorn' (and she started to sing a song about it) though it didn't make much sense to anyone else.

Applejack looked at them all when Rainbow Dash quit talking. "Ya know, I seriously hate it when ponies lie ta me. Or anypony else, for that matter. And Pinkie just lied there...there and then!"

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes, sighing. "She's the element of laughter, you can't blame her Applejack," the librarian explained, "Besides, it was for the good of us all. Tolerance is the key to success, anyway."

"Ah guess," she grumbled, "But Ah'm still furious with her!"

Fluttershy shared glances with Rarity. She blinked her sky blue eyes and Rarity blinked hers. They said nothing.

Rainbow looked at them all, looking around and grumbling at the sky. Nopony knew what she was doing, until they realized she was grumbling at the dark clouds scattered all over Canterlot. There was many of them.

"These so-called pegasi are doing a terrible job at clearing the clouds," she exclaimed, "Whereas I can clear it in ten seconds flat!"

Nopony answered her about that.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Anyway," she spoke, "Excuse me if I may be interrupting, but..."

"Just go 'right ahead Rahrity."

"Ahem. Alright, where should I begin..." she began, "Oh yes. Ponies are different in many ways; their personalities are very...unique, and I am no exception because my name means unique itself. So...um...many ponies have high expectations. This is another story, but I am telling it to you anyway. You see, ponies...since they are different...they are expected of things. Others just expect others to expect them for things. I am one of those ponies. And...you see...um...I..."

"Just get to the point!" demanded Rainbow Dash.

Rarity smiled nervously. "Well...I...alright," she explained, "Princess Luna is a very high Canterlot pony. Higher then fancy pants, as one of the two princesses who bring us day and night. Even higher then Cadence. She may or may not have very high expectations...I am not taking any risks. I need to go and clean up and reapply my makeup so I look the very best, even if she's evil and planning on taking over the world and I...I'm...well...I...how do I put this pleasantly..."

Twilight put on a bland expression. "You need to go to the bathroom."

Rarity nodded, blushing. "I...why yes...Twilight...I need to go to the little filly's room very...badly?"

Applejack facehooved.

Twilight looked at Rarity semi-angrily. She was about to yell...but she just sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever," the librarian said, "Just go."

Rarity looked at Twilight Sparkle with a thankful look. "Why thank you, Twilight. You really are the best friend I could ever ask for," she smiled, "And don't worry. It's just a quick makeup change and a...um...you know what. I'll be right behind you when I'm done, and I'm sure to run as fast as I can possibly can with...heels on."

Rainbow Dash groaned.


Rarity smiled and nodded at her purple friend. She turned around and headed in the opposite direction of where the four ponies were walking.

"Wait...Rarity...there's..." Fluttershy spoke gently as she saw her friend turn and run, not hearing the yellow pegasus, "There's the bathroom in the castle..."

Applejack looked over the road. Making sure Rarity was out of sight or at least out of range so she could not hear what the cowpony was going to say, she spoke.

"Consarn that Rarity!" she stomped her hoof, "She thinks she can do everythin'! Ah mean...this is complete evil we're standin' up against! It's not like the Nightmare would even' care what Rarity looked like! And high heels?"

Twilight Sparkle bit her lip. "Come on, Applejack," she calmed the angry cowpony, "I know you can get very angry easily. But, like in Rarity's completely unnecessary lecture, ponies are different. They like different things; and as you know, you and Rarity are an example of this difference between ponies. You may like to splash in the mud and play with your little sister, but Rarity is a fashionista and...sadly...proud of it. Even though I can't see a reason for the 'necessity of shoes and clothes', I try to make myself decent and get along with her."

Applejack calmed, and nodded. "Alright, even though pointin' out that I have anger issues isn't really helpin' mah problem," she said slowly and softly, "But gettin' mad twice in a row isn't goin' ta make me calmer anytime soon, ya hear?"

Rainbow Dash laughed. "And Twilight, don't give an unnecessary lecture after another pony's unnecessary lecture," the speedster advised, "It just makes things overly boring and eggheadish."

Applejack couldn't help but laugh.

Twilight rolled her eyes, changing the subject. "When is Pinkie Pie going to get here? My 'mentor' has promised that she'd talk to Pinkie within a few minutes, and I'm very sensitive about time and time limits."

"Oh...Pinkie? Isn't she running up and down the streets in our direction flailing her arms?" Fluttershy asked the rest of the group, "Oh my! She's running up and down the streets in our direction flailing her arms!"

Twilight looked behind them, and Pinkie was there, just doing as Fluttershy described.

"Um...Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash began.

The pink pony ran up to them quickly. It wasn't unknown throughout the group that she had amazing speed, especially since she was a vampony. Once she had reached them (while the rest of them looking at her awkwardly, even Fluttershy) she was sweating and panting and holding herself as she collapsed onto the floor. She quickly got up again, looking terribly paranoid, and racing away and closer to the Canterlot Castle. Win. It was only a few feet away.

Twilight Sparkle ran up to her, trying her best, trying to speak to Pinkie through pants and grasps of breath.


Pinkie looked back at her friend. She had total fear in her eyes, but seemed to be refreshed altogether, even if she was panting and sweating and running.