• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 3,125 Views, 186 Comments

Vampirisim - Wishes

Who knew that a vampony can so easily fit in to the pony society?

  • ...

Chapter Five

Rainbow Dash could barely see the small amount of light peeking from the curtained windows. Her body refused to turn towards the rest of her friends, and when she did her eyes ignored them completely. Her hope was failing right now, and the memories from fillyhood that hit the cyan pegasus was the only thing she couldn't neglect. Her heart racing and aching, it didn't seem right. Nothing seemed right. She just wanted to run away and escape the troubles she was going through now...

Twilight Sparkle worriedly glanced at Rainbow Dash, then at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie's mane was flattened, and she was sobbing into Fluttershy's soft pink mane. Rainbow Dash, well, nothing was worse then being ignored by the element of loyalty. At least Rainbow Dash could pity them. Twilight Sparkle glanced at the pink party pony again in the awkward silence. She had finally gotten her off of Rainbow Dash with the help of Applejack with ease, but she was still recovering, and it was obviously not quick. She wasn't a threat to them, was she?

Pinkie Pie was sobbing inside and out. Fluttershy was calmer then usual, but she couldn't control herself. Every single emotion she had hid from everyone ever since she was a filly on that dumb rock farm came flowing out, and she couldn't say she liked it. She absolutely hated the feeling of her tears dripping down her face, when she brought smiles to everypony else. That secret, though it felt good to let it all out and to be honest, she hated the after feeling. The feeling wasn't joy, or happiness. It was pain. Misery. She absolutely loathed it.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack shared knowing glances, trying their best to comfort the two. Twilight Sparkle seemed to be confused from all this, not knowing exactly what was going on. That was her. Her weakness: being not able to figure out what was going on, after being so used to knowing everything. Fluttershy was not struggling on being calm, while Applejack and Rarity, not knowing exactly what Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were so worried about, kept their cool and shed no tears. Not like they didn't want to burst into an emotional breakdown.

Twilight Sparkle stared at Pinkie Pie awkwardly. "What was that all about, Pinkie?" Twilight whispered.

"M-me? I-I...vamponies usually have....impulses. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, especially to Dashie."

Twilight Sparkle could hear from the other side of the room mumbles from the rainbow-maned pony. Pinkie Pie turned to look at Rainbow Dash.

"DID YOU HEAR THAT? I SAID I'M SORRY," Pinkie Pie yelled at Dashie a little louder then expected, snapping the weather pony back to reality.

Rainbow Dash began to shed tears. Turning, her eyes were red and sore, and her mane was messier then usual.

"I...I...." She looked like she was about to explode with anger, but instead breathing it calmly in and out.

"I'm sorry too..." Rainbow Dash nodded, surprising everypony else (Rainbow wasn't one to apologize) "I...it was my impulse. It's just that I've had a very...interesting fillyhood. That involved..."

Rainbow Dash seemed to tighten.


Pinkie Pie seemed shocked. But she released her grip on Fluttershy (who was relieved, because Pinkie was literally pulling her mane out), scooting a little closer to Rainbow Dash.

"I...I'm sorry...I'm so very sorry if my race was horrible to you. But...that's not me. Those ponies...those vamponies...aren't me. And I'm here for you. No matter what."

Rainbow Dash looked her in the eye. "I know that."

Pinkie Pie giggled. She put a hoof on her cyan friend, who teasingly pushed it off of her.

"Just, tell me what happened. I promise it'll be alright."

Rainbow Dash smiled. "I'm sorry that I insulted you. You...erm...should've bitten me anyway," the cyan pegasus looked away, frowning, "I don't deserve life."

Rarity sniffed. "Of course you deserve life, darling! I mean, you'd be an ideal Wonderbolt, and surely if I combed your mane to be straighter instead of that wild, tomboyish style..."

Rainbow Dash laughed. "Don't get ahead of yourself, here."

"Oh. Right," Rarity smiled gently.

Fluttershy glanced at Applejack, who shrugged. Applejack was sure this was the time when they could get moving, seeing that the light from the windows were fading slightly. Something was going on, and it surely involved Nightmare Moon. Twilight and Pinkie had explained it to her when they were on their way to Rarity's.

"Uh, guys," Applejack nodded towards the fading light, talking with her heavy cowpony accent, "I don't thank it's time for long back stories, nhow that we know Nightmare Moon's gonna take over."

Rainbow Dash stiffened. "N-nightmare Moon? What's she gotta do with this?"

Twilight Sparkle looked into Rainbow's eyes seriously. "Nightmare Moon has come to take over Equestria. Pinkie Pie, as a vampony, knows Luna personally, Luna a vampony also, and now she's taking over the world, turning Equestria into a free blood bank for the vamponies, and wants to spare us and turn our friends into vamponies, and if they reject the offer the pony who rejected the offer will be turned into food for the rest of the vamponies."

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight. "Oh, yeah, I get it."

Twilight Sparkle was surprised. She didn't think Rainbow would understand so quickly. "Really? You do?" Twilight looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"....," Rainbow Dash glanced at Twilight, "Um, no. I don't."

Pinkie Pie sighed. "Listen, Rainbow, Nightmare Moon is coming," Pinkie Pie explained, "She's going to take over, turn the rest of the elements of harmony into vamponies, turn anypony else who is not a vampony into food, and make it eternal night. Okay?"

Rainbow took no hesitation to shake her head in response to both pony's explanations. "Nope. Still can't process it."

Rarity sighed and face-hoofed. "I think it'd be easier if she read the letter," Rarity explained to Pinkie, who nodded, taking out the letter and handing it to Rainbow.

The cyan mare took a few seconds to read the entire letter, mumbling the words under her breath so she could confirm that it was real, and not her imagination. She shook her head, read it over, and glancing at the rest of the Mane Six with worried eyes.

"Oh no! Nightmare Moon...she's returning, and trying to turn us into vamponies! I don't...want...to...be...one...of..." Rainbow could barely go on.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "We've got to stop her. I don't want to do this to Equestria. I don't want to be a big baddy-pony like Nightmare Moon is!"

Rainbow Dash smiled kindly. "I hope we can stop her...before she turns us into..." her smile faded, and she looked away.

There was a sudden silence. Applejack looked at the fading light again, and it seemed to be covered up by many shadows.

"Er...Rainbow, ah think all this awkward pausin' can wait for after we save Equestria from Nightmare Moon," Applejack explained.

"Oh, yes. Girls, Applejack is..." Rarity glanced at Applejack's messy mane in disgust, "Sadly right, despite her horrible image. We must take the train to Canterlot and alert Celestia of what is to happen. And Rainbow Dash here can explain every back story along the way."

Applejack glared at Rarity. "Well 'least I don't worry 'bout every single detail!"

Twilight Sparkle sighed. "Now, girls, we musn't fight. We aren't going anywhere if we just laze here all day arguing and insulting each other!"

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yeah, Twilight's right," Pinkie agreed, "For the sake of Equestria, we shouldn't be all meany-pants around each other."

Rarity glanced awkwardly at Applejack. "Well, alright," Rarity said, biting her lip, "I guess we could keep back the resentment and save Equestria for now. After all, we are friends, right?"

Applejack laughed, nodding.

"Now let's go, everypony!" Rarity exclaimed, "We've got a Canterlot train to catch!"