• Member Since 31st Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago


Comments ( 38 )

Interesting. Please go on :twilightsmile:

Let’s see how long this goes for

Oh man, I didn't know ToonKritic made stories on here

This is interesting

I think you would be good at writing sci-fi stories idk why

A long time member of the brony community who turned out to also be IRL (to put it kindly) a fucking creep.

Oh. Well that sucks for the brony community. And it gives foalcon haters another thing to use against us.


is this about the foals/characters being underaged?
I honestly always thought you could let most stuff just be there, because it is still only fantasy and nothing more.
I maybe make the mistake with other stuff too, but here I always thought why should you take it that seriously and demand for them to be 18 all the time.

However if I understand it right there was a guy that managed to make it look like the next big sin by actually being a creep and messed up guy in real life?

He helps it make it look like a sin, yeah.

As far as I know (although I have not looked into it), there is nothing saying specifically whether he created or consumed foalcon content. I see it as hurting the reputation of all bronies rather than just a subset.

you've intrigued me sir. though i reserve the right to hate it later. for now im looking forward to chapter two.

Well okay I hate it anyway when that sort of thing happens, if it is for mlp or different stuff like games only. Only one or two guys need to screw up and then the rest of the community/fans has the problems.

Long story short your right.

So let me get this straight. You're writing foalcon stories which is no different then writing a pedophilia story, but think tooncritic is a stain on you guys? No foalcon is a stain in general you're literally one step away from being with that trans age group.

Also I didn't even know who tooncritic was before this.


But the difference between others and I is that I won't ever take that final step. This is fantasy not reality and fictional characters won't change that.

See that's a bad excuse. And yet most pedophiles would start with it's just "fiction" and everything goes downhill.


Again, "most" not all.

Weird it said you sent that 6 days ago. Anyways again fiction is still just an enabler for it but there's nothing more I can say. You do you.

I'm going to put it this way. This was super hard to get through, not for the writing which is the usual case, but the concept.

The insight into the main character's mind is so creepy. I mean I can look at acts of rape and murder without blinking an eye, but this really chilled me.

I know this is meant to be a clop fic for some people, but I'm just going to keep reading it as a look into the mind of a predator.

I will be continuing to read this fic mostly because I want see how far you can take this concept before I'm too repulsed to keep reading it.

I don't think there are enough stories in general about real fucked up people, I am interested to see where this goes.

i like this, not enough detailed stories about people with messed up minds, lets see where this little rabbit hole leads~





I don't really have a schedule, I will update as I come up with ideas and grow motivation to write.

That's like saying marijuana is a gateway drug. It's wrong. There is no evidence that liking foalcon makes people molest kids. They're cartoon horses, not humans.

Wow I honestly thought this was over. Anyway to answer you, marijuana isn't even considered a drug at this point. Also there's plenty of proof that pedophilia stories can easily cause pedophiles to make the decision to go after a kid. It doesn't matter if it's human or not it's the age that matters. Trying to dismiss that with a species argument is literally a pile of hot garbage.


like reading crime stories makes you a murderer?

If you have a mental illness that makes you want to kill someone very badly then yes it can cause it to happen. Your not considering the important factor of a mental illness which is what pedophilia is. Next time do a little research before making a half assed remark.


Excessive virtue signalling also correlates strongly with the disputed paraphilia. Good thing correlation isn't causation, right?

And yet it can still cause it to happen. Nice job looking for me in other comments for the virtue signalling. Doesn't change anything lol.

I want to read how this goes.

Please update.


So let me get this straight. (1)You're writing foalcon stories which is no different then writing a pedophilia story, but think (2)tooncritic is a stain on you guys? (3,4)No foalcon is a stain in general you're literally one step away from being with that (5)trans age group.

Also I didn't even know who tooncritic was before this.

(1) There are stories about all types of genres. From murder mysteries to down right disgusting things like 120 days of Blueblood. It isn’t up to the writer/author of said literary works/books to justify, explain or clarify anything about what said author/writer creates. Mainly because all of these books/literary works are just that, stories to be told/red. While it is true that foalcon and pedophilia are one and the same, taking into consideration the age of the people/ponies involved in sexual acts/activities, there is a huge difference between one and the other. Most people, despite their personal preferences on what they do and don’t read, would find that raping someone of their own specie and raping a multicoloured foal is very different because now we’re talking about many different things like the social, political and religious differences between one and the other.

Otherwise, creating a book where antropormophic animals having sex with a human would be in favour of zoophilia which is obviously not the case.

(2) There will always be certain individuals, regardless of their position within or without a company, industry or the internet that are just toxic, stupid or simply racist because of who they are as an individual. Brony Stories as well as Cocknie Thug are writers/authors who have written rather heavy stories that are for adults (though Cocknie has done that far more than Brony in terms of the specific genre of their stories). Regardless of what they right or don’t right, that doesn’t explicitly mean/state that one individual is toxic or not. That would be comparing someones ethics based on their diet because they might be a vegetarian or not.

(3) You’re writing a runon sentence. If you’re going to criticise something or someone you disagree, at least put a modicum of effort and write properly.

(4) Taking into consideration that almost all of the people who read foalcon stories are adults in all sense of the word, they are capable of understanding that raping a foal/filly (yes, there is a difference between one and the other) is nothing more than a work of erotic fiction. They are smart enough to tell the difference between a fantasy and reality. Mainly because I haven’t seen nor heard of a brony stabbing a friend because a creepypasta monster “told” them to do as such.

(5) This statement is nothing more than a pile of burning trash. Comparing the entire trans community to people who read foalcon is not only unnecesary but it also doesn’t prove anything at all. I mainly say that you’re comparing the entire trans community because you never specified which group of the trans community you’re talking about.

See (1)that's a bad excuse. And yet most (2)pedophiles would start with it's just "fiction" (3)and everything goes downhill.

(1) Care to elaborate on how is that a bad excuse or are we going to play the pronoun game until you decide to explain as to why that is a bad excuse?

(2) I’ve both red and seen comics about Zootopia and how Nick (who is a fox) is fucking Judy and getting her pregnant (despite that going against basic biology). That doesn’t mean that I am going out of my way and fucking a rabbit, despite that being quite literally a work that, according to you, promotes and divulges zoophilia.

(3) Stating that everything goes downhill is nothing more than a massive generalisation. Not everyone thinks the same way nor does everyone act the same way. You putting everyone in one single bubble and labeling everyone the same way is nothing more than intellectual and ethical dishonesty.

Weird it said you sent that 6 days ago. Anyways again (1)fiction is still just an enabler for it but there's nothing more I can say. You do you.

(1) Stating that something is an enabler while not providing one single piece of evidence as to why or how it is an enabler makes your point null and void. Not everyone who reads heavy, dark or simply dangerous stuff (foalcon, horror, murder mysteries, whodunnits etc) mean that they are being enabled to act, let alone react how the characters of these works of literature would act.

(1)Wow I honestly thought this was over. Anyway to answer you, (2)marijuana isn't even considered a drug at this point. Also there's plenty of proof that (3)pedophilia stories can easily cause pedophiles to make the decision to go after a kid. It doesn't matter if(4) it's human or not it's the age that matters. Trying to dismiss that with a (5)species argument is literally a pile of hot garbage.

(1) Why are you impressed that it isn’t over if you keep replying? No one is holding a gun against your head, forcing you to reply.

(2) That is a broad generalisation. Marijuana is an illegal drug in 19 states of USA. Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Indiana, Texas, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Virginia haven’t legalised the use of recreational nor medical marijuana.

Here’s a link to prove my point: https://www.businessinsider.com/legal-marijuana-states-2018-1

(3) Under this statement of yours, everyone who reads erotic stories here are also zoophiles who fuck animals. And let’s not forget that everyone who reads or sees horror anime (say Death Note) under this statement of yours, they are growing into mass serial murderers.

(4) So me fucking an adult animal is fine because it is the age that matters. Is that what you’re trying to state here? Because if that’s the case, you aren’t helping your point here....at all, I might add.

(5) Again. According to this next follow up statement clearly states that fucking an adult animal regardless of specie is fine. Because the specie argument is a pile of garbage. Though you’re not specifying in which direction said “garbage” argument is garbage.

(1)If you have a mental illness that makes you want to kill someone very badly then yes it can cause it to happen. (2)Your not considering the important factor of a (3)mental illness which is what pedophilia is. Next time do a (4)little research before making a half assed remark.

(1) Ted Bundy, Alber Fish, Alexander Pichushkin, Andrei Chikatillo were quite sane and were never diagnosed with a mental illness, despite everything they did to those they killed, ate and raped. Every single one of these serial killers were very sane despite everything they did. Ted Bundy and Andrei Chikatilo killed because they could. Albert Fish killed because he was a cannibal. Alexander Pichushkin initially killed those who were toxis and dangerous people. Being mentally ill or not doesn’t mean that you are susceptible or suggestible into killing people.

(2) For someone who states that others have to do research, not adding an apostrophe renders your laughable critique rather null and void. As Alonzo Lerone always says in his videos “read a dictionary”.

(3) By this statement, the Catholics are both rapists and child killers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abuse_scandal_in_the_Sisters_of_Mercy, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases_by_country.

Let’s not forget that orphanages are also filled with rapists as well: https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/narratives/marias-story.

In more simple terms (mind you, I’m using what you said, not my own personal opinions) catholics as well as orphanage workers are rapists, child abusers as well as people who promote CSEC (Comercial Sexual Explotation of Children). See how someone who does a little bit of research can twist your argument and make you look foolish. Then again, these people are all mentally ill, according to what you said, that is.

(4) Next time, I suggest you actually do some research yourself before you write anything. Otherwise those who actually follow your advice, can prove that you don’t follow your own suggestion.

And yet it can still cause it to happen. (1)Nice job looking for me in other comments for (2)the virtue signalling. Doesn't change anything lol.

(1) I just had to look for the comments which have the biggest dislikes here. Wasn’t that hard to be honest.

(2) I don’t think that you know what virtue signaling is, taking into consideration how nonsensical and foolish most, if not all your points are. Here’s what virtue signaling means: The action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.

As far as all of your comments are written, you haven’t expressed anything that can be remotely considered good.7

I want to read how he actually Concord that country

so, Warcrusher claimed that pedophilia is a mental ilness, right? if it was, wouldn't pedophiles be sent to a mental hospital or an asylum if this was the case?


So, Warcrusher claimed that pedophilia is a (1) mental illness, (2) right? if it was, wouldn't pedophiles be sent to a (3) mental hospital or an asylum if this was the case?

(1) In all fair honesty, I have no idea what Warcrusher was trying to say, not that I care to be honest.

(2) Pedophilia isn’t a mental illness. They are mentally/sexually depraved, yes, but to go so far and state that they are mentally ill would be an insult to people that actually suffer from mental illnesses like schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder or the very broad term of autism.

(3) To be honest, pedophiles are sent to a much worse place than a mental asylum. Rapists, child molesters and pedophiles are considered the scum of scum by prison inmates, which is saying something. People who are accused and sentenced as that have a very high chance/risk of getting themselves killed by other prison inmates.

If you are still around, will we ever get a chapter 2? It is a great story that builds great expectations and I am very interested in seeing how this will turn out.

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