• Published 17th Apr 2018
  • 3,022 Views, 91 Comments

Clockwork Dreams - Dark0592

When Twilight Sparkle starts dreaming of the mare in the moon, she begins to unearth secrets of Equestria's past not even the Princess knew.

  • ...

Generous Days, Bloody Nights

“Damn it all!” Twilight heard as she walked by one of the various classrooms, all usually empty by now, at the Canterlot University for the advancement of Magical and Technological Study. Most people called it the CUA or the University. She was on her way back out after delivering her reports on the development of more efficient glyphwork when she heard the somewhat startling curse. She peeked her head in and found a peculiar sight.

For starters, the mare pacing around the podium looked more like a noble at a gala rather than someone who would be caught dead in a place of education. The chalk boards were covered in a combination of formulae and what looked like blueprints and she would occasionally swipe at it with an eraser. She would sniffle every now and then when she looked at it, shake her head, and then continue pacing.

“Excuse me? Are you alright?” Twilight tentatively asked as she stepped into the lecture hall proper. The mare seemed startled by the newcomer but quickly recovered.

“Oh I suppose so, Darling. I guess this whole Arcanotechnician thing was never my forte anyways.” The mare replied, throwing a hoof to what was left of the board. Twilight took a closer look as the mare continued.

“My instructors did not care for my presentation and I fear I just flunked out of my courses because of it.” She continued. She paused as Twilight lifted the chalk and filled in some of the now missing patches of equation and the design and changing a few things around.

“I can see why, there’s a reason this place is called the university of wartime technology by a lot of graduates. I can’t quite tell what this is intended for, but it’s clearly not meant for killing griffons.” Twilight replied, continuing to fill a few things out. Rarity sighed.

“My mother is a very frail mare, you see, and she can’t wear her favorite ballroom dress anymore and dance in it. She can’t in anything nowadays to be honest, so I wanted to change that.” The mare sighed. Twilight nodded, changing a few things again to account for the new information.

“I believe I see… So the intent is using a combination of glyphwork and hydraulics to create a support platform that’s small enough to fit on a dress- or under it. Sounds like an incredible idea to me.” Twilight replied. The mare nodded and looked at the new changes, her eyes widening slightly.

“Who are you?” She asked. Twilight smiled.

“Someone who wants to help you. Would you be interested in an apprenticeship?” Twilight asked. The mare seemed confused for a moment but nodded slowly. “Perfect! Follow me then!” Twilight said happily and left the room. The other unicorn slowly followed her and before long they were back in the dean’s office.

“Professor, I believe this mare is on the verge of flunking her courses?” Twilight asked, not even knocking as she entered. The stallion looked up but nodded as he recognized both the unicorn speaking to him and the one behind her.

“Yes, Miss Belle has good ideas but lacks the understanding to make them a reality and as such we believed it be best if she retake her courses.” The Dean replied.

“Would it be too much trouble to request an official apprenticeship?” Twilight asked. The Dean gave her an unreadable look for a few seconds before rubbing his chin.

“Hm… I see she’s piqued your interest Miss Sparkle. I’m not entirely sure she can keep up with you, but if you wish to take her under your wing then I’m in no position to stop you. I’ll have the paperwork sent to your office.” The stallion said. Twilight nodded and turned, motioning for the other to follow. As soon as the door closed the mare spoke.

“Miss Sparkle? As in Twilight Sparkle? THE Twilight Sparkle?” She asked. Twilight nodded. “Why… Why would you want to help a flunkee like me?” She asked, uncertainty heavy in her tone. Twilight smiled back as they left the university and headed towards the palace.

“Well Miss Belle, you may not have the understanding to make your ideas a reality, but I do. I’m very good at teaching as well, and that design of yours may have just solved a very important problem I’ve been trying to fix. What’s your name by the way? You know mine.” Twilight replied. The other unicorn blinked a few times.

“Rarity, Darling. Pleasure to meet you.” She answered. She almost ran into Twilight. Her confusion only grew when Twilight started laughing. “Is something the matter, Darling?” She asked.

“Not at all! I’ve just heard quite a bit about you. Hi! I’m Rainbow Dash’s girlfriend.” Twilight said, holding a hoof out. Rarity balked. They talked about the last few days as they walked, when Rarity finally recovered at least, and Twilight found Rarity to be a hopeless dramatic. Especially when she talked about the unintentionally romantic things she and her girlfriend had done together.

“Truly, she has no more nightmares?” The mare asked as they neared Twilight’s office door. Twilight nodded and opened it up, poking her head in.

“Spike! Heading back over to Ponyville!” She called into the room. A scaled wave was her reply as she closed the door again and twisted.

“Oh my, is that a static portal glyph array inscribed into the door?” Rarity asked. Twilight smiled and nodded as she opened it up again to the workshop. She was startled but ultimately not surprised when she was greeted at the door by a particularly chromatic pegasus. With an audible ‘boop!’ she bumped her snout againt Twilight’s.

“Please don’t tell me you were waiting like that this whole time…” Twilight said softly.

“What? Naw I’m not that clingy. I saw it light up.” The pegasus replied and turned to settle back down in her ‘nest’ to continue reading. She apparently hadn’t noticed Rarity behind Twilight and they caught it. With a shared glance confirming their simultaneous idea they trotted over to the pegasus.

“So hey, remember when you were saying it must have been fate how we all met?” Twilight asked. Dash nodded without looking up, earning a giggle from Twilight. “Well, when I was at the university today to turn in my reports I found a struggling student who had some cool ideas. I decided to take them on as an apprentice to help her out. Three guesses who it is.” She continued. Dash looked up at that.

“No way!” The pegasus exclaimed, though before she could make an actual guess the unicorn in question leaned around Twilight with a little smirk.

“Absolutely, Darling, and you simply MUST tell me EVERYTHING about this new relationship.” She said.

By the time they finished discussing it, Applejack had arrived to continue working on the tractors. True to her word, Twilight had Rarity assisting them and was making sure to explain their process and ask questions to make sure Rarity understood what was being done. The dressmaker was a surprisingly capable technician, she just took time to learn as her perfectionist habits carried over in full. She couldn’t really move on to another topic or area until she was satisfied with her skill in the previous one, and she had very high standards for herself.

The four of them, Dash providing power again, managed to get the modified arcane engine prototype running alongside the tractor without significant malfunction, and they were even able to shut it off!

“We’ll need to keep an eye on it and test it regularly, but I’m happy to say the mk.VII prototype of the Arcane Engine is a resounding success! After a week of observation and regular use we can determine if the rig is stable or not and work on making it more efficient so it doesn’t need an industrial sized chunk of gemstone.” Twilight explained to Applejack as they levitated down on the completed thing. Applejack hugged her as they landed back on the ground.

“You wanna come by fer dinner? Granny wants t’have ya back soon, and it’s the least we can do fer helpin’ us like ya have.” Applejack offered.

“Sorry AJ, She promised to take me out to a fancy place in Canterlot tonight!” Dash replied, Twilight nodding to confirm.

“And then I have to be at my office, I got a message from the council today giving me a heads up on something important I’ll want to be in Canterlot for and knocking doesn’t always go through.” The unicorn explained.

“Ah, fair. Yer always welcome either way.” The farmer said before driving the tractor off towards the garage.

“Since I’m back in Ponyville I’ll have to head home and make sure Sweetie Belle is alright. Remind me to thank Fluttershy for checking up on her regularly.” Rarity said. Twilight nodded and her new apprentice left them as well.

“Come on I’m super hungry now after talking about dinner!” Dash exclaimed, already flying up back towards the workshop. Twilight met her at the doorstep with a flash and they entered together.

“We need to wash up first, Rabenkrahe has something special planned for us and I will not have us stinking up the dining hall.” The unicorn retorted. Dash kinda froze.

“That sounds like a griffon name…” She said. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy at that comment. Dash was a war veteran afterall, she never thought about the fact that her girlfriend could still harbor some ill feelings towards Griffons.

“He’s a wonderful chef and I’m sure you’d enjoy trading war stories. He fought on Equestria’s side, his beak was smashed and he lost his wings for it. Celestia hired him on as a chef when he showed his cooking skills!” Twilight explained. Dash seemed to relax at that.

“As long as he doesn’t serve me meat. It’s the one part of their influence I can’t stomach.” Dash replied. Twilight nodded, by her tone she felt the pegasus had a particularly bad experience with meat judging by the way she shivered at its mention.

“While I’ve come to enjoy it on specific occasions, I made sure to tell him to make it vegetarian. I didn’t know your preference and I kept forgetting to ask.” Twilight said as they made their way upstairs to the bathroom. They bathed and left the workshop trying to guess what the griffon would serve them.

Their arrival at the dining hall was met with little reaction from the staff though a few guards saluted Dash or exchanged greetings with Twilight.

“Ah, finally! I was starting to think you forgot meine liebste!” Rabenkrahe exclaimed upon them finally entering the hall proper. He was waiting, their food just being wheeled out on covered platters. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. He looked to Dash and bowed low.

“And it is honor to meet you in peace, Major. You gave my clutch-brother an honorable death at the capital when I could not. We did not fight alongside each other, you and I, but as a leader of the rebellion it is the best I could have asked for him.” The griffon continued. Dash stepped up to him and examined his metal beak.

“You have been dishonored… you really did fight for Equestria…” Dash said softly. He nodded and she smiled before putting a hoof to his face.

“Ich respektiere dich, großer Jäger. Now, whatever the hell that is it smells awesome!” Dash started very seriously, both of them closing their eyes as if the words meant something very important before she retracted her hoof with the exclamation. Rabenkrahe nodded and motioned for them to take a seat.

“While Bratwurst and Zitterwein may be my specialty, I’ve mastered a new dish geared towards Equestria.” The griffon explained as he served them the platters and removed the lids to reveal a meal consisting of fried rice with egg, stir fried vegetables, spring rolls, and something that resembled a fried doughnut but was nothing like Pony Joe made. The two mares shared a look before digging in enthusiastically.

The meal lasted the rest of the evening, The two of them speaking with the griffon about their recent ventures and a bit about their experience in the same war. Before too long, however, Twilight found herself nearly dozing off and it didn’t go unnoticed.

“Meine liebste, you should go sleep. Major, you know where she sleeps?” The griffon asked the pegasus. Dash smiled and nodded, nudging Twilight out of her seat. The unicorn grumbled incoherently as Krahe started cleaning the table. Dash thanked the griffon again and said something in his native tongue before they departed, Twilight was too exhausted to translate it.

Twilight became aware that she had fallen asleep before reaching the bed when she saw the familiar princess of the night sitting in the tower proper, gazing up at the moon. Twilight trotted over and sat down next to her. She noticed the princess had a somber expression.

“Is something wrong, Princess?” Twilight asked, putting a hoof on the alicorn’s shoulder. Luna glanced at Twilight and her frown raised just a bit.

“There is, my dear, but it is not something I am prepared to share just yet. for now I just wanted to enjoy the company if you wouldn’t mind.” The alicorn replied. Twilight nodded slowly. As an afterthought, she scooted over and laid her head against Luna’s shoulder.

“The night really is beautiful. I don’t think I’ve told you that yet.” She said after a moment. She looked up at Luna and caught the little blush as the princess seemed to be avoiding her gaze. Twilight smiled and nuzzled a little closer, she was tired even in this dreamscape. Luna’s expression turned to concern when she noticed the yawn and now the unicorn’s eyes looked like she was fighting to keep them open.

“Twilight, are you quite alright?” She asked. Twilight hummed in acknowledgement and nodded, though Luna’s worry only increased. She looked around at a few seemingly random places before looking back to Twilight.

“Twilight?” She asked, nudging her slightly. The nudge turned to a little shake, then a very worried shake. “This isn’t natural…” She said to herself. She took a deep breath and concentrated on other nearby dreamers. She found Rainbow Dash, though it seemed like she was also getting sleepy in her own dreamscape.

She watched in something akin to horror as the mare suddenly stopped and looked around frantically.

“This is poison!” The pegasus exclaimed before the dreamscape collapsed.

Rainbow Dash was being poisoned… and so was Twilight… They were in danger and there was nothing she could do. She felt Twilight’s heartbeat slow down to a painfully slow pace and she almost yelled out for help.

There was one thing she could do, she realized… She just hoped her sister was asleep at this hour…

Dash opened her eyes, she knew this feeling. It was a Zebrican paralysis poison. The Zebras were allied though, why would they be here poisoning her? She felt her skin crawl in fury as she heard the voices whispering. Whispering in the griffon language.

“The winged one is conscious, we’ll have to eliminate her before taking the important one.” The voice said. It wasn’t a voice she recognized.

“Like hell you are!” Dash growled. She had developed a natural resistance to poison during her time in the military, but the toxin caused her an immense dizzy spell as she bolted upright. Lucky for her the griffons were too shocked by her being lucid to react in time as she bucked them with all of her might. She followed up with a mighty flap of her wings, ignoring the pain in her right one, and sorely wished she was wearing wing blades.

She had to settle for channeling what little magic a pegasus could muster into her wings to cause at least some damage. Luckily, being as fast as a flier as she was afforded a bit of leeway in terms of how sharp the things had to be to make a proper cut. Two griffons followed her out of the door, their heads trailing behind a few feet. She crashed right into a third that had just taken to the air to dodge and they fell flailing to the ground of the tower proper.

“Major!” She heard the voice of a familiar griffon as she bucked the third griffon into the floor hard enough to break his spine. She looked over to the door, as did the four other griffons in the room, where the grounded chef was standing. Dash took the opportunity to slam into one of the attackers and feel a few things shatter against the wall. This distraction then gave Rabenkrahe a chance to charge one of them down, dragging his talons along the belly of it as it spun to face Dash once more.

“Major!” The chef called out again, this time in warning. Dash spun with her wings, intending to deflect whatever blow was directed at her, but almost toppled to the ground when her wing burned like the day it was injured. The false feathers of the graft were charred from the energy channeled through it and the old wound was beyond exacerbated at this point. She hissed in pain and tried to kick the attacker away as he dragged his talons across her back, but was unable to do so as he twisted the already damaged wing and wrapped his talons around her. She couldn’t even make out the words he was saying, something about an honorable death, before she couldn’t struggle anymore.

She felt, in excruciating clarity, as his beak tore through the skin and flesh of her neck and he jerked, ripping her throat out. She fell, gasping, to the floor as her hooves instinctually went up to try and plug the new hole in her neck. It was a poor job, done in haste, because her hooves were able to keep her from suffocating immediately. It ultimately succeeded at what it was meant to do, incapacitate her. And she’d definitely either suffocate or bleed out very quickly, but as she desperately clung to her life she heard the griffons again.

They were trying to smash the unconscious chef’s beak, significantly harder to do when it was made of metal. She could barely hear it, but the sound of metal being torn wasn’t one you mistake easily. While they were busy with that, she started slowly crawling towards them. Both of her hooves were in use keeping her short, gurgling breaths from spilling out of the new airway so it was more of a shimmy, but by the time they finished she had almost made it to them.

One of them looked down at her, as if they were surprised she was still alive, before the other one said something.

“Go get the other one, we need to go now.” He said. Dash couldn’t say anything past her hooves as the griffon next to her nodded and quickly dashed towards the stairs to where Twilight was. Except he stumbled as Dash managed to reach out and latch her jaws around a leg. It could barely even be called latched, actually, and as they both tumbled across the room Dash almost let go- her vision got real dark as her hooves rushed to keep her throat closed again. She would never let them get to her.

It was all she could do, channeling what little energy she had left into her own body. She felt her fur standing on end as the moisture in the room condensed into a tiny cloud before the griffon could react and sent a bolt of lightning into her. The electricity passed harmlessly through her, she was the one channeling it afterall, but the nearest outlet happened to be the griffon’s leg held in her jaws. He yelled out some griffon obscenities, she wasn’t paying much attention to it any longer. She barely even felt the kick that nearly ripped her teeth out getting her away from the griffon. She could barely feel her own breathing at that point, the only reason she knew she was still alive was because the blood hadn’t stopped coming around her hooves and she could still make out a small diameter of her vision.

She was staring at the door. Please let those last gasping breaths of her be worth something to keep Twilight safe. Someone, anyone, please walk through that door.

The door’s runes started glowing.

They were glowing black. She’d never seen that color before.

The door exploded and the one thing she hoped but never expected to see come to the rescue stepped through. A particularly bothered warrior princess was standing in the doorway.

Celestia surveyed the room quickly, noting griffons and a whole lot of blood. A pony, probably dead, still tingling with lightning magic. A griffon on the ground next to her, still twitching from the assumed application of said magic. Another griffon standing over a very familiar griffon.

“It’s over, stand down.” The griffon in front of her said in his native tongue. Celestia entered the room after that, the griffon on the ground staying there.

“Good dogs, knowing when you should surrender.” Celestia said lowly. She walked up to the pony and was surprised to see her still breathing, if it could be even called that. She recognized this pony, both from Twilight’s recent correspondence and from her exploits in the war. It took only a moment to put a rank to the name and the face.

“Major Rainbow Dash… I-” She started, about to thank the mare for her service, but the pegasus gurgled out something and flopped a hoof in the direction of the stairs. The princess saw the extent of her injuries and leaned down, horn glowing, to begin the process of healing.

“-ight…” She barely managed to make out around the sounds of the mare trying to speak with her throat ripped out. Her eyes widened and she followed the hoof to the stairs as the pegasus managed to get her hoof back to her wound. Celestia nodded, it was very clear whose live she valued more. She took in breath and, in a concentrated version of the royal canterlot voice, called out a quick command.

“Medics and Emergency Response to the Astronomy Tower!” Rattled the walls of the palace. Before she flew up to the living area, foregoing the stairs, and found Twilight halfway to the door. Her horn was softly glowing and she was moving a few inches with each flash. Celestia immediately swept the paralyzed unicorn onto her back and returned to the tower where medics were arriving.

She placed Twilight down gently near Dash, who was still clinging to life, and the griffon she had shocked.

“You will produce an antidote to whatever poison you applied to her or your life is forfeit.” Celestia said calmly to the griffon.

“No antidote, harmless poison. Numbs body. Cure is time.” The griffon replied in broken equestrian. He couldn’t even scream as his head fell to the floor, Celestia sheathing a great blade back in its scabbard on her side.

“Wrong answer.” She said to noone in particular.

“Princess? What should we do with him?” One of the royal guards asked as more filtered in. Shining Armor immediately rushed over to Twilight upon seeing the unicorn on the ground. The guard was pointing a spear at the last griffon, who was standing tall and proud.

“He is no longer a threat. You will Tell me who let you in and who sent you or your life is forfeit.” The warrior princess replied, taking the step over to be in range of the griffon should he refuse. He glanced over at Rabenkrahe, still unconscious on the ground. Celestia sighed heavily.

“Rabenkrahe, I trusted you…” She breathed and drew her great blade. “Take him for interrogation, I’ll deal with the traitor here and now.” She said around the grip of the blade. The guards nodded and Celestia reeled back to bring the blade down on her chef, but froze as a small pressure on her leg stopped her. She looked down to see Rainbow Dash’s hoof, still coated in her blood, just barely touching her. She couldn’t make out what the pegasus was trying to say around the hole in her neck, but it sounded little more than desperate gasps for air at this point.

The pegasus proceeded to draw her hoof back to herself, but instead of putting it back in its place plugging her neck up- the medics were applying magic and gauze to do that- she lethargically tapped her muzzle a few times. Her look of confusion spurred the mare to very briefly touch her muzzle again, then point out the slash wounds still slowly seeping blood on her back. She looked down at her chef and the realization dawned on her.

“Wait, keep that griffon here. He did not answer my question.” She said, looking up at her guards. They all nodded and the griffon stopped.

“Rabenkrahe did not aid you. The wounds he sustained are from talons, not my Major’s arcane wing. And you wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of breaking his beak again. Is your life worth so little that you would lie to me?” She asked, sheathing the blade for now. Shattering the beak of a griffon is to label them a traitor or an exile- one unfit to hunt. Culturally it is similar to the ripping of sleeves in the navy to signify one who has betrayed their comrades.

“It is my contract. All criteria of success have failed so it has now become void. If I return and am not killed for my failures, my beak will be shattered and I will be exiled.” The griffon explained. Celestia nodded in understanding.

“A Talon Mercenary then. So you are not of the griffon Rebellion, just hired by them. Who let you in then? You may be granted an honorable death yet.” The princess asked.

“The one you just beheaded did. He was to infiltrate the palace staff and let us in when our target was confirmed. Rabenkrahe either suspected something or was just a good staff member because he fired the spy for ‘improper treatment of those not of your kin’. I believe your kind call it ‘Racism’.” The griffon explained without hesitating. Celestia nodded.

“I am interested to know that you know his name…” She started. She paused as she looked down at her chef she nearly beheaded.

“He is my father’s brother, I believe the term you use is Uncle. I had hoped he would not interfere…” The griffon said, showing the first sign of anything other than a stone face. “On the promise of a swift and honorable death, I will tell you who hired us and what our mission was. It was not the rebellion He continued, looking Celestia in the eye. Celestia nodded and he nodded in return.

“It was not a griffon. All I know is they are one of your people. We were to enter the palace, cause as much dissent as possible and attempt to make it clear that griffons did not like ponies. If possible, we were to make it seem as if a known griffon aided us to break more bonds. After capturing the target, we were to bring them to an address where they would be ransomed off. Of course, the ransom would never happen. Knowing who the target is, you would have arrived and taken her and our heads- but the ransom was to be made out ot the Griffon Republic.” The mercenary explained. Celestia hummed.

“Give me the address and explain to me your contract and you may have earned your life.” The princess said after a few moments of thought.

“Blueblood Manor. And my contract states that any contractor that crosses my line are enemy and nothing else.” He continued. Celestia nodded in response. “It was a foolish contract, and I now no longer have any right to it.” He continued, almost in disgust.

“We will speak of this later. For now, take him to the dungeons but accommodate him. He is still a prisoner but he is no longer doomed.” The princess said. The guards nodded again and led him away.

“Princess? Will they be alright?” She heard her captain ask softly. She turned and looked to the medics.

“It’ll take a day or two of rest, strong Zebrican paralysis poison, but Twilight is unharmed. Major Dash, on the other hoof…” One of them started. They all looked at the pegasus then, who was still miraculously conscious. Twilight had inched herself over with magic so that her muzzle was practically pressed against Dash’s. She was crying.

“She’s lost too much blood, and there’s no way to fix the damage. The only option would be prosthesis, but it wasn’t a clean tear.” The other medic picked up. They all looked down at the two now, Twilight’s tears started falling a little heavier at hearing that. “The poison was applied to her as well, it’s in her blood… The fact that she could even kill one of them, let alone many, in that state shows how strong this mare is…” He continued, this time to nobody in particular.

“It’s… ok....you’re safe… all… matters…” The pegasus gasped out to Twilight, mercifully no longer gurgling around her own blood. The Princess and the Captain observed in interest as the pegasus gently kissed Twilight’s paralyzed muzzle. Silence fell on the room for a few moments before Celestia knelt down.

“Major Rainbow Dash, you have served both this nation and this princess well and above any expectations we have set on you. You will be remembered as Admiral Rainbow Dash from this day on, one of the greatest protectors this princess has ever had the pleasure to fight alongside.” Celestia said softly as she gently pressed her horn to Dash’s head. The act was reserved only for the most prestigious of ceremonies, but she felt the now Admiral deserved just as much.

“No…” Twilight managed to whisper through her involuntarily clenched jaw and stiff tongue. Celestia looked over and put her forehead against the unicorn’s, hoping to comfort her student.

“Heal… her…” The unicorn whispered out. Celestia pulled back so she could look at the unicorn’s puffy eyes.

“I cannot, the morning is three hours away and she will not last that long.” Celestia replied. She didn’t dare keep her regret from her tone, she didn’t care at this point.

“Make...morning...now” Twilight hissed out. Celestia shook her head once more.

“That takes more magic than I may command at this time… I used so much to get here…” The princess explained mournfully.

“Mine…” Twilight hissed, almost angrily. It took a moment for Celestia to realize she was being asked to use the unicorn’s magic to supplement what she’s lost. She was about to protest, but the memory of the last few days flashed into her mind.

Twilight’s arcane pool had increased exponentially. It might have been enough.

“I… will try, then… If the strain begins to harm you I will not value your life over hers.” The princess said softly before closing her eyes and gently touching her horn to Twilight’s. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes as she began channeling magic. She was surprised as Twilight’s eyes began to glow like they did in the testing caverns, but she focused. The unicorn almost immediately lost consciousness, this was no ordinary magic. The drain was not harming her however, so she continued to channel.

It felt like years to the princess, but it was only seconds, as for the first time in recorded history the dawn came early. The sun slowly rose while the moon was still in the sky. The warm rays bathed the room in light through the window and Celestia exhaled deeply. The pained gasp from the pegasus drew her gaze and she saw as the wounds on her back started sizzling as if the sun was burning them away until only the mare’s blue coat remained. She too lost consciousness as the sizzling stopped and the medic tentatively opened the bandages around her throat.

“Princess.. You did it! This will still take months to heal in full, but she will live.” The stallion said with relief. She nodded and stood.

“Captain, send me letter by dragonfire when they awake. I can afford the morning away from the fighting to personally track down these traitors. They clearly mean to frame my nephew- for while he is stupid and narcissistic as they get he is loyal without question. I want the mercenary questioned further but for no more harm to come to him unless I say.” The princess commanded. Shining nodded and helped the medics carry the two out towards the medical wing. More staff entered to begin the process of cleaning as Celestia left the room and took to the sky to head in the general direction of Blueblood Manor.

She looked up, then. Not at her sun, but the moon still hanging awkwardly in the dawn.

“I don’t know why or how… but thank you…” She whispered to it.

Author's Note:

This was finished over the course of three days so I hope it flows decently enough. I'm trying to cut down chapter numbers to get more used to writing longer ones so I'm shaking the habit of ending chapters every major scene break.
I also feel like the flow stuttered a bit near the end but after three rewrites I developed a migraine so I kept the best one.
Hope you enjoyed!