• Published 17th Apr 2018
  • 3,022 Views, 91 Comments

Clockwork Dreams - Dark0592

When Twilight Sparkle starts dreaming of the mare in the moon, she begins to unearth secrets of Equestria's past not even the Princess knew.

  • ...

On Wings of Promise

Twilight opened her eyes to the white ceiling of a hospital room. She sat up and looked down at the bed, this wasn’t her hospital room. The paralyzing poison had ran its course and she was just a little sluggish from it the next morning, this was Dash’s hospital room. While the rainbow maned pegasus was no longer in danger of dying, she was still recovering from major blood loss and the scars on her throat were still in the process of scarring.

“Twilight!” Caught her attention from the door as the four other ponies, and one dragon, she had come to call her friends entered and crowded around the bed.

“Thanks for rounding everyone up, Spike…” Twilight said softly. The dragon just nodded and they all looked at Dash.

“She’s going to be alright, right Darling?” Rarity asked, breaking the silence after a few moments. Twilight nodded.

“She just needs time to recover… Princess Celestia herself healed her, I helped her bring the sun up early to do it… I had to, she almost died for me…” Twilight started explaining, but Applejack quickly moved up next to her and pulled her into a sideways hug.

“It’s alright now, sugarcube. You don’t gotta talk about it anymore none, Spike gave us the story. Somethin’ I was thinkin’ of askin’ though is how the Princess knew you were in trouble, and how she got here. I mean, wasn’t she in the Griffon lands?” The farmer asked. With something to distract her mind from the previous night, Twilight wiped her forming tears.

“I… don’t really know how she knew. She got here using my door, though. She helped me write the glyphs and perfect the array for it, she just overpowered the static portal array and used a large burst of magic to use it as a teleportation beacon. She’s investigating the attack in person right now.” The unicorn explained.

“You helped raise the sun?!” Pinkie exclaimed, her now straight main curling slightly. The others held their questions to hear that answer, it wasn’t exactly a normal thing to hear you helped raise the sun.

“Well, technically. I didn’t do any of the raising, but Rainbow wash dying and the Princess didn’t have the power to raise the sun and heal her after the teleport… so I let her use my magic for it, I have a lot of it, and it was enough.” Twilight answered, looking at Dash’s sleeping form and nuzzling her cheek.

“Oh my! What happened to her graft?” Fluttershy asked, noticing the lack of discolored feathers, or feathers at all really, on Dash’s right wing.

“I’ll… tell you later. I really don’t want to talk about it right now. I didn’t even see any of it… Speaking of, however, there’s something I wanted to ask for your help on.” Twilight replied, turning to the other pegasus.

“Of course, if I can help I’d be happy to.” The shy mare said with confidence.

“If’n ya need our help you just holler, just so ya know.” Applejack said. Rarity and Pinkie nodded in agreement. Twilight smiled and pulled them all into a hug.

“I’ll be sure to let you all know if I need it, I’ve requested a week’s leave from my duties here at the palace so I can stay at the workshop with Dash without needed to worry about missing work.” The unicorn explained.

“Then y’all best be comin’ to us fer dinner.” Applejack said.

“There’s a formal coming up soon as well, you simply must attend and I simply must make your attire.” Rarity added.

“I’ll help you however I can, but if you want to learn some of my recipes I can write some of them down too!” Fluttershy continued.

“And I AbSOLUTELY have to throw that ‘we’re all together again’ party as soon as Dashie wakes up!” Pinkie exclaimed, her mane back to its normal poof. Twilight smiled and hugged all of them harder. They stayed like that until the voice of one of the palace doctors entered and cleared his throat.

“Miss Sparkle, Chef Rabenkrahe has regained consciousness.” He announced. She nodded and the group disentangled.

“Watch her for me, guys. I need to talk to Chef Rabenkrahe.” Twilight said. They all nodded, Pinkie giving a salute, as the doctor led Twilight to a nearby room.

“Ah, Meine Liebste!” The familiar greeting met Twilight as soon as she entered the room. The voice wasn’t quite as clear as it usually was, he was missing most of his beak again afterall, but it was certainly understandable.

“Rabenkrahe, I want to thank you with all that I am for your help and sacrifice. Both Rainbow Dash and I owe you our lives.” Twilight said, walking up to the bed and bowing.

“Oh stand up you silly pony, I was doing my job. I may have become a chef but I never stopped being a warrior. Our Princess asked me to keep an eye on you whenever you were in the palace.” The griffon explained. Twilight nodded in understanding, this wasn’t the first time she’d learned a staff member was tasked with her safekeeping.

“Either way, I still want to thank you.” She said, smiling as she leaned in to nuzzle the griffon. He laughed softly and returned the embrace.

“You are one of my favorite patrons, meine liebste, and one of the few that does not show any animosity towards me because I am a bird and not a pony. I would have laid my life down in your protection if I had to, though I admit I am glad it did not come to that. Major Rainbow Dash is truly to thank, however. She did most of the fighting.” The griffon explained. Twilight’s smile fell slightly, but it returned.

“It’s Admiral now, actually. I’ll be sure to bring her around or vice versa when she’s awake, she’ll pull through thank the sun.” The unicorn said. Rabenkrahe sighed in relief at that.

“I had noticed my nephew’s killing blow wasn’t as lethal as he had hoped, but even a poorly done killing blow is still dangerous… I hear that Celestia raised the sun early to save her life, I am honored to have fought alongside her and am glad she is alive.” The griffon said. Twilight turned to the doctor then.

“Doctor, when will he be well enough to leave?” She asked.

“Most of his injuries were minor, he was beaten and bruised but that’s easy to heal with magic. I’d say as long as he rests he shall be fit to return to work when he feels ready.” The stallion replied. Twilight nodded and turned back to the chef.

“Well then, when you get the chance come by the workshop. I’ll fix your beak up again, it’ll be much better than the what the palace artisan can do.” She offered. Rabenkrahe smiled as best he could and nodded.

“Did any of the attackers survive?” He asked after a moment of silence. Twilight nodded.

“Just your Nephew. He was cooperative so the Princess had him detained for interrogation. Beyond that I’m not sure.” She replied. The griffon nodded.

“Good, He was bound by contract to do what he did. Now that he has effectively failed his contract he may as well defect like I did.” He said. Twilight hummed and put her face into his neck.

“Can we please not talk about this war stuff? You know I don’t like thinking about it…” The unicorn asked softly. He smiled and patted her head.

“Sorry, meine liebste. I will be fine if you wish to return to your girlfriend, I know you must be worried. I’ll let you know beforehand when I come to visit.” The griffon said. Twilight smiled, hugged him again, and turned to leave. She was surprised when the door open and Celestia was standing there, though she was no longer in her combat garb.

“Ah, good, you are here then. Rabenkrahe, I shall need to speak with you later about this- but for now I apologise for almost executing you unjustly.” The Princess said, inclining her head. Rabenkrahe waved a talon dismissively.

“Way I see it, if you would have, it wouldn’t have been any different than if you hadn’t shown up except Miss Twilight would be in trouble still. You did as you thought was right at the time.” The griffon replied. Celestia smiled and looked down to Twilight, who had latched onto her in an embrace.

“Come, let us return to Rainbow Dash. There’s a few things you didn’t mention in your letter.” She said with a smile. Twilight nodded and, after separating, they walked. “By that kiss earlier I assume you are more than just friends?” She continued as they set off.

“We’re trying it out… I’m still a little unsure about it all, but I know I’ll never let her go as a friend… Especially now.” Twilight replied, the last part seemed almost nervous. Celestia always could read her like a book, however.

“You must talk with her about it then, knowing you- and that tone- you are worried if you do not wish to continue your relationship in a romantic manor she may feel like you are not grateful for what she has done for you. Or, at the very least, that you feel obligated to love her after she nearly gave her life for you.” The princess explained. The way Twilight flinched confirmed its accuracy.

“I still don’t know… but, Princess, how did you know we needed help?” Twilight asked, perfectly happy to change the subject. Celestia’s expression was unreadable as they walked, but she did speak as they reached the door to Dash’s room.

“I had a dream, and the dream changed in a way I never thought I’d see again… I urge you to continue your research on that book during your leave from the university.” She replied before opening the door, the tone and the action clearly stating that it was to be discussed at a later date. Twilight nodded and they entered. Shining Armor was there with their friends as well, he hugged his sister.

“Captain, thank you for coming. I want you to station your best Valkyrie with your sister for her protection. I will have a unit of centurions stationed in Ponyville with express orders to be near enough to the workshop to react to an emergency at all times.” Celestia explained. They all looked to the captain, who took his helmet off and shook his head.

“All of the Valkyrie that have experience are-were with you in the fighting. I think the best I could station is already there.” He said, nodding towards the sleeping pegasus.

“Even in her injured state you think she can protect Twilight?” Celestia asked, legitimate curiosity for his reply evident in her tone.

“She just took on a full headhunter unit almost single handedly while crippled and poisoned. Knowing Twi she already has plans to make sure it won’t happen so easily again, and probably plans to make sure the Admiral doesn’t almost die again, so if you are stationing centurions then I believe that is all that need be done.” The stallion explained. Celestia nodded slowly.

“I suppose she’d be there either way... “ She said more to herself as she remembered how the pegasus had directed her to check on Twilight before trying to attend to her very lethal wounds. “Very well. Twilight, if you ever feel unsafe then do not hesitate to request more protection. I’ve also ordered a policy to have at least one guard accompany you whenever you are in Canterlot, if you wish me to extend that to other cities simply give the word.” The princess continued. Twilight nodded.

“While I normally wouldn’t like all the attention…” The unicorn started, looking at Dash. “... I don’t want anyone else to get hurt protecting me. I’ll make sure we’re all safe, Princess.” Twilight said, hugging her. When they separated again the princess turned her gaze to the other four ponies in the room. They seemed a little uneasy at being this close to their princess. She tried to diffuse the tension by giving a warm smile to all of them.

“I know your names from my student’s letter, but it is a pleasure to meet all of you. Poor Twilight hasn’t had the best of luck with friendship for some time and I am afraid I have been too busy with the griffon rebellion to try and push her along in that regard. I am truly grateful you have allowed her into your circle of friendship, and as such you will always be treated as a guest in the palace. For now, I have an investigation to finish, I’ll let you know before I leave again.” The princess explained, ending by nodding to Twilight. The other ponies didn’t really know how to react and were silently digesting the statement.

“Thank you, Princess. Let me know if you need help, I always was faster than you at deciphering mysteries.” Twilight said with a little smirk. Celestia snorted as she turned to leave.

“I’ll keep that in mind. For now, I believe you still have one to work on.” She said, a bit of sass bleeding into the end of it, before leaving with Shining in tow. The rest of them all looked at each other.

“I’ll be right back. I need to fix my door and head back to the workshop to grab some research material while I wait for her to wake up. If anyone needs to go back home just let Spike or I know and we can take you back.” Twilight said.

“If’n ya don’t mind waitin’ a bit I can grab lunch fer us.” Applejack suggested. Twilight nodded and they both left for the tower. It had been cleaned, and the door itself fixed, but she had to spend an hour repairing the glyphwork. While she was waiting in the workshop for Applejack to return, however, she was a little surprised when Celestia came through.

“Ah good, it is fixed then. I apologise but breaking it in the first place, but I wasn’t particularly careful in my haste.” The princess said as she stepped through.

“You don’t have to apologise to me, you saved Rainbow’s life…” Twilight retorted. Celestia smiled and nodded. “Did you need me?” Twilight continued. Celestia shook her head.

“Something I must bring to your attention. When you provided me the energy to raise the sun when I did, you came into direct contact with not just my personal arcane pool, but the energy of the sun- and indirectly the moon. I have not been able to test this theory yet, but I fear the energy may have left residue within you, residue that can’t be removed. If this is the case, then you may develop the ability to use magic very few know exist, and only I should be able to command…” Celestia began. Twilight looked surprised at this.

“I trust you, intrinsically, and if there was one pony I would teach this magic to if I could it would be you. I must ask you never to practice this magic on your own if you are able to command it, when I return again we will work together in that regard. There are many dangers to using it, and I would not have you harm yourself or others due to careless use.” Celestia continued.

“Princess… I promise, but I haven’t even felt anything like foreign energy yet… If that changes I’ll be sure to let you know.” Twilight said, still somewhat processing that information. Alicorn magic? She’d never dreamed of being able to do anything like that. Celestia nodded nonetheless.

“Very good. I have also come to warn you of my departure, your brother will continue the investigation in my stead. I have confirmed that my nephew had nothing to do with this, and that the holding place was indeed meant to incite action against my own people unjustly. We found traces of who was supposed to be met there but I do not have time to follow the trail anymore. With the aid of the sun I can return without issue, so this will be farewell for now.” The princess explained. Twilight nodded and hugged her.

“Be safe, I’ll figure out what I can. I’ll let you know if I find anything and when Rainbow Dash wakes up.” Twilight said. Celestia returned the embrace.

“Please do, I would like to write her a formal letter of gratitude if I cannot come in person again.” She agreed. They separated Celestia exited the workshop to stand on the porch/balcony before the steps down. With a flash of blinding light, the princess was gone.

“Whoa nelly! I ain't never seen no light like that!” Applejack’s voice down the stairs alerted Twilight to the return of her friend. Twilight held the door open for the farmer as she hauled a particularly delectable smelling picnic blanket wrapped bundle on her back.

“The Princess went back to the griffon lands.” Twilight explained. Applejack seemed to accept that as an answer that didn’t need explaining and Twilight opened the door again to the palace.

Two days’ time found Fluttershy shuffling nervously in the workshop. Rainbow Dash had yet to wake up and Fluttershy had agreed to help Twilight with something special.

“Are you sure about this, Fluttershy? It could seriously injure or even cripple your wings if things go wrong.” Twilight warned. The shy pegasus gave a little sigh but nodded.

“I may be scared, but I’m sure. I can live without my wings if I have to… Rainbow Dash can’t. She got the injury trying to save me, so I’d give her my wings if I could…” The mare replied with more conviction than Twilight had heard from the pegasus. Twilight nodded.

“Ok, this might hurt a little.” The unicorn warned before stepping forward. She had what looked like a skeletal wing made of metal in he magical grasp and brought it towards Fluttershy. The mare nodded and tensed up slightly, but extended a wing without needing to be asked. She practically held her breath as Twilight placed the mechanical one under the the real one and fastened it with a harness. She looked at the pegasus, who nodded, and Twilight socketed the miniature arcane engine into its mount.

Fluttershy’s sharp inhale of breath followed the sound of tiny pistons causing the thing to tighten and small receptors to stick into the mare’s flesh around the wing arm and into the wings themselves, drilling swiftly and cleanly into the bone of the wing to remain in place.

“Everything looks good, no blood means everything was clean and perfect, how do you feel? It didn’t hurt too much did it?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy took a moment to let her breath out and answer.

“It… hurt a lot, but not as much as I thought it would. I think I’m ready for the other one.” The pegasus replied. Twilight nodde and levitated a mirrored mechanical wing and began the process again. Meanwhile, Fluttershy started moving, folding, unfolding, and even somewhat flapping the first wing experimentally. She repeated the process when the second one was attached and extended both to their full wingspan.

“They feel… strange, but stronger. I’m going to try and hover now.” She reported after the pain subsided to a dull ache. Twilight nodded and her horn started glowing to prepare to catch the pegasus should the wings give out with the new attachments. Fluttershy nodded and beat the wings a few times in preparation before hopping into the air, fluttering the wings lightly to maintain enough lift to hover in place. She opened her eyes and looked at the ground.

“Twilight, I think they work! The strain is barely even noticeable anymore, I feel like I could fly for hours instead of minutes at a time!” The pegasus exclaimed in her usual relatively normal volume. Twilight smiled as Fluttershy landed and hugged her. Twilight hugged her back.

“Fluttershy, thank you so much for letting me do this… When Dash wakes up she’ll be thrilled!” The unicorn exclaimed. Fluttershy nodded as they separated.

“Twilight this is… You can’t possibly understand how much this will mean to her… Or me. I’ve always been afraid to fly because I wasn’t that good at it… With these though… I don’t know. I already feel like I can be a more confident flier, I’m not relying solely on my wings anymore. I’m relying on your ingenuity- which I trust bounds more.” The shy mare explained. A knock on the door drew their attention from the reinforced wings, as well as a familiar voice.

“Darlings are you quite finished? I was expecting you at the Boutique half an hour ago!” The familiar voice of Rarity called after the knocks. The two looked at each other and shook their heads, they had forgotten that they had planned to meet at Rarity’s for a spa day.

“Coming! Give me five minutes to wash up, I don’t think they want oil and char in their water!” Twilight called back as she turned towards the stairs to the bathroom.

A bath and a quick walk found the three relaxing under the gentle hooves of Aloe and Vera, they rotated around the triangle of tables regularly.

“Fluttershy Darling, you simply must let me put some time into prettying those up for you. No offense Twilight but your design leans heavily towards practicality or bust.” Rarity said as one of the spa ponies had Fluttershy extend a wing to knead the muscles beneath.

“Well it IS a prototype a very successful one but a prototype nonetheless. I was going to assign you a project to slim it down and help me make it mostly removable, can’t pull it all out without risking massive damage to the frame since it’s drilled into the bone.” Twilight explained. The two spa attendants shared a look as Vera worked around the frame and was now even more careful not to touch it.

“Oh of course Darling, just leave me the designs and I’ll have something by the end of the week at the latest. Sweetie has done a marvelous job keeping the business alive and has become a marvelous business mare in her own right. Her elegant but ultimately generic work has its purpose of course, so I only need to work on special orders.” Rarity explained.

“Um… I don’t really mind how they are now… but um… they do kinda chafe against my side a bit if I’m not paying attention to how I fold my wings.” Fluttershy added before the topic was completely swept away by the fashionista and arcanotechnician in training.

“Really? I suppose some compromises had to be made for functionality when it came to fitting the form… Something to work on. Let me know if it gets bad.” Twilight hummed and the talk continued until they moved on to the hot spring.

“Naw, ya’d hurt yer hooves tryin’ to help me. Only Mac can get ridda my knots.” The three heard through the door as it opened and Applejack stepped in. Twilight hadn't seen the farmer looking like she had done more than brushed her mane and taken a shower, it looked like she had let Rarity ‘pamper’ her for an hour or two. Twilight had to admit, she looked like she’d make a fine lady if she tried. That thought caused her to snort.

“Y’all best not be laughin’ at me now.” The mare in question said with a bit of sass as she sank into the pool next to her friends.

“Only a little, thought about you wearing a dress at a gala. It’d be beautiful, but I think you’d probably hit something. or someone.” Twilight replied. Applejack snorted.

“Ok, that is kinda funny. I’ll let it slide. Sorry Pinks ain’t comin’, sugarcube corner was busier than a dairy farm the day they invented ice cream. I think that’s actually why they’re so busy, got themselves an ice cream machine.” The earth mare explained. They were all silent for a little while after that before Applejack noticed Fluttershy’s wings. That started more technical conversation that helped the visit pass quickly

Author's Note:

I'm terrible at naming chapters.
I'm also terrible at maintaining proper fluidity when it's stretched out over multiple days of writing, but I tried. If it's really bad please let me know so I can focus more on keeping things flowing well enough for it not to be unbearable. I've been in a bit of a pit lately and I fear it may be showing through.