• Published 19th Apr 2018
  • 1,030 Views, 5 Comments

Harmony and Fate: A King's return - Velvet-Fresh

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1- Sword in the stone.

Starlight Glimmer's POV. Circa: 3,205 AF

My name's Starlight Glimmer, a student and friend of Princess Twlight Sparkle. Today I went along with her to Canterlot. I have only been here once, not my proudest moment and it was only awhile. I came along because she said she wanted me to come see one great landmark I've been meaning to see it for awhile now. Now here I am; staring past the guarded perimeter. I can feel it's powerful runes still radiating power even these thousands of years. Excalibur, the legendary sword in the stone. The sword of King Saber, the stone it was embedded in is just as powerfully protected, Twilight explained to me the stone itself is covered in intricate runes that it cannot be destroyed. Even Discord can't nudge the sword nor the stone, I look upon it with awe. I can feel it's unbelievable energy even from this far. "Many tried, but all failed." Twilight spoke, I look over as she walked over, dressed in her casual blue dress shirt with the wingholes and a purple hemmed skirt. A necklace with a purple star hang on her nape.

"Tried what?" I asked. But it dawned to me when i looked at Excalibur. "Many tried pulling it out?"

Nodding she give me her knowing lecture face. "Yes, but all fail. Legends say only King Saber himself can pull it out or someone worthy to be his successor." she smirked "You felt it didn't you? Magic that even Discord or the Princesses can't seem to touch. Princess Celestia spoke fondly of Saber you know? She always smile and looks whimsical. Did you know Saber adopted them? Raised them before they ascended? I think this is why she never take the title Queen, because she just show so much respect to her father. The one who raised her and Equestria as best as he could."

"Woah. Well kinda figured he's their dad with him being the king. Did you or Shining tried pulling this out?" I asked in which she giggled.

"Funny you mention that, yes my brother did. But on a dare, he couldn't budge it even with his magic. No one can, thank Faust not even Blueblood couldn't.." she sighed at that.

I laughed agreeing with her. As I look at the legendary weapon from beyond the barrier and guards posted around. "Hmm, think we could ask the Princesses if we can look up more about King Saber? I don't really remember learning much about him. Besides he helped the founders out on the early days."

That got her to smile "You're right! Lets go ask her right now!"

"W-wait right n-??" before i could complete my question she teleported us into the castle just infront of the throne room doors. I look around at the sudden displacement. "Of course." I sighed but smile as I greet the guards with a nod. They open the door for us allowing us entry. I bow low with Twilight in greeting. I look up to meet Princess Celestia, as radiant as ever with her silk white dress with golden highlights.

"Twilight, my dear. It's a treat." she greets us with her motherly smile. "What brings you two here? Good day to you too Ms Glimmer." she nods at me, I smile and waved back.

"Actually, we're hoping to ask if you can tell us or help us learn more about your father; King Saber. We hardly learn much about him besides what I learned from school." Twilight explained, cutting to the chase. I nodded to verify our request.

She hums in thought. "Well that is something. Well all i can tell you two is all you'll learn will be back in our old home. Our 'father' raised us in the Everfree Castle. You'll find more answers there. I do suggest try the lower archives."

"There's a lower archive in the old castle?!" oh dear, Twilight is getting that look again. Celestia only giggled. "Yes, hidden away, just pull on the 5th torch on the left side once you climb down the stairs on the eastern wing of the Castle. And Twilight? Don't try teleporting all the way over there, I know you can be excited but do please take the train. Even if you can manage that distance, the strain will be too much."

She blushes, I giggled, she did thought of doing just that. "A-alright Princess.. we'll get back to Ponyville to prepare." she giddyly dance in place. She grab my arm. "Thanks Princess Celestia, bye!~"

"Twilight Wa-!" i didn't get to complete my sentence again before i knew it i'm at the train station. "..Sweet Luna your blinking isn't easy to get used too." I say abit disoriented. She blushed awkwardly as she shows her ticket to a conductor. Luckily the train was still here and our tickets were two ways. So we boarded and i eased into the seat. Sighing wondering what I'm getting myself into.

Half an hour later when we return, i found myself helping Twilight pull a wheelbarrow across the rickety bridge towards the old castle. "I still don't get why don't you asked some pegasus to help make a newer and sturdier bridge?" I complained. She only just rolled her eyes and with a glow of her horn the doors open before us.

"Oh don't complain, the planks held out well enough." Twilight shot back.

"Knowing you, it might not under the weight of all the books you would carry back home." I snarked back with a smirk. Getting whacked in the shoulder by a levitated notepad for my trouble.

"Ok miss smart aleck. You lead on" she opens the massive doors with her magic, stepping aside. I rolled my eyes and heads towards the east wing. I remembered Celestia's directions and levitated the wheelbarrow down as I walked down the stairs. If i recall correctly 5th torch on the left. Here it is, I reached for it and pull on it, it reclined back with a resounding click and a wall slid open kicking up dust as I peered into the new room. A well preserved room, stacked from both sides with ancient books and scrolls. I was almost bowled over by my excited friend whom rushed in looking around with a high pitch gleeful squee. Dear Celestia, Twilight.

"Hehehehehe! We hit the jackpot alright!" she zipped all around the place. She gingerly takes one book off the shelf. "Starlight, there's no dust!"

"What?! That preservation is that perfect?!" I was surprised and flabbergasted. They were able to preserve this room that well? I walked around trying out a book, i felt no dust indeed. It looks pristine untouched even by time. I open the book, and scrunches up. "Twilight , its written in ancient runes of the old languages." I stated as i try to translate the runic alphabet on the spot.

"Yeah i already saw" she hums as she closed the book and start levitating some to the wheelbarrow. I went to help gather, but one book made a click sound I almost drop it as one of the bookshelf start sliding to the side. Twilight stopped and watches it happened too. "A secret room within a secret room. Dash will be livid when she hears she missed out." she giggled as she goes over to the new room.

"Well as long its not booby trapped or anything." i remarked as I set the books down and goes over with her, I opened the new door. I gasped out. "A Tomb?" before us is unlit candles and a stone slab in the middle. I backed away. "Shoot!" i hope we didn't do anything disrespectful. "Maybe we should get out of here Twilight.." I look over, "Twilight?"

She seemed in kind of trance, spacing out. Staring ahead at the raised pedestal caring what look liked a card depicting a armored knight wielding a sword in a salute. "Twilight?" i called out again, but she didn't reply and just walked over as if transfixed on the card alone. I reached out but she started muttering something.

"I am thy blade. I shall be thy steel. Call upon me, unsheate me and call me forth to cut down evil. Call upon me; Saber" Twilight said out autonomously as if she just recited a ritual and something happened. My senses flared as the slab glow, sliding open, blinding light spew out. I fall back onto the ground at the sudden magical pressure coming from it. Twilight snapped from her trance and is backing away as well. By Faust, this power! As the light died, the tomb open. We could only stare as infront of us a woman sat up. Yawning out as if she just woke up from a long night sleep. She eases her joints.

A woman with strong magical power, blinked her eyes open as she look upon both of us. Her eyes zoning towards Twilight, she pushed herself off her cushioned resting place. Standing firm with an air of authority, her gaze fell firmly on Twilight. And what came from her lips a question; "Toe; anata watashi wa no master ka?"

Author's Note:

Thou has awakend Saber.