• Published 7th May 2018
  • 11,037 Views, 345 Comments

Date-Your-Own-Dashie - CategoricalGrant

This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story will give you the chance to fall in love with Rainbow Dash! The decisions (and the consequences) are your own!

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Chapter 24

You wait patiently on a marble bench inside of an ornate banquet hall in Canterlot. The ride had been a pleasant, comfortable one. You and Rainbow Dash sat next to each other, telling stories and hyping each other up for what would most assuredly be a night to remember.

When you arrived, you spent a few minutes following Rainbow Dash around as she greeted her teammates and rubbed shoulders with the rich ponies that constituted the Canterlot elite. She even introduced you to a couple of them, which gave you a false sense of self-importance for a moment. Mercifully, none of the ponies inquired as to the nature of the relationship between yourself and Rainbow Dash, which as of now was in some sort of ill-defined limbo.

Of course, the greeting portion of the evening had been cut short, as-

“Sorry,” Rainbow Dash sighs casually as she turns the corner and sits next to you. “Shouldn’t have had all that cider before we left. Those are NICE bathrooms, though! There was a couch in there!”

“I am glad that your experience was enriching,” you deadpan back to her.

She lets out a little snort of laughter. “Oh man, don’t tell me that these snobs are rubbing off on you already? I thought you were cool!”

You shake your head in faux disappointment, wearing a grin on your muzzle nonetheless. “Now that Her Highness is back from her trip to the Little Fillies’ Room, are you ready to start the evening in earnest?”

She nods and stands up. You follow her lead, and together you head under an ornate marble archway and onto a paved, covered cloister surrounding a lush garden. Tables, chairs, a makeshift dance floor, and a bar had been set up within.

You observed the sight closely for a few seconds, reveling in the feeling of the warm breeze against your coat.

Rainbow Dash grunts, scratching at one of her hind legs with a forehoof. “Let’s find a seat already, these shoes are killing me!”

You sit down together at a small, quartz-topped outdoor table positioned in a semi-secluded area of the garden. Rainbow Dash kicks off her shoes and surreptitiously rubs her hooves. “Aw man, I can’t believe I let Rarity talk me into wearing heels!”

“Yeah, that’s rough.”

After half a minute of scratching, Rainbow Dash seems satiated and looks at you. “So, whatcha wanna do? Personally, I am done talking to rich ponies for the evening.”

To ask Rainbow Dash to dance, proceed to Chapter 25.

To go get drinks for yourself and Rainbow Dash, proceed to Chapter 26.