• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 11,482 Views, 201 Comments

The Forsaken - AmberSun

Anon-a-miss has all but destroyed Sunset Shimmer's life. Her relationship with her friends, her reputation, and her happiness were seemingly gone in an instant. Finding her life after this is difficult enough, but with THIS, it's almost impossible.

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When Sunset woke the next morning, she immediately attempted to return into blissful slumber. After trying to open her eyes the first time, she deeply regretted the action when almost white light from the small hole serving as her window seared her eyes shut. Moving was no better; her body felt like lead, too heavy and uncooperative to move properly, and even the slightest motion made the persistent pounding in her head become borderline skull splitting. No position was comfortable--though how one even could be in such a place made the point moot--and her stomach roiled in agony. Trying to hold the thin sheets closer to her body, Sunset was vaguely aware of the fact that it was still a school day and she would be expected to attend. If not out of necessity to keep her perfect record untarnished, then for the girls, who Sunset was sure to be worried for her absence that day.

Sunset had never been ill before, or at least not to this extent, so the immense fatigue she was feeling upon finally leaving the bed was somewhat worrying. Though slower than normal, she managed to get herself together despite a few stumbles here and there. Being up and moving seemed to make things a bit better, though not by much and she resolved to finish through the day. She was sure she been through much worse during her training as a unicorn before and during her time training under Princess Celestia. This would be nothing, she thought.

But another stumble had her questioning herself slightly.

Adagio sat elegantly on the front steps to Crystal Prep, her two sisters on either side focusing on their own activity. Aria had taken to reading a magazine about mechanics, motorcycles or something, while Sonata--in all of her childish innocence--seemed rather occupied with a butterfly that flitted lazily about her younger sister’s head. Snorting with amusement at the look of concentration on the blue girl’s face, Adagio returned to gazing outward while they waited for their fourth.

Indeed, since Sunset had joined the school and the former villains had had a chance to apologize and make amends, it still came as a slight surprise that the once unicorn had fit in so well with the three of them. They all complemented one another rather well if she was being honest, Sunset having something and more to relate to with each of them and as a group. All four originally coming from Equestria was a plus too. It was because of this closeness, that it became a silent agreement for the four of them to meet in the mornings before school began in order to talk and hang out.

Which was why it was slightly worrying for the siren that the girl had yet to show. Normally, Sunset was incredibly punctual about school time--save for the occasion that nearly caused them to be late, which she still had yet to forgive Aria for--but it was nearly ten minutes before the first bell, and Sunset was still not here.

“You know Dagi, staring any harder won’t make her magically appear,” Aria snarked, placing down her magazine briefly.

“Oh, do shut up, Aria.” A blush followed the command. “You and I both know this isn’t usually like Sunset to almost miss the first bell. I’m just worried that Sunset’s record will take a hit should she not arrive on time, especially given how much if a good influence she’s been on this school recently.”

“Hmph. Still as tsundere as ever I see. Well whatever. But I still get what you mean. The girl shoulda been here by now.” As if to mock their conversation, the first bell rang, signalling the rest of the students arriving in the courtyard to make their way to their first classes.

“Well, maybe it’s just an off day. She’ll be here sooner or later,” Sonata suggested. She stood and brushed her skirt clean before turning to head inside. “She’ll let us know when she gets here, right Dagi? Ari?”

“Yeah, you’re right. For once.” Aria also turned to head inside, but not before ruffling her younger sister’s fringe, resulting in an indignant squeak of frustration.

“Break it up you two. It’s far too early in the day to begin one of your squabbles.” With that, both girls walked through the front doors, leaving Adagio on the steps for a time. She looked back once more, feeling a pit grow in her stomach, though why, she didn’t know before she also headed inside.

But the day was nearly over--past lunch with only two more classes--before the sirens saw Sunset for the first time. They had noticed the taller girl’s distinctive red and yellow curls in the crowd of students and upon catching up, were stunned at what they saw.

“He-hey, guys,” she weazed.

Despite the friendly smile Sunset tried to send their way, it was obviously forced, shadowed by the pain and exhaustion swirling in those lidded, teal eyes. Her amber skin, usually vibrant with a healthy glow, was worryingly pale. Her shoulders were pulled in as she hunched into herself, like she was keeping warm, but Adagio noticed the shivers the girl was attempting to hide, and when Sonata put a hand on a glistening forehead, it was immediately yanked back with a pained hiss.

“Fuck, Sunset, What the hell happened to you?” Aria, in a rare display of obvious concern, rushed to the teen’s side and wrapped an arm around her waist to hoist her up. It was a good thing too; Sunset could feel her legs nearly go limp before finding her footing.

“N-nothing. I-I-I’m fine,” Sunset stammered weakly. That turned out to be a mistake, as her sore throat protested by causing her to choke on the rest of her sentence.

“This is not nothing! My goodness, Sunset, you look awful!” Adagio protested, while joining her sister in keeping Sunset stable.

“Oh gee, thanks...just what every girl wants to hear..” came the weak bit of sarcasm.

“Hmph. Sonata, take my keys and start up the car, we’re taking Sunset home.” She tossed the item to the younger girl, who promptly caught them in the air before hurrying in the direction of the school exit.

“Wh-what? Wait, no! You guys--don’t have to do this!” Sunset began to struggle, though it was nowhere near enough to dislodge her from the two’s hold. They had begun making their way after Sonata, but at a slower pace to accommodate for Sunset’s slowed gait.

“Well tough tits, pony girl. I mean, hell--you show up like this and expect us not to do anything?”

“Agreed. We were wondering why you were so late to join us this morning, but seeing you now, I suppose this answers our questions. If you were feeling unwell, you should have stayed home. Pushing yourself will do you no good.”

Eventually, they made their way outside to the school parking lot, where Sunset noticed a sleek, black Honda Civic R waiting for them, with Sonata at the wheel. Seeing them arrive though, she jumped out and proceeded to open the doors and assist in slowly bringing the sick girl in.

“Didn’t...want you three...to worry.” Sunset’s chest heaved with each breath. She could feel an immensely relieving cool hand lay itself on her forehead and begin combing through her hair, pushing her bangs aside and causing a grateful sigh to escape.

“You don’t think this is having us worry? Our friend sicker than anything we’ve seen finally showing up and almost fainting?” Sonata’s voice while gentle, was incredulous.

“Heh, yeah. Probably...should have thought that out better. Thought...you’d be mad...and leave me alone...like they did.” Sunset hadn’t even finished speaking before her head lolled to the side in unconsciousness. If she’d stayed awake longer, she might have seen the worried and sympathetic looks being shared among the other three.

Once they made sure Sunset was settled--Sonata chose to stay in the back seat, with Sunet’s head on her lap as she stroked through her hair-- Adagio drove back towards their home. She knew they would probably get grief for leaving school so early, but honestly, this took precedence over most things right now, so she couldn’t find much to care about future troubles. In the end, they chose to drive to their home in Hoovington Heights--more because they would be sure to provide Sunset with the comfort she needed while recovering, and also because they didn’t know where their friend currently lived. You would think it would have come up in conversation at one point, but whenever they tried, Sunset deflected the question to another topic or found an excuse not to answer. Also slightly worrying, but that could be addressed at a later time. Turning to the side, Adagio noticed Aria was clenching her jaw and nervously tapping at her legs. Looking in the rear view, she saw Sonata with Sunset. She was looking down on the unconscious girl in affection, still combing through read and yellow hair, but she noticed there was a large amount of sadness there as well. With a sigh, Adagio continued their drive onward.

Oh Sunset, what are you doing to us?

Author's Note:

New chapter--yay! I love fics where Sunset can be taken care of and lavished. I feel that she's had a pretty tough background and didn't get enough love when she was younger, so I made a fic where she can be given that love three fold. By no means does it consider her to be weak, but just in those moments, you know, where she can be vulnerable. Granted, this is because she was sick, but I want to do more chapters where there's openness between the four of them.

It was also fun for me to write things from the Sirens' (Adagio's) pov. I may do more of this in the future.