• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 11,453 Views, 201 Comments

The Forsaken - AmberSun

Anon-a-miss has all but destroyed Sunset Shimmer's life. Her relationship with her friends, her reputation, and her happiness were seemingly gone in an instant. Finding her life after this is difficult enough, but with THIS, it's almost impossible.

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Time for Sunset seemed to fly by. After her transfer papers were given to her by Celestia, all Sunset could do was wait to attend her new school. Classes had already been in session for a bit longer than Canterlot High, but Sunset needed to wait for her uniform - surprisingly provided for in full by the school - among other things. She didn't really need school supplies, but to stock up on some extra paper and pens wouldn't hurt. Sunset hadn't needed to return to her locker for anything when she visited CHS for the last time. She had taken to keeping all her belongings on her person and coming home with them once the second break in and graffiti started to make it unrecognizable.

Sunset pushed a lock of hair out of her face looking out of the shoddy window beside her wondering how people were reacting to her absence. Even as a bully, Sunset had never missed a day of school and kept a spotless attendance record. Surely, people would have already noticed her absence, and although Sunset had few people who would actually care, the only thing she was sure of was that people would still be outraged with her. Her phone was still connected to Mystable and she had noticed that Anon-a-Miss had been rather busy over the last few days. More gossip articles had been spread left and right, leaving no one safe in the school.

But this was no longer her problem. Sunset closed her eyes and sighed. It had been about a week and a half since her meeting with Celestia, and tomorrow would be her first day at Crystal Prep. Before Anon-a-Miss, she had heard rumors of the rivalry between the two schools, and of the callousness of the students who attended. Cold and almost detached, but with a heavy focus on sports as well as academics. For the first time in a while, Sunset felt an excited jolt run down her spine in anticipation. As much as she had once loved Canterlot High, Sunset herself had never felt truly challenged. Math, science, art and all other classes came with such ease that it was almost laughable. And she had, once. Many of the subjects being taught she had learned in Equestria’s equivalent to elementary school, so the fact that these humans had just begun to teach such information was surprising to the former unicorn when she had first arrived and ingrained herself in the school hierarchy.

Sunset removed herself from the window sill to flop lazily on her mattress. The thing smelled of must, but she didn’t mind at the moment. Tomorrow, would be hopefully a new chapter in her life. One that she would be able to choose for herself without the interference of others. Sunset still appreciated Twilight and the gift of friendship that she helped her to experience. But in the end, it didn’t work out and now Sunset was paying for it.

She looked to the side at her journal which sat closed on a nearby, makeshift table. Actually, she hadn’t touched it since Twilight’s last letter of finding her family. It had been a while. She must have been worried by now, but Sunset hadn’t noticed any glowing or buzzing to indicate any follow up messages. Not that Sunset could blame her. Twilight was a princess after all, and didn’t have time to focus on just one person. She was probably out saving Equestria again or something. With a frustrated groan and a promise to message the purple pony princess another day, Sunset turned over and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Wow. So this is Crystal Prep Academy. Sure does live up to its name.

Sunset stood before the double doors of the main entrance. Observing the building itself, it all looked like an old style castle. Two flags were proud and waving in the front lawn, one blue with a symbol of what seemed to be a white snowflake, and the other a rich red with a yellow stylized s. The multi level main building seemed to tower even higher than Canterlot High’s had and Sunset suddenly felt very small. A blue, crystal statue also lay in the middle of the courtyard over a swirling symbol. Probably where the school gets its name, Sunset reasoned. She had wondered what the fabled Crystal Empire back in Equestria looked like since Twilight had written to her of its return. She continued forward, and noticed a light pink skinned woman exiting the doors. Her hair was a mix of pink, yellow and purple and purple eyes scanned the area. Wait a minute. She looks familiar…

The aforementioned woman noticed Sunset’s presence and smiled pleasantly, waving a hand in greeting as she approached. “Ah, you must be Sunset Shimmer. My name is Mi Amore Cadenza, though I’m known to the Students as Dean Cadence. It’s a pleasure to have you enrolled here.” Throughout it all, her smile was still present.

Of course. That’s why.... Back when Sunset had been Princess Celestia’s student, before her descent into megalomania and revenge, she had introduced her niece Cadence. Previously a pegasus, an admirable act of love and selflessness to save her hometown had caused the pink pony to ascend into an alicorn. Celestia had adopted her and then began her training as a princess, and that was what made meeting the other mare so difficult. Sunset could never say that she hated Cadence. At all. If anything, contrary to what most would believe, despite Sunset’s callousness and attitude with nearly everyone else, she’d held Cadence in high regard and tried to treat the other as part of a family that she’d never really had. With the pink mare being older by a few years, she had originally made time for Sunset similarly to the way an older sibling would, but was eventually preoccupied with her training. Similarly, because Celestia was overseeing it all, Sunset saw her only when a new lesson was being given.

It was almost ironic, that the person Sunset had once felt was responsible for her feelings of loneliness then, was to help her now, regardless if it was just her counterpart. Shoving those memories to the side though, she attempted a small but hopefully genuine smile. “It’s nice to have the chance to attend Dean Cadence,” she said respectfully.

The dean’s face softened. “You know, Celestia informed me of what has been happening over at Canterlot High.” Sunset’s eyes lowered at the mention of her former school, memories once again returning with an unpleasant sting. “However, here we believe in new chances. At least I do anyway. Looking before me, I don’t see a girl who would stoop to something as petty as cyber bullying. I’m glad you chose to leave when you did - if what I was told was any indication - but while you finish your schooling at Crystal Preparatory Academy, my office is always open should you need to talk.” Cadence followed this with a firm but gentle hand on the stunned girl’s shoulder but continued after a time, letting Sunset shake herself of her surprise. She guided the amber teen through the main doors, where she noticed that on the inside, the walls seemed to actually be made of crystal. The high ceilings were lined with small chandeliers that reminded Sunset of Canterlot Castle. The opulence was nearly suffocating. Cadence cleared her throat softly to get the younger girl’s attention. “Now, please follow me Sunset Shimmer. I hope you enjoy your time as a Shadowbolt.”

It went by pretty quickly. In the span of only thirty minutes, Sunset had received her schedule, been guided to her locker and received her locker combination. Dean Cadance had said however that she would receive a tour of the actual school grounds by another student once she had met the principal. They were actually on their way there currently.

“A word of warning. Principal Cinch isn’t the most...empathetic of individuals. She is good at what she does and has done great things for the school, but can come off as a bit...cold,” Dean Cadance eased out somewhat hesitantly. “However, should you follow the school rules and apply yourself here as you have at CHS, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

As the older woman finished, the two came to a lone door with a blurred glass screen. ‘Principal’ was printed on its surface in bold, black ink. Knocking softly, Cadence opened the door, announcing their entrance as Sunset followed silently behind. The room was dark - disturbingly so - and opened to a wide space. On either side were stacks of book shelves and file cabinets. A large window was the only illumination, but was obstructed by the table and high chair facing away from the two women. It was like looking at the office of a stereotypical movie bad guy. How anyone gets work done here is a mystery, Sunset thought. All that’s missing is the villain turning in the chair and stroking a cat on their lap. Seriously, how cliche can you get? Sunset was proven partially correct with the slight creaking of the high chair as its owner turned to face them. The woman was thin. Her mulberry hair was in a tight bun. She wore a blue business suit from what Sunset could see and had a long, stern face adorned with half librarian classes. Sunset felt as if her pink eyes were trying to gaze through to her soul, but while she wasn’t stroking a cat, her steepled fingers definitely gave off plotting mannerism vibes. Yeah. definitely a villain.

“Sunset Shimmer. What a pleasure it is to have you amongst the students of my school. I am Principal Cinch, and you shall refer to me as such should we see each other here. Am I clear?” The light green skinned woman’s voice was sharp, commanding, and Sunset could do little else but respond in kind.

“Y-yes ma’am,” she stammered.

“Excellent. Now, I have received your transcripts and information from your previous school, Canterlot High. I must say, I was and am very impressed, which doesn’t happen very often. Yes, as a school, we excel in all things from sports and extracurriculars to academics, but very rarely do I come across someone with your talents.” She began to recite off the papers covering her desk, “Top of your classes, achievements in extracurriculars on and off of campus, athletic prowess, votes in consecutive years for something called the Fall Formal Queen...My my, you must have been rather popular.” She eyed the girl suspiciously.

“Um, yeah...I guess you could say I was pretty...well known...around the school.” Understatement of the year, but whatever.

“Mmm, so it would appear. Which makes me rather confused as to why a girl with your statistics would chose to transfer not only towards the end of your high school career, but also in the middle of the school semester. Care to explain?” The principal steepled her fingers once more while continuing to direct her gaze at the nervous form of the amber teen.

“Well...I suppose, I just never felt very challenged at CHS. Yeah...I was at the top academically and socially...but I decided that I wanted a real challenge. I heard that Crystal Prep was one of the best schools if not the best schools to achieve my goals, so I felt a change of pace was in order,” Sunset replied with an off hand shrug. Yeah, lady there’s no way I’m gonna tell you my life story. Guess again.

They remained like that in silence for a while. It was incredibly awkward, especially with the principal continuously glaring at Sunset as if not believing her story. That didn’t matter though. It wasn’t the whole truth, but that doesn’t mean it was a lie. In no way was she ready to tell people - much less this woman - the cause of her transfer. Cinch finally closed her eyes and sighed. “Well then, I suppose you’ve come to the right place then miss Shimmer. Dean Cadance,” she sternly addressed the other woman who had been quiet during the whole exchange, “please guide her to the group who will lead her around school for the day. I'm sure they should be here by now.”

“Of course, Miss Cinch.” She motioned for Sunset to follow.

“They? There’s more than one?” Sunset was confused. She thought only one person showed new students around school.

“Yes. Originally, we were going to have a single student show you around, however with the promise of extra credits to their record, a few more decided to join,” Cadence explained.

“Really? Huh, I guess even in a school with a reputation like Crystal Prep, there are those kind of students.”

The dean laughed quietly in response and motioned to open the door. But on the other side was a certain someone - someones - that she didn’t think she would end up seeing again. They were instantly recognizable though. “Sunset, I’d like to introduce you to Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. These three will be your tour guides today.”

The only response to the dean’s introduction were shocked expressions shared among them all.

Oh, fuck.

Author's Note:

And FINALLY we introduce three of my favorite characters in the MLP:EQG universe. I promised a longer chapter, and I have delivered. So hopefully the pacing felt natural even though I wanted to speed through the meeting with Cinch. There will be more to come, and if you liked what you read, please leave your comments down below. Thank you guys!