• Published 25th Sep 2018
  • 8,455 Views, 510 Comments

Something Missing (Old/Cancelled) - Lazy Coyote

A Nerd is reborn into the life of a young colt, promising to do things better this time, to enjoy this world he loves so much. Only... something is missing, something important.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Observation

Author's Note:

For people wondering why this took so long, I messed up one of my eyes-a scratch on the cornea. Took like a week before I was back to writing.

And then I moved. That sucked. And took a lot more time than the eye thing.

But anyway, onto the story!

Cobalt Breeze was normal.

She grew up in Los Pegasus, moved to Cloudsdale when she got older, before finally moving to Canterlot to visit her extended family, where she found her husband and got married and had Silver.

Cobalt Breeze was normal.

However, she was beginning to realize that her son was very much not.

It had started off small, almost unnoticeable, but when everything Silver ever learned had the same learning curve, it got pretty hard to ignore.

The second thing that rang warning bells after his... incident, was that he never cried, not once. Sure he wailed and pouted like other children, at least to a point, but there were never any tears, even when he got hurt.

The third thing, ironically enough, was just how... perfect a foal he was.

He never fought with her on anything, never played too rough with other foals, and always told her and Dawn just how much he loved them, every single day. Once he learned to talk at least.

Cobalt wouldn't have thought anything of it if she hadn't grown up with a little sister and seen just what normal foals were like. There was none of that fit throwing if he didn't get his way, no angry glares when she said he couldn't have a piece of candy, and no trying to play when she and Dawn had a rough day.

At first she didn't think it was too bad, but it started to get worse once he started getting older, breezing by some sections of school and struggling heavily in others, all the while having trouble playing with his peers, so she and Dawn decided to homeschool Silver up to a certain point.

Things sort of calmed down after that, but there were still little things that her and Dawn noticed, like how he always read more mature books, and how he never asked for any toys, just a deck of cards when he was six that even today she still saw him messing with occasionally.

Then came the day where they were going to see about enrolling him in Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns.

Cobalt figured that it would just be a normal day, with Silver getting into the school or not and everything turning out fine.

Now, as she watched her magical prodigy son, having become Princess Celestia's personal student, feed the baby purple dragon that he'd hatched and claimed as his little brother, Cobalt Breeze had a realization.

She really, really should have known better by now.

"Say 'Ah~'" Silver opened his mouth wide, smiling when Spike did the same, before the spoon of baby food floating in his magic found its way into the young drake's mouth, whereupon Silver made several 'Om Nom' noises, chuckling when Spike made them as well.

Silver hummed a tune from his old life as he fed Spike, mumbling half forgotten words through a pencil as he scanned a book he had sitting on a table next to him, tapping a few specific lines as he read, marking those down in a little notebook he was holding.

He'd been learning quite a bit about magic these past few weeks, the more technical bits anyway, and he'd be honest in saying that it had completely consumed his attention lately. It was like a smartphone, something you use every day with no hesitation or wonder before realizing that the thing you're holding like no big deal was made of little bits of earth and ran on lightning, letting you somehow talk with people on the other side of the planet.

He could sit there and boggle at magic for years, because it was wierd. For Unicorns, magic was like having fingers when everyone else just had stubs, the other races still had it, but they couldn't manipulate it like Unicorns could.

There was even an old type of magic that used chalk drawings, but it wasn't nearly as good as regular magic, though it did have some more unique spells.

For now though he was sticking to the basics of unicorn magic, that way he would be better equipped to deal with the more difficult magics later on. It didn't matter how much he knew about the teleportation spell if he didn't have the finesse to cast it.

Urp! Fwoosh!

Silver blinked, coughing as he brought a hoof up and rubbed at his suddenly soot-covered face, aiming a halfhearted glare at the giggling dragon who caused it and sticking out his tongue, making the drake's giggles explode into full blown laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up you little gremlin." Silver grumbled. He floated a rag over and wiped his face, reaching out and booping Spike on the nose as he did, causing the baby dragon's face to scrunch up, before he sneezed out a burst of fire that Silver only just managed to block, sparing himself from the burns.

The book he used to block it, however, suffered a much worse fate.

Silver stared at the drake as his now burned and unrecognizable book fell to the ground, before he reached over and picked him up out of the chair with his magic, grumbling as he walked out of the room, giving his giggling mother a glare as he passed her by and using his magic to float Spike onto her back.

"Tag out, I gotta take this book back, see if I can't get it fixed." His mom nodded, using a wingtip to keep Spike's attention as Silver headed out of the house, ruined book floating beside him.

Silver hummed to himself as he walked down the streets of Canterlot, the city having become much more familiar in the months he'd had since he became Celestia's student.

He waved at a few familiar faces as he walked down the streets, absently using his magic to help lift a box nearly twice as big as the pony trying to carry it, smiling when they nodded back thankfully.

Soon enough he was coming up on the castle, the too big doors guarded on either side by the statuesque royal guards.

He nodded politely towards them as he walked by, grinning when he saw one of the guard's eyes twitch towards him, designating that one mentally as 'the rookie'.

Silver hummed to himself as he made his way around the castle, stopping for a moment to pop his head into Day Court and see what Celestia was up to, before blinking when he didn't spot her or any other ponies, before shrugging and continuing on his way.

He floated a muffin from the kitchen as he passed it by, much to the protest of the chefs working there and his blatant amusement. Just for fun he waited until a chef popped their head out of the door with a particularly angry expression on their face, whereupon he took a big bite out of the muffin and trotted away, giggling to himself as the chef yelled after him angrily.

He took another bite of his muffin as he turned a corner, holding it in his mouth as he hopped over a static guard and headed over towards a door that he had become very familiar with in his months as Celestia's student.

He nudged open the Archive door, stepping in and trotting over to one of the bookcases, reading the sign at the end of it, before shaking his head and moving onto the next, doing the same thing two more times before he stopped.

"Household Maintenance and Utility spells, right where it always is." He mumbled to himself. He headed into the aisle, scanning the shelves until his eyes locked onto the familiar spot and he let out a sound of triumph, before cutting himself off mid sound and frowning.

"That's... odd, this is always where the repair spells are, and I'm the only one that really uses- oh!" He brought a hoof up to his face, sighing. "I'm a dumbass, and it's in my room." He took a deep breath, holding for a moment, before breathing out.

He whirled around, trotting his way out the door and back down the halls, making his way through that castle towards his room, before he stopped with a vindictive look in his eyes, reaching out and poking a guard on the snout, causing the guard's eyes to fill with the most desperate panic Silver had seen in a long time as they tried not to react in any way.

The guard's eyes widened slightly as Silver shoved his face in theirs, a mad look in his narrowed eyes, before he slowly took in a breath, looking up and blowing sharply.

"Gah!" The guard yelped, their hoof shooting up to their ear, before they froze.

Silver nodded solemnly, patting the horror stricken guard on the shoulder, sighing in disappointment as he turned and started to walk away, keeping his solemn expression up until he turned another corner, where it cracked.

"Pff-PFFFFAHAHAHAHAHA!" Silver burst into laughter, reaching out and using a hoof to brace himself against the wall, the burnt book in his magic flopping to the floor as his concentration waned.

"That was priceless!" He managed to get out between laughs, bringing up a hoof to his mouth and coughing, his laughs dying off into chuckles as he floated his book back up in his magic and clearing his throat, taking a few breaths to stop the last of his giggles.

"Picking on the guards again?" "Ohgod!" Sliver yelped, whirling around and lowering he head to point his horn at whoever it was, before letting out another yelp and lowering it to the floor in a quick bow.

"Princess Celestia! Anything you need?" He asked. She smiled down at him, raising an eyebrow and leaning over to peak around the corner, her other eyebrow raising to meet the other one, before she chuckled and turned back to Silver.

"You do realize they're all going to get you back for all your pranks, right?" She said.

Silver let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I know, but it's fun for now, so I figured why not." He said with a shrug.

She hummed lightly. "I suppose that you aren't hurting anypony. Just make sure not to let it get out of hoof." Silver nodded, and they both started walking.

"I take it you're heading to your room? May I join you?" Celestia asked. Silver blinked at her, before shrugging.

"Sure, don't see why not." He said. She smiled happily, reaching over and laying a wing on his back, much to his confusion.

Silver made a noise of embarrassment and ducked out from under her wing, giving her a theatrical betrayed look, much to her amusement.

They turned a corner, and Silver stopped at his door, turning to say goodbye to Celestia, only to freeze, his mouth half open when he noticed she was gone. He looked left and right, before shaking his head and shrugging.

"Maybe she was late or something." He mumbled.

Didn't matter he supposed, she was always busy with things, so her vanishing wasn't too startling, it'd happened a few times before.

He rolled his eyes and opened his door, heading inside and using his back hoof to close the door, reaching up with a hoof to scratch at his ears.

"Now, where did I put the-" "SUPRISE!!!" "Gah!"

Silver flinched, flinging whatever he could at the first person he saw, the burnt book he threw banging against someone's forehead, causing them to let out a yelp, much to Silver's horror.

"Mom! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She waved at him, wincing as she held a hoof to the new bump on her head, the little purple drake on her back giggling as she did, Celestia's smile widening while Silver's dad nodded along like he'd expected it.

"It's fine, I should've expected a reaction like that anyway." She laughed, walking over and draping her wings around Silver, hiving him a hug and lowering her head to nuzzle at his mane.

"Mom, m-mom! Mooom! Your embarrassing me!" He ducked his head away from her nuzzling, much to her vocal disappointment, reaching up with his hooves and running them through his mane in an attempt to fix it.

"Aww," Cobalt pouted. "But how could I resist nuzzling my birthday boy?"

Silver froze, blinking. "Wait, it's my birthday already?" He asked, confused.

"Yes it is silly." Cobalt said. "How do you keep forgetting?"

Silver chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "I, uh... don't look at a lot of calendars." His dad snorted and Silver ducked his head, blushing as his mother giggled.

"Ah, don't worry buddy, I have the same problem." Dawn Bolt said, patting Silver on the head, much to his protests.

Celestia smiled to herself as she watched Silver interact with his family, before blinking when she felt something poke at her leg, looking down to see a tiny purple dragon sitting there a curious look on his face.

"Why hello there..." She lowered her head and smiled, at the little drake, before she blinked as he reached up and leatched onto her horn with a sound of triumph.

Celestia gave an amused smile as she brought her head back up, the drake latched on her horn letting out a sound of wonderment as he looked around from his new vantage point.

"S-sorry! He's-*Snrk!*-he's very adventurous!" Cobalt managed to say through the hooves dhe'd all but smashed into her face in an attempt to keep from laughing.

Silver meanwhile was too busy rolling on the floor choking on air and squeaking out a cackle every now and then.

Dawn Bolt rolled his eyes as his wife and son broke down into laughter, lighting up his horn and floating the tiny drake off the Princess's horn and onto his head, where he latched onto Dawn's horn and continued to look around.

"Thank you Dawn Bolt." Celestia sent the stallion a thankful nod, which he returned as he distracted the drake on his head by lighting up his horn every few moments, much to the drake's delight.

Silver rolled back up onto his feet, taking a minute to get his breath back as his mom went over to talk to the Princess, and he sat down as he took a second to just watch his family interact.

This was what it was like, every day, never a moment of quiet.

He loved it.

He let a small smile spread across his face, before his ears perked up as he got an idea, heading over to his trunk of stuff and throwing it open, digging through the clutter until he grinned, pulling out an old looking camera, twisting a knob on it's top.

"Alright, everypony come here!" Everyone in the room turned to him, before they smiled, Cobalt pushing everyone into position as Silver fiddled with the camera, his eyes widening when it started making a ticking noise, trotting over and squeezing in next to his parents.

Celestia watched this all happen with a smile, before letting out a yelp as a blue glow appeared around her, lifting her up and floating her over next to Silver, who promptly leaned into her, Cobalt doing the same on the other side of her.

Celestia felt happiness surge up in her chest as she smiled, reaching out with her wings and wrapping them around the family at her sides.

"Everybody say Cheese!"
