• Published 25th Sep 2018
  • 8,455 Views, 510 Comments

Something Missing (Old/Cancelled) - Lazy Coyote

A Nerd is reborn into the life of a young colt, promising to do things better this time, to enjoy this world he loves so much. Only... something is missing, something important.

  • ...

Chapter 7: ... Are...

Silver watched as Spike tossed a rock up and down, the young dragon staring at a particular cloud with a couple green feathers hanging over the edge.

"Think you can hit him?" Silver asked quietly.

Spike tilted his head, thinking. "Maybe, only one way to tell for sure though." He reared back, throwing the rock as hard as he could, nearly toppling over in the process.

Silver whistled. "Wow, its going, its going, and..."

Thunk! "Gah!"

"-Its good!" Spike threw his arms up in victory, laughing as a string of muffled curses came from the cloud, before a familiar cracked beak peered over the edge, his face twisted into a scowl.

"Alright, who threw- Silver? Hey!" Terry ducked as another rock flew by his head, this time surrounded in a blue glow, before jumping off his cloud, giving his wings a quick flap as he neared the ground to soften his landing, before trotting over to Silver and Spike, a grin planted firmly on his face.

"So! Who's the corpse who threw those at me?" Terry asked cheerfully. Silver looked off to the side, whistling and kicking the dirt in a poor attempt at looking nonchalant.

"I did." Spike raised an arm, an amused smile spreading across his face at the sight of Terry blinking in astonishment, not having expected him to just flat out say it, before an evil grin spread across the griffin's face, and suddenly Spike regretted all of his life choices.

Silver grabbed the two of them in his magic, rolling his eyes. "No fighting, Terry, we need you to show us around Ponyville, remember?"

Terry blinked. "Oh yeah, that." He nodded as Silver let him go, turning to point towards a building that reminded Silver of an old carnival ride.

"See that over there? That's Carousel Boutique. You need to patch up a bit of clothing? That's your place."

He turned and pointed towards an orchard in the distance. "That over there is Sweet Apple Acres, and a word of advice, if you don't like apples then steer clear." Silver nodded along. It was accurate to what he remembered at least.

"C'mon, most of the other notable places are in the town square." Terry turned to walk into Ponyville proper, reaching out and smacking Spike on the side of the head as he went, much to the young dragon's amusement.

Silver floated Spike up onto his back as he trotted after Terry, before stopping and sending one last look towards Carousel Boutique as he went, humming as something tickled at his memory.

He turned as he felt Spike poke the back of his head, the young dragon giving him a concerned look, but Silver just shook his head and went back to following Terry.

Whatever it was probably wasn't important anyway.

"Over there is the town hall, it's where Mayor Mare works, try not to get on her bad side, over next to that is the post office." Silver nodded along as Terry pointed towards different buildings, before a particular house caught his attention.

Silver pointed, questioning his sanity. "Is that a gingerbread house?"

Terry followed Silver's hoof, before snorting. "That? That's Sugercube Corner. Unless you've suddenly gained a sweet tooth while I wasn't looking then you won't be going there often."

Silver nodded. "Fair enough. Now, take Spike and go have fun, I have the feeling you guys don't want to go around checking on everything with me."

Spike hopped off, walking over to Terry and getting on the griffin's back, giving Silver a quick wave as they lifted off. "Bye bro! We'll catch up with you later!" Silver waved back as they flew off, before sighing once they were out of sight, a small smile breaking out across his face.

"Hope they make a few friends out there." He cracked his neck. "Now, to start on the list. First thing's first, Sweet Apple Acres to check on the food."

He broke into a brisk trot, heading towards where he'd seen the farm, eventually leaving the town square and heading down a dirt road, watching as orchards started to pop up over the hills, and before he knew it he was standing in front of a white gate, an entire farm sitting on the other side, complete with barn and farmhouse.

An odd sense of nostalgia came over him as he stood there, a different farm coming to mind as he stared, and for a moment he could see a small family playing on the porch, a jacketed figure jogging towards him, before he shook his head, dispelling the image.

Silver walked past the gate, knocking on the wood as he passed, before trotting over to the farmhouse, stopping on the front porch and reaching out to knock on the-


He stopped, his ears twitching as he turned towards one of the nearby orchards, watching as an orange form reared up, before kicking both of their back hooves into a tree, causing the apples on it to fall into a couple carefully placed baskets.

Silver smiled, trotting towards them. "Hello over there! Have a minute?"

They stopped, turning to look at him, taking of their cowboy hat tooooooh wow...

Applejack wiped her forehead, setting her stetson back on her head and smiling at Silver. "Howdy! The name's Applejack, what can I do for ya?"

Silver watched as a bead of sweat trailed down her face, before shaking his head. "Uh, I was sent here to check on the food preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration?"

Applejack rubbed her chin with a hoof. "I'm thinkin' that everything is pretty much ready. We're about to eat if you want to stick around and taste some!"

Silver grinned, nodding. "That would be lovely actually! Some good old fashioned county food would do me some good, especially since I didn't have a very big breakfast."

"Well that just won't do!" Applejack trotted towards a bell that was hanging from a tree, reaching up and ringing it intensely enough that Silver winced and lowered his ears.


What was that? Tinnitus? Nice to meet you. Hmm? Eardrums? Nah! Who needs em!

"-owowowowow." Silver's voice slowly started to come into focus, but he was a bit busy rubbing his ears to notice.

He cracked open an eye to see Applejack chuckling at him, an amused smile on the farmpony's face. Behind her was what could only be the entirety of the apple lineage, all of whom were staring at him with varying levels of amusement.

"You okay there partner?" Silver nodded, scratching at his ear with a hoof. Applejack grinned. "Good! Now you're free to meet the apples!"

Silver blinked, leaning to the side to peer past Applejack at the crowd of ponies behind her, all of whom, he noticed, were holding some sort of apple based dish.

He grinned.

"Challenge accepted."

Silver stumbled down the road, groaning, the ponies walking down the street giving him a wide berth as he made his way towards his next destination.

He gave his slightly distended stomach a quick pat, before trotting over towards the town hall, giving the clear blue sky a quick scan before checking the weather off his mental list.

He opened the town hall door, trotting through and looking around, grinning when he spotted a white unicorn sorting through and putting up different decorations.

"Hello there!" Silver called. She turned, before starting once she spotted him.

"Ah! Hello darling!" She smiled, walking over and giving him a once-over, her smile widening at the sight of his properly combed and slicked back mane.

"You are from Canterlot, yes? What is a refined individual such as yourself doing in Ponyville?" She asked politely.

Silver shrugged. "Not quite as refined as you think, and Celestia sent me to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."

She raised a brow. "The Princess sent you? I apologize, but that seems a bit unlikely."

Silver furrowed his brow, before blinking. "Oh yeah." He stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth and focused, lighting up his horn, before with a flash of light a scroll popped into existence in front of him, which he floated over to her.

She grabbed it in her own magic, opening it and giving the entire document a quick glance, her eyes widening, before she rolled it back up and floated it back to Silver, who magicked it away once more.

She coughed politely. "It seems I was incorrect before. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rarity, I am the one in charge of the decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Silver bowed. "Silver Spark, and the pleasure is mine."

Rarity giggled. "My, what a gentlecolt!" She returned his bow, standing back up, only to start.

"Ah, I'm terribly sorry, but I really must get back to putting up these decorations. Perhaps we can talk later at my Boutique?" She asked sheepishly.

Silver nodded, smiling. "I'd be happy to! I need to get started on checking everything else anyway." Rarity shared one more smile with him, before she went back to sorting through the boxes of decorations.

Silver tilted his head as he trotted out of the Town Hall. "Alright, that's food, weather, decorations... the next thing on the list is... nothing." He blinked, before shrugging. "Fair enough. Less work for me I suppose. Now I just have to catch up with Spike and Terry."

He stopped, turning his head to spot a brown stallion happily trotting down the road, and he grinned.

"Or... I could mingle with the locals, which sounds like much more fun!"

He trotted after the brown stallion, waving. "Hey, wait up!"

The stallion turned, a smile already firmly on his face. "Hello! What can Time Turner do for you today?"

Silver raised a brow, glancing at Time Turner's cutie mark. An hourglass. "Huh. Bit on the nose, isn't it? Let me guess, you work with clocks?"

Time Turner grinned. "Ah, but not just clocks! All manner of technology really! Why, the things you can accomplish without magic... The possibilities are endless!"

Silver returned his grin with just as much enthusiasm. "I know right!? Do you have some kind of workshop where you work on this stuff?"

"Why, indeed I do! Follow me, I'll show you some!"

Silver stared, a look of childish glee on his face as he stared at a piece of a world he never thought he'd see again, reaching out and gently running a hoof across it's surface, his mane and fur only barely managing to stay in place due to the coconut oil covering them.

"You have a plasma ball..." He whispered reverently. Time Turner watched from next no him, a look of joy spreading across his face.

"Ah, you've seen one of these! I wonder how. They are quite rare after all, not much use for them so ponies tend not to like them." Time Turner explained, reaching out and pressing his hoof against the surface, grinning when all of his fur and mane stuck up into the air, tiny sparks dancing from one strand of hair to the other.

"Extraordinary." Time Turner breathed. "I'll never understand why the other ponies just passed this by, all you have to do is supply it with a bit of electricity! Quite the unique effect it has, very novel." Silver nodded along, focusing with lightning intensity on the tingly feeling going across his skin... er, pelt, tracing patterns that he quickly memorized.

Silver reluctantly pulled his hoof away from the plasma ball, turning to a frizzy haired Time Turner. "It's neat alright, never thought I'd see another one, but wasn't there a bunch of other stuff you wanted to show me?"

The brown stallion's head shot up. "Yes! There was quite a few more inventions that I wanted to-"

Knock Knock Knock.

Time Turner stopped, turning to look at the door. "That's odd, I don't get visitors much, or at all usually, would you please give me a moment Silver?"

Said pony shrugged. "Go ahead, I'm just gonna mess with the plasma ball."

Time Turner nodded, trotting over to the door and throwing it open, giving the two non-ponies on the other side a brilliant smile. "Hello! What can I do for you on this fine day?"

Silver peeked over Time Turner's shoulder, smiling. "Hey! Terry! Spike! What have you guys been up to?" The pair shrugged, and Silver noticed that Terry seemed a bit out of breath, but he just shook his head. What they got up to in their own time was their business.

Spike shrugged. "It's starting to get a bit late, so we figured we would find you and head over to library. Celestia sent a note saying that we were staying there while we're here."

Silver nodded. "Cool. Terry can crash with me." Said griffin raised one of his wings weakly, still panting from whatever he and Spike had gotten up to.

Silver turned to Time Turner, offering an apologetic smile. "Ah, sorry. Think we can put this on hold until tomorrow?"

The brown stallion grinned. "Why of course! Far be it from me to keep you from your friends!" Time Turner shooed them out, giving Silver one last smile, before closing the door, machine noises starting up shortly after, causing the two non-ponies to give Silver a confused look, to which he shrugged.

"Anyway, let's get over to the library, I want to check it out, see if the beds are okay." Spike and Terry nodded, both of them taking to the skies, and Silver rolled his eyes and he started trotting in the direction of the library.

"Honestly, you just have to fly, can't walk anywhere..."

Silver stood outside of the ponyville library, tilting his head this way and that as he tried to make sense of the sight in front of him.

"... It's a tree." Spike nodded from beside him, clearly taking joy in Silver's bewilderment.

"... and there are... books, in the tree." Spike trembled slightly as he did his best not to laugh, slapping his claws over his mouth.

"... Isn't that cannibalism?" Spike snapped, toppling over as his claws went to his sides, laughing as he watched Silver's brain short-circuit.

Silver absently floated the hysterical dragon onto his back, trotting over and staring at the door frame of the library, trying to make sense of how the still living tree functioned.

"I am going to science the shit out of this tree." He promised. Spike's laughter intensified from his back.

Silver opened the door, trotting through and using his magic to throw spike off his back, the tiny dragon landing on a couch in the middle of the library with a yelp.

Silver walked over to the steps, bounding up them and opening the door to what must be the bedroom, rolling his eyes as he spotted Terry curled up on the foot of the bed like a dog.

"And he always tells me he's cool. Why do I believe him again?" Silver muttered. He lit up his horn and floated Terry up under the covers of the bed, making sure that he was squarely off to one side.

He grabbed a large basket and threw a pillow in it, setting it next to what he'd deemed his side of the bed as he grabbed a small blanket from a pile of them sitting folded neatly on one of the shelves, throwing it in Spike's new makeshift bed.

Silver nodded at his creation. "There, that should hold him over until I make a proper one." he patted it just to make sure it was comfy, smiling as his hoof sunk into the pillow easily.

He turned and stuck his head out the door. "Spike! Beds are ready! I suggest you sleep now so that we're awake when Celestia raises the sun!"

Silver waited a moment, before he smiled at the sound of claws scrambling against the floor, a small purple blur dashing past him and diving into the little bed he'd made.

Silver rolled his eyes and trotted over to the bed, hopping in the unoccupied side and floating the blanket up over him, scooting over until he was next to Terry and wrapping his hooves around the griffin as he cuddled him.

"S'what you get for stealing my body pillow all the time." He muttered, Terry shuffled slightly in response, but stayed asleep, much to Silver's mild disappointment.

"Eh, he'll freak later, right now is sleep time." Silver closed his eyes, drifting off to dream the same dream as always. He was out in seconds.


Spike stifled his giggles as he slowly climbed out of his bed to grab the camera. One does not just waste perfect blackmail material after all.

The drake grinned.

"This is free gems for life right here."

Author's Note:

Breakin' that big 20k!

Thank you to everyone who reads this crap, it's given my ego a... well not needed boost, but one that's kept my spirits high. And also inflated my ego, did I mention that part? Because wow is this thing getting to my head.

(Joking. But seriously, thank you all for reading, it makes me very happy to see you guys enjoy Something Missing.)

Oh, and before I forget, Merry Christmas!