• Published 19th May 2018
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The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora - MetalBrony823

After the final defeat of Ganondorf in Equestria, Link and Colin face a new threat in the land where they defeated him, with the help of their friends

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Taking Care of Goende

Veneesa was under threat by kargaroks, guays, and some bokoblins and moblins, Lizalfos, a few Iron Knuckles, and a few other variety of enemies. Many buffalo were fighting off these monsters since they are very brave and tough against anything that could come into their way, matter of fact: Link saw a buffalo gore a bokoblin in the belly, killing it instantly, and it did the same to an incoming lizalfos.

"Whoa, they kick some ass." Rainbow remarked in amusement. "Come on! We have to help them!"

"You read my mind, Rainbow Dash." Link agreed. He and his friends rushed into battle, along with the buffalo guards that came up to him and showed everyone the way to their city. The chaos was already taking it's toll on the city, but the heroes will do something about it to stop these monsters and villains from destroying this city

This has Majora's doing written all over this chaos. One of the buffalo defending his family of a wife and a son from an Iron Knuckle, swinging it's ax at the bull. "Who are you?" he asked Link.

"Name's Link. I'm here to help you guys out." The Hylian replied boldly, pulling out his Master Sword and Great Fairy Sword, deciding to wield both blades again. “King Zuma sent us to help.”

The buffalo bull sighed in relief. “Perfect. We knew he would send in help.” He Said. “We will need all the help we can get.”

“Incoming bokoblin trio!” Said Twilight. Looking over in front of her, three bokoblins took noticed and charged and the other heroes wielding machetes in their dirty, grubby hands. Squawking like crazy crows or parrots, they were all ready to slice and dice at the heroes with no remorse.

Rainbow Dash charge at one, and hit the lead bokoblin in the face, leaving a bruise on it’s cheek. Before it knew what would happen next, the monster also felt Rainbow swooping down on him, and clobbering him in the back of the head.

When it comes to Rainbow Dash, she didn’t stop pounding and trampling on her enemies that were still breathing and trying to fight back (She didn’t give them a chance to do so.)

Lyra and Bon Bon, as usual m, used their teamwork techniques and special moves. Lyra then saw a bokoblin charging at her, and ducked a horizontal swing from the imp's machete, then kicked it in the neck.

A small swarm of keese came swooping down on these two friends, and screeched their terrible sounds while flapping and hovering above the two mares.

One of those bat monsters swooped down on the pale-yellow earth mare and almost bit her neck, but she kicked it away from her, disappearing into a cloud of purple smoke.

A moblin got its sights on Fluttershy, and grunted as it walked in a menacing matter towards her.

Despite it's terrifying appearance and sharp teeth protruding from the monster's mouth, Fluttershy stood her ground, and she hovered, giving it her stare.

It took a little while, but the moblin eventually stopped, and terrified of her stern, angry stare.

"Put down the spear right now, mister!" She ordered the grotesque creature. It did as she told him to do, and dropped it's weapon. "Now, what do you thininyou are terrorizing a beautiful village?"

"Ummm, the boss told me to." Said teb moblin in a gruff voice, his teeth slobbering.

"Well, you should know better not to strike at a peaceful village." Fluttershy crossed her arms. "Okay Colin, now." She gave the signal.

From behind, the moblin felt his back being pierced by a sharp sword. He looked back, and Colin was the one who pierced through his body with a bold smile. "Gotcha!" He said

The monster growled and collapsed on his face before turning to purple dust. "Way to go, Colin." Fluttershy complimented him.

"Thank you, Fluttershy. Some things require the element of surprise."

For Mathayus, he was slicing and dicing at his toes with his mighty sword, even going as far as decapitating a moblin, and breaking a lizalfos' neck.

Most enemies were afraid of him and his brute strength, and for a very good reason. Most of them, except for the iron knuckles.

As a matter of fact, one of them got it's sights on Mathayus, and he swung his battle ax at him.

This knight-like enemy might be strong, but he was certainly not as fast as Mathayus.

Angry and frustrated, the iron knuckle continued bashing at Mathayus' shield, and metallic clanging would be heard from every blow.

Retaliating, the darknut leader mare a vertical slice at the Iron Knuckle, then the sounds metal clanging continued. As soon as the brute made a certicle slice intended to slice Mathayus in half with his ax, his ax suddenly got stuck on the ground.

Trying to pry it out of the ground, the Irom Knuckle was using its immense strength to pull it out of the dirt, and when he succeeded, Mathayus struck the killing blow by piercing it's chest, ending it's life.

As for the Master of Chaos himself, he had a large, buster sword in his hands and did a few spin attacks that were faster than Link, and it killed a dinolfos, five bokoblins, three lizalfos, four goblins, ten kargaroks, and twenty guays.

"Let's go for a spin!" He said while still moving around in circles with his gigantic sword. Even an iron knuckle was milled by Discord's attack, and he stopped spinning.

The unusual part was, Discord wasn't even dizzy from all that spinning.

"Now that's how it's done." He said triumphantly with a bold laugh.

"How did you do that without getting all dizzy?" Said a buffalo cow.

"I have my own ways, madame. A master of chaos like moi never reveals his secrets."

"We always heard you were a villain." Said the cow.

"I was a villain, but now, I am a reformed drancequus at your service. Uh-oh, incoming some guays."

The buffalo cow and her calf stepped out of the way abe Discord zapped the flock of about twenty or thirty birds with his magic, turning them all into fried chicken, or fried guay to be exact.

It wasn't long before some vultures came on the ground and eat at the dead birds. For those vultures, it was heaven, even a number of maribou storks came in to this unusual buffet.

Despite that, there were still monsters running rampant around Veneesa and they would not stop until they are completely, absolutely satisfied, and that there was no one to kill left.

The numbers seemed endless but Link and his friends had no choice, they needed to kill all these hordes of darkness and save Veneesa, then look for Goende, the leader of this place.

All of a sudden, something came careening out of the palace building and it was a buffalo bull with the largest horns, blackest fur, and a larger stature than other bulls around this city. It had a dark aura swirling around him, and he was charging down the road like a train in the railroad tracks.

Link noticed this, and he recognized that buffalo for who he was, and knew what he needed to do next. He knew that he couldn't kill him, so he put his weapons and shield away, and rushed towards Goende.

Another feature was that this buffalo had red eyes without pupils, and had some tribal markings all around his body.

"Link, what are you doing?!" Zecora called to him.

"Don't worry. I have an idea!" The hero called back to her. He then hopped on Goende, and held onto his horns.

"Graaah!! Get off of me!" Said the chief. His voice was mixed with his own voice, and a low, demonic one mixed to it. "So help me, I will consume you in darkness!"

One thing Link noticed while holding on to an angry Zebrican buffalo, was a mask shard attached to the left side of his face. Link then recognized it for what it was, and tried to figure out a way to pry off the Fierce Deity's mask shard from his face.

He held on tight to him without letting go of his horns. "Gah! This is worse than taming Epona!" He shouted while trying to get a grip.

A horde of incoming lizalfos and dinolfos, along with a number of bokoblin and moblins were charging at Goende.

Link had a new idea come up in his head, and went: "Hyah!" He carefully aimed Goende at the enemies and he was charging at full speed.

Of course, he had to pull on his small mane to get him to obey.

These enemies all looked scared and tried to run away from the charging animal. Despite their feeble efforts, many of them were knocked down like a horde of bowling pins.

"Oh my." Fluttershy said to herself. "That's really useful."

"Be careful, Link!" Epona shouted while still fighting a bokoblin.

The julian was very careful in steering the rage-filled Goende, and the chief was running fast below him like a living tank.

As soon as many of these enemies were gone, Goende decided to have enough of this, and threw Link off, making him land on his back

"Link!" Twilight gasped. "What is going on with Goende?"

"He is not himself." Said one of the guards. "Goende has been very aggressive lately, ever since he started wearing that jewelry on his head."

"Jewlery." Twilight brainstormed. She gasped, realizing the whole problem on why the chief is being like an out of control animal. "A mask shard!"

Meanwhile, Link slowly got up, and moaned: "oh. My head. It feels like it was kicked by a giant."

"And it will match your rump when I am done goring it!" Said Goende, who was charging at him.

The young hero immediately sidestepped out of the way to his right, and Goende was about to charge again when Link pulled out his claw shots, and use one of them to grab the mask shard and bring it back to him.

Goende then felt something in his head, like the darkness corrupting his mind had gone away, and the markings had gone, along with the aura surrounding him.

The buffalo civilians all gathered around him to aid their own king.

"Your majesty!" Said a female calf. "Are you alright?"

Link and the others surrounded him as well to also check for his well-being. He was worried that he might have killed him.

Just then, Goende slowly came back up and arisen on his feet. "What happened to me?" He asked. It was no surprise that he had memory of what he had recently just did.

"You don't remember, your majesty?" Asked another guard.

"You were on a rampage and you were acting very aggressive towards us, even the children." Said another bull. "Then these monsters came and attacked us."

"But, we managed to kill them all." Said Applejack.

"Why did I do such things?" Asked Goende with guilt.

"I can answer that." Link said. He showed the buffalo the fierce Deity's shard, still glowing a little bit of blue and purple around it. It was revealing the right ear. "It was because of this."

"That piece of jewelry that I found?" Asked the king.

"Yes. But it is not a jewel." Link continued. "It's a mask fragment. It's... a really long story, but this is from a mask that my ancestor used to defeat an ancient evil that has returned."

"What are you?" Asked a female buffalo. "Not that we are ungrateful for you saving Veneesa."

"My name is Link. A hero of a land called Hyrule."

The others introduced themselves to the buffalo with Twilight being the last. The other buffalo recognized that name before. "Princess Twilight?" Asked Goende. "We have heard so much about you and your friends."

"And how can we possibly forget about an ancient troublemaker like you. Discord?" Said a bull with only his left horn still intact

The Master of Chaos blushed and he said: "I know what you are all thinking. Evil Discord has left the building. I am a new and good Discord, now."

"Yes," Said Fluttershy. "He has changed. Thanks to me."

"Well, Link. Me and my people thank you for saving us all. But, why did the mask turn me evil?" Goende wondered

"This mask has some dark magic inside of it, and it is not meant for everyone to control." Link replied.

The chief buffalo looked quite surprised and unnerved to hear this troubling news. "I wish this was all a bad dream. I... cannot believe that I was in such a rage."

"It's okay, Goende." Thorax reassured him. "It's bit your fault, it was the mask' fault."

"Yes, you were in no control of your actions." Said Lyra.

"Well, what did all those creatures want?" Asked a calf

"Nothing in particular, little one." Said Majora's voice. He then appeared while lounging in the air with a smug look on his face. "Just a little world domination is all." He then looked at the heroes with an angry look. "And you little creatures," he addressed to them. "Are a thorn on my side."

"Oh back at you, Majora!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Why can't you just leave everything alone?"

"I could ask you all the same. Especially you, Link. You are just as meddlesome and nosy as your ancestor."

"Well, when there is evil, I will do everything I can to stop it from causing hell to the world. My world, and Equestria."

"Bold, really bold, Link." Majora said. "Bild, yet foolish. You will forfeit your life in trying to destroy me."

"We'll see about that." Link then swung his Great Fairy sword at him, and stunned him with a magic beam, making him howl in pain

"Oh. Damn you!" Said Majora in anger. "You will suffer!" Then he disappeared

"Don't worry about him, Link!" Colin said

"Yeah, we'll get him soon." Pip added.

"Was that the evil spirit?" Asked Goende.

"Yes." Epona replied. "That was him."

"Where did you even find the shard?" Asked Bon Bon.

Goende cleared his throat and began explaining to time the heroes: "I was out to get some water close to the village and I stumbled across it on the ground, glowing a purple color. I simply thought it was a magic jewel for rituals."

"Well, we're glad we came here." Said Fluttershy."

Link calmed himself and put his swords away. "And, King Zuma sent us to check on the place to see if everything was alright." he noted to the buffalo king.

"Oh, good." the chief bull sighed in relief. "I'm glad my friend sent you all here, especially you Zecora, Adewale."

"We came here just in the nick of time then." said Adewale with a bold smirk. "But I am afraid that this is all far from over. We need to find more of these mask shards and then reunite them into one whole mask again."

"Well, you should go to Eleena, the home of the eland tribe. But first, we should talk about all of this some more."

"Good idea." said Twilight.