• Published 19th May 2018
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The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora - MetalBrony823

After the final defeat of Ganondorf in Equestria, Link and Colin face a new threat in the land where they defeated him, with the help of their friends

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Like Father Like Daughter

Rushing over to the direction where a small volcano was erupting, Link knew this was no volcano. Sure, it's a common thing to have volcanoes in the Dragon Lands, and have them spew balls of crimson fire erupting in the air, but dragons were used to that and fireproof.

Alas, it was certainly no volcano erupting and spewing out balls and meteors of fire and magma in the sky. No, it was something moving.

In the far distance over in a plateau that looked like a meteor had hit it, was a gigantic dragon with a dark blue color on his scales and he was almost as big as a mountain, like the gigantic throne for a dragon lord to sit on.

"Father." Ember murmured to herself in horror. Yes, it was Torch, her father and former ruler of this kingdom.

"Whoa. That is one angry dragon." Said Said Twilight. "He's causing a rampage."

"No duh!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"How the hay are we gonna fight a gigantic dragon like that?" Asked Applejack

“Well, we cannot try and best a gigantic creature at this size.” Mathayus Said. “Oh! Look up on his forehead!” He pointed his right finger at Torch. On his forehead was a glowing, purple object that is creating aura around the former leader of these lands.

While releasing another wave of fire in the sky, Torch shouted: “I WANT MORE MEEEEEAAAAT!!!!!” His voice boomed like thunder and there were not even storm clouds in sight.

When Fluttershy heard this, she was very scared and very skittish abiut trying to fight him off. “T-T-That’s the mask, isn’t it?” She Asked in a shaky voice.

“You know it.” Link nodded his head to her. “I’m going in after him to pry it off his head.” He was about to rush off and pulls the masks shard off of Torch’s head, but he was stopped by E,her, and a couple of his other friends.

“Wait! You can't kill my father!” Said th female dragon.

“And he’ll eat you whole.” Twilight added. “Look at the size of this Monster!”

“Hey! My dad's not a monster.” The new dragon lord looked at the princess of friendship in a stern and offended way. “That thing is controlling him.”

“Not controlling, influencing him.” Said Colin. “It’s turning him into an angry dragon that wants to destroy everything in his path.” He saw a bunch of other dragons rushing over to help their former king and calm him down from his inexplicable anger.

Their efforts, however, were all fruitless in trying to calm him down. Every one of these dragons were either keeping their distances, or swatted away with Torch’s mighty hands and arms as if they were all puny flies or insects to him since he was so big and intimidating. “Think, think, Think.” Said Lyra. “What can we do to get that mask shard?”

Everyone else was thinking of an idea to help The former king and calm his anger down. Spike cake up with an idea first, and he said: “I’m going in. I’ll get that shard away from him.”

“Whaaat?!” Everyone around him shouted.

“Spike, have you been eating too much ice cream again?” asked Twilight. She began to laugh nervously at what he just said right now.

The baby dragon looked stern and serious at her. "Twilight, I mean it. I'm gonna go up there and take that shard from Torch. If i do that, he will turn back to normal."

"And get yourself killed!" Rarity exclaimed frantically.

"She's right, sugarcube." said Applejack. "You'll get hurt trying to pry that dark shard off that dragon's head like a rattlesnake being pulled off by a minotaur after bitin' him!"

"And I would never forgive myself if something happened to my own best friend." Thorax added, hugging him tightly. "I don't know how I will live without you!"

"Hey, hey," Spike chuckled uncomfortably. "It's play, Thorax. I'll be fine."

"We can't let you do that Spike." said Twilight.

"It's way too dangerous." Fluttershy added.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute you guy," Link intervened. "Maybe Spike is on to something. Besides, he has wings now, and he can fly."

"Yeah, I think the little dude can do this." Ember agreed with him. "Besides, wings is a huge improvement for a kid dragon."

Spike smiled at her. "Thanks, Ember." back to Twilight and his other friends, he said: "guys. Come on, I saved the Crystal Empire three times, I can save the Dragon Lands the same."

Everypony was still looking unsure about this, but ultimately, Twilight said: "Okay. Just be careful and don't get hurt."

"I'll need some cover fire, though."

"Leave that to me." Ember boldly stated. "I'll watch over ya in case something goes wrong."

"Perfect!" Both Spike and Ember flew to the skies together, and they found themselves face-to-face with The former, feared ruler of this kingdom.

Shouting, Ember said: "Father! Please! Come to your senses!"

"How dare you raise your voice to me!" Torch roared. "Your own father!" He looked at Spike next. "And what are you doing here, worthless little trash?"

"Hey! Spike is not a worthless trash! He is my friend and you will do well to remember that, father!" Spike defensively stood up to the former king.

Now Torch was getting more angry and his eyes were burning like actual fire. "Yoy dare to tall back to your own father, young lady!?! You are grounded FOREVEEEEEERRR!!!!"

Hearing him roar and shout in the sky like that was like a terrible thunderstorm was hitting the whole Dragon Lands, except: no clouds, no lightning, and no thunder at all.

"Stand your ground, Ember," Spike reminded. "That's not him talking."

"I know. I'll distract him while you go for the shard."


The blue teenage dragon did exactly that and tried to distract her father by scratching the sides of his torso, and even breathing fore at it once in a while.

"Ember, stop this right now, young lady!" Torch ordered her.

"Make me!"' Ember shouted back to him in defiance.

This gave Spike the perfect opportunity to go on Torch's forehead and try and remove the mask shark from his scales. He was trying so hard to pull it off of from the scales of Ember's father, but it seemed really stuck.

"Come on, baby! Get off!" he grunted while pulling. "Why... won't... you get off!?"

"What the- is there a gigantic isopod on me?" Torch was starting to notice something funny on his forehead. "Gah! What the hell is on my head?"

"Uh-oh! I need to distract him more," Ember thought out loud to herself. She improvised by biting him a couple of times on his toes, making him howl in pain.

The moving was starting to make Spike lose his grip, and he recognized the problem. Purple and blue veins that were glowing, were attached to Torch's scales, and it looked a little bit like roots from a plant. Still, Spike had to remove it either way, and he had to do it fast. As he was pulling some more, he could see the veins slowly coming off, and he was close to getting the mask off of him.

"Almost.... there!" he grunted. There was only one more vein to be pulled off, and when the mask was struggling to hold onto him, a loud snapping sound was heard and a small explosion erupted, blowing Spike away like a wave of magic. While Torch's head was hurting from all that dark magic flowing inside his brain, Ember saw Spike falling down to his death while he was screaming

"Spike!!!" the heroes shouted in horror.

Ember immediately caught sight of the baby dragon and swooped down to his aid fast as a peregrine falcon while diving to catch it's food. Before Spike could hit the ground, Ember caught him with her two arms just in time, and she landed back to the heroes. Poor Spike was out cold from the impact of the explosion, with the very last shard of the Fierce Deity's Mask in his right hand.

Twilight and the other elements, along with Starlight, Lyra, Bon Bon, Pip, and Big Mac crowded around him. "Spike, come on, stay with us!" Ember urged.

"Come on, Spike. You have to pull it together." Fluttershy added

The baby dragon began to stir and wake back up from consciousness. "Ah, my head." he moaned. "Feels like it was head by a bunch of rocks."

"Spike, are you okay?" asked Twilight. "Are you hurt?"

"A little... sore, but, i'll be okay, Twi."

The princess of friendship smiled. She then hugged him like a big sister would do for a little brother. "Oh Spike, i'm so glad you're okay."

"You were brave out there, Spike." Link admired him. "Now the final piece is ours."

Spike tried getting up, but he was staggering, still feeling out-of-balance, and Fluttershy was the one who caught him. "I think you will have to take it easy for a while, Spike."

"Yeah. I'll be fine. W-what about Torch?"

The sounds of gigantic footsteps were heard and the ground was shaking every second. Turns out that Ember's father was walking over to the group to greet them all. "What just happened to me?" It was no surprise that he did not remember what he was doing right now.

"Father. You... don't know what just happened?"

"No. I just found this nice gem and it almost felt like I fell asleep in the middle of the day." Torch replied. He looked down at Spike again, and he said: "Ah, one called 'Spike', pleasure to see you here again."

"Thanks, even though you almost killed me." Spike replied with a uncomfortable look on his face.

The former dragon lord looked a little confused by what Spike just said. "What? What are you talking about, little whelp?"

Ember looked at the Hero of Twilight, and she said to him, "Link, can you please explain to my father what just happened a few minutes ago and what's going on?"

"Sure." Link nodded his head. "Torch, I can explain everything that is going on right now." Then the hero began to explain the shard of the mask and what it was meant for, and he was certainly feeling like an idiot about obtaining the mask shard. The more Link explained, the more dumbfounded Torch looked about all this troubling news.

"Well, you mean to tell me that this little gem was controlling me and my emotions with dark magic?" Torch asked him.

"Pretty much." said Link. "I know it sounds crazy and a lot to take in, but you need to believe me." He looked at the last shard and pulled out the mask, which was nearly complete. He carefully connected the shard to it, and something very magical happened. The Fierce Deity's Mask was glowing a very pale, and bright purple, and it cause a gigantic, blind flash across the crater where Link and the heroes were all at.

After about five seconds, the light faded away like a shooting star, and the mask was fully repaired and whole again.

The Fierce Deity's Mask has been restored! Now Link is ready to take on Majora head-on in a fight, and restore order to both Hyrule, and Equestria.

Now that the mask was complete, everything was all set to take down Makora once and for all.

"Now, you said that this mask has powers, right?" Asked Ember.

"Uh-huh. But, I'm worried I won't be able to control myself once I put it on and... the darkness will control me."

"Theh why did you come all the way here looking for that mask piece anyway if you're worried about it?" Ember asked

"I... I don't know, because I'm worried about princess Zelda, Ember. I just want to save her."

"Ooh, I've heard of this." Tbe new dragon lord said teasingly. "This will end up with a kiss, I know it will."

"Kiss?" Link exclaimed while blushing. Now he didn't really know what to say. "It's not a kiss, i- I mean- uh... me and Zelda are good friends, that's all."

"She's just teasing you, Link." Colin said. "We all know that you and Zelds are just friends."

"Why don't you try it on and see if you can control it or not?" Bon Bon suggested.

"I'm sure you can." Big Mac believed.

"We'll do it outside of the Dragon Lands. Just to be safe." He looked at Ember and he said to her: "thanks, Ember. I really appreciate your help in finding this."

"No Problem, Link. You need my help in trying to stop him?"

"No. I think we'll be fine. Besides, if what Kit says is true, this mask might be our last hope." He looked deeper into the mask and he had a small change of heart. "On second thought, maybe I'll try this on."

Rainbow Dash had a look if excitement and let out a cute gasp. "Really? I wanna see, I wanna see!"

"Calm down, Rainbow Dash. I know how excited you are, but lives will be at stake if we do not act." Mathayus said.

"Right." To Link, looking at this powerful and ancient mask made him a little uncomfortable. Still, he knew he had probably no choice. "Here goes."

He slowly put the mask on his face, and something magical was happening again. Some terrible migraine, and he grasped his head with his two hands.

The moment the mask stuck to Link's face, he let out a yell. "Gaahhh! Something's happening to me!"

Another blinding light flashed, and after it had gone, Fluttershy, Twilight, and the others could hardly believe what they were gazing upon.

Link looked a little different than he was before and his clothes were a pale blue, but the leggings and bodysuit on his lower body was a black color.

Red and blue face paint was smeared on his face, and a chest armor was covering his torso.

Another big change for Link was he had eyes with no pupils and a gigantic, two-handed sword with two blades mixing like a creature's DNA.

He was a little taller now than he normally was, and the Master Sword wass still in its scabbard on Link's back.

"Whoa. That is awesome!" Rainbow said

Colin went up to Link and he asked: "Link, do you feel okay?"

It took a while for Link to respond, but he finally replied: "I'm just fine, Colin." Then he patted the boy on the head.

"Wow. Look at you Link, and that sword you're holding" Pip pointed.

The hero looked at the gigantic blade and he was impressed by how it looked. "Can I look in a mirror?"

"Not to worry. "I'll bring one for you."

It was no surprise that Rarity would carry a hand mirror in her bag.m, and she penotoy gave it to Link.

Stunned and intrigued by how Link looked in this form, all he said was, "wow," under his breath.

He then pulled out the Master Sword, and tried to compare which was more powerful. That one or the Double Helix sword.

A gigantic aura appeared and the two sword suddenly collided with one another. Yes, these two powerful blades have fused together as one.

The Master Sword looked a little different, such the blade looking like a helix, but it was smaller then the two-handed one. There was a line that went from the bottom of the blade and up to the pointy tip.

"Wow. They fused." Link said in more astonishment.

"This is gonna be cool." Pip said.

Link pulled the mask off and he was back to his old self. "Wow. That mask is powerful."

"I hope this can help us." Fluttershy stated.

The Master Sword was back to its original state and it was realized that the Double helix sword only came with the mask after one puts it on.

"Okay, I'm ready. Now we have to stop Makors and save Zelda." His friends all agreed with him, bid bye to Ember and some of the other dragons, and poofed off into Ponyville.

Garble looked completely arrogant as usual abs he muttered under his breath: "I hope you get eaten by sharks, you little runt."