• Published 31st May 2018
  • 4,797 Views, 210 Comments

Sharing Beat Up Stories - Graglithan The Greater

In the story of Beating Yourself Up Over It, some events were left unsaid. These are those events, and then some.

  • ...

Touring a Home

Sunset couldn’t help but feel somewhat impressed with the house she and Pinkie found themselves at. With the second story and rows of windows, you wouldn’t expect only two people to be living there. “Well... if this does turn out to be Starlight’s place, we have to get her to throw a party sometime.”

“I know right!? Just look at how much space is here!” Pinkie squealed a bit before bopping herself on the head. “But this isn’t the time for party planning; it’s the time for basement searching!”

The amber teen looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow. “Did you just say what I think you did?” At the innocently smiling face of her friend, Sunset just pointed dumbly. “You, saying it’s not the time for party planning? Who are you and what have you done with Pinkie?” The two shared a laugh before Sunset frowned in thought. “Also... how are we going to do this? It’s not like we can just go up to a guy who’s been missing his daughter for over a month and ask to see his basement.”

“Hmm.” Pinkie scrunched her face in thought before grinning confidently and giving a thumbs up. “Leave everything to me Sunny! You go around back, and I’ll distract him by doing what I do best. Throwing a party!”

Sunset facepalmed and groaned a bit. “Pinkie, I just said we’re not breaking into people’s property!”

The party girl shrugged and frowned. “Well, how else are we going to look for clues that Starlight’s world is this one?” She rubbed her arm with a sigh, slowly losing some cheer. “I don’t want her to be sad, even if I’m not that much of a friend to her right now. Cause if this is her world, then when we get her back home, we can all hang out and be friends and I could throw her a ‘You traveled to another dimension and got back home’ party!”

Putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder, Sunset gave her a small smile. “I know Pinkie. Maybe we could go find the landlord?”

Pinkie beamed a bit. “That could work! Did your super secret with the principals let you know who they are?”

Sighing, Sunset walked over to the mailbox and let her head collide with it. “I don’t know. Celestia and Luna never told me what the landlord’s name was.” Glaring at nothing, Sunset turned to the sky and grumbled. “They just kept looking at each other with that knowing smirk they keep giving people when they’re up to something.”

Looking concerned, Pinkie looked at her friend and the house. “Well, then how are we going to find the landlord and get into Firelight’s basement if we don’t even know who they are?”

“I could help with that.” The two jumped at the sound of someone behind them, before turning around and spotting a man in a pinstripe suit, mismatched brown and green pants, and a wry smirk on his face. In one hand, he had a walking cane, and the other was playing with his white goatee.

Pinkie perked up and waved excitedly. “Hi, Mr. Discord! What are you doing here?”

Meanwhile, Sunset was looking at the unusually well-dressed janitor with apprehension. There were so many things that were going wrong in her mind. The potential spells and effects, the absolute chaos that would permeate the next hundred acres around them, the sheer amounts of madness this eldrich creature in the form of a man would cause just with a flick of its wrist! And she and Pinkie were in the epicenter of it all! There was no time to write a will or a memoir, or even leave an “I love you” message to anyone!

Waving his free hand about, Discord just looked around at all the houses casually. “Oh, nothing much, just strolling around, thinking of the ways I could add spice to the lives of everyone who lives here.”

Sunset just looked confused as reality caught up with her brain. The streetlamps were still streetlamps, and the road was still asphalt, so that was good. “I... what?”

Ignoring her for the moment, Discord looked past the two girls and hummed. “Visting Firelight, I see?” A wry smirk grew on his face as he twirled his cane and started heading for the house. “Just wait here for a moment and follow my lead kiddies. I’ll get you inside in no time at all.”

As Discord walked away and the two gave him a quick nod with a nervous smile from Sunset, Pinkie leaned over with a comically overexaggerated face of confusion. “Why is the janitor here?”

Breaking from the fake smile, Sunset was frantically making hand motions towards the well-dressed man; her unease splattered across her everything. “Don’t look at me; I don’t know either! And why the heck is he dressed like that?”

Pinkie just shrugged as best she could. “Beats me. Good thing Rarity isn’t here though. Those pants would set her off.”

Meanwhile, Discord was knocking on the door, out of hearing range of the two. The suited man kept glancing over his shoulder, a wry smirk as he eyed the fire-haired girl. Before he could muse on those thoughts, however, the door opened to reveal the purple skinned man who lived inside. “Evening, Firelight.”

Firelight wasn’t an impressively built man, but he wasn’t scrawny either. The bags under his eyes told a part of his story, but despite his tiredness, he recognized the man before him. “Oh, Mr. Discord, I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

Nodding apologetically, Discord gave his best smile. “Sorry to disturb you, Firelight, but I have an unusual request.” Looking over his shoulder, the unusual man pointed to where Sunset and Pinkie were talking. “Those two young ladies over there are looking into getting a place to stay, and I thought I’d show them around some of the homes in the area. You wouldn’t mind if they took a tour of yours, did you?”

Firelight stiffened and gripped the door a bit tighter. “I’m... not entirely comfortable with that idea.”

For a moment, Discord’s smile became genuine as he looked remotely to Firelight. “I know how you feel about preserving your home, Firelight. I assure you that they won’t be disturbing items from their rightful spots.” A wry smirk grew again as he glanced past Firelight and spotted his own target. “Me, on the other hand, will be looking for those brownies you love making.”

The two stared with each other for a while, no words, just trying to gauge the other. Eventually, Firelight sighed and slumped his shoulders, before stepping back a bit. “Just... don’t touch any of her things. Please.”

A hand pressed against Discord’s chest as he bowed. “That is a promise I don’t have to make, Firelight. I know how this has been for you.” Turning around, he waved to Sunset and Pinkie. “Okay girls, Mr. Firelight has agreed to let you have a tour of his home.”

Pinkie perked up with an excited smile. “Really?”

Sighing herself and smacking her face with an open palm, Sunset led her excited friend to the front door. “Don’t look it in the mouth, Pinkie. Let’s just get this over with.”

When they got up to the door, Firelight put on his best smile. In his defense, he could be forgiven for the sad look he gave them. “You can look around, but please, try not to disturb anything.”

Sunset was both amazed at the organization that Firelight put into his home, and with how calm Pinkie was after his request was made. For a girl as hyperactive as her, she was shockingly still as she moved through the home, almost as gracefully as a ghost. Discord gave them a ‘tour’ of the house, pointing out details as if he owned the place. Casually devouring a plate of brownies while doing so did nothing to help dissuade that image. Firelight, for his part, was walking along with them and watching.

What drew Sunset’s attention the most though, was the library.

Her jaw dropped at the sheer volume of books lining the room. Every square inch of the walls was covered in bookshelves, and more were placed in the center to stand on their own. The closest she could picture to the sight was her old room in Canterlot, but none of them contained the knowledge of this world. And this was a private collection, one this man put together himself. “Wow... this is...”

Firelight chuckled a bit, breaking from his melancholy for a moment. “I usually get that reaction. I mean, it’s not every day you go into a room lined with more history than any museum could hope for.”

“These are all history books!?” Sunset’s eye twitched a bit.

“Yes, and not all of them in English. I’ve been around the world collecting these, trying to obtain as much knowledge of our world’s past as I could hold.” His minor break from sorrow broke as he sighed a bit, looking to the tomes.

Discord strode past the two, doubling back with Pinkie in tow. “We’re not finished with the tour my dear, and those books are not included with the house.” He brought them back to the front of the house and started out the door and around the side. “Now, time to show them the lower floors.”

Firelight darted ahead of the group and stood in the way of the Basement doors. “W-Wait! I’d rather you not show them that.”

“But if I’m to give a full tour, they would need to see every room.” Discord insisted, motioning a hand to the double doors leading down into the earth.

The purple man shook his head regardless. “I know, but I am not comfortable with anyone going down there right now. I’d rather not risk that place being disturbed.”

Sighing, Discord waved a hand to the girls. “I understand. I guess we’ll be on our way, ladies.”

The three headed down the sidewalk a short way, Sunset and Pinkie glancing at the basement doors before Firelight went inside. The moment he was out of sight, Sunset turned to Discord and frowned. “I thought you said you could get us inside!”

“I did, technically.” The older man smirked with a snaggletooth poking from behind his lips.

Fuming, Sunset pointed at the house behind them. “Yeah, but we needed to see what’s in the basement, not just his impressive book collection!

“Oh is that all?” Discord burst out laughing and pulled a camera out of his overcoat. “Why didn’t you just say so?” He handed the camera over and watched as she flicked through all the pictures, her jaw dropping lower and lower as she did.

Sunset’s eyes had to be lying, but at the same time, she was hoping they weren’t. Each picture was of Starlight’s equipment, all exactly where she’d described they would have been in her story. And a few even had Discord himself posing for a selfie to the side of the frame. “I.. but...what?”

Pinkie looked at the phone and blinked. “Huh, so does this mean mission accomplished?”

Sunset looked utterly flabbergasted before she shook her head and glared at Discord. “If you had these, why didn’t you give them in the first place!?

“Don’t look at me young lady; you’re the one who said she wanted inside.” The coy smirk from Discord made Sunset fume as her face started to turn red with anger. “Now, would you like some of these forwarded to you or Pinkie? I take requests.” Screaming in frustration, Sunset threw her hands, and subsequently the camera, into the air and started storming off.

Discord casually caught the camera and pointed a thumb at the retreating Sunset. “I think she’s gone from Scared to Irritated at me.” He took in a deep breath and sighed. “Just like Celestia.”

Pinkie looked between the two for a moment before pulling out her phone and smiling. “Can I have those?”

“Certainly.” In a few moments, Discord had the pictures sent to Pinkie, and judging by the irritated scream off in the distance, Sunset, before waving the two off.

As soon as they were out of sight, he felt a poke on his cheek. “Oh come now, I didn’t forget your part in all of this.” Pulling out a roll of photographic film, he tossed it to the camera that was perched on his shoulder, sitting with its little stick figure legs crossed. The camera started slurping in the film like spaghetti as Discord chuckled. “Now, let’s go talk with Mrs. Flare. Her rent’s due in a few days.”

And with a twirl of his cane, he started off towards the other side of the street, whistling a tune.

Author's Note:

No double disasters here this time. This chapters here more to help progress the story that started to grow from these little stories about ten chapters ago. And yes, that would land you in the previous story, good observation!

Also, you guys want to know a fun fact? I apparently can't write Discord unless I'm SLEEP DEPRIVED! For the past four days, I've been up until at least 4 in the morning and waking up at 8:30; the good old crack of DAWN, because my window is facing East.

Now, I'm going to go ahead and collapse into my bed, now that I'm done writing this. So, so long, adobo, and good night. Like if you like the story, fave if it's your favorite, and comment if you want to yell at me for good or bad or just to tell me to sleep already.