• Published 31st May 2018
  • 4,793 Views, 210 Comments

Sharing Beat Up Stories - Graglithan The Greater

In the story of Beating Yourself Up Over It, some events were left unsaid. These are those events, and then some.

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Canterlot Movie Club Presents: Duel of the Twin Diamonds

With Sunset gone, Twilight opened the journal and looked over at Starlight. “Well, seeing as Sunset just jumped through before you could give her the details...” The princess smirked a bit as the pink unicorn chuckled.

Starlight stood up and walked over, before getting the quill in her magic. “I got it.” The quill danced across the pages as Starlight tried to remember the details accurately. “There. Now she should have my address and phone number, as well as the passcode to the basement.”

Twilight tilted her head in confusion and raised an eyebrow. “Passcode?”

Blushing as she put the quill back, Starlight smiled. “I was very protective of my equipment and may have put a high-end lock on the door leading down.” At the continued stare becoming slightly more skeptical, she pouted. “They are very valuable kites, and I’d be damned if I let anyone mess with them.”

The princess smirked. “That sounds more accurate.”

“So,” Starlight looked at the ponies in the room with a small smile, “hang-out day?”

Rolling her eyes and chuckling, Twilight lead Starlight over to the group. “Come on, they won’t bite. Even if there are twice as many now.”

With everyone and everypony all talking in groups in the study, The Crusaders, their sisters, and all of their counterparts were busy sitting in a circle on the floor, or on a nearby couch in Rarity’s cases. “So, Y’all got into fights? With yourselves?” Applebloom looked at her sister with a raised eyebrow.

Applejack could only look a bit sheepish. “Well Applebloom, when ya put it like that it sounds mighty silly.”

“Yes, it was rather uncouth of us to do that in the first place.” Rarity admitted, sharing a small sheepish smile with herself.

The smaller Rainbow Dash was busy pouting, rolling her eyes. “I don’t call getting my butt kicked in one hit a fight.”

Equestrian Sweetie frowned and looked at both instances of her sister. “I still find it hard to believe Rarity would get into a fight though. That’s not like her at all” Rarity bit her tongue as she remembered a particular incident with a teenage dragon picking on Spike. After all, with her interactions with Garble, she was more than clear with her intentions.

Pulling her phone out of her mane, Sweetie perked up and leaned in towards her counterpart’s ear. “I have proof that she did if you want to see it.”

“Really!?” The young white unicorn semi-shouted, drawing the rest of the group’s attention.

Scootaloo and her counterpart looked at each other before leaning themselves. “What are you two going on about?”

Sweetie pointed at the white filly next to her, and more specifically her phone, a skeptic, yet excited, look on her face. “She said she has proof of Rarity getting into a fight!”

Both of the Rainbows perked up, looking particularly interested in that tidbit of information, before turning to look at the two fillies, shortly followed by everyone else as well. “Really?~”

Sweetie paled a bit as everyone was looking at her before she chuckled nervously and held her phone close to her chest. “I may or may not have recorded the fight?”

Instantly, both Rarities froze, but the younger of the two slowly turned to look at her friend’s counterpart. “Rainbow... Rainbow no.”

Before anyone could stop her, Rainbow flew over and swiped the phone from the young filly, much to her chagrin. A second later, the prismatic flyer and her young counterpart were huddled over the phone, along with the Crusaders from both worlds, as the young Rainbow flipped through the contents just out of either Sweetie Belle’s reach. “Rainbow yes!

The older two white unicorns could only let out a squawk as they shouted Rainbow’s name, even as said pegasus was hitting the play button.

As the video started, both Rarities could be heard discussing their behavior. However, the camera was pointed towards Sweetie, who squinted a bit before sighing. “Stupid camera.” Her finger flicked up, and the scene switched to her shoes for a moment, before moving up and showing both Rarities talking. One was easily recognizable for half the viewers, being in her usual attire while she fiddled with a pencil in her hand, but the other was the one who stunned the group. She wore an elegant, oriental gown and high heels of stunning white color. The dress itself was inlaid with the patterns of diamonds and a single sizeable green dragon.

It was the second of the two that was able to be clearly heard first. “My point is, the way you treated Sunset was rather unbecoming of a ladylike ourselves.”

With a shake of her head and a sigh, Rarity looked her counterpart in the eye. “I agree, and I wish I had the sense at the time to realize that. But, you know what they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty.”

The camera got a touch closer, and Sweetie spoke up as it focused on the visitor of the two. “Wow Rarity, the other you’s dress is really pretty.”

A flattered smile crossed the visiting equestrian’s face as she placed a hand demurely on her chest. “Why thank you! It’s good to know somepony in this world has an eye for fashion.”

The camera backed away quick enough to see a slightly stiff Rarity staring at her counterpart. A specific smile crossed her face as she blinked a few times. Any of Rarity’s close contacts, be they family or friends, would recognize it instantly. It was a smile of ‘I'm only polite right now for the sake of not murdering you for saying that.’ “Really, what makes you say that, exactly?”

As it turned out, Rarity wasn’t good at reading her own face as she was with others’. “Well, since coming here I can’t help but feel appalled at just how drab the outfits I’ve seen have been.”

The young fashionista’s eye twitched slightly, but Rarity kept her composure. “Really now.” The venom in Rarity’s voice was subtle but still potent enough to kill. “And what makes them so, drab?” The last word spat out like it was a disease.

With a roll of her own eyes at the thought of the designs she’d seen all day, Rarity’s counterpart continued. “Every piece of attire I’ve seen since I arrived does nothing for the ones wearing them. And that’s not even mentioning the colors.”

Rarity’s grip on her pencil tightened to the point a creak could be heard. “And what exactly would be wrong there?”

Her counterpart dismissively waved a hand and shook her head. “They clash in all the wrong ways. I swear, it’s like the one responsible for designing them had no taste in fashion whatsoever.”

The pencil snapped and Rarity’s face devolved from her strained smile into a full on snarl. “Well, it’s not exactly like everyone on this side of the portal has enchanted fabrics to work with, now do we?”

Her counterpart gasped and put a hand to her chest. “E-enchanted!?” An angry frown of her own grew across Rarity’s face as she leaned into the argument. “Now see here, my works are done purely through skill and talent. To insinuate that I would bewitch my customers is insulting!”

The doors behind them started to open, students poking their heads out of the classrooms to see what the commotion was about. A couple of the guys that managed to get caught on camera looked like they were enjoying the sight of Rarity arguing with herself.

Scoffing and rolling her eyes, the high-schooler turned away for a moment while she raved. “Oh please, like you would know anything about fashion. Last I checked you rarely ever wear clothes in Equestria, seeing as ponies don’t exactly need them.” Rarity turned her nose up and shooed her hand towards her Equestrian counterpart. “Your prices are more than likely quite exuberant as well, seeing as it’s probably the only way you can afford to keep your business open at all when there is virtually no demand for your product.”

Rarity stomped, causing a rather loud clack to echo down the hallway. “My work is sought out by the highest of the elite for its quality, is still reasonably priced for anypony to afford, and can work for any occasion my clients see fit!”

Smirking a bit, Rarity lazily gestured to her counterpart’s dress. “Then I hope for your sake that you didn’t make that dress. Something so risque has no place in a school. That dress is only good for showing off some leg to a pack of hormonal young men.” Many of the young men in the crowd agreed.

Rarity scoffed as she flipped her hair. “At least my dress is not some tacky patchwork, like those rags you’re wearing.”

The air froze for a solid ten seconds, as everyone in the crowd went wide eyed. The stone still figure of Rarity stared blankly ahead, but the whole crowd started to disperse with the utmost urgency, memories of ninth grade spurring them forward.

For there were dragons in those halls.

Two very angry dragons.

Slowly turning to look at her counterpart, eyes ice cold with murder, Rarity cracked her neck. “Oh it, is, on.

Bring it, you uncultured trollop!” The two started to circle each other, hands brought up to stance. Rarity had her nails bared, each manicured tip taking on a new and deadier life with the girl’s intentions. Her counterpart was only slightly better, fingers brought together to make one solid point, like a knife of the most beautiful degree.

In a flash, the high-school girl darted forward, clawing at her counterpart and catching the seam of the dress collar. The tear that echoed down the hallway was loud, but the dress remained mostly intact. Her assault went for a second swipe, but was blocked by the Equestrian’s arm.

A quick jab sent Rarity back a foot before she had to dodge a palm strike to her face. Her hair clip flew off, clipped by the blow, before she landed a punch on her counterpart’s face, grabbing the back of her head and, using her free hand to grip the Equestrian’s arm, threw her down the hall. However, Rarity’s grapple was only a minor hindrance, as her counterpart elegantly flipped back to her feet, and closed the gap. Glaring, Rarity got back into stance. “You’ll need to do better than that.”

A punch for her face was blocked by the back of Rarity’s arm, making the high-schooler stumble, when a strike landed against her side, and with it, a loud tearing. Claws were drawn again, and she swung upward, catching the front of the Equestrian’s gown and pulling more threads from their needed places. She stepped back and looked at the hole in her dress before turning to see Rarity smirking. “Funny, I was about to say the same to you.”

With a near roar, the Equestrian grabbed onto the high-schooler and threw her knee into Rarity’s stomach, making her cough out the air in her lungs before grabbing her hair and slinging her down the hall. Rarity tumbled and skid across the linoleum tiles, grabbing for the edge of the halls, before finding herself with a handful of pencils that had fallen from students between classes.

Smirking, Rarity rolled mid slide to her feet and started throwing the pencils point first towards her counterpart. The Equestrian brought her hands up to protect her face, only to feel holes forming in her gown instead, the pencils scraping her sides as they tore through fabric.

The utensils were grabbed mid-air and thrown back, forcing Rarity to dodge and weave as she ran forward. When the two were close enough they caught each other with a punch to the face, eyes never leaving the other as rage blazed behind both sets.

With a quick kick of her leg, the Equestrian Rarity knocked the younger one off balance, landing a blow to her blouse, and tearing away the side. She stumbled, but the high-schooler quickly darted back into the fight and leaped. Rarity kicked with incredible speed, snapping one of the chopsticks holding her Equestrian counterpart’s hair up clean in half as she ducked. The moment she landed, her leg continued it’s trip and took the legs out from under the Equestrian before she kneed her other self in the stomach.

She was dragged along when the older fashionista grabbed her blouse and pulled her down with her. The two were forced into a rolling pile of fists, kicks, and claws. Bits of clothing were flying this way and that, all while snarls of rage echoed down the halls. Again and again, they rolled each other over, throwing cheap punches and ripping away at fabric.

The unicorn of the two got her feet underneath her counterpart mid fight and did what her equine heritage begged her to do, and bucked, sending the poor girl flying back with a thud against the floor. The two scrambled to their feet and charged again, meeting in a deadlock. They kept glaring at each other until the native Rarity got her counterpart’s leg in a lock with her own, stepping on her dress for good measure and insult.

The two exchanged blows while locked in place. A punch deflected, only for the counter to have the same returned. On and on, they kept going, arms almost tangled in their struggle. The high-schooler of the two had one advantage though, and with a grab of her counterpart’s hair, she broke the deadlock and got the upper hand. With the Equestrian at her mercy, grabbing for the hand holding her hair, Rarity slugged her in the face.

Dazed for only a moment, the Equestrian Rarity was brought back just as the second punch was thrown. She leaned back, sacrificing her scalp to a moment of pain to dodge the blow before lunging forward and biting the high school girl’s arm. With her hair free, she released her bite and brought her nails upward, slicing through the front of Rarity’s blouse and leaving barely any left to cover her.

Rarity was too focused on the fight to care that her bra was almost showing, and grabbed the sides of her counterpart’s head, bringing her in for the mother of all headbutts. As their skulls collided, a deafening crack echoed down the halls that could have been mistaken for a door slamming shut.

Keeping her hold on the Equestrian, Rarity slammed her face first into the lockers and stepped back, before rushing forward and kicking. Her kick missed and dented in the locker door as the Equestrian Rarity pushed herself away in time, and launched a kick of her own; heels digging into the sides of Rarity’s skirt and tearing off a chunk of cloth.

The two danced in and out range of each other, occasionally taking a moment to try and feint the other into a counter. Their attempts continued to be blocked or countered, until a strike managed to land on the Human Rarity, making her stumble for a moment. The Equestrian took that opportunity to strike with her heels again.

When she kicked a second time, however, the Equestrian’s leg was grabbed and she found herself flipped onto her back, and her human self readying a piledriver above her. Rolling out of the way and back up to her feet, she quickly shouted in pain as her counterpart’s elbow still found her foot. With her Equestrian counterpart stumbling back on an injured set of toes, Rarity got bearings again, before glaring back into their counterpart’s eyes.

Rarity adjusted her top, sticking the loose bits of fabric under the lining of her bra to hold them in place. “Classless Welp.”

Equestrian Rarity pulled the fabric of her dress back over her shoulder, using the piece of her fallen chopstick to hold it in place. “Uncivilized Swine.”

“Are those the best insults you’ve got?”

“Would you rather I get creative?”

A devilish smirk grew on Rarity’s face, eyes glinting in the fluorescent light. “I’m making better use of my creativity. Though I doubt you could do anything to match.”

Fingers twitched as they both stood up, and the Equestrian rolled her neck. “Why don’t I show you how creative I can get?”

“Go right ahead so I can show you how outclassed you are!” Claws drawn once more, Rarity and her counterpart started to stalk each other again, ready for round two.

Chuckling from behind the camera, Sweetie kept it focused on the two iterations of her sister for one last take. “And Scene.” She was about to press the stop button, only to hear the sound of someone running over from down the hallways. There was a beat, before a small intake of breath could be heard. “Shoot, Sunset’s coming!”

Without a sound, the video ended.

Over the course of the playback, the rest of the room had joined in on watching the recording of Rarity duking it out with herself. Their reactions ranged from awe, surprise, astonishment, and shock at just how violent the two had gotten with each other.

So it was as the video ended, the whole room turned to the visiting Rarity, who was towards the edge of the huddle, as she cleared her throat. “Sweetie Belle,” Rarity asked, eyes closed but one brow twitching, “care to tell me when you added music to the recording you took? Last I checked, that’s not exactly a necessary part of animating.”

The filly in question looked down with a blush and scuffed a hoof on the floor. “I thought it made the video better?”

Rainbow Dash was staring wide-eyed at the phone, before landing on her rear right next to her younger self. “That... That was so awesome. Too awesome. I... I don’t know how to feel about this.”

The smaller Rainbow, however, did not have that limitation. “I can’t believe it! Rarity had a more awesome fight than me!?”

Glowering from behind the group, the younger Rarity was pouting on the couch. “Rainbow Dash, if I had control over this horn right now, I’d be blowing you to Kingdom Come!”

Popping her head up for a moment, Twilight looked over the group. “Hey, I have a strict rule against blowing up my castle for the sake of winning an argument!” When they all turned to her in confusion, she blushed a bit. “You’d be surprised how often it has to be enforced.”

Rainbow Dash shared a glance with her younger self before nervously turning away from the irate white unicorn. “Aaaanyways, back to the fight. That was seriously awesome! I never thought I’d be considering going to Rarity for combat practice, but now I am!”

Adjusting her somewhat oversized hat, the younger Applejack whistled. “Honestly, same. Shucks, she even outdid our tussle from that day.”

The farmer’s older counterpart nodded in agreement. “Eeyep.” Applejack rubbed her chin as she took a closer look at Sweetie’s phone. “Gotta say though, that their little magic box is pretty handy if it can just record stuff like that.”

A bead of sweat dripped down the younger Applebloom’s cheek as she raised an eyebrow at her other older sister. “Ah’m not gonna pretend ah know all about how they work an’ what not, but Ah can guarantee it ain’t magic.”

The Equestrian Crusaders all looked at each other before Applebloom leaned in. “Really!?”

With a smirk and a nod, the visiting Applebloom turned to the three. “Eeyep.”

Scootaloo’s eyes lit up as she stared at the phone. “So cool.”

A chuckle got the older members of the group to turn to Twilight. The princess was busy trying to hide her mirth at their awestruck faces. “Now do you girls see why I was so fascinated with their world?”

“Heck yeah! If everypony has one of these, I can only imagine what more awesome stuff they can do!” The group’s Equestrian majority all started to nod in agreement with Rainbow, talking excitedly with their counterparts about some of the things they had in their world.

Except for Rarity. She was busy consoling her younger self as the small white pony was laying face first on her fainting couch. “Someone please put me out of my misery.”

“Don’t worry yourself Darling. Just remember that when your Rainbow inevitably goes to you for the same reason mine will me, we can both enjoy turning them into pretzels.”

On the other side of the portal, Sunset and Pinkie stood before a large cast iron gate. On one of the bars, a plaque was embedded into the metal, reading ‘Welcome to Sire’s hollow.’ There was an intercom to the side, right where a driver could quickly press the button if need be. The two shared a glance before Sunset took a moment to reread the message Twilight and Starlight had sent her. “Okay, here goes nothing.”

The intercom buzzed before an older woman answered rather tersely. “Welcome to Sire’s Hollow, how may I help you?”

Both girls looked a little uneasy at the tone of her voice. “Um, is Firelight in? We need to speak with him.”

A grumble came through the speakers. “And who is visiting?”

Sunset sighed a bit and tried to be as polite as possible. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, and we were hoping to talk with Firelight about something recent that--”

“You’re not on the list, have a good day.” The intercom abruptly cut off, leaving both Pinkie and Sunset to reel back in shock.

The amber girl felt a vein in her head pulse. “HEY! Don’t just hang up on me!”

At the continued silence, Sunset growled for a moment but stopped when Pinkie put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. “Don’t worry, Sunset. Leave this to your good old Aunt Pinkie.”

Sunset deadpanned at the pink party planner. “Pinkie, I’m older than you.” She paused and put a hand to her chin as she looked up. “Actually, I’m probably the oldest of our group, now that I think about it.”

Pinkie grabbed Sunset by the wrist and started pulling her down the fence line. “No time to explain! Quick,” The party planner exclaimed as she pulled out a pair of large plastic bags, “put all of your electronics in here! When we land in the pool, they’ll stay safe!”

“Wha- NO! We are not jumping into someone’s backyard!” Sunset semi-shouted as she tried to fend off her friend, who was reaching for her jacket’s pockets to ascertain their contents.

The two froze and looked over as a black Corolla pulled up next to them, and the window rolled down to reveal their Vice-Principal. The older woman looked at the two tangled teens with a raised eyebrow. “I know this is not school property, but do I need to worry about what I am seeing?”

“V-Vice Principal Luna!” Sunset shoved Pinkie off of her and quickly started waving her hands wildly. “This isn’t what it looks like!”

“We’re off school grounds; just Luna will be fine.” Their V-P smirked. “Now what exactly is this if it isn’t Ms. Pie trying to get you to join her in breaking into a private community?” At the shared uneasy laughter between the two, Luna rolled her eyes and put her car in park. “Alright. Get in.”

Hesitantly, Sunset and Pinkie both got into the back seat and looked down at their shoes. The amber teen rubbed her arm and dared a glance up to Luna. “We’re not in trouble, are we?”

What the Vice Principal had to say, stunned her. “Sunset, in the past school year, you have done nothing but try and prove to the school at large that you’ve been changing for the better, even when they stood against you and wanted to paint you as a pariah to justify their hateful actions.” Luna looked at the two through her rearview mirror, a serious glint in her eyes. “If you need to get in, I’ll help you two, but you need to tell me exactly why you need inside.”

Sunset was about to answer when Pinkie leaned forward with the biggest smile on her face. “It turns out that the Starlight Glimmer that Sunset’s been penpals with back in Equestria might actually be the Starlight Glimmer who went missing from this world and she’s super scared that she might be from a third world so then me and Sunset came here to check out her old house and see if all the stuff she remembers from a month ago is still there and if it is her house we’re going to bring her back to this world to be reunited with her overbearing but super loving dad!”

The car was silent for a moment before Sunset sighed and jabbed a thumb at her still smiling friend. “...What she said.”

“I, see.” Luna hesitantly turned back to the road before glancing back again. “And it’s Sunset and I, Ms. Pie.”

Sunset stared at the iron fence from her seat for a moment. “Not to question your help, Luna, but how are you going to get us in?”

“Simple.” Luna couldn’t help but smirk as she lowered her sunglasses off of her head and started forward again, pulling up to the intercom. “Celestia and I happen to be friends with the landlord.”

The amber teen blinked in surprise for a moment before leaning forward. “Wait, you two are friends with this landlord!?”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “You know oddly specific details about our principals being friends with a landlord?”

Luna looked over at the two before her smile started to turn wicked. “Oh my, you haven’t told any of them, have you?” At the paling face of Sunset, the blue woman giggled like a schoolgirl. “Oh, that’s just perfect! I’m going to have so much fun telling a certain someone~.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Sunset snapped.

“Oooh! Sunny has a secret!~” Pinkie leaned over, smiling widely as she pressed up against Sunset’s side. “C’mon! Spill the sprinkles girl!”

Grumbling, Sunset buried her face in her hand and pushed Pinkie back with the other. “I’ll... I’ll tell you and the girls later, okay? J-just not right now. We have more important things to worry about!”

“Pinkie Promise?”

Sighing at the incessant party planner’s antics, Sunset fell back into her seat and stared up. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie squeed and bounced in her seat, giddy with excitement.

After a brief talk over the intercom, Sunset and Pinkie were brought into the suburb and driven to the address they needed to arrive at. Stepping out of the vehicle, they waved to Luna. “Thank you for letting us in.”

“If anyone asks why you’re in here, which to be fair I highly doubt anyone besides Ms. Flare will, you’re with me and decided to look around.” Luna leaned over to let them see her face. “It won’t stop you from getting kicked out, but it will at least stop them from getting you arrested.”

Pinkie gave the V-P a salute and a cheesy grin. “Will do!”

Author's Note:

*Gasp of exhaustion* I am going to hate writing fight scenes at this rate. They take so long to do right. Delay for next chapter, for I am the ded.