• Published 8th May 2018
  • 5,777 Views, 172 Comments

Twilight's Terrifying Traps - Graglithan The Greater

When Twilight's friends all snuck through the portal to confront their counterparts, she decided to lay some traps for her friends when they got back.

  • ...

Retroactive Ramifications

With Rainbow and Applejack caught, Twilight worked on the far side of the room, adjusting portions of her plans to be in just the right location. As she did, Applejack leaned over as much as she could from inside her hay bale. “What do ya think she’s got planned?”

Rainbow squinted as she watched Twilight cast a few spells on a painter’s canvas and hung it on the far wall, making sure it was perfectly straight. “Don’t know. Whatever it is, I think that canvas is the end game.” A confused frown grew on her face as she hummed. “How’s she going to trap anypony with a blank picture though?”

“No idea.” The apple farmer glanced at Twilight again and gulped as lines of vapor were rising off of her coat. “Also, is Twilight uh, steaming? Or am ah just seeing things?”

The prismatic flier stiffly nodded. “Yeah... Twilight was literally on fire when I got back. I think she took a quick shower or something to put it before she caught you.”

Applejack paled as her eyes darted towards some kind of metal collar Twilight pulled out of a bag and started remembering a specific incident at Froggy Bottom Bog. “We talkin' little flame or inferno?”

“She looked like a volcano about to blow.”

The orange mare stared at her friend in silent shock before glancing back to the Princess of Friendship. “Celestia have mercy on our souls.”

Twilight either didn’t hear the conversation or purposefully was ignoring them. Instead, the princess looked around the room and smiled calmly, before lighting up her horn and teleporting to her study to await whoever came out of the portal next.

She needed to make sure they fell into the right trap after all.

Moving behind the portal, she stalked in waiting for the next of her friends to come back through. Eventually, Spike showed up and had a nervous look on his face as he approached the alicorn. “Um... Twilight? I’m not in trouble, am I?”

Twilight paused her movement as she looked over at the baby dragon and sighed. “I would be lying if I said no.” At that, Spike’s head fell a bit as he looked at his feet. “But, depending on why you let them in, I might go easier on you. I thought I told you to, under no circumstances, let them through.”

“Well, I didn’t believe them at first, and then they handed me this.” The young dragon rubbed the back of his head as he handed her a scroll, that when unraveled in her magic, showed some documentation stating her permission.

The lavender alicorn squinted at the writing, before frowning. “This is Rarity’s horn-writing. She made it remarkably like my own, but this is definitely hers.” Sighing, Twilight rolled the scroll back up and put it in the desk drawer. “Spike, you’re still in trouble, but I think that since they tricked you, it will only be a small slap on the wrist at worst.” She gave her assistant a hug, making the small drake smile. “Think you can help Merryweather clean up the castle tomorrow?”

Spike’s smile vanished as he groaned. “Alright, I guess I kinda earned that.” Giving the drake one last hug, Twilight shooed him out of the room and went back to hiding behind the portal. She’d made extra sure that each of her friend’s traps wouldn’t interfere with each other. The princess didn’t have time to dwell on her thoughts for long, however, as the next of her prey had arrived.

The exit from the portal made her stumble slightly, but Rarity was soon on her hooves and brushing herself off. “Alright, back in Equestria. Now, I just need to get back to my boutique as quickly as possible.” She took a quick look around the room, not noticing Twilight hiding behind the portal.

With a quick cast, the lavender mare placed a much more subtle version of her Want it Need it spell on one of the doors. Specifically, the one leading to a broom closet. Twilight didn’t want her friend to be slovenly in love with her door, but it did look like the most opportune exit now.

Trotting unsuspectingly over to the enchanted door, Rarity paused as she heard a faint click. Looking around, nothing overt stuck out as being different from how it was a moment ago and shrugged. Had she looked down, she would have noticed the floor below her had sunk down half an inch. Instead, she pulled on the door’s handle with her magic, and then pulled again, and again. Frowning she looked at the door and grumbled.

“Locked? I guess Twilight finally started to lock up certain rooms. Now if only she’d chosen a more opportune time to do so.” She turned around, glancing at the other doors as she started to walk away, not noticing the floor sliding under the door as she tried to leave. “I guess I’ll need to find another way-”

Rarity didn’t finish her sentence, as it fell just like her down the hole in the floor and into a scream. Both her screaming and the fall were short-lived, as the unicorn landed in something white, sticky, and only slightly viscous. Sputtering as she got her head free, she scraped the substance off her eyes and looked around herself. “Ugh, my mane! What is this!? It’s disgusting! It’s... it’s...?”

She paused as the smell became familiar, and she licked a dab off her hoof. “Whipped cream?”

One side of the pit opened up a small hatch, and before Rarity could move, a large, ugly metal collar was snapped around her neck, and an accompanying harness around her barrel. Wires were sticking out of the contraption at various spots and on the side were a pair of lights; one red, one green. The fashionista tried to pull the brace off, but it wouldn’t budge to her panicked struggling. “Get off of me you, you blasted contraption!”

The green light flickered on, and Rarity found herself pressed against the wall of the pit, slowly sliding up until she was under a second green light that popped out of a small panel. “Wh-what!?”

The sound of somepony clearing their throat made Rarity look up. From above, Twilight looked down on Rarity, as she clung to her collar. “T-Twilight!?”

Smiling calmly, the lavender princess laid down next to the hole and leaned in slightly. “Hello Rarity, it’s good to see you. I was hoping you’d be the next one back.”

Rarity somehow got a shade paler. “W-what? You mean you knew we--!”

Twilight let a hoof wave lazily as she looked to the side, a small flame dancing once more on her mane. “Not at first, but you certainly did a wonderful job of counterfeiting my horn-writing. Which is why I’m glad you’re here right now.” The flame grew, engulfing the lower half of her mane. “Care to explain why you thought it’d be a good idea to trick Spike like that, even when you know how he feels about you?”

The white unicorn was starting to sweat, whether from exertion or nerves, as she looked up and tried to think of a way out of her doom. “W-well you see, Twilight, I-I-I was, um...”

Twilight’s soft, violet eyes closed as she tilted her head with a smile. “You manipulated the young dragon that I hatched and raised since I was a filly, and see as part of my family.” The princess’s ruby red eyes glared harshly down at Rarity when they opened. “I don’t take kindly to that, Rarity.”

Slowly, the adjacent wall of the pit opened up and the cream covered mare could only stare in horror as all manner of filth was on display. Mud, leaves, garbage bags, and some form of green slime all filled the passage, and more lights could be seen lining the hall. “T-Twilight please, I-I’m sorry! I admit that I’ve made a horrible mistake, but please don’t-!

The flames of Twilight’s mane only served to add genuinely ominous lighting to the scene as the princess levitated a small remote over to herself. “Have fun~.”

Rarity’s eyes shrank to pinpricks as the light on the wall above her flickered off, the lights in the hall turned on, and Rarity’s harness shot her forward through the muck. She skid through the mud, got coated in leaves, bounced off of the garbage, and was thoroughly covered by the slime. The hall turned, and Rarity’s harness followed. Much to her dismay and moderate joy, there was soap and water down this hall.

If only it weren’t an automated nightmare.

The fashionista found herself being scrubbed and soaked in a most undignified and rough fashion. Large rotating scrubbers, waterjets, and billowing fans removed most of the gunk but also ruined her mane and fur’s luster. By the time the harness stopped moving her down the hall, the white unicorn had become the fluffiest thing in existence. So fluffy, that the harness was lost within the depths of her fur, and none could see her legs.

Without giving her the time to think, the harness shot upwards and through a hole in the ceiling, putting Rarity in a new room. Down below, she could see Rainbow Dash and Applejack. That was all she could make out before the harness beeped again, leaned back for a moment, and flung her at the far wall where the canvas Twilight had hung earlier was resting. Seeing her imminent doom, Rarity braced herself for impact, covering her face with the hooves that only barely poked out of her fluff.

Imagine her and her observer’s surprise, when she sunk into the canvas and the surface rippled closed afterward.

From within the canvas, Rarity’s sat up and shook her head, before looking at the white void she found herself in. The only thing to keep her interest was the square hole in the air that led to the room she had just been in. The fashionista galloped her fluffy butt back to the hole, only to find herself unable to push through. Her hooves only felt canvas as they struggled against the image within the square. “Hello? Twilight? Anypony!? Let me out of here!”

“Huh, didn’t think Twilight was gonna do that with it.”

“Me neither. Ah thought it was gonna be something along the lines of flypaper.”

Rarity blinked and moved to the edge of the canvas, looking to her left to see who was talking. “Darlings! Are you two alright?”

Applejack deadpanned at her friend, as she raised an eyebrow. “Ah’m trapped in a hay bale, and Rainbow’s practically been petrified. Does that sound alright?”

The fashion mare opened her mouth to comment, but quickly closed it instead, and thought of a better thing to say. “Fair point.”

Rainbow looked uneasy as she glanced at the hole in the floor, as the harness slowly sank back down. “I really hope Twilight goes easy on Fluttershy and Pinkie. I only got zapped cause she thought it was just me at the time.”

The three shared a look of worry, wondering just what their deranged lavender friend had in store for the least violent two of their group.