• Published 8th May 2018
  • 5,788 Views, 172 Comments

Twilight's Terrifying Traps - Graglithan The Greater

When Twilight's friends all snuck through the portal to confront their counterparts, she decided to lay some traps for her friends when they got back.

  • ...

Preparations in Pink

Twilight’s horn was glowing brightly as she pulled on Rarity’s hooves, getting another inch out of the canvas painting. “I didn’t think,” the princess grunted as she pulled harder, “that this spell would be so stubborn!”

Rarity’s rear hooves were flailing inside the painting, entirely out of sight from everyone. The mass of fluffy fur made even the canvas hard to spot. “Twilight, pull harder! I’m almost out!”

A snickering Rainbow Dash, finally free to fly as she wished, watched the spectacle from the air with a hoof to her mouth. “I don’t think the spell’s what’s keeping her in.” The fashionista hissed at her airborne friend, spooking her into falling to one of the seats in the room.

Applejack chuckled as she brushed some hay off of her shoulders, bale left destroyed in the corner of the room. “Ah think ya struck a nerve there Dash.” The pegasus blew a raspberry at the farmer, to which Applejack only rolled her eyes and headed out the door.

Starlight shook her head at the scene, blowing her nose before looking at the last occupant of the room. “Twilight, how long do these spells last?” Fluttershy was still a giggling mess, even the slightest touch sending her into new fits, and was laid out on the couch.

One final pull got Rarity out of the painting, and the lavender princess lowered the fluffy mare to the ground before addressing the question. “Well, the Into the Art World spell on the canvas is pretty much indefinite if I create a source of magic for it to draw from. There were a few siphons I placed behind it to keep the spell active for a more extended period of time so nothing would happen to Rarity, so it should last for another two days.

“As for the Eternal Tickle spell, that should last a few more hours... I think.” The alicorn blushed as she looked into the feather filled hole. “I may have forgotten how many feathers I enchanted while filling the pit.” At everyone’s stares, she grew a bit more rosy-cheeked. “I wasn’t thinking about it at the time!”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head and landed next to her fellow pegasus and being careful not to touch her. “Geez Twilight, I know we got you mad, but that’s a little harsh. Considering this was for Pinks, that’d be torture for her.”

A dejected sigh escaped the princess as her ears fell flat on her head. “I know, but what’s done is done and I can’t just magic away the charm. If I tried, it would only last longer.” The alicorn sat with a dejected sigh. “We’ll just need to wait for it to wear off gradually.”

Applejack grunted as she hauled a spring-loaded catapult down the hallway, stopping at the doorway long enough to poke her head in. “Can Y'all just focus on getting these traps all put away for now?”

Twilight shook her head and looked at her gathered friends as she stood back up. “Right, we should head to the portal and make sure Pinkie doesn't trigger anything.”

Before they all could charge ahead, Rarity tapped Twilight on the shoulder and cleared her throat. “Darling, wouldn’t it be easier to just go through and bring her back yourself?”

The group collectively paused before Twilight slapped a hoof to her face. “Okay, you have a point there. I probably could have avoided all of this if I’d just gone over myself to help catch you. But I’m the one who planted all the traps and know where they all are. I should stay and help.”

With a smile that was barely visible under her fur, Rarity gently pushed her friend towards the door. “Darling, we’ll be just fine. From what we could tell, you made sure with absolute certainty that these traps would not harm anyone intentionally. Even if we fall in one, I’m sure the rest of our friends could pull us out of them before anything bad happens.”

“Well,” Twilight looked amongst the group and bit her lip, before shaking her head and sighing, “alright, but if anything happens and one of you get stuck you better write to me through the journal!” She brought a scroll over with her magic before hastily writing something down. “Here’s a list of all the traps I made, and which ones were and weren’t triggered.”

Starlight nodded as she picked up both the scroll and the temp journal in her magic. “You can count on us.” Without further prompting, Twilight dived through the portal and rushed off to the school’s entrance the moment she got her bearings, desperate to get inside and find her pink friend and prevent a possible reality ending scenario.

In Equestria, however, Starlight turned around and had to grab Rainbow Dash to keep her from running out of the castle. “REALLY!?” The unicorn promptly started to have a coughing fit again.

Rainbow struggled to fly forward and out of the magic grabbing her. “Are you kidding? She petrified me for over an hour! I’m out of here!”

Applejack facehoofed as she looked at her flying friend. “Look Rainbow, we all screwed up a bit here. Runnin off like a chicken with a timberwolf on its tail won’t make that better right now.”

The flier’s face turned a shade of red before she got as close as she could with a glare. “Who are you calling chicken!?”

“Girls, can we please just get to work taking some of this stuff down before it actually does hurt somepony?” Rarity called from next to a trap door she found under the rug, pulling out what looked like some form of ray gun with a sticker of some kind of alien in an outfit that looked like metal plates done into a skirt and one of the royal guard’s helmets. “I mean it, some of these things are making me very worried about the prior state of Twilight’s sanity.”

Starlight’s jaw dropped as she stared at the ray gun. “Who was that even for!?”

“Pinkie most likely.” Rarity turned over the device a bit and looked down the hole again. “There’s a rather large number of cupcakes at the bottom, sitting on a bullseye. We should probably check some of the other rooms too.”

“Right, right.” As they walked, the pink unicorn was looking over the list Twilight had given them all, noting the number of items on it. “Ugh, why did Twilight make so many traps?”

Rainbow’s eyebrows knitted together as she looked at Applejack. “Wait, I thought she already set up a trap for Pinkie and caught Fluttershy instead?”

The apple farmer raised an eyebrow and frowned. “Would you trust only one trap to work on Pinkie?”

The cyan pegasus started to prepare a comeback before she just paused and landed back on the ground and followed the group on hoof. “Alright, got me there.”

Starlight rubbed her still feverish head and groaned. “Let’s... just get started. The sooner we get this stuff down, the better.” The unicorn started to pull apart some kind of a cross between a gazebo and a floor net that she found the next room over.

Only for Rarity to step in and take over the task. “Darling, we can handle this. You, however, look like you’re about to collapse from that flu you’re still fighting.” She gently pushed the sicker unicorn back out of the room and smiled. “Go get some rest, you need it.”

“But--!” Another push silenced her as she started walking out of the room. “Alright, fine...”

Applejack chuckled and put a hoof on the passing unicorn’s shoulder. “Now don’t you worry none sugar cube. Once all this is said and done, yer not the one who’s gotta explain themselves to an angry alicorn.” The apple farmer shuddered at the thought. “Never thought I’d possibly be on this end of a rainbow laser. Usually, we're the one's firin' it.”

Rainbow hopped back into the air, giving a cocky puff of her chest as she rubbed a hoof against it. “Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Three sets of eyes trained on Rainbow as they stared in disbelief, but only the orange farmer found her words. “You just had to say that, didn’t ya Dash?”

“Ooo! I know! Pick me!” Pinkie popped out from behind a potted plant that was nearby Rarity, making her jump in surprise.

The poor mare tried to get her footing, only for the floor to roll out from under her and send her falling into yet another pit. “Not again!”

There was a splash from below, and Pinkie leaned her head down over the edge to look into the pit. “Hey, what’s that sticky white stuff down there?”

Rarity’s head slowly rose from the depths, her formerly poofy fur now matted down over her entirely unamused glare. “.... Ice cream. Melted, ice cream.”

Rainbow and Applejack shared a look before staring at their pink party pal. “When did you get back!?”

“Couple minutes ago when Twilight jumped through the portal and ran into the school going ‘Aaaah my friends all are in danger!’ and Starlight was busy holding onto Rainbow’s tail like ‘you’re not getting away coward!’ and Rainbow was going ‘I can’t let Twilight make me a statue again!’ and Applejack said ‘stop being silly get down here’ and then--.” A hoof in her mouth silenced her as she smiled with her eyes at Starlight, owner of the said hoof.

“Pinkie, I’m too sick to deal with this. Help them take down the traps. I’m going to get a nap.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” With that, Pinkie began to pronk her way about the room, helping remove various doodads and gizmos.

Applejack, in the meantime, had lowered a rope down to help Rarity get out of the ice cream pit. “You okay there, sugar cube?”

The dripping white unicorn glared at everyone and everything. “Twilight owes me several hundred princess grade spa visits. Several. Hundred.”

Author's Note:

Alrighty, another chapter up for all of you lovely readers to do what you do. Now, I would like to apologize first and foremost for the delay on this one. Things on my end of life were rather busy in the world of flesh and physics, and I was dealing with the problems that are brought upon one by moving from where I currently live into a new apartment, and the bills that come as consequence. Because of that, I've had little time to focus on writing, but still had enough to at least crank out a few hundred words occasionally.

That being said, let me know what you think of the chapter down below, and I'll try to wrap this up in the next chapter and start on the next story to invade my brain.