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Welcome To The Wasteland

The Conversion Bureau,simple right? go to Earth and convert the human locals and take over the planet,but Princess Celestia's spell sent them to the wrong Earth and her barrier collapsed,now her Equestria is sitting just on the coast of the ruins of the Boston Commonwealth in 2287,and every major and even some minor factions have taken notice of this new land mass.

Princess Celestia was not sure what had gone wrong,she had casted the spell just as she had intended but something had happened and made her go to the wrong Earth.

Princess Celestia looked out from her castle to this new land,the air was stale and dry,and the city she saw in the distance looked to be in ruins,had the humans already destroyed themselves before she could arive to convert them?
Unknown to Celestia humanity had tried to kill itself on October 23rd 2077,it was now a little past 200 years later and many factions had come to light in order to have some semblance of law and order in the Wasteland.

No matter,Celestia thought,if there are still humans then I can still use the potion and convert them.

Princess Celestia waved over the captain of the royal airforce zepplin division Brisk bolt.

Brisk bolt was a white pegasus with a cherry red mane and tail,with blue eyes and his cutiemark a zepplin,he flew over and landed next to Celestia. "Yes your highness?" He said giving a small bow.

Celestia smiled. "I wish for you to begin the potion bombings via zepplins over any area you see that has human life." She siped her tea after she spoke.

Brisk nodded and gave a quick. "Yes your highness." Before flying off to arm the royal zepplins with the special potion bombs.

About half an hour later four royal zepplins painted white,purple,and gold flew from there landing bays and headed towards a large zepplin they saw in the distance,deaming it a priority to take out that zeplin so the humans coulden't bomb them in retaliation.

The Brotherhood Of Steel had hold up and fortified an old airport with knights in sets of T-45D power armor with mini guns,gatling lasers,and every other kind of energy weapon aside from plasma.

They had even set up some pre-war anti-air laser cannons at the four corners of the airport,they had to in order to keep that gunner faction from bombing the place with there verti-birds.

The Alarms went off when a brotherhood scribe saw the zepplins and the Brotherhood knights got there power armor and weapons ready for any fight that was to come as the zepplins moved in closer they shot potion bomb shells out of two cannons on the front end of each zepplin.

The shells raced to the ground making a loud whistle sound as they crashed into the ground spraying conversion serum onto everyone nearby,only for it to have no effect due to the humans not being pure and slightly mutated due to the radiation that followed the great war.

The captains of the zepplins having seen that there potion bombs had no effect started shelling the base with normal cannon balls,as soon as one hit the Brotherhood activated the automated anti-air laser guns and the zepplins where unlucky enough to get shot in the gas bags keeping them floating above the ground causing them,and the zepplins with them, to explode in a large fire ball of death.

Princess Celestia having seen all of this happen with the use of a scrying spell ordered her guards to stay away from that area until she could find out why her potion had no effect on the humans of this world,she had done her reasearch and had found out most humans are the same aside from basic genetic diffrences there dna was all made of the same stuff,and her potion was ment to change it using the magic of harmony to convert there dna into pony dna,from there the transformation would happen.

With a large golden flash the barrier that had collapsed was put back in place,a little weaker then the first due to her not having the sun to power her magic and therefor the barrier.

The Brotherhood had seen where the surprisingly weak zepplins had come from when a yellow flash caught the attention of nearly every faction in the Commonwealth as a large yellow dome encompased a new landmass.

The Brotherhood was getting ready for war,it was clear that the new land mass had locals that would be a threat to them and the Commonwealth,elsewhere other factions where getting ready to.

The gunners relayed messages to eachother with satalite dishes and the incoming messages H.Q had just gotton destrubed them greatly.

"I want all combat ready troops,robots,and verti-birds ready within two hours!" The gunner Seargent yelled out over the com systems of Gunners plaza.

Gunners rushed getting ready,grabbing weapons ammo and robots to assist in the battle that was to come.

Meanwhile in the ocean Ironsides,a special sentry bot,was standing on the deck of the U.S.S Constitution,a famous boat from the civil war that had been converted and updated into a flying warship and flew using four NX-42 rockets that let it fly as if it where a rocket,armmed with automatic cannons and a small crew of robots it had flown once again thanks to the Lone Survivor and had landed in the ocean,maybe not where Ironsides wanted it to be but the new land mass was about two miles away.

The sentry bot spoke to his crew,consisting of a few Mr.Handy's and protectrons. "I want all cannons armed and ready to fire at my command,the reds will surely fall to the might of our great ship!" With that the ships crew armed the cannons and waited for the captains orders.

Somewhere deep underground in a place known as the Institute,Father sat at a meeting table with the heads of all staff teams for there weekly reports.

"Name,Henry Cold,head of the biological research division." Henry sat down at the table as everyone else introduced themselves as per normal routine.

"Name,Jenny Cruz,head of the rations devision." She to sat down.

As the others introdused themselves as ,Cole,Smith,and Father they all sat down.

"I bring this meeting to light due to the recent things our synth birds have found." Cole the head of security stated.

"Tell us then,if you belive there is a threat to us then we need to have it dealt with immediatly." Father said leaning in to hear what Cole had to say.

"Well the 'watchers' have recorded a large land mass apreading in the ocean just connected to the coast line just inches from over running the dirt that is a mirelurks nest,our watchers have see them send pre war zepplins and they tried to bomb the Brotherhood with some kind of mutagen bomb."

Father looked at the rest of his staff leaders. "Well then I want synths ready for combat so if they do try to attack we can counter there attacks with wave after wave of synths."

They all nodded and said. "Agreed." Before leaving to go back to the tasks they had been set with.

Preston Garvy,second in command to the minute men was at the castle,or the fort,prepairing the minute men for war while the genrel was out getting more shells and ammo for them to launch should they need to attack that land mass that was less then two miles from them.

A minute man came up to Preston. "Sir,all artiliry shells are ready to fire at your's or the generals command at the barrier of yellow light."

Preston nodded. "Good,kee them on stand by so we can fire them at any second and inform the general of this development."

Celestia gave a worried look as she saw this through her telescope. "Oh dear,seems these humans don't want to be converted,oh well I can just expand the barrier and that should convince them to convert to ponies after I nab a few to make a new potion and test it so I know for sure it works."

She thought for a few moments before calling for a guard to get her sister,Shining Armor,and Twilight Sparkle.

With a flash of what Luna sat next to Celestia. "What ails thee sisters?" Luna tilted her head.

"I will wait for the rest of the ponies I had called here before I explain why I called all of you here." As she said that Twilight and her brother Shining Armor walked through the throne room door.

Twilight and Shining bowed before sitting down in a circle with Luna. "I have called you all here because I need your help to streingthen the barrier,because of me not having a connection to this planets sun I require your help to keep it up so that the humans cant get in." Celestia said sipping some mint tea.

"Anything for you princess!" Twilight beamed.

"We shalt help thou with thine task." Luna said reverting to old equish for a second.

Shining Armor said nothing but saluted,and with that his,Luna's,and Twilight's horns light up before making a barrier under the barrier,Luna's first,Twilight's second and Shining Armor's last.

"There,now we should be safe from anything the humans throw at us while I work on a new ponification potion!" Celestia smiled brightly as the others nodded and left there horns still glowing.

Somewhere underwater the captain of a communist submarine called the Yangtze-31 was monotering the new land mass after he got a radio call from the minute men ready to fire five small tactical nuclear missiles at any moment.

The Brotherhood stood in there air port base as elder Maxson pressed a big red button connected to one Liberty Prime.

The giant robot started up as steam flowed from the tubes connected to his back. "LIBERTY PRIME IS ONLINE,ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL:WEAPONS,HOT. MISSION,THE DESTRUCTION OF ANY AND ALL CHINESE COMMUNISTS!"

Prime broke the scaffolding keeping him in place and started to stomp towards the Equestria,and as the Brotherhood and there knights marched to Equestria or flew in there verti-birds the gunners where flying in while the minute men where ready to fire at any given moment.

Celestia saw the armies approaching her barrier and the royal guards raced to the scene just twenty feet inside the barrier ready to combat the human troops with unicorn spells,swords,and crossbows the second they got through,if they ever got through that is.

As the factions converged on the barrier they did not attack each other,instead deeming the land behind the barrier to be a threat they started launching mini nukes,lasers,and rocket launchers at it only making little cracks.

“OBSTRUCTION DETECTED. COMPOSITION:PHOTONIC RESONANCE BARRIER. PROBABILITY OF MISSION HINDRANCE: ZERO PERCENT!” And with that Prime leaned forward and shot a laser from his optic cracking the yellow barrier more.

While Ironsides gave the command and the robots fired the Constitution's cannons on the barrier cracking it just a little more.

At the castle the minute men took this as the sign to attack and Preston yelled over the coms. "FIRE!" Artillery bombarded the top of the barrier cracking it even more as little spider webs of cracks spread from barrier to barrier,only one more attack like that would be needed to break it,and thankfully for the humans the captain of the Yangtze-31 did just that and fired two small tactical nuclear missiles.

The missiles screeched as they shot towards there target before a defining explosion sounded from the top of the barrier as the dome shattered into millions of shards that blew into dust with the wind.

Synths teliported in with blinding flashes of blue deep into Equestrian teritory and took out the royal guards stationed in canterlot while the ones that where guarding the barrier where killed so quick they never even knew they died.

Unknown to all factions,and even Celestia,there was an old man who had already crossed the barrier with no problem and to Celestias surprise the doors to her throne room where blown off the hindges knocking out the two guards who where standing infront of them.

Celestia stared in shock as an old man in a tux with a weirdly shaped crown that seemed to take up most of his head calmly walked in,it was none other than Lorenzo Cabot.

"Hello Celestia,we need to have a little chat." After that all of Equestria heard Celestias shriek of fear as random blasts of yellow magic shot through the walls of Canterlot castle.

From there the factions joined forces and took Equestria and its rich resources since the land was radiation free and crops from pre war could grow normaly.

Author's Note:

Oh boy! that was fun to make! this is a random idea I had while playing Fallout 4 while I was bored,and before any of you neigh-sayers complain,this is not a hate fic I don't hate ponies or humans this story is purely for the fun of it, for any who have not fully played Fallout 4 yet and do not want minor spoilers stop reading,otherwise enjoy!
side note -all verti-birds are of the fallout 3 style because I like that one better then the Falout 4 style.

Comments ( 16 )

justice has been served!

meanwile 7-17 miles way a reider with a very good pare of binoculsuer named bob squll
bob squll:wellp time to be a farmer now

lol i may make that a bonus chapter

yes plz nukacola raiders have big teliscop and see it happen then?

maybe,but what is a nuka cola raider?

... never heard of the fallout4 nuka world dlc ... wut

go to YouTube search up nuka world dlc for fallout 4

Nice fic ya got here, could do with some grammar and spelling checks, but you do know that the Bos uses T-60 series powerarmor in 4 right?

A typo by the second letter of a story's title has got to be some sort of record.

this story is literally the worst thing I have ever read in my life


*looks at title*
oh god this isn't going to end well.

to be honest this story had amazing potential, but you decided to be a little silly (not that having a not-so-serious fun story isn't good but you might want to make sure that information gets into the Preview description because sometimes readers aren't that patient) since it wasn't serious, it was fun right? absolutely, I was laughing and smiling almost the entire time. All in all, fun story

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