• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.

Comments ( 32 )

1- Because he's a WotC-style Dragonborn rather than a dragon. 2- What in the hell could possibly be politically correct about the description??? EDIT- dude did you seriously get offended by the word 'cis'?

NOTE: I can't find any fanart of an anthro spike with a human rarity, fml

:pinkiegasp: Seriously!? With this fandom!?

now that's bizzar, ive seen anthro spike with human twi on derpibooru by garam but really no hum rarity with anthro spike?

Did you really try that hard? :ajsmug: mwahaha~ I guess it depends on what you count as human Rarity for how many you can find but here are some with human skin not EQG Rarity look.




Also you could literally just not put futa if your story doesn't have futa, Going out of the way to label them as Cis is just redundant and confusing unless this is a story with futa in it somewhere or it's got characters dealing with trans issues and even then a Cis tag is a little redundant.

*Edit: found one even better

I like the 1 3 and 4 pics

9389852 I couldn't find any sexy human rarity with anthro spike, my dude. that's what I meant. also it's... really not that confusing I feel? spike's a cis guy, he has a dick, rarity's a cis girl, she has a vagina. the only reason I said the word futa is because /some/body thought I was ~being pc~ when all I was saying is that it's a penis and a vagina. and, considering that I do/will have fics with trans characters in them, it really doesn't feel all that redundant to me either. also, not to be a bitch or anything but you did say redundant twice in the same sentence, which I think is a little amusing. but like. honestly if a simple term like that is confusing, that's on the individual reader, not the author. I'm not gonna pander to the LCD just because people can't be bothered to google a word; this is a website dedicated to writing, after all, even if it's dragonfurry smut.
RE: edit- that is cute but... I feel that pic doesn't match, considering this fic is, well... sexual.

Really nice story so far!

You should probably add the names of the others who may end up involved in those actives

raw19 #12 · Jan 7th, 2019 · · 2 ·

Sweet, saucy start. Most excellent.

I doubt they want the opinions of people who consider ""cis" labeling" "PC" anyway.

I have to say this is a great story to be honest. I love how you really built up to the intimacy between Spike and Rarity. It made me invested in their relationship and their interaction with one another. I think Rarity doesn't know what she is in for and she will be broken by the end of it. She is going to be going at it with a sexually repressed drake who has YEARS of desire of not just for her but in general built up and she will be taking the brunt of it lol. I think if we are lucky we will be able to see not just this first time but the follow up sexual acts between them. I think this would also encourage Spike to ask Rarity finally on a date. I think since you mentioned Dash and Twi I would like to see this situation done but with each girl and how they handle introducing sex to Spike. I honestly would LOVE to see the Twi one but instead of her being the older mare teaching him, have them close to the same age and discovering intimacy together. I think that would be sweet and fitting for the two of them for sure. I could even see it happening when they were still in Canterlot and they end up going to Ponyville as a couple lol. Anyway great story I can't wait to see the next chapter whenever it comes out.

This sounds really good. I can't wait for more.

9389887 thanks, I'm glad you liked it :D

9389975 oh don't worry, I will when I get there. the only reason I didn't now is a) I wasn't sure if anyone would care about this so I wasn't exactly planning for much continuation very soon, and b) the only characters present so far have been rarity and spike, and I don't wanna preemptively spoil anything, you know?

9390888 thanks ;)

9391006 I can't say you're wrong because you're not.

9391037 thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it to the extent that you did. your speculation is a little bit off the mark though. not entirely, however. feel free to follow me or track the story, I'm planning on putting more into this one eventually so keep an eye out. and while you're waiting I have a pinkiedash erotica as well if you're interested in more lewd works by me. (I also have stuff that's not porn at all, lmao)

9391331 yee :D

Comment posted by Johnny Walker deleted Jan 11th, 2019

Cis doesn't mean straight, it means they're not intersex, hermaphrodites, transgender, or futa, and I wanted to express this is not any of those things out of courtesy to the readers. It's not a stupid word, you just don't know what it means. And I'm not being politically correct here, you're being a bigoted asshole. And I love how you throw this accusation that I'm PC on the one story I've written about two straight cis people. Literally every single story I've written so far and ever will write has had and will have gay and trans charcers in them. You know why? Because gay and trans people exist. You know why? Because I'm gay and trans, as are many of my friends. So get off my page, learn to love and tolerate, don't read my fics, and eat my ass. Capisce?

Edit- ah yes, 'suck my dick' and vague insults are the best way to indicate that you're not the one who's being an asshole

Edit 2- Yeah, nope, I'm deleting that shit. Spread your vitriol and hatred somewhere else, not fucking here buddy.

Edit 3- I want to make it perfectly clear to other readers that I deleted his comment because it became violently bigoted in nature, and I do not allow bigotry in comments sections on my stories. Negative criticism on my stories is okay but attacks on my or anyone else's character are not. Thank you.

No. Your giant 'trigger' warning was not warranted. If you wanted people to know the story was about a straight pair because you are known for doing gay and trans stories then you could have just said that and left it at that.
There was no reason to include a long paragraph about, seeming PC, fragile psyche's, and delicate sensibilities. You chose to invite political debate and criticism the second you included a giant paragraph telling people to not get triggered.

Let me try to explain this to you with as little tone potentially malicious towards you as possible.
Comment #1 said saying the word cis was PC. So I said something snarky in the author's note. Then Comment #18 got angry with me about it, so I replied and added that paragraph to the description. Then he edited his comment and got on a violently transphobic soapbox in a protofascist tirade no doubt regurgitated from 4chan, MAGA Facebook, or the radical feminism side of tumblr about how my ~political stance~ is ruining everything, as if being gay or trans is a political stance. Which I deleted because there's no room on any of my pages for that bullshit. I'll take criticism on my writing any day of the week, but attack my personal character and you're done, son. Now that you hopefully understand what actually happened, NOW I'll respond to your comment.

It's warranted because the fact that I said the word 'cis' offending people to such a degree as it is indicates that I'm bothering some people. The paragraph exists so that those people rightly fuck off. All the foalcon and rape fantasy and creepy age regression and incest and shit does the same thing. Keyboard warriors will get up in arms about my exposing the hypocrisy of antisjws but I won't see them in the weird porn telling off those authors. And if I will, well then, they're probably Andrew Stein. Anyway, ever since the immemorial dawn of fanfic, "don't like don't read don't flame" has been a concrete rule for squicks. I thought we were past that requirement, but apparently we are not, and that's why I wrote what I did.
There's a fundamental misunderstanding you're having about the difference between cis and straight. My take on Rarity is that she is bisexual, and therefore NOT STRAIGHT. But she is still cis, as she has a vagina and identifies as a woman. Spike is heterosexual, straight, and also cis as he has a penis and identifies as a man. I did not bring their sexuality into the equation, simply that this was a porn piece between a Cis Anthro Dragon Male and a Cis Human Female. I did indeed, as you say, 'leave it at that'. And that's the political correctness that Comment #1 and Comment #18 bitched about. It's an honest mistake on your part, thus my not being a dick to you personally.
However, fuck you for implying it's my own fault that this is happening without even bothering to figure out when what was written, and jumping immediately to the conclusion that I shot first. That's rude and uncalled for, especially considering it literally says "Edit- " before that paragraph, which clearly indicates that it was added later. Now, considering that making that paragraph seems to have allowed me to finally end this whole goddamn debacle since nobody has said anything else about political correctness (other than the guy whose comment I deleted because it was asinine) and this is now my third most popular fic so clearly I did something right, I will make it more clear that I'm not being a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, and will alter it so that context is provided so as to avoid any more potential confrontations with surely well meaning people such as yourself. Now, I hope to put this little deal behind us and move on, because I don't want to have any ill will with you personally as you have offered no reason for us to be hostile towards each other. I apologize for the 'fuck you'; my problem was with what you said, not with you, and I hope you don't take it personally.

I really like the story, I can wait to see what happens next. I do hope that it is RD who shows up next but that as that is going to be one of the most interesting "Birds, Bees & Dragons" talks I wish I was there to witness.

There were a few things I do have to question in the story.
1. Dracony Sins, I can assume that to Dragons it is an emotional experience that can physically manifest itself on the right circumstances and it is part of their primal urge. So it should not be considered a sin but a primal behavior that just needs to be in check.
2. Why is it that Twilight and Spike live in a place surrounded by knowledge but Spike is not aware of the "Birds & Bees" talk!?

no chance of impregnation

I do hope that is the opposite!

The nature of his reptilian blood indicated that if he wore any more than the shorts of which to cover his genitalia (as humans took offense to lower body nudity) for too long, he would die of heatstroke.

I wondered if Humans in the story can use magic or its only to the princesses since we have an anthro Dragons I can assume that they do. I can not see Spike dying of Heatstroke if his wearing too many clothes, the only thing I am happy about this is that he does not like pants I believe it looks weird.


I don't know what it is, please explain, I tried googling it and 20 different things pop in but not anything about dragons.

I wanted to ask you but I read the comments below, so I guess I will be quiet about it and just wait eagerly for the next chapter.

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and are looking forward to more. I don't exactly know what's going to happen next beyond the immediate next chapter, only vague plans for later on, but that's not outside the realms of possibility. I do have a penchant for molding things to incorporate some things that commenters speculate on because often I find that readers have better ideas than me in certain cases.
The Seven Draconic Sins are a recurring plot device present in my Dusk's Dawn and The Dragonbourne Identity series, modified off of Christianity's Seven Deadly Sins. It's explained better in those stories, which... have not been published yet. All of the necessary information for this story is included in the chapter, however.
Spike knows the science of sex. He knows about fallopian tubes and gestation, the biology, stuff you read about in high school health class (or paperback smut). He just hasn't done it before. I'll scan through and patch it if this isn't made clear.
This particular anthropomorphic humanization goes by the same set of rules as that in Dusk's Dawn, the primary differences being that it's Twilight instead of Dusk, Spike is a little older, and a few other minor differences. One primary aspect of this universe is that anthro dragons and humans can't breed, and if they tried then the resulting abomination of a zygote would be a completely useless mass of stem cells. Dragons and humans can still fuck, and share STDs, but pregnancy is a biochemical impossibility. Sorry :/
In this universe, yes, most humans can use some form of magic. Twilight and Rarity can use arcane magic, though Rarity specializes in barriers (like in Equestria Girls; she's fond of swords a la starcraft's protoss zealots), Rainbow can control water, Pinkie can control rocks, Applejack can control nature to an extent and heal. The Princesses merely use the most powerful kinds. Anyway, I'm taking artistic license in cold blooded biology for the sole purpose of making Spike more sexy.

The nature of his reptilian blood indicated that if he wore any more than the shorts of which to cover his genitalia (as humans took offense to lower body nudity) for too long, he would die of heatstroke.
WotC is short for Wizards of the Coast, the team behind Magic: the Gathering, the Pokemon trading card game, and acquired the licenses for Dungeons & Dragons. Spike is basically a D&D Dragonborn.
Feel free to ask any other questions you might have via PM if you'd like, my dude. I promise I don't bite. I like talking about my fics to people who wanna hear.

Comment posted by PacotheTac0 deleted Feb 11th, 2019

Well gee, you deserve a medal that says "most astute person on fimfiction dot net" or something.
What tipped you off, was it the fact that it's not bestiality, rape, pedophilia, futanari, age regression or some other weird-ass kink? Was it the fact that I said the word cis and acknowledged that trans people such as myself exist? Was it the fact that every single one of my fics is just dripping with homosexuality? Man, the subtle nuances of being one of the most flamboyantly queer bronies on this entire website just happened to shine through just enough for clearly the smartest man on the internet to see right through. You got me, skippy! I don't hate women, jews, black people, or The Gays™. Welp, now I'm going to SJW jail. Here's hoping I don't get an extended sentence when Sir Taco discovers that there's a transgender character in every single one of the fics I have published because wow that would just be a glaring neon sign that I ascribe to leftist/socialist political views, now wouldn't it? Because everyone knows that LGBTQ stands for Lsocial Gjustice BTQwarrior.

edit- lmao he deleted his comment. "I could immediately tell this was written by an sjw"? pathetic. does anyone else wanna cry about me saying the word cis in the description?

This is so beautifully written that I am convinced it is a sin I can't see what the person actually wrote in the comment against you.

Why thank you :)
The comment literally just said "I could immediately tell this was written by an sjw." and nothing else. I didn't touch his comment so he must have deleted it himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(I did delete Johnny Walker's comment but he was being a bigoted dickweed so it was justified)

is this story gonna continue?

Eventually yes I do plan to continue this, but I'm currently writing a novel and all of my fanfics are taking a back burner for the time being.

Hi, Just checking to see if this story is going to continue.

Will this be continued?

He sat down expectantly, like a puppy looking up at its master wondering what trick she wants him to do in order to get a treat.

A fitting analogy

I hope this is continued

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