• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 2,088 Views, 33 Comments

The Setup - BlueEricsson

If I can set up my best friend with the mare of his dreams, maybe I can get with mine

  • ...

Listen to Granny, Dammit!

So me and Carmel reached where Big Mac was working. He hadn’t been working all that long, you could tell because he wasn’t sweating. He was pulling that old rusty plow up, trying to till the earth or whatever. I never really got how that farm stuff worked. Carmel was in front of me, and I noticed something changed in the way he was trotting. Then he went and confused me all to hell again.

“Hellooooo Macintosh!” The guy practically screamed it, all peppy. My mind was doing backflips. I mean, the entire walk over here I’d been kicking myself over how upset I made him. He was upset, too. I’d heard him sniffling and everything. Now we were there, in front of the pony that he was all upset about, and he was acting all happy. I don’t think I’ll ever understand that Carmel.

Big Macintosh just sort of grunted in reply, kept pulling the plow. He always did that to Carmel. Just sort of blew him off, tried hard not to pay too much attention. He didn’t even turn around to see me standing there. I was about to say something, but Carmel took it upon himself.

“Macintosh! You will not believe who I ran into today. Go on, guess.” Macintosh just kept pulling the plow, one big step after another. Carmel didn’t wait for him to reply, anyhow. “You know that skinny little fellow, works one of the stalls down at the market?” Macintosh kept pulling, kept grunting. If you wanted to be generous, you could imagine Big Mac was nodding as he walked. But in all honestly, it was just the way his head moved when he was strapped to the plow. I don’t think Carmel knew that, though. “Parchment, I believe his name is.” He said it as if it was a question. I kind of rolled my eyes at that, though. I mean, of course Carmel knew who I was, he was just acting weird around Big Mac. He always acted weird around Big Mac.

So Big Mac stops right in his tracks. “Hey there, big guy.” I chimed in from behind. He turns his head and looked at me all surprised, but not unhappy. He didn’t turn around fully, though. That big plow was still attached to him.

“Well, hullo Parch. What can ah do fer yah?” He sort of smiled, and I saw he had a sprig of wheat or something sticking out of his mouth. A real farmer, this guy. Another thing I thought was funny, he hadn’t even said ‘hullo’ to Carmel yet. Poor guy. I know Carmel was annoying to him and all, but he could be a little cold. Anyhow, while he was saying that to me, Carmel just stared at the back of his head with the weirdest look on his face. It wasn’t angry or disappointed, but it was something like that. He coughed a little into his hoof, all dainty like, and that got Big Mac’s attention.

“Well, I can see you two have some discussing to do. I’ll take my leave then.” He leaned forward, his head came real low. “I’ll... see you later, Macintosh?” His voice got all quiet and vulnerable sounding. It damn near broke my heart when all Big Mac did was nod and turn back to me without a word.

Well, I needed to stop feeling sorry for Carmel. I mean, I did feel for the poor guy, but I was on a mission to help Big Mac get his mare, and in the process, help me get mine. I’d deal with Carmel later. Just then, I needed to focus the task at hoof.

Big Mac started fidgeting and wiggling out of the plow's harness. When Carmel was out of earshot, I smiled at Macky. “So, how’s your coltfriend?” He groaned and brought his eyes to the sky. I was laughing, though, and so was he a little. Like I said, me and him joked around real funny.

“Ah don’t know what Ah’m gonna do with that stallion.” He shook his head slowly. I figured I’d tell him what he’d do.

“I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do, Macky. Forget about ‘im.” The words sounded sort of cold coming out of my mouth, but hey. I had to get him focused on Fluttershy. “Because guess where you an’ me are headed tonight.” He eyed me all skeptical for a second before I told him. “Me and you, pal. We’re headin’ to a party.”

Well, Big Mac nearly choked on that sprig of his. “A-A party? Now, Parch, you know I’m no good at those.” He was about to say more, but I didn’t let him.

“And guess what? Word on the street is, some lovely little filly might be attending.” His eyes got wide again; he knew who I was talking about. “Yep, some mare nopony’s ever heard of named Fluttersh-“And wouldn’t you believe the guy cut me off.

F-Fluttershah?! N-no no, Ah can’t go!” Just imagine that deep, throaty voice of his getting all shaky and high. Funny stuff, let me tell you.

“Why not, big guy? You afraid of her or something?” It might’ve sounded a little mean, but I’d heard about reverse psychology somewhere, and I was pretty sure this was how it worked.

“A-ah jest can’t. Ah’ve got ta work the farm here. AJ’s gonna be out all night, an’ Ah can’t jest leave poor old Granny Smith here by her lonesome.” He was trying awfully hard to convince me, but these Apple folk are all the same: Terrible liars.

“Now who a’ you a’ callin’ ‘poor an’ old’?” Neither of us had noticed Granny Smith hobbling up to us, walker and all. Me and Big Macintosh sure got spooked, and he must’ve jumped ten feet in the air. I might’ve too, I don’t remember all that well. She really had come out of nowhere, though.

“Oh, Granny, we were jest-“

“Now listen, boy.” For such an old lady, she sure could be intimidating. “ Would one a’ you be so kind as ta explain why one a’ my workers just left this here farm in tears?” Her voice was harsh sounding, and I could tell just how much she cared about her workers.

I was pretty shocked. I mean, first at the speed Granny got herself down here, then at the fact that Carmel was crying when he left. Like, noticeably crying. I felt awful, but I couldn’t say anything. I mean, as far as I knew, Granny Smith didn’t even know about the whole ‘colt cuddler’ thing with Carmel. That would’ve been one hell of an awkward conversation, wouldn’t you believe it.

Big Mac must’ve had that same thought as me, because he didn’t mention it. He kind of danced around the whole thing. “Y’mean Carmel?” Granny nodded, eyes going between the two of us. “Gosh, Granny. Ah dunno. He seemed fine jest a second ago, aint’ that right Parch?” He turned to me, and I nodded honestly. I mean, he did seem alright, right? At least, better than before. Before he was all sniffly and huffy and quiet, and around Big Mac he got all peppy again. That meant he was better, right? Well,I almost believed that. Granny didn’t seem too convinced.

“Mh-hm, ain’t that the truth. Listen here, Macintosh. I overheard about this little party of yer friend’s here.” She pointed her hoof at me, it trembled and everything. “Ah also heard yer pathetic little excuses.”

“Granny, they weren’t excuses. Ah really need ta-“

“Now, sonny, you know lying ain’t the Apple family way. The work can wait fer tomorrow, An’ one night off once in a while wouldn’t kill yew.” He blushed a little, but it was hard to tell because his coat is red. “An’ I wouldn’t be ‘all on my lonesome’, as you’d imagine. Ah’ve got little Applebloom at mah side. And you’ve got a date with a Miss Fluttershah, Ah reckon.” She leaned back, and her face looked sort of sage-y

He hoofed at the ground a little and looked up at her. “But, Granny. Ah don’t-“

“Listen to Granny, Dammit!" That got a shock out of me, but apparently not from Big Mac, who just sat there taking it. "Now, there will be no buts, Macintosh. This nice young stallion here invited yer sorry behind to an outin’, and yew are going. End of story.” I smiled a little bit when she called me a ‘nice young stallion’.

“Yes, Granny.” Big Mac replied sadly.

“And tomorrow, yer gonna go find out jest what’s troubling that poor little Carmel. Understood?”

“… Yes, Granny.” His reply was a lot slower this time. I could tell he didn’t really want to talk to Carmel, but if his Granny told him to, he’d do it. Hell, if his Granny told him to jump of a bridge, he’d do it.

She nodded, happy with herself. She left and made her way back to the old house, slowly with her walker and all. We just kind of watched as she went, completely silent. I got the weird feeling he wasn’t too happy with me. “… So you’re going, then?”

He looked at me, all irritated. I laughed because I knew he couldn’t really stay mad at me for something like this. “Trust me, it’ll be fine. I’m going to help you with this whole Fluttershy thing, got it?” I looked at him, like an old pop reassuring his colt or something. Big Mac just rolled his eyes, muttered something that sounded like ‘fine’, and started trotting off to that old red barn. I followed him, figured we'd work out the finer details up there.

“… And another thing, Macky.” He turned his head towards me. “Pinkie Pie is hosting.”

I could actually feel the cold sweat coming off him as he stopped and stared at me. It was actually sort of disgusting, if you think about it.

A/N- Sorry its a little short, all my teachers decided that the week before Christmas vacation was the unofficial 'test and projects out the ass' week.