• Member Since 11th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I chased a rainbow down a one way street- dead end.


This story is a sequel to Whither Must I Wander

"In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend. A legend held dearly by the Royal Family that tells of a boy...

A boy who,

After battling evil and saving Hyrule, crept away from the land that had made him a legend...

Done with the battles he once waged across time, he embarked on a journey. A secret and personal journey...

A journey in search of a beloved and invaluable friend...

A friend with whom he parted ways when he finally fulfilled his heroic destiny and took his place among legends..."

Link, now trapped in Equestria, is forced to put his search on hold as he tries to find some way, any way to return home. His ocarina useless, he turns to the ponies who house him. As time passes and he bonds with those around him, however, he ponders: Which does he consider home more, Equestria, or Hyrule?

Largely a slice of life story. Many short chapters and erratic updates, arcs, fluff, and what abominations I try to pass off as comedy.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 71 )

i don't get it..'angels do not eat'? i suppose i'll read the next part and see if you clear that up at all.

ok... now im really curious...

lemme guess: elegy of emptiness?

I regret that I can only upvote this story once.

and that's the difference. the others were trying to entertain, they meant well.. but true kindness opens the heart.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying so much!

Vodka does too, to be fair.

Your story is really good, I will be waiting for the next chapter.

Redeads and Skulltullas were some of the scariest things from my childhood that I can remember. I'm also really liking the extra bit of worldbuilding you're doing with the Hyrule flashbacks.

Pretty good chapter, though the last bit with Flutters and Twi felt rather out of place to me.

I'm glad to hear you're liking the story!

I remember flat out stopping playing when I got to the Bottom of the Well for the first time.
The last bit was more for me than anything. I felt like making fun of random pairings.

Your version of Hyrule seems a tad too...destitute. That kind of poverty sounds more in line with the Gerudo, who seem super into invading Hyrule (which based on the reasonable happiness of people in the child section in both Hyrule Town and Kakariko Village, seems like it would be a nice place). More than a few overweight or obese characters in OOT doesn't suggest a lack of food either (hygiene probably wasn't great though, lol).

Regardless of my nitpicking, I did like the chapter. Cute FlutterMom moments were very "D'aww" and the comparison between the Master Sword and the Elements gave me a good chuckle.

Hey. They aren't fat. That's just water weight. They're big boned. They wear large dresses! Like the housewives in a Far Side cartoon!
Joking aside, you're probably right on that. The way I was thinking was, we usually see ponies awed by the technology and well-off humans in these stories. I wanted to explore the other side of the equation: What about humans awed by ponies having good technology and the like?

Also I like picturing that little shit who shorts you on the skull mask working in a coal mine. It amuses me.

Little odd that furred creatures would have sunscreen or even know that Link would need it, but it was a cute scene regardless :P

Furred animals can get sunburn. It's rare, but it happens. I personally see Twilight and/or Rarity stock piling sun screen.
I have no excuse or regrets for Link other than his being a pasty white kid who looks like he would burn in the moonlight.

"Come, let me cook something for you! Old family recipe: Pickled dandelions with barnacles in a diesel marinade!"

Apparently, Twilight Sparkle is related to professor E.Gadd.


I am okay with this.

Some fuck named Dewey even blinked.
I laughed so hard when I read that.

Just had to make a chapter of some of the saddest parts about Majora, didn't you :fluttercry:

Happy as always to see this story get updated, but I wasn't expecting the exponential increase in FEELS where Link just gives up at the very end.

Trust me. There's much more of that to come. I drink tears for breakfast.
They aren't very filling.

Now, that's what I wanted to see.
Most people remember Majora's Mask as an game focused on its "bizarre" side, but the best part of it is the sadness and despair of a kid with a burden far too heavy for him to bear...
Please continue soon.

Great story, i love how you brought up the darker side of Majora's Mask. I actually made an account just to comment on this story, keep up the good work!

You have the best name ever. I'm just throwing that out there.
Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad to hear people are enjoying the words I keep putting next to each other in the hope that they make a coherent thought.

Crap, I forgot about the prequel story to this, now I must reread so I can read this.:yay:

Loved this chapter, and I hope to see more in the future. The plot thickens, and I fear that Link's prisoner - Majora's Mask - will find a host to wreak havoc once more.

The beginning of the first fic was very shaky, but you've drawn me in, sir. Props,

I usually draw my readers in with promises of healthy snacks in lieu of candy. So asparagus, broccoli, carrots, tobacco...

I am glad you’re enjoying. Stay tuned if you please!

Damn. I don't know how I missed this chapter, but I'm glad I checked up on this story.

Real great stuff as usual and a very moving insight into Link's psyche as a child warrior. Spooky ending too as it hints Majora returning. Possessing an Alicorn would be pretty catastrophic when combined with the sheer malice of Majora.

(7- Wolfos tend to grow large quickly, but live relatively short lives (3-4 years). Other than the ones tainted by evil, wild wolfos tend to keep to themselves and leave humans alone. It is possible to tame them when they are pups, but ill-advised, for they are voracious eaters.)

wild wolfos tend to keep to themselves and leave humans alone.

Objection! After defeating Goht on any given cycle, the sign pointing to the 'Road to Goron Village' sub-area of 'The Northern Mountain' has had its warning changed from 'Beware of the White Wolfos' to 'Beware of the Wild Wolfos'. Wolfos are already wild beasts. They're aggressively territorial animals that are so agile and nimble they're borderline phantasmal (based on their movement animation in Twilight Princess) which explains how they're able to launch an ambush out in the open, as if they just appear when their territory is invaded.

Super glad that this updated as it's such an underappreciated gem!

Seems like AJ might be the closest to seeing how messed up Link really is.

Excellent points made here!

Counter: It’s possible to tame such creatures. I like to think of them as solitary, but capable of defending themselves, and the ones we see in Termina/Hyrule especially go out of their way to attack due to the corruptive influence of Majora or Ganondorf. This doesn’t mean that they won’t attack when not under the influence of evil, but that attacks are simply not as common. Additionally, given Twilight Princess occurs later in the Zelda timeline, it could be a different species of Wolfos we find there.

Personally I was not a fan of the twilight princess wolfos. I remember thinking they were just standard wolves as a kid.

I had to re-work her conversation with him several times. I kept running into issues where either what he said was not believable for the plot, her reaction was not believable for the plot, or one or the other went too ooc.

Though I was proud of the Stir Fry Day pun what is my story writing coming to

Really unexpected update but a really welcome one.
As for the chapter the best part was definitely the final conversation between Link and Applejack.
The main six are far from weak or defenseless and they had been through so much after all that they actually are extremely experienced characters, but Link usually had to be alone through all he did and Hyrule has a far more brutal approach. Meanwhile, Applejack is probably the most capable of the six to deal with this kind of information.
Really liked their interaction.

Thank you!
I am having difficulty figuring out how much of his past to reveal to them and when. If I give too much of his story at once then it is going to look awful and I like the idea of Link not being the sort to particularly enjoy talking about his adventures. They’re going to have to drag it out of him.

Largely a slice of life story.

Then why isn't there a slice of life tag?

I really liked the idea of their souls being so... Alive.
And I cannot wait to see the interaction between them and the ponies.

Luna looked to one especially red star that shone over Ponyville in the distance. That one. It was far enough from any life that it would cause no damage and would put on quite a show for her little ponies. The star had lived for millions of years, but now it’s time was up. She pushed just a fraction of her strength into her horn, and the star brightened by many orders of magnitude. It had gone supernova and would leave behind a rapidly spinning pulsar for her ponies to observe with their instruments.

Damn. Luna's pretty powerful in this fic. It feels like Majora would only have a chance against her if her attacks operated on a conceptual level. Assuming she doesn't get blasted by the Elements before that happens, that is.

Great to see more of this story as always! Majora sounds like she was a helluva lot more difficult to fight in this compared to the game - which I suppose should be expected as I think she was supposed to be on the same level as Demise.

Also: 'Dat topical reference with the 3rd footnote.

I did not expected such a Christmas present, but this update is surely welcome.
About the chapter, it is clear that Link's troubled mind is getting the better of him, and somehow I think that the pony with biggest chance to take something out of him (Except Fluttershy) is, surprisingly, Applejack, which I am absolutely not complaining, I love her.

Luna is very strong here. But if she controls all celestial bodies, and Majora was able to steal one and nearly destroy a planet with it without her knowledge... it makes me wonder how a fight between the two would play out (barring use of the elements). As of now she is still trapped inside the mask without a host, which means she can not do anything. All Link has to do is keep her off anyone’s face. But let us see if he can actually do it!

I am glad you’re enjoying!
Imagine him telling everything to Big Mac, who just nonchalantly nods and goes “Cool story bro.”


More like run around in circles screaming for help excitable. But I do know one that throws a good party.
“THANKS, HINKA!!!” came a pink-sounding voice from the distance.
“What was-“
Don’t even worry about it.

I am reading it again, and I am laughing with this part again.

“Something on your mind, Hinka?” He bit his lip and nodded. “I… I need to talk, please.” Applejack opened the door wider and stepped aside to let him in. The apple trees were just going to have to wait.

When the quiet ones need to talk, you make time to listen or you're a horrible person.

A few chapters ago I said Applejack might have one of the biggest chances of getting something out of him, but I absolutely was not expecting to be so right.
I think I will bet on Loto...

I swear, with every new chapter, the plot thickens. And the hook goes in deeper. Looking forward to the next one!

That was amazing poor link though

Thank you for the release, I missed your work. :twilightsmile:

This said, methinks that Discord should learn to fear the tiny Hylian--or at least respect him for what he pulled off--due to him possessing at the least a few Order-Aligned artifacts, not to mention the Fierce Deity Mask.

I do hope they can become at least friendly like Link and the Owl. No tapping the A button to make his dialogue lines go faster! :pinkiecrazy:

Great to see you back in business. I probably should learn from you to be honest.

About the chapter, it was really enjoyable. But what intrigues me most is the Triforce managing to block Discord. It was a headcannon of mine that something like this would happen for a good while, glad to see that someone has the same view.

Hinka showed her two little fingers.


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