• Published 26th May 2018
  • 1,498 Views, 21 Comments

Equestria Girls Spikebelle 2: Summer Vacation Part 1 - Chaos04

Its summer vacation were Spike and his friends enjoy a long holiday before high school comes around, meeting new friends and challenges

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Discord's Regret And Discovery

Discord had awoken in the early hours of the morning. In spite of the day waning on, he had been laying in his bed well until just before midday.

It had been the same every day since he found himself in possession of a strange and chaotic power that had quite literally turned Canterlot upside-down. On top of all that, he threatened the younger siblings of his new friends with this new power, and put his new girlfriend in danger.

Thinking of Fluttershy made his heart sink. He hadn’t spoken to her in days, and she had been trying her damndest to contact him. Every text message, he erased. Every phone call, he ignored. Every time Fluttershy tried coming to his house, Discord made sure to be out. He knew full well she had already forgiven him for all of his misdoings. That was what made Fluttershy so wonderful. But, how could he face her again after that?

His head turned, and he saw his phone on the night table next to his bed. Any minute now he knew that it would start buzzing, alerting him to an incoming call from his sweetheart. He was unable to bear it anymore. It was time to get past it all and speak with Fluttershy again.

Taking his phone, he turned on the screen and sent a simple text message: ‘where are you??’

Knowing Fluttershy, she would already be out and about with her friends. All he had to do now was get a head start and go out as well. When she answered his text, he would set up a meeting place with her and talk about what had happened. After taking a moment to psych himself up, he got out of bed and walked straight out the door, having still been wearing his same clothes from yesterday.

It wasn’t long before he was able to catch a tram into the downtown area, and started looking for anywhere Fluttershy might be. Once he departed the tram, he took his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. Fluttershy hadn’t yet answered him.

Knowing her, he would be able to find her in a park, in a pet store, at the zoo, or at a dog show, if there were any being held in town.

With nothing else to do, Discord began meandering about town, hoping that he would run into her at some point. He was about to take out his phone again to see if she had answered, when he noticed a familiar face that he nearly passed by in the crowd.

“Twilight,” Discord greeted her.

“Hm?” Twilight asked. Clearly, her mind had been elsewhere. “Oh, Discord. There you are. Fluttershy’s been trying to get ahold of you for days.”

“I know. That’s kind of why I’m out. Have you seen her around? Or would you know where she is?”

“No. She hasn’t said anything about doing anything special or specific lately. Are you going to meet her somewhere?” Twilight asked.

“I’m trying to. That’s why I’m here. But, she hasn’t answered the text I sent her yet,” Discord answered.

“Sorry to hear that. I’d like to stay and help, but I’m pretty busy right now. Good luck finding Fluttershy,” Twilight said, before she left to go begin her date with Thorax.

After she left, Discord looked at his phone again


With a sigh, Discord simply sat down on a nearby chair at a restaurant patio. There, he decided to wait to be served and order lunch for himself, as he waited to hear from Fluttershy again.

Ever since Pharynx had spoken to him at the water park, Spike was completely on edge. For minutes now, he abandoned going to the largest slide in the park and was frantically looking for where the madman could be hiding.

It was no use. It was as if Pharynx somehow had turned invisible and gone away from the water park.

Fear clutched Spike as a terrible thought occurred to him. Discord had already accidentally fallen victim to powerful and dangerous magic. What if Pharynx had done the same, and was now warping the world to his mad whims. What people would be killed by him? How many would suffer from his psychotic episodes?

“Spike? What are you doing way over here?” Scootaloo’s voice asked from behind.

Spike stopped and turned around. There was Scootaloo, changed into her swimsuit for the day at the waterpark.

“We’ve been waiting for you forever. Why aren’t you at the slide?” Scootaloo continued.

“I--I was--” Spike stammered. The last thing that he wanted to do was to worry his friends over the presence of a madman in their midst. His mind raced for an excuse, but Scootaloo didn’t seem to have the patience to wait for one.

“Looks like Apple Bloom called it: cold feet. But, I got news for you,” Scootaloo said. As soon as she finished, she grabbed Spike by his wrist and dragged him right back to the others.

As they were walking, Spike’s eyes darted about, looking for any trace of black clothing in the crowd.

Scootaloo led Spike through the crowd, back to where Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were waiting. Both girls had changed into their swimsuits as well, but Sweetie Belle wore a thin, short-sleeved top to cover the scar on her arm.

“There ya are. We been waitin’ forever,” Apple Bloom said. “What took ya so long? Ya get lost or somethin’?”

“I--yeah. I got lost,” Spike said, holding onto the one remotely believable excuse he could offer.

None of them had known Spike for very long, but Sweetie Belle could see that something was troubling Spike very much.

“Spike? Are you okay?” she wondered.

“Yeah. Yeah, fine,” Spike hastily answered. As much as he wanted to have fun and put the experience behind himself, he couldn’t even hope for it to be that simple. As far as he knew, Pharynx was waiting to strike. It was only a matter of time.

Discord had eaten his lunch, but still received no word from Fluttershy. Afterward, he continued searching for her.

After searching so many places, he was beginning to run out of ideas as to where she could be. He looked at his phone again, and once more saw that she hadn’t responded to the text message he sent her.

With an aggravated sigh, he put his phone back in his pocket, and walked to the next crossing.

Across the street, he saw a flower stand. An idea occurred to him, and as soon as the lamp signalled for him to cross, he jogged straight over.

“Hello, sir. What are you looking to buy,” the woman behind the flower stand asked.

“Uh,” Discord stalled, as he looked through the merchandise. He decided to go with the old reliable, “One rose, please.”

“Five bucks for one rose,” the woman said.

“Five bucks for a flower?! What scam is she running?” Discord thought to himself, as he retrieved his wallet and produced a bill for her.

The woman crouched behind her stand, leaving Discord to briefly mull over what he would do when he actually met Fluttershy.

“Here,” the woman said, as she returned with a single rose. One that had just barely begun to open up. “You look like you’ve got something serious to handle, so here’s a fresh rose.”

“Thanks,” Discord said, before leaving on his way.

His next stop was going to be the zoo. When he arrived there, he paid his admission and walked inside.

Fluttershy was still nowhere to be found in this place.

“Dammit! Where is she?” Discord thought to himself.

He stopped in front of a gigantic aviary, where birds of many colors flew about. He leaned against the fence, which separated the attendees from a shallow pool where flamingos waded about.

One look at the rose in his hand, and he felt as if he had just wasted his five dollars.

“Crap…” he sighed, as he tossed the rose aside.

Discord left the zoo, feeling now that Fluttershy had stopped wanting to talk to him. Of all the stupid luck. He had waited too long to try speaking with her, and now he was paying the price. Tired, exhausted and sore, he decided to walk back home and try again tomorrow.

Once Discord was home, his parents were already out. Not that they’d notice if he came home, had they been present. He went to his room, contemplating what he would say and do if he met Fluttershy tomorrow.

There came a noise at his window. When Discord looked, he saw the very rose he had thrown away batting its petals at the glass panes.

Curious and startled both at once, Discord opened the window and allowed the rose to come hopping inside on its stem. The rose hopped up to his night table and put down roots.

Discord stared in amazement at what had happened. The only time something even remotely similar happened was in the weeks before when he fell victim to a strange power. Had it been he who animated this rose? Was he in control of this power now?

This matter would need to be investigated. And he did it the only way he could conceive how. He thought back to what he had for lunch, before he bought the rose.

“I’m sure hungry right now. Fish and chips sounds nice,” he said aloud.

The rose on the table blossomed, and spat forth a platter of grilled fish and crispy chips.

Discord didn’t know what to make of what he saw. Whatever power he had, some small part of it seemed to have stayed behind. Whether it was good or bad, that remained to be seen.