• Published 26th May 2018
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Equestria Girls Spikebelle 2: Summer Vacation Part 1 - Chaos04

Its summer vacation were Spike and his friends enjoy a long holiday before high school comes around, meeting new friends and challenges

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Truth Revealed

By the time the the officer and the inmate reached Canterlot City, their first stop was Tempest’s home. As Tempest saw it, it would be prudent for them to both change their clothes, as well as for Sombra to shave and cut his hair. As long as she was harboring a fugitive, she was going to hide it as best she could.

After leaving the police car in an alleyway, the two walked as quickly as they could to Tempest’s home, keeping their very best not to be seen by others. Everything went smoothly for the two, and they were able to enter the officer’s house without being seen.

At the moment, Tempest was in her bedroom, while Sombra was in the bathroom across the hall. Once she had settled in, the officer changed out of her police uniform in favor of a tank top and skirt.

After she put her badge into her skirt pocket, Tempest sat on the edge of her bed to put on her black boots.

As she was bent over to zip of the sides of her footwear, she heard the bathroom door across the hall open. Footsteps were heard next. The officer listened carefully for Sombra to come closer to her. If he came too close, she knew she may have to take drastic action.

“Something just occurred to me,” Sombra said, as he walked around the side of the bed.

Tempest quickly slid on her other boot, zipped it up and stood to face Sombra. What she saw surprised her.

There stood a man with slicked hair and a goatee. He was dressed in blue jeans, brown shoes, a white shirt and a denim bomber. Hardly the rough, unkempt monster Tempest knew from the prison. By all means, he looked perfectly ordinary, except for his eyes and teeth. By simply looking at him, she could almost believe this man might have been someone’s father.

“Well, what is it? What just occurred to you?” Tempest said.

“Why is it that you have men’s clothes lying around your home?” Sombra said, indicating the clothes he was wearing.

“They’re my boyfriend’s,” Tempest said, as she cautiously walked past Sombra.

“Hmf,” Sombra chortled. “I never would have guessed. You, Officer Tempest, the model of bravery in the line of duty, are just an ordinary woman at heart.”

Tempest glowered with her back to Sombra, as she reached under her bed for her shoulder holster.

“Tell me, where is he now? This special man of yours?” Sombra asked.

“Hopefully, he’s bloated and decomposing in some maggot-filled gutter,” Tempest answered, as she slipped her arms through the holster.

“I see. So, what are these still doing here?” Sombra asked, as he looked through the pockets on the jacket he wore. “Are they some remnant of the happy memories with him? Or, have you just not gotten around to dousing them in kerosene and applying a match?”

Sombra found a pair of sunglasses in the jacket’s inner pocket. Perfect for hiding his distinctive eyes.

“I haven’t done it, because what’s the point?” Tempest asked, as she opened up her gunbox and placed the loaded firearm in her holster. “Even if I got rid of those, it’s a matter of time until that tosser comes back looking for them. And if they’re not here, there’s going to be a long squabble about how I owe him new clothes, and I can’t deal with that right now.”

“So, it had been a recent breakup? Tell me, what was the last straw for you and him? Which of you ended it, and how?” Sombra said.

Tempest put on her red jacket to hide her firearm.

“That’s none of your damn business,” she said curtly.

“Fair enough. All set?”

“Yeah. How about you?”

“I think in all fairness: I should have a weapon too.”

“Not happening. Let’s go,” Tempest said, as she reached for her car keys on her night table, only to find they were gone.

“In which case: I’m driving,” Sombra said, holding up the silver keys.

“Give me those. Now,” Tempest demanded.

“You want them? Think about things this way, officer,” Sombra said, as he stepped closer to Tempest.

“Don’t you come near me!” Tempest said, threateningly placing her hand just inside her jacket.

“If you go around town driving with me in the passenger seat, it’s going to appear as if you are catering around a known fugitive. Worse still, it could give the impression that you’re in cahoots with him,” Sombra continued, as he stepped toward Tempest.

Sombra was just before her. The officer stood frozen, a mix of intrigue and curiosity staying her hand from her weapon.

“Or, if I were driving, it would seem like the worst killer in Canterlot were taking a model officer hostage. You would keep your clean record, and I would be the one the law guns down. That is, should we get caught,” Sombra finished.

There was an undeniable logic in the man’s words. If anything should go wrong, everything was over for them. Done Sombra’s way, there was a chance for things to go on.

“Alright. You drive,” Tempest reluctantly agreed.

Sombra smirked, before he walked out of the room, followed by Tempest.

“You look nice, by the way. Those colors suit you better than that uniform of yours,” Sombra said, as he walked out the front

“Don’t push your luck,” Tempest said, before closing the door behind them.

For days, Discord hadn’t left his house. In the time since the rose he bought for Fluttershy bounced back into his life, he had been practicing how to better and more responsibly use the power that had been somehow granted to him.

At the moment, Discord was in his bedroom magically opening and closing his window. It went up, then it went down. Opened, then closed.

“Alright. So, this magic doesn’t have to be destructive,” Discord said.

The light reflected on the window took the vague shape of a face, and the entire frame nodded up and down.

“But, it still shouldn’t be used so flippantly and haphazardly,” Discord continued.

The reflection on the window narrowed its eyes and the frame shook side to side.

“Which means that you probably shouldn’t be around right now,” Discord said to the window’s reflected face.

The eyes on the window went wide, and with a tiny popping sound, the entire face disappeared.

“Okay. So...I’ve got something really special and really dangerous on my hands,” Discord thought to himself. “I should only use it when I absolutely need to. When something earth-shattering goes out of balance, I have to set it straight. With great power comes great responsibility, after all.”

Still, he didn’t think that using this power to find where Fluttershy was couldn’t hurt. That in mind, he welled up and focused his powers.

There came a knock on his door.

“Wow, that was fast,” Discord said aloud, before rushing to his front door.

His mind raced faster than his feet. What he was going to say to Fluttershy. What he would do.

“Hold on! I’m coming!” Discord excitedly called. He reached the front door and flung it open. Perhaps, too quickly, as he hit himself in the face with his own door. “Ow!...” Discord shook the pain from his face, all ready to greet his sweetheart. But, his sweetheart was not who was there to greet him.

“So, this is where you’ve been,” Rainbow Dash said.

“What kind of boyfriend are you? Fluttershy’s been worrying herself into a coma, because of you,” Pinkie Pie accused.

“But--” Discord tried to reason. He was stopped by the girls pushing their way through the front door.

“No buts here, buster! You’ve got a lot of explaining to do! And we’re going nowhere, until we get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!” Pinkie said.

When Discord tried backing away from Pinkie, he fell backwards over the couch behind him.

Faced with the glares of the others, Discord knew he could avoid the situation altogether with his power. But, for the sake of Fluttershy, he decided to face it.

“The truth? Here’s your truth: I love Fluttershy,” Discord said. “You got that? That’s the first time I said that aloud. And of all the crappy luck, I had to tell it to you two. You think I could have faced her, or anyone after the things I did to this city? I couldn’t stand the thought of her seeing me, let alone telling her how I felt. But, you know what? I decided to face it. I realized that if I didn’t see her again, I’d never get past all this. I spent a huge part of yesterday looking all over town for her. I sent her a text asking where she was, and she never answered. If she doesn’t want to talk to me: fine. As long as she knows how I feel about her, I don’t really care if she doesn’t want to see me again. That’s it. Now, take your little inquisition back to Fluttershy.”

Dash and Pinkie were stunned at both the candor and force of Discord’s words. Neither of them knew what to say in response to Discord. No boy had ever said they loved either of them. In fact, they had never gone out with a boy before. There was simply no precedent for Dash or Pinkie to draw from. Still, for the sake of their friend, Dash thought to facilitate the reunion between Discord and Fluttershy.

“Why don’t you come with us. Fluttershy would be really happy to see you,” Rainbow Dash said.

“That’d be just dandy,” Discord said, as he rolled backwards and sprang to his feet. As they left the house, Discord had one last question. “Either of you know why Fluttershy didn’t answer my text?”

“Her phone broke. Didn’t she tell you about that?...Oh, right,” Pinkie said, realizing that Fluttershy had no way of communicating with Discord over a broken phone.

At Canterlot High, Twilight, Sweetie Belle and Sunset arrived at the statue in the courtyard. Immediately upon arrival, Sunset looked at her phone to check the time.

“Should be anytime now,” Sunset said.

“Sunset, what are we even doing here? You told us there was a problem, and we were meeting someone, and that’s it,” Twilight said.

Sunset knew Twilight was right. If anything, she owed an explanation to the others. But, they had to be sworn to secrecy.

“Don’t worry. I promise I’ll explain everything. But, first you two have to promise that no matter what you see here, or what happens next: you won’t say a word to anyone else about it. Do you promise?” Sunset said.

“Okay. I promise,” Twilight said.

“Me too, if it helps us find Spike,” Sweetie Belle said.

Sunset was about to speak, when the side of the statue’s base began to magically glow.

“This is perfect. She can explain this better than I can,” Sunset said.

“She who?” Twilight wondered, as she apprehensively watched someone else walk out of the statue.

In seconds, there seemed to appear a completely new person in their midst. One who looked quite familiar to all present.

“Good, your here,” Princess Twilight said.

“Yes. And I brought help too,” Sunset said, pointing to the others, “Twilight this is--”

“Hold on. I know who they are. You’re Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s sister,” Princess Twilight said.

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle said, unsure what to make of being known to this double of Twilight.

“And you’re Twilight Sparkle,” Princess Twilight continued.

“Yeah…” Twilight said, too stunned to say much else.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship in Equestria.”

“Prin-Princess?” Twilight wondered.

“It’s a long story. But, to make it short, she’s from another world of magic. And there’s a problem from her world that wandered into ours,” Sunset explained.

“Yes. And I’m afraid it might be serious,” Princess Twilight explained.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“Okay. Someone from my world came into yours. Someone who I think might be very dangerous. I don’t know what he wanted, but he said he was looking for someone here.”

“What did he look like?” Sunset said.

“I don’t know what he’d look like here, but I remember he had gold eyes and a cutie mark with three skulls on it,” Princess Twilight explained.

The description rang to Twilight and Sweetie, who had seen a man with golden eyes and a shirt with three skulls on it.

“Was he really tall too?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Ye--Yes. How did you know?” Princess Twilight asked.

“That’s the man me and Twilight met before we ran into Sunset!” Sweetie Belle explained.

“Who was he? What did he want?” Princess Twilight asked.

“I don’t know who he was. He never told us his name. All he said was he wanted to find his son, Pharynx.”

“Who’s Pharynx?” Sunset wondered.

“Pharynx is a very dangerous man. He’s already attacked both Spike and Sweetie Belle. And then he disappeared somewhere,” Twilight explained.

Things were quickly going downhill for them. A father and son duo of killers was now loose in Canterlot City, and there was no telling when and where they would show themselves again.

The statue started to glow again, and another familiar figure stepped through.

“Spike!!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Sweetie B--”

Spike’s greeting was cut off by Sweetie Belle abruptly stepping forward.

“What were you thinking running off again!? You could have been in trouble with Pharynx again, for all I knew! You--RRGH!!!” Sweetie Belle growled loudly, as she shook Spike by his collar, before burying her face in his shoulder.

“Spike, what are you doing here?” Princess Twilight asked.

“I came with you when I saw that scary guy walking through the castle. I figured if he was coming to my home, I had to help stop him,” Spike explained.

“You mean, this is your home?” Twilight wondered.

“Yeah. Sorry for not explaining earlier, but I’m not your Spike.”

“So, that’s what you’ve been doing this whole time!” Twilight said. The mere idea that her new brother was off in some world of magic through a doorway in the base of the statue at her school was the last thing she ever would have thought.

“And Spike, promise me that the next time you go away like that, tell me,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Alright. I promise,” Spike said.

On the streets of Canterlot, Sombra drove Tempest’s personal car to their next destination. In the passenger seat, Tempest was filing through her phone.

“Not calling for backup, are you?” Sombra dryly remarked.

“I’m going through civilian records to see if I can find any information about your son,” Tempest explained.

“You can do that without anyone from the precinct?” Sombra wondered.

“Civilian records are accessible to the public,” Tempest explained, as she scrolled through her phone.

“Interesting. And such a violation of privacy,” Sombra said.

Tempest didn’t say anything. She simply continued to look through her phone.

“Here he is.” Tempest’s eyes traveled back and forth across the text of the files, until she found what she was looking for. “Okay. I think I know where to find him. It says here he was legally adopted by some people not far from here.”

“Adopted by who?” Sombra asked.

“Let me see…” Tempest said, as she checked the files on the people who adopted Spike. “So, his new dad’s a lawyer named Night Light. His mom’s an ER nurse named Twilight Velvet. Sounds like he got the luck of the draw.”

Those two names sparked a smile onto Sombra’s face.

“Luck...yes,” Sombra said.

“What are you smiling about?” Tempest asked.

“No reason. They just sound like very nice people.” Sombra explained.

“Damn! It’s not here either!” Pharynx said, as he searched an adjoining room to the one he was in.

In the prison, all was not well. Pharynx had tried to follow his father after losing his battle with him, but was hit by a major snag. It seemed that during some point between getting impaled and his father disappearing, he had lost the source of his magic.

High and low he looked through the prison, wondering if and how it might have flown away from him.

Pharynx was growing desperate and anxious. If somehow his father had taken that power from him, it could prove disastrous with the already formidable power he possessed.