• Published 26th May 2018
  • 1,207 Views, 29 Comments

Bits of Ash - No one is home

Discord takes the Student Six on a field trip to a post-apocalyptic future world of war ravaged ponies... but probably not the one you expect.

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Epilogues are Magic

“So when are you two gonna get married and settle down?” Slapstick smiled as he swayed uneasily on his barstool.

“That’s not funny.” The snake-tongued mutant glared at his friend.

“What?” The doppel shrugged. “She’s obviously crazy about ya, and honestly, when a pony looks like you do, and a female of any species doesn’t run away in sheer terror, you buy a ring.”

“Dude,” the mutant deadpanned, “She’s like ten.”

“Okay,” the clown steadied himself against the bar as he made his case, “I know you two lose track of little things, like oh say just how long it’s been… but I started a business got married and have foals of my own who I have to warn not to get a crush on Bullette.”

“What’s your point, Slaps?” The giant narrowed his eyes dangerously.

“All I’m saying, dude, is she’s a robot, you're a crime against nature, and she’s been ‘like ten’ for a LONG time… OW!” Slapstick exclaimed suddenly as a skeeball rebounded of the back of his head.

“DON’T MAKE IT WEIRD!” A tiny mechanical filly screamed agrilly.