• Published 26th May 2018
  • 1,207 Views, 29 Comments

Bits of Ash - No one is home

Discord takes the Student Six on a field trip to a post-apocalyptic future world of war ravaged ponies... but probably not the one you expect.

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Good Byes

“Hey...boss,” Slapstick shuffled his hooves nervously.

“Yeah, what’s up?” The nameless monstrosity tossed his head back and flashed a friendly smile.

“There is a 91.2% chance of a goodbye.” Bullette crooned sadly from her perch.

“Yeah… your girl called it boss…” The doppelganger smiled awkwardly.

“I kinda saw it coming… look… if it’s about Sunrise and the circus, I’m sorry,” The mutant sighed, “I knew whatever that thing she was using in her act was evil… but I still just can’t believe what it did to her… to all of them…”

The clown faced doppel shrugged, “Sunrise was gone a long time ago… I shoulda seen it before you did really...I’m gonna miss her… but after all we saw tracking her back down… it ended like it had to. I think if there was anything left of their souls at that point… they would have thanked us for putting a stop to it.”

“Everything ends.” Bullette singsonged. “It is the nature of organic life.”

“Don’t be like that, little filly,” the clown grinned ridiculously wide, “Your uncle Slapstick is still gonna be out in the wide world of sporting events! He just…”

“It’s okay… I get it, you need some space.” The mutant nodded his bulbous head.

“Look if you two ever need me…” The doppler pawed the ground nervously.

“It’s okay. They were my friends too… before the damned Sun…”

“I’ll see you guys around then.” Slapstick smiled as he walked off into the settlement.

“We are never going to see Uncle Slapstick again, are we?” Bullette asked innocently.

“No, girl… no I don’t think we will.”

“Wait… we skipped the fight?” Smolder couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice.

“I think we’ve seen enough already, and I’m sure I don’t want to see anymore ponies killing ponies.” Silverstream shook her head, her eyes moist.

“Yeah… somehow I don’t think they settled things with their old circus buddies with friendship lasers.” Gallus swallowed hard.

“Professor Discord,” Sandbar pleaded quietly, “Can we go back now… I don’t think Ocellus is taking this very well.”

“Ocellus is safe. Yona not let bad ponies hurt her friend.” Yona tried to comfort the young changeling as she huddled between her two friends sobbing wordlessly.

“Oh come on guys,” Smolder pleaded. “That one wasn’t so bad… just kinda sappy. I just wanna go back and see a little of the fight… I mean what was that ‘Sun’ they were talking about? Is that what messed up that village? Besides they’re the good guys, right? And they won, so how violent could it be?”

“I already told you,” Discord snapped, irritably, “I am not showing you that THING. Even I have standards, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose my chaperone privileges after this little outing as it is. But if you really want to see our glorious heroes in a fight so baddly…”

The bus took a sharp turn down and to the left.