• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 170 – Avengers


6:10 p.m.

Captain America felt his hand fall from his ear, having no need to listen any longer and simply needing to turn around. That was all he needed to do. He had earned his rest for the time being. He had earned that assurance. He had earned it all when the orange portal sparked and spun to life behind him.

So, he turned around to face it. With a shattered shield in hand, a bloody, broken, and bruised body shifting mere inches to his left, Steve Rogers stared with eyes open wide, mouth agape, and breath ceasing when the portal grew larger and larger by the second. And from it, three shadows emerged. Three silhouettes stepped free from the flowing sparks of golden-orange and planted their feet upon the tattered battlefield. The dark figure on the left wore a long, black trench coat, hands in his pockets, and finally escaping the blinding light alongside those beside him. The figure on the far right wore a simple black coat and jeans, his hands also in his pockets, but the familiar face meeting Steve’s expression and smiling. As for the third figure, the one in the center…

The mask of the Black Panther materialized into the rest of the suit, the stoic and hardened expression of King T’Challa staring solely to the lone Avenger. He stopped. Nick Fury and Phil Coulson to his right and left respectively stopped with him.

With the blistering flames of the portal’s sparks spinning furiously behind and above their heads, the three individuals—the king, the former director, and the most dangerous man in the world—stood silently, staring intensely to Captain America while all Steve could offer in response was his own ragged breathing. His own astonishment. His own being that breathed and stood and gazed to them in disbelief. Like he was dreaming it all. Like he simply couldn’t believe who was standing mere yards ahead of him. Yet his fractured mind slowly started to come together, to put the pieces into place.

Their efforts to retrieve the Stones, to snap their fingers, to bring everybody back… worked.

It worked.

And T’Challa nodded, that silent declaration affirming to Steve Rogers that they were there for him. It had indeed worked. The Avengers’ efforts did not go in vain. Because right then and there, beneath the entire universe and proudly proclaiming in one unified, silent voice… they were there. The cavalry had arrived.

Sam Wilson flew through the portal, the Falcon jetting forward and earning Steve’s eyes. The Captain followed Sam soaring across the skies ahead and behind him, watching as the Falcon flew back and vanished behind the other portals spewing forth from the air. More portals opened. Dozens of them. Steve felt his heart rise.

Thanos watched it all from where he stood, eyes narrowing.

A blinding portal had been birthed further to Steve’s left, the Captain turning to it and losing his breath at the sight of them. As the portal expanded, the Dragon Lands were unveiled within its glow. Shattered husks of Chitauri Command Centers and black mountains sat in the distance of the Dragons’ Lair, the afternoon sun burning bright on the horizon. And from it, Doctor Stephen Strange hovered down with his hands twirling in front of him. He was not alone. None of them were, especially not Steve Rogers. Never again would he stand alone.

Beneath Doctor Strange, the Guardians of the Galaxy strode forward with Drax leading them. Drax glared ahead, brandishing his twin knives as Mantis stepped forward by his side. Curling her hands up like an insect, Mantis nonetheless clenched both into fists, the wide-eyed alien woman narrowing her eyes into a frown. Into a glare. Flying high and landing beside her, the fearless leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy—Star-Lord—twirled his Quad Blaster up to his face and deactivated his mask. The red eyes faded, leaving just Peter Quill breathing fiercely beside his friends.

And swinging from the sunlight of the dragon nation, Spider-Man leaped forth and landed several feet ahead of Quill. His mask slid backwards, the astonished and awe-inspired Peter Parker rising up and witnessing the world he left behind. Seeing all that stood before him and the Avengers he proudly stood with. He smiled. He breathed. He was alive.

They all were.

That same portal grew three times as big. From that same portal, more started to emerge. The sunlight showered over the bodies, making their silhouettes glow under the sun. It shimmered across their wings, Princess Celestia appearing like a deity descending from heaven. But she wasn’t alone. Beside her, floating down in tandem and landing with her older sister, Princess Luna stood tall and proud. Her dark blue armor resembling the night sky was a stark opposite to her sister’s golden armor, yet they both gleamed together under the light of the sun, under the blistering sparks of the portal. The two sisters cast each other a warming glance, Luna practically beaming with her grin. Celestia gave her a motherly smile, eyes returning forward and spotting the bodies slipping past and ahead of them.

Celestia smiled even warmer.

The orange hoof met the edge of the hill, planted firmly against it in that silent declaration of who the pony was and where she stood. The lights of the portal managed to fade away from her face. And the Element of Honesty, Applejack, stood tall with her chest expanded. The wind and sparks from the portal behind her tugged at her ponytail, at her golden-blonde mane, but the mare herself remained unmoved. Her glowing smirk and passionate determination unyielding. So, too, did her friends share her expression, her stance, and her side.

Pinkie Pie bounded forward, the Element of Laughter grinning as wide as her lips could possibly manage. She landed on Applejack’s left, the pink mare practically hopping up and down with uncontainable excitement. To their right, the butter Pegasus, the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy softly rose from behind the hill of rock. Her long, pink mane flowed alongside the wind, nearly blocking her face but unable to hide the tenderhearted smile. She stood on Applejack’s right, staring down alongside her friends to see Captain America gazing to them. Her smile grew even sweeter to him, the light of the portal and the sparks flowing behind them making the three Elements of Harmony appear otherworldly.

But they weren’t alone. To Pinkie Pie’s left, the mare turned and grinned to the small, flying dragon breaking through the light and landing a few feet ahead of her. He rose up, Spike keeping his wings expanded as his arms slowly crossed over one another, as his smile slowly grew into a valiant smirk and he turned his gaze lower. He smiled to them. He saluted to them. To Captain America, Twilight, and the remaining Elements of Harmony.

As for Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, all three ponies had struggled to rise back to their hooves. All three ponies were caught together in mixtures of pain, uncertainty, and loss when Thanos’ army had arisen. That state of emotional distress had slowly vanished when the first portal appeared. It was simply gone when Celestia and Luna hovered down from the light of heaven itself and stood before them. A new sense of joyous victory filled their hearts and their spirits when they witnessed their best friends emerge from the heavenly light, all three ponies standing tall upon the rocky hill.

Rainbow and Rarity were in disbelief for a moment, unable to fathom who they were seeing before them. They were beaming with mixtures of tears and smiles, but Twilight especially, after seeing Spike, shed tears unlike any other. The Alicorn gasped, struggled to breathe, and gave the biggest grin she could have possibly managed. She stared at her friends, at Spike, and cried tears of utter, breathless joy. Spike smiled at her.

Steve was teary-eyed, lips wrinkled as his spirit continued to flow and his heart continued to burn brighter and brighter. Seeing all of them alive, standing before him and giving him that assurance that they were real was more than enough for Steve to shed a tear. Just one. It was all he could manage before he turned back to T’Challa, Fury, and Coulson. Nick nodded his way. Phil smiled warmly.

The Black Panther shouted, “Yibambe!”


The reverberating chant echoed behind him, shaking the earth and Steve’s entire body to his deepest core. More shadows began to grow from the portal, larger in size and scale than Rogers had ever expected. From the light, they stomped forth.

“Yibambe!” T’Challa cried.

Yibambe!” they responded.


Once more…


The cavalry had truly arrived.

Mixtures of Jabari Tribe, Dora Milaje, Border Tribe, Queen’s Guard, and Wakandan jets and tanks all showed themselves under the light of the Wakandan sun. The portal grew even bigger, yet it was still unable to unveil the full weight of Wakanda. It was all Steve could see; an army so vast that stretched from the grassy valleys to the Golden City, filled every square inch of the fields of Wakanda and covered the skies with droves upon droves of jets.

Alongside the ruins and further in the distance, Shuri gave a soft gasp from where she stood, her Black Panther mask materializing back to show her amazement. That amazement transformed into a smile, a tearful grin, seeing her brother and people united once more. Shuri and her team stood amidst the bodies of various Outriders, no longer alone and facing the growing army of portals behind them. Mack, May, and Daisy turned and lifted their eyes, tears already in Daisy’s own when she saw Phil Coulson smiling to her. Friday rose from where she was protecting the wounded Melinda May, the AI utterly silent.

The remaining portals filling the atmosphere and grounds in front of Captain America finally opened to their fullest. Everyone stepped free.

Everyone came home.

Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, and Luke Cage stomped forward with fists tightened, expressions feral, and all joined by the many more following behind the Defenders. Jessica wore a standard, long-sleeved white and blue shirt with torn jeans and gloved-fists. Luke walked tall in his bright yellow T-shirt and black jeans. Danny was shirtless, the Iron Fist’s chest heaving and the Mark of Shou-Lao black and vibrant over his heart. Behind and beside them, the many more followed. The many more who were dusted and came home.

James Buchanan Barnes stepped forward with his M249 light machine gun. Next to Bucky, Trixie Lulamoon hopped over a piece of concrete and waved her hat free from her vision, a proud and exuberant smirk tugging at the unicorn’s lips. Her cape flowed gently in the breeze, joining the likes of Capper Dapperpaws and his silky trench coat as the feline crossed his arms and laughed in pity for Thanos and his goons. Laughed triumphantly. Even Sunburst’s cape flowed from the wind escaping the portal, his goatee dancing with his disheveled mane. He pushed up his glasses from the brim of his nose closer to his eyes, smiling widely to the many he walked with. Especially to Shining Armor and Princess Cadance on his left, the rulers of the Crystal Empire standing together with an army of Crystal Guard behind them. Shining unfurled his sword via his magic, the sparks and lights of the portal reflecting off his purple armor. Flash Sentry followed his ruler, unsheathing his own blade alongside the various other stallions beside him. Cadance shot out her large, pink wings and ignited her horn. Flurry Heart landed on her mother’s back, the infant giggling and waving her hooves. Cadance smirked back to her daughter, to her husband, and met his eyes. He smiled in return.

Even further on the left, another portal opened to reveal New Asgard on the other side. From the remote village, an army of armored Asgardians, griffons, and various different alien species emerged. A ferocious dragon rose up from behind the Asgardian warriors, blowing steam from its nostrils alongside the dozen other dragons arising from the hills of New Asgard. That wasn’t all…

Valkyrie unsheathed her blade while atop her winged stallion. Korg cocked his laser rifle to her left. Miek sliced his blades together on her right and bent low, at the ready. The Scarlet Witch hovered down from her own portal, Wanda Maximoff glaring ahead in her Avengers attire. Murder and hatred shimmered in her crimson eyes. Lady Sif pulled free two swords beside Valkyrie, both Asgardian women armored and ready for war. Behind the ranks, emerging with his golden, horned helmet and a flowing cape, the God of Mischief Loki stepped forth to lead his people. He pulled his blades out of thin air and smirked to the direction of the Mad Titan. Valiant and resilient even into death and back to life.

Thor smiled. With the blood dripping down his lips, Stormbreaker flying into his palm, and the pain flooding his systems, Thor smiled to his people, his friends, and his family all coming to him one last time. In their most desperate hour, Thor just couldn’t help but smile.

Next to Doctor Strange and the Guardians of the Galaxy, a portal grew into being and released Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts from Kamar-Taj. Wong slammed his hands forward, a pair of Tao Mandalas sparking to life on each palm. An army of sorcerers young and old followed behind him, a magical chorus of orange sparks and disks forming behind, beside, and surrounding Wong. Another pair of portals came forth and opened up to the sorcerers’ lefts and rights. The ice world of Contraxia rested on the inside, fresh snow flowing onto Earth from the portal and joining the army of Ravagers.

A high-pitched whistle shot through the air, the slithering red line of the Yaka Arrow zipping above the Ravagers. It flew in accordance to the whistle, the arrow flying into the blue hand of Yondu Udonta. His bright red fin sat high on his head, his trench coat swaying alongside the wind, snow, and orange sparks behind him and the army of Ravagers he led. Kraglin stepped up to his side with a laser rifle in hand, glaring alongside Yondu. Upon a pile of rocks nearby, Howard the Duck hopped on top and held his dual LMGs high into the air, cackling maniacally.

The cry of several royal horns had shot off, earning the eyes of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They turned their necks around, their manes flowing majestically by their sides and smiles continuing to grace their features. Right on schedule. All emerging behind Celestia and Luna were the Royal Guard, numbering in the hundreds with shields and spears gripped in every hoof, in every magical aura. Beside one army marched a second, the Lunar Guard flying high and stomping fiercely from the Dragon Lands and onto planet Earth. The bat ponies gripped similar weapons, plus various other swords, daggers, axes, and gauntlets of their own.

High above even the two armies, the Equestrian Grand Fleet hovered into view. Led by Spitfire atop the mighty airship known as the War Horse, the various Wonderbolts stood by her side on the deck. They were Soarin, Blaze, Fleetfoot, Surprise, Fire Streak, Misty Fly, Silver Zoom, High Winds, Thunderlane, and many, many more. All suited and armored up appropriately, the Wonderbolts glared and smirked alongside their captain. Spitfire stood tall upon the front of the War Horse, the mighty behemoth of a warship stretching a mile long and holding every caliber of cannon known to ponykind. Dozens of smaller airships flew behind them, the vast and all-powerful army of the Equestrian Empire finally having its chains broken and set free.

Within the droves of airships, Captain Celaeno and her pirate crew Mullet, Squabble, Lix Spittle, and Boyle all cheered and waved their sabers in the air. Grubber and the Storm Creatures emerged from the clouds atop their own airship, the pudgy hedgehog waving to Tempest Shadow from miles away. Tempest didn’t know how Grubber saw her, but she didn’t care. From where she lay, Tempest returned the smile that Grubber and Celaeno sent her way.

Even more portals opened. From the air and upon the earth. Each of them showed either similar or different locations, yet those that stepped out of the portals were all different. All vast and diverse, multi-cultured and alien, all coming together to declare in one unified voice they would not take Thanos any longer. They would not stand idly by while he killed the universe. Right then and there, the universe turned their combined sword onto the Mad Titan and made their stance. They stood together, against him and his tyranny.

The masses emerged from various portals, most of them coming together upon the battlefield. The Dragon Lord Ember flew in and landed with her fist crashing against the rubble beneath her, the young dragon rising and gripping her Bloodstone Scepter. She snorted pure fire, glaring ahead to the Mad Titan and his forces of daunting size and strength. She responded with her own. Next to her, Prince Rutherford, Thorax, Pharynx, Gilda, Greta, Gabby, Garble, and so many more stepped free from the lights and sparks of the massive portal and joined together as one force.

After five years of being separated, of truly believing they had lost one another, the Young Six were reunited. Smolder, Yona, Silverstream, Gallus, Sandbar, and Ocellus walked as one, the last three visibly taller and older than their friends. Like that mattered. They all bore victorious grins and stood side by side, casting one another one last glance before facing ahead and readying themselves. Beside them, the armies of Equus only continued to grow. Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, the last Pillar of Equestria Stygian, Skyranger, Sky Beak, Ocean Flow, Terramar, and countless others rose amongst the ranks and took their place within the armies. They numbered in the hundreds, from yaks, dragons, Hippogriffs, changelings, and griffons filling the skies and the earth and joined as one.

Another portal opened. So many more opened and the armies continued to grow.

Autumn Blaze, Rain Shine, and the Kirin. Minotaurs, Abyssinians, and the zebras. Daring Do, the Pie family, and the Apple family. Braeburn rearing up on his hind legs and cheering with the populace of Appleloosa. Chief Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart with their buffalo tribe stomping and roaring into the skies. Trouble Shoes, Iron Will, Chancellor Neighsay and the sorcerers of the EEA. Moon Dancer, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Twinkleshine…


One portal opened on the far right, a portal so utterly massive that it reached the facility. Quite possibly a mile long and a mile high, and its occupants only made all the more sense as to why the portal grew so large. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo led the charge amongst the populace of Ponyville. The orange Pegasus was a few inches taller than her two best friends, and five years older, but none of them cared. Scootaloo wore the biggest grin she ever had, bigger than when she got her cutie mark, just to have her best friends by her side again. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle felt exactly the same. Behind them, Ponyville stomped forward. Ponyville and beyond.

Big McIntosh, Sugar Belle, Double Diamond, Party Favor, Night Glider, Vinyl Scratch atop her stereo system and bass cannon, Octavia Melody, Bon Bon, Lyra Heartstrings, Dr. Hooves, Mudbriar, Zecora, Amethyst Star, Mayor Mare, and hundreds of other citizens took their stand and ignited their courage. Some were not even warriors. Some were not soldiers. But they were all together. And that made them all the more unbeatable. Crushing the ground beneath its tracks, the towering party tank rolled forward and entered the battlefield. Riding the massive tank was none other than the party pony himself, Cheese Sandwich. He cheered and waved and rallied the masses forward with the biggest smile he could ever muster. Even Steven Magnet and the Smooze slithered into view, the sea dragon holding out his fists as if it was the first fight he had ever been in. His fabulous mustache danced in the wind and sparks, alongside the gelatinous green glob that was the Smooze.

The Wasp emerged from a small portal, enlarging herself and helmet retracting to reveal Hope van Dyne darting her head about her surroundings.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had lost their lives in the Decimation had returned, as well, and armed to the teeth. They marched in heavy black armor, assault rifles in hand, and faceless masks focused forward. Leading them were Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Michael “Deathlok” Peterson, Deke Shaw, Leopold Fitz, Jemma Simmons, and Maria Hill. Above them, the whipping cape and burly figure of Graviton flew down and hovered above the army of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. And Glenn Talbot glared ahead, his fists tightening and the world around him trembling. Daisy and Mack were speechless. Utterly speechless with tears welling in their eyes. May smirked from where she lay.

Iron Man sat up, Tony Stark’s eyes widening when he saw the bright blue suit of armor soar from one of the various portals and make its landing. The suit of armor landed with its fist first, head rising to reveal the armor of his own creation. And within the Rescue armor, the mask slid upwards and Pepper Stark met her husband’s eyes. She smirked to him.

As the armies grew and made their way onto the battlefield, Doctor Strange finally landed next to his fellow sorcerers. He turned to Wong and asked, “Is that everyone?”

Wong scoffed after looking first to his left and then to his right, noting the vast armies on each side and only growing. Facing Strange, he exclaimed, “What, you wanted more?”

Just on the corner of Strange’s lip, Wong could see a smirk rising.

Though he could not deduce it in time, for the sound of the crumbling facility caught Wong’s and everybody’s attention. Shifting towards the ruins of the New Avengers Facility, everyone paid witness to the rooftop and the Helicarrier breaking apart and falling to the outskirts. Ant-Man—now more appropriately seen as “Giant-Man”—emerged from the facility’s roof, standing at a whopping 109 feet tall. With his right hand closed into a fist, Scott Lang leaned forward and released Rocket, Groot, the Iron Patriot Mark II, Hulk, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Maud Pie, Derpy Hooves, Nebula, Daredevil, Elektra Natchios, Frank Castle, and the Ghost Rider from his palm. They all landed on the facility’s shattered roof, all of them rising up and facing the battle ahead with smiles, glares, and straightened postures.

The flames licked at the Ghost Rider’s skull, the Spirit of Vengeance growling softly and reaching for its chain. Derpy landed on the War Machine Mark VII’s other shoulder opposite to Rocket. James Rhodes cast each of them a quick glance, both Rocket and Derpy arming their weapons and smiling fearlessly. Maud raised her Asteroid Gloves, Derpy her Domino Gun.

Near the facility’s remains, all that was left of the Avengers rose up together.

Carol Danvers was the first, rising with Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow. Iron Man, Thor, Mack, Daisy, and Shuri all rose forth out of the wreckage and came as one. Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff watched it all from where they were hidden in the facility’s ruins, utter astonishment in their eyes. Clint tightened his grip around the Nano Gauntlet and the six Infinity Stones. He didn’t move a muscle. Neither he nor Natasha. They just watched them all come together.

One last time.

Discord slithered next to Fluttershy, casting the Pegasus a warming and assuring smile. Fluttershy gasped, smiled even wider, and felt her eyes burn with fresh tears. He winked at her, smirking with devious delight as he faced forward and lowered himself in a pouncing position.

Baring his sinister grin as the Spirit of Chaos growled, “This is gonna be… chaotic.”

Across the tattered battleground, from the remnants of the old world crumbled in a heap of blistering ruin, and joined together for one last triumphant and resilient push against the forces of darkness, the universe stood together. Every nation and every leader and every race, from the vast and floral lands of Equestria, to the mountainous regions of the Dragon Lands and the Griffon Kingdom, to the sea-covered kingdom of Hippogriffia, from the deserts of Saddle Arabia, Zebrica, and Abyssinia. To the entire world of Equus coming together one last time. But not only of Equus.

To the near-entirety of the universe, from the far reaches of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Ravagers that hailed from it, to across the Eight Realms and the Asgardians that ruled them, from Earth’s very own defense force and the mightiest heroes they could offer. There, at that moment, they all stood as one. An entire universe shouting and chanting and rising forth from the shadows to place their mark in history, a history that boldly declared that they would not go quiet into the night. They would stand together. They would fight. To the very end of the line.

Steve Rogers slowly turned away from it all, his breath heavy, but his spirit fully lifted, his strength finally rejuvenated, and his heart boldly beating faster and faster as his eyes met the Mad Titan’s. And Thanos, perhaps for just a second, felt a very real and very cold chill race down his spine as his eyes observed the masses standing against him. His sword slowly fell. His expression cracked.

Captain America faced the world ahead of him, his entire world behind him, and said the two words he had never been prouder to say.


Their swords were raised, their weapons were turned, and their muscles tightened in unison. Groot held out his fists, the Wasp by his side doing the same as she turned and readied herself. Spider-Man lowered, mask materializing forward and eyes glowing a bright blue. Doctor Strange narrowed his eyes and his focus, arms outstretched with Eldritch Magic burning at his will and standing tall beside Mantis and Star-Lord. Quill twirled his blasters and Sam Wilson landed behind him. Pinkie Pie bent low and glared ahead with her fluffy tail high behind her, smirk rising, adrenaline pumping alongside Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, Bucky Barnes, Trixie, Danny Rand tightening his glowing golden fist, Autumn Blaze with her coat turning a charcoal black and her eyes literally burning, and Ghost Rider unfurling its Hellfire Chain and slicing it across the earth. With Drax the Destroyer holding out his knives, Ember lowering her golden helmet over her face and twirling the Bloodstone Scepter, Captain Marvel descending from the sky and hovering mere feet over their heads like a golden array of cosmic energy, Queen Novo planting her spear into the earth and shooting out her wings, and Thor landing directly beside Captain America. Beside the three Iron Mares standing with Tony Stark. Beside War Machine, Punisher, Hulk, Daredevil, Quake, Scarlet Witch, Discord, Sunset, and Starlight. Everypony and everyone.

Steve Rogers held out his right hand and caught Mjølnir. He slowly lifted his eyes, gritted his teeth, and breathed.

… assemble.”

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