• Published 26th May 2018
  • 7,991 Views, 7,460 Comments

Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

  • ...

Chapter 200

The doors opened and the young man took his leave, thus allowing the old man to watch him take those next steps that would undoubtedly lead to the rest of his life.

With one last wave, JD entered his vehicle with backpack and proper supplies in tow. The old man waved back. The car door shut, the vehicle revving its engines as the headlights spurred to life and illuminated the massive driveway. As the car backed up, the old man kept his weary but experienced eyes trained on the vehicle and the driver behind the wheel. It slipped into the street, giving one more pause before driving off into the night.

Until all was quiet, until the darkness settled over all his world, Stan Lee patted his doorframe and returned to the inner confines of his humble abode.

He had grown meticulously more cautious with each step onward. He wasn’t as sprite as he used to be, and it showed with each slow footfall down the towering hallways. Retirement came well and it came with its perks. Even then, even if he didn’t have to, Stan always liked to inspire the next generation of brilliant and imaginative minds out there. Like the young man who always visited, who showed just as much energy and hopefulness for storytelling as Stan once did in his youth. He had no doubt the kid would show just as much enthusiasm with his peers. And then, maybe if they were lucky, they would find that spark to create even more stories amongst themselves, continue the legacy that Stan didn’t have the strength for any longer. Not just JD, but all of them.

They would all tell their own stories, live their own lives, and begin new legacies. That’s all Stan really wanted anyway.

Stan stumbled throughout the dark halls of his home, gazing to the walls mounted with pictures, memorabilia, and rewards of a past life filled the magic unlike any other. His cautious hand rose up and caressed those pictures, comic books framed well and showcasing his work throughout the ages. And with the many, many people he worked with over those years, they had crafted and managed to leave behind a story unlike any other. Stan took in a deep breath and sighed, that saddened but warm smile on his lips being more than enough to ease his tiring spirit.

He was so very tired.

By the time he entered his office again, he hardly even noticed who was waiting for him.

“We’ve been expecting you, Mr. Lee.”

Turning to the voice, Stan instantly caught the dark figure hiding in his own shadows, the light of the fireplace bright and welcoming behind him. He was concealed by the dark, the brightened outline of his figure showcasing a man sitting in a large, leather chair. He rolled his wrist and clinked the ice cubes in his glass of scotch, raising the glass to his lips. The mask he wore prevented the scotch from entering his mouth and instead painted his chest in the liquid. Stan raised a brow at that.

Crossing his legs over one another, the suit he wore cried out in protest, but he hardly cared. He tossed the glass of scotch aside and let it crash against the floor, turning back to Stan with that unreadable face. It was hard for Stan to decipher just who was hiding in the shadows. The image was difficult, but the voice was not.

It all clicked after he said, “We’ve just become part of a bigger super-duper universe… we just don’t know it yet.”

After putting the pieces together, Stan Lee smiled. “Oh, is that right?”

The figure kind of nodded. Kind of didn’t. Somewhere in-between. He said, “Well, I know it, but that’s beside the point. Gotta drum up some tense final teaser. Already got the best parts; mysterious figure cloaked in the shadows, coming into the light and telling the hero the end is just the beginning. Classic sequel bait, you know, marketability and all that. BUT… we can’t do this alone.”

Rising up from the leather chair, the man stepped forward and fully entered the light of Stan’s office. Just as Lee expected, he wore that familiar red and black outfit covering him like slip-on onesie pajamas. From his trusty utility belt, katanas on his back, and a pair of 50 cal. Desert Eagles resting in their holsters, Stan could already tell he hadn’t arrived for old times’ sake. He was gearing up for a mission, for a business trip, or for a journey unlike any other. Anything seemed possible when it was him behind the wheel.

Narrowing the white orbs on his face, the man behind the mask stepped forward and raised his blackened glove. He pointed directly at Stan, approaching him steadily while he uttered, “You get that greased weasel back over here and we’ll get started on the next—”

To his surprise, Stan just raised his palm. And that was enough to cease his approach, to drop his finger, and to lose his voice.

“I think it’d be best if we slow down a bit, Wade. Take a break,” Stan Lee explained. Behind those large-rimmed, dark shades, there was tiny glint that told him all he needed to know, and all he didn’t want to hear. A glint of assurance, of wisdom… and magic. Stan smiled. “And maybe just… let the story pass on to another.”

Though he was mildly disappointed, Wade couldn’t really find a reason to argue. There was no point in arguing with brilliance. He dropped his white eyes, nodding weakly.

“Yeah, that sounds good, too,” he said. He suddenly got a spike of energy, pointing back at Stan with renowned vigor and hopefulness. “But it ain’t really a story without you! All you have to do is show up for the cameo anyway! Come on! And maybe I’ll whip us up a couple of chimichangas for your thoughts.”

Wade was relieved to see that curious but rising smirk for Stan’s response.

It just got better when he said, “You read my mind.”

Sighing, Wade met Stan’s smirk and nodded. “We’re one in the same, you know that?”

“Not even close.”

“Pretty please?”

“Try harder.”

“I’ll be your best friend?”

“I said harder.”

“I can do this all day.”

“You’re not gonna leave, are you?”

“I locked the front and back doors when you weren’t looking.”

Stan Lee breathed out a chuckle at that, his rising smile unable to be hidden. As for Wade, he just started to get more and more giddy inside to see Stan’s reaction. Was he trying too hard? Maybe, but that was the fun part of it; you could never really try hard enough. It was all for fun anyhow. It was all to make a story out of something ridiculous and make it even more so, to bring the epic forces of superheroes and villains into a world of multicolored, magical ponies. It was all for fun, and he couldn’t wait to get started.

After all, the end was just the beginning.

Wrapping his arm over Stan Lee’s shoulders, Deadpool led the creator off to the kitchen to start working on those chimichangas.

“Come on, you beautiful old bastard. Time to make some sparkly friendship magic into reality.”

He closed the doors to the office, locking the world away.

Until next time.

And Discord, stretched out on the couch, held the comic book in his hands. The one that read “Infinity Era” on it. He gave it a longing look, a warm smile, and chuckled softly. Only after did he lift his eyes to the fire. Only after did he turn to the office walls, the bookshelves, and face an entire world of stories told and untold, as well as the people who would write and read them. It all looked back.

With a final, knowing smirk, Discord winked and closed the book.


Author's Note:

End Credits by Biohazarddallas: Infinity Era Credits

And with that, we reach another end to another journey. Never imagined it would have turned out this massive, but regardless, thank you one and all for sticking with this story from beginning to end. Whether you loved or hated my story or fell somewhere in-between, I appreciate you giving it a shot nonetheless! Never would have made it this far with this large of a fanfic had it not been for all of you reading, commenting, and showing your support! You helped bring this story into new heights. You helped me make this story the best I could've made it. With that, I truly thank all of you.

BUT... the story ain't over yet! Be on the lookout for some stories from FolkloreBrony and Sense of Humor. They may just be continuing this universe. :raritywink: So, yeah, follow them, check out their work, and get ready for the next adventure!

Thank you all once again for reading! Don't know if I'll ever make another fic this big again, or if I'll ever make another MLP fic in general. Regardless, I'll be sticking around. MLP still has a future ahead of it, and I can't wait to see how the fandom evolves with it. God bless, and I'll hopefully see you all next time!

Comments ( 180 )

“When the story is over, close the book.”

-The Love Bug, 1968

Thanks for the fun ride, JD.

C20 #2 · Jun 1st, 2020 · · ·

As stan lee says Nuff said true believers 😢

One of the most Awesome Crossovers I ever read-Keep the amazing work!

Tune in next time; same JD time, same JD channel!

Great chapter! Great story! Great series!

Thank you JD!

If you do make another MLP-crossover story and it’s not Marvel related, may I suggest contacting author “Mr-War” about either continuing or remaking his story “Fellowship is Magic”? If you are a fan of “The Lord of the Rings” that is.?

Are the end credits going to be appear later or not, because it just has the credit of the person for the end credits?

C20 #7 · Jun 1st, 2020 · · ·

You should have done thor ragnarok crossover so they know where thor and hulk are

It’s a clickable link

What was Twilight and the Multiverse about?

An awesome crossover has come an gone. But that was great story. And I always get a wonder of another story of twilight and the multiverse but still, that was great. I’ll keep in touch for your next story

An awesome story has just come to an end.
Thank you JD for writing it, it was a fun ride :)

(Sigh), it’s a shame, they didn’t say “I love you 200” in the movie, but I think 3,000 chapters would be a writers hell, and overwhelming to the reader just as well. So, whatever, I loved this story 200.

JD, you magnificent bastard!

You've certainly come a long way since the Transformers: Fall of Equestria Trilogy and now you've brought this MLP/Avengers trilogy storyline to a close, with this being the longest and certainly ambitious story you've done yet. And the endless possibilities of what may or may not come next are left open as before.

Until next time, JD!

'Nuff said.

The end of an era.
5 years of writing,
Three stories.
A homicidal robot
War between Friends.
An UNFATHOMABLE rubbish defeated...finally.
You have truly taken us all for a ride.
Excelsior, JD! Stan Lee and Lauren Faust themselves would have been proud!

yes, that is a great idea!

Congratulations you son of a bitch you have finally completed your greatest story

Until next time, if you are interested at making a new crossover we would like to hear it and offer ideas

That was quite the journey. Probably my favorite of the trilogy. While the first had some moments I didn’t care For, the second me had some scenes that were too much like the movie (I still liked the stories as a whole) I felt this did a better job mixing the new stuff with the old stuff. The only problems I had with this one was that it took a bit longer to really get going compared to the movie (understandable since the movie had several other movies to set it up) and some characters felt a little underutilized Cadence for example I wished got to do a bit more (again understandable for the casts size). I think it more than makes up for it with all the cool action scenes, interactions, and new ideas that the movies never got to do.

It was definitely worth the read and while I’m sad you might not be doing anymore stories in this universe or mlp in general, I would say this was a good note to end on.

Anybody else wish Deadpool would take over the Stan Lee cameos?
Anyway, we've finally made it to the end of this journey, and I've got a lot of reviewing to do. Let's go.
The Bad: I feel like there were some scenes you only included because they were in the movie, like Tony getting stabbed, or Tony getting lost in space, just because they were in the movies. Honestly, they either weren't set up enough, or didn't lead up to anything, which is kind of a problem. It's only a couple scenes, but still.
There were some elements that I consider cool. but were still pretty much just padding. Typhon didn't serve that important of a role, and you honestly could've cut Ultron from the final battle, and nothing would've been lost (I'm glad he was there, but I'm trying to be objective).
While you did a good job of addressing the Twilight/Rainbow conflict left over from Civil War, with the Elements not working, I feel like the Tony/Steve conflict kind of went ignored. Not to mention the conflict between the humans and the ponies. I think the biggest reason they lost in Infinity War is that Tony wasn't willing to turn the Q ship around and get Steve's help (sure, that wasn't explicitly stated, but it's how I see it). If they'd all battled Thanos together, they might've had a better chance.
My biggest problem with the story is this: I honestly think you went overboard with the death. Have you heard of darkness induced audience apathy? It doesn't quite reach that point, but it comes close. I mean, you killed all the Defender supporting characters, with no indication as to whether they came back post Snap 2, nearly all the Black Panther supporting characters (Did you really have to kill Okoye and Umbaku?), the Pillars, and most of the original Avengers. I guess you were trying to set it up as the end of their journey with the OG Avengers, but honestly, I think killing Steve would've sufficed (I didn't like how he just ditched the others to go back in time). Another thing I'm wondering is how did you decide who to and not to bring back? I get that you're trying not to create a world where death is meaningless (this isn't Dragon Ball), but still. Luna came back, when she was indirectly killed by Typhon, while the Black Panther characters, who were directly killed by Typhon, did not. Everybody killed by Thanos came back, except the Pillars. There seems to be no real rhyme or reason as to who came back and who didn't.
The Good: Holy smokes, there's too much. I'll try to keep my thoughts concise, but damn, I love this story.
The fight scenes are always awesome. Definitely something I wish I could draw.
I love how you expanded on the Time Heist. Even if the detours weren't that important to the overall story, they were a nice way to get some more action in there. I think my favorite was probably the Grogar future, mostly for the way he's described. Almost like an eldritch abomination.
THE FINAL BATTLE. THE FREAKING FINAL BATTLE. Everybody gets a chance to shine, and everybody kicks ass. Usually I complain about things dragging on too long, but with this, the length is totally justified. It never gets old, and it's entertaining as hell.
Thanos is pretty well depicted. I actually like how he didn't die when he destroyed the Stones, so we battle a Thanos who's already familiar with the heroes, instead of one who doesn't have a connection with them.
I'm happy you gave Captain Marvel more to do, that was one of my criticisms of Endgame.
All in all, this is easily the strongest of the trilogy. Nice job.

Oh? Calling me out, eh?

This truly marks the end of an era.

JDPrime, what you did with this trilogy is nothing short of spectacular. Plenty of action, lots of drama, and more than a few tear-jerking scenes. Plus, not only were you able to blend the MLP and MCU franchises together so flawlessly, but you were also able to mix in the Marvel TV shows - Punisher, Defenders and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - in incredible fashion.

I have enjoyed taking this journey with you. And should you choose to create another crossover trilogy in the future, I'll be there.

Until then, be well! :ajsmug::raritystarry::yay::rainbowdetermined2::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I could write paragraphs about why this was lots of fun to read and why such writing inspired me to try and add to your universe of stories, but it all sums up to you being an excellent writer! :-D Thanks for the story!

With any luck, the first two chapters of The Apple doesn't Fall Far from Home should be up tomorrow, and I hope you like it JD!

The story ends...for now, and an era ends. This was an amazing trilogy, a pity that you will be ending it. But lets hope for the future there will be more, but...as Always...Crystonian out for the last time on this story. I can't wait to see this universe expand in the future, if that's around... : )

What a way to end a story. Amazing work!

I wonder what is the synopsis and who will be the main characters (on MLP side).

10264173 Thanks for dropping by again. :twilightsmile:

10264205 Thank you so much for reading! :pinkiehappy:

10264216 :heart:

10264217 I do like me some Lord of the Rings! :moustache:

10264231 This story ties into Ragnarok. :pinkiesmile:

10264262 A teaser to FolkloreBrony's story. :raritywink:

10264304 Keep in touch with FolkloreBrony on that multiverse story. :ajsmug:

10264405 It certainly was a fun ride. Thanks for being a part of it. :pinkiesad2:

10264440 I could never manage that many chapters haha. Thank you! :rainbowdetermined2:

10264453 :yay:

10264571 Thanks for sticking around all this time, edCOM! Always appreciate it! :moustache:

10264589 Nothing else needed. :coolphoto:

10264749 Gonna get me teary-eyed. :raritycry: Thank you!

10264829 Maybe a Godzilla one in the future? :ajsmug:

10264931 The strongest note I could make. Thanks for sticking around and reading! :twilightsmile:

10265208 Thanks for the review! Appreciate all of your support! :pinkiehappy:

10265233 Good luck... :pinkiecrazy: and have fun!

10265235 Thank you so much for your outstanding support! Couldn't have done it without all of ya! :heart:


10265250 A fitting end. :scootangel:

10265254 Sense of Humor has already added to this universe. Check out his newest story. :ajsmug:

10265293 Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you one and all! Love you 3,000!

I'd have liked a story with Twilight taking Peter's class for a tour of Equestria, while Mysterio did his elemental things in Equestria.


Oh, I am all in favor for that! That story has a lot of potential, and in JD's hands, it could be even more epic than the Extended Editions of all three movies!

"Fellowship is magic" actually covers the events of the first film and reached the part at Edoras in the events of the second one, but the author then lost the drive. It was very good.

At last, the story is finished.

And God help me, I have to read it all for my channel.

Also, where can I find the credits?

10266902 “Infinity Era Credits” is a clickable link.


On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll give a 15... for totally annoying trash comment.


Hey man when’s the endgame poster it better be the one with dead heroes in the bottom 🤩 that one I loved

Whatever. The story is finished. i haven't changed anything in said story with my opinion.

Gonna get me teary-eyed. :raritycry: Thank you!

JD liked my comment, so your addition means nothing anymore.

I don't give a damn, little soy.

Means nothing, my butt.

The Infinity Era credits is busted. I clicked on the link and all I got was an error 404.


Hey man did wasp any chance to meet the ponies or did they heard about her from ant man 🤔

10284785 I’m sure they all met after the battle.


Did Celestia and the other rulers go to Thor’s funeral too

Aight people, sorry for extreme late-itude but I've just moved out both literally and from the fandom (only for a month and little more for the latter) so I didn't get to see the ending "live" And I totally didn't get fully engaged in How To Train Your Dragon in the meantime, not at all ! Sorry about that again !

Anyway, I would and should probably make a big-ass review of the story right now since it's the end of one big journey and well, you'll see for yourself since I've got no idea how long this comment will be but I promise nothing.

So, this story (and its prequels to a certain extent), gosh where do I start, there was so much stuff I don't even know where to begin. Alright, since I like to end on positive notes, lets begin with the negatives:
1-While I don't mind reading at all (I mean, why would I even be here otherwise ?) I feel like the story could have been shorter, not saying some chapters were useless or anything because I personally think it's false but I think there was too much stuff in general, yes the "gigantic crossover" thing is absolutely magnificent, it's like a childhood dream come true with all your favorite heroes fighting together after all ! But sadly it has the problem that, unlike childhood dreams, it needs character development and this character development, if you want to do it well, takes time. So I guess my point is that you are victim of your own talent, you made the characters so numerous and developed that the story became "cluttered" by them.
2-Speaking of cluttered, it's easy to get lost in the plot, this point joins my first one in that there is so much stuff that you can easily miss out some details or forget them, sometimes even important ones.
3-("Bonus" since it's a personal thing that other people might not have) Some characters are not has important has others and some things are kinda "obscure". Has a person that didn't watch a single Marvel series or read a single comic book, some characters (IE: agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) I found myself hard to relate to or even appreciate due to not knowing anything about them, don't get me wrong, you did a great job at explaining the basics of said characters but when you don't have any prior experience with the characters, it's hard to get emotionally attached to them like I'd do to others like Tony that I know well because of many movies and all that jazz. For example, when Daisy (I think it was her) died, yes I was kinda sad but I didn't feel much for her except that she was a good guy and good guys dying is sad. Directly related are some of the comics stuff you put in the chapters, that happened only on a handful of occasions so you can practically ignore that but, again, has someone who has not read a single comics or watched a single series, some things like "The Void" (I think it was that) are totally obscure things to me (pun intended), further increasing the feeling of "clutter" that I talked about earlier.

Now that I have said what I thought were the negatives of this fic (there might be other minor things but they are too small to be stated IMO, or I just forgot about them), let's talk about the good parts and where I had trouble finding negatives, there are so many good points that I just can't state them all so if it appears the good/bad ratio is low, it's just because I am too lazy/forgot about some good points.
1-EPICNESS ! So much epicness ! Has said earlier, this story is probably the closest I'll get while alive to a movie where all my fictional heroes are together and that by itself is great !
2-Original ! While you stayed in the VERY big lines of the movie, you took liberties that worked very well, often even better than what the movie did, you fully took advantage of the fact that writing takes less money/time to put in action than movies and used that to your advantage to add so much stuff, has said in the negatives, this is a double edged sword yes, but it doesn't change the fact that this is still a good point !
3-Character development ! Kinda related to the earlier point but you developed those characters in such a way that a single movie could only dream of doing, you used writing has a media to its full extent to give each character a detailed personality and all that comes with it and THAT is something only a few can do well and even fewer can do has good has you.
4-Writing ! The writing itself is great, wording and all that, just magnificent, really makes us feel what is happening ! Even a novice reader (which I myself am to a certain extent) will have no problem getting immersed in the story. And to further accentuate this, there barely were any faults in the WHOLE THING ! A 200 chapters story and there's only a handful of faults, that's professional work right there !

5-EVERYTHING ! The story has a whole just has this aura that is great and makes you want to read it ! It might not be perfect but DAMN it tried its hardest to be ! Thank you for this awesome trilogy, it might not have brought me the emotion of some of my favorite movies cough How to Train Your Dragon 3, WALL-E cough or the laughter of a comedy movie or the fear of an horror movie but I'll be a damn liar if I didn't say that it's the most involved I ever was in a written story, and that alone makes you a more than talented writter, if I wasn't broke has f*ck I'll donate to you (if you even have somewhere to accept those that is).
This Story and its prequels were sometimes the only reason I stayed active in the fandom, just shows how good it is. All around, I just want to thank you and congratulate you for the amazing work you did for years now and the stories you brought to not only me, but a lot of people, you might not have a very big community, but you can be damn sure that whatever thing you plan on doing next, we'll follow you with it. This might be the end of a chapter for you but you can be damn sure it's not the end of the book !

Thank you for ALL your work and dedication !

Gosh I hope that didn't sound cringy

10293226 Thanks for the review! Appreciate all the love, Dino! :twilightsmile:

RIP Stan you will be missed.

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