• Published 3rd Jun 2018
  • 1,964 Views, 83 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Avengers Assemble - Masterob

With more superheroes in Equestria, plus other worlds, thing might get even more chaotic. The adventures of the Elements and Marvel Heroes continues.

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Love of Science

Peter had gone to his lab the following day, working on some newer designs and hoping to upgrade the ones he has now. He's currently working on a way to adjust gravity, make it really light or really heavy. It was small but something that had peaked his interest.

Mayday was also in the lab, working on some communicators. She had saw the ones that Chun Li had and desired some for herself, hoping to make something even greater. She hopes to go to Capcom one day and see all their technology, maybe even get to know more about Mega Man.

"Peter! Mayday! Food's ready!" Twilight called to them.

"Be there in a minute!" Peter called back, then turned to Mayday. "Lunch time May, better hurry before it's all gone."
"Soon daddy, I'm still trying to figure out some of the mechanics behind this device, I wish Miss Chun Li were here to explain," Mayday said.

"I doubt she'd know, she doesn't make them, you'd have to ask Mega Man or something," Peter said.

Mayday groaned, "Such great technology, yet so complicated. But sometimes the harder the project, the more satisfying the completion feels."

"That's my little scientist," Peter said, ruffling her mane. "But you still need food, you can figure it out later but not on an empty stomach."

Mayday nodded, "You're right daddy. Hey when can I go to Capcom? Or your world?"

"Soon, keep in mind that in those worlds you'll lose your pony form and have to adapt to being a human. It was tough on your mom and Auntie Luna, just like it was tough for me to adjust to being a pony," Peter reminded.

"How come you can't stay as you are?" Mayday asked.

Peter shrugged, "I don't know how it works, this world is pretty special if it's the only one where your appearance changes. Even some in my world aren't like that, and I don't think it applies in other worlds."

"How many other worlds are there?" Mayday asked.

"I honestly don't know, the ones we know now are probably just a few, there's probably hundreds or thousands of different worlds out there for all I know, even some of the Capcom Fighters have told me there's worlds I haven't heard of yet, because they've been there," Peter said.

"Oh...also why do they like to fight? Mom says fighting isn't the best thing, even Princess Celestia and Auntie Luna have said the same thing," Mayday said.

"It's just different in their world, according to Ryu, it's in their nature to be competitive, they don't understand it themselves really," Peter said.

"Oh, so it's just how they are?" Mayday then looked up. "I wonder if the other worlds are like that."

"Probably depends," Peter said. "But I guess in time we'll both find out."

Mayday nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Peter! Mayday! Hurry up!" Twilight called. "The food's either gonna get cold or end up in Spike's stomach!"

Peter gestured upstairs, "Let's hurry."

Mayday nodded and followed her dad upstairs.

In the kitchen, Twilight had just finished preparing the food to her family. She noticed that everyone was eating, except Spike, much to her surprise. He looked to be in thought about something. "Hey Spike, is there something wrong with the food?"

Spike shook his head as he stared at the food he barely touched, "No, it's fine..."

Janet patted his back gently while speaking to Twilight. "He's just thinking about what that Dragon Lord asked about the training, it's weighing a lot on Spike."

"Huh? I thought Spike wanted to do that? Is he having second thoughts?" Twilight asked.

"Sorta," Spike admitted. "Getting strong would be nice, but what if I'm too weak? What if I end up wasting my time and everything will be for nothing?"

"You won't know unless you try, otherwise you'll spend your life wondering," Twilight said.

"Yeah, you won't get stronger if you don't try at all, not that I care if you're strong or not, but if it's important to you, go for it," Janet said.

"What if I don't get to see you as often? I'm gonna miss you, and Hope, and the rest of our family?" Spike asked.

"I'm sure you'll be able to come by once in a while, if not I'll go see you," Janet said, then got in to nuzzle against his cheek. "It's your choice if you want to do it or not, but don't let us be the reason, you can decide for yourself, and I promise to support you in whatever choice you make."

Spike nuzzled back a bit, pressing his face against her cheek. "Thanks Jan." He departed from her face with a quick but loving kiss to her cheek. "Maybe I'll do it, I don't have much to lose after all. I think"

"Just think of it this way, you have a chance to be stronger than Garble," Janet said. "He won't be pushing you around anymore."

"I would like to show Garble just how strong I am, plus get back at him for what he said about our daughter," Spike said, clenching his fists.

"Maybe you'll even get to join The Avengers and fight alongside me even more," Janet said. "We'll be the best husband-wife duo in all of Equestria!"

"Pretty sure that's already taken by Peter and Twilight," Spike said, gesturing to the two. Peter held Twilight close and flashed a cocky smile.

"I think we can do better," Janet said, much to Peter and Twilight's annoyance.

"It's not a competition," Twilight said.

"Then you won't mind if we dethrone you," Janet said with a toothy grin.

Trixie rolled her eyes, "I thought everyone from Capcom went home."

"Hey, Marvel can be competitive too!" Janet said.

"Let's not dwell on this, I just want Spike to know that I also believe in him," Twilight said.

"Same here, I think he's got it," Peter said.

"Don't be afraid to try Uncle Spike, we'll love you even if you don't become stronger," Mayday said. "Not that you won't."

"Thanks everypony," Spike said. "Like I said, I'll give it my best."

"That's good to hear," Peter said. "Don't give up on this."

A moment later some knocking was heard on the door.

"I'll get it," Twilight said. Upon answering the door, she was surprised to see the Co-Captain of The Wonderbolts. "Soarin? What brings you here?"

Soarin waved, "Sup Princess, I need to speak with your husband, he around?"

Twilight called into the house, "Peter! It's for you!"

Peter arrived at the door, noticing the Wonderbolt, "Soarin? This is a surprise."

"Sup Spider-Dude, Mr. Stark asked me to come here, he needs you in his office as soon as you can, and to bring some stuff you've been working on or something," Soarin said.

"Stark needs to see me? What for?" Peter asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me, he just told me to get here as soon as possible," Soarin said.

"No problem, I'll be there soon, let me grab my stuff," Peter said, going to his lab.

After he left, Twilight looked curiously at Soarin, "Any reason Mr. Stark sent you? I thought that Spitfire would wanna come since she's...well more of a fan of Peter."

"Spitfire actually sent me to Stark's place, I needed to get this Firework machine that he was working on. Then he asked me to come here to get your husband, which I don't get because I'm not a messenger boy, but if I complained I know Spitfire would have given me an ear full, so I just put up with it," Soarin said.

Twilight pitied the Wonderbolt, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to come in and sit down a moment? I can get you a snack, I'd hate for you to feel like you were flying around for little reward."

Soarin shook his head, "That's fine, I appreciate the offer but Stark really needs to see Spider-Mane, so I have to make sure he gets there before I can get that machine."

"Well how about a drink for the road?" Twilight asked.

Soarin shrugged, "Eh, why not?"

Minutes later, Peter had come back upstairs with a backpack full of his tech, "Alright then, I'm ready to leave."

Soarin had his bottle of lemonade that Twilight had made him, "Alright then, let's hurry, Mr. Stark really needs to see you."

Before Peter could leave, Mayday rushed over to him. "Hey daddy, can I come?"

Peter shook his head, "No, it's business between me and Mr. Stark, besides aren't you gonna tutor the Cakes again?"

"That's later on, besides it's not as exciting as I thought, Pumpkin always looks bored and annoyed, Pound keeps giving me this silly look and it seems like he's thinking about something else. Besides I really wanna see what Mr. Stark is doing," Mayday said.

"Mr. Stark says he doesn't mind if your daughter comes, he actually expects that," Soarin said.

"See, even Mr. Stark says I must be there, it's fate daddy, fate!" Mayday said, causing Peter to roll his eyes and shake his head. His daughter was too adorable sometimes.

"Go ask your mom," Peter said.

Mayday squeed and hugged Peter, "You're the best daddy!" She flew off into the kitchen, calling for her mom.

"I gotta admit, she's a very adorable kid, plus she's really eager to learn this stuff," Soarin said.

"Yeah, she gets that from her mom, always so eager and wanting to expand her intellect, she's gonna be a great scientist one day," Peter said.

"Oh, she's not gonna be a superhero like you?" Soarin asked.

Peter shook his head, "I don't want her to be, I'm not gonna encourage my daughter to do what I do, if something happened to her I could never forgive myself."

Soarin nodded, "I get you bro, if I had a kid I wouldn't want them to be a Superhero either, sounds like a lot of work." Soarin had a realization. "Wow, for the first time I could relate to you, for once I don't feel envious."

Peter scratched his head, "Why would you feel envious? You're a Wonderbolt, I'm sure you have a lot of ponies that idolize you."

Soarin sadly shook his head. "I used to, then you came along and suddenly you're the most popular stallion. Now with your friend Johnny in our team nopony really cares much for me anymore."

"Sorry to hear that dude," Peter said. "I know how much it sucks to do so much and get so little recognition. I wasn't always the most popular guy, even with superpowers."

"Didn't think we'd relate so much." Soarin said. "Not that it matters to much for me, I still get to be a Wonderbolt and do what I love, I just kinda wish I could still be an inspiration to others. It's such a nice feeling to know you helped somepony feel great about themselves."

"Hey for what it's worth, Rainbow Dash was inspired by you, well you and Spitfire but still," Peter said.

"Yeah she told me, at least I helped inspire our greatest new star," Soarin said, then smiled a bit. "I'll take pride in that at least, besides I really shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself, it's not like I'm completely useless."

"That's the spirit, just be yourself, who knows, maybe you'll even inspire my daughter, maybe she'll wanna be a Wonderbolt instead," Peter said.

"Speaking of which, here she comes now," Soarin said, pointing to a grinning Mayday.

"She said I could go, but I have to be back in time to tutor the Cakes, because 'I must fulfil my obligation to up and coming minds' or something like that," Mayday complained.

"Mayday...I heard that!" Twilight called from the kitchen, worrying the young filly.

"Let's just hurry," Mayday said.

"Wait, how are you gonna get there though?" Soarin asked.

"Oh...I forgot," Peter said and rubbed his chin. "I guess I could just take a train."

"Daddy can't you just use your webs? Or run?" Mayday asked.

"What about you?" Peter reminded.

Soarin had an idea, "Uh I can carry her on my back if that's ok with you, I won't go too fast."

"Hey don't mind me, go as fast as you can!" Mayday encouraged.

"No Mayday, listen to Soarin," Peter said and turned to the Wonderbolt. "That would be nice if you could carry Mayday, but I doubt you can carry me too."

"Not on my back, but you can use your webbing to latch on to my hind hooves, then I can fly you over there," Soarin said.

Peter looked interested, "Sounds like a good idea, alright, let's try it."

With that, Mayday got on Soarin's back and he flew up. Peter then webbed to Soarin's back hooves and with that, Soarin flew off, the filly still on his back and Peter latched on, flying like a kite.

"Whoa, this is kinda cool!" Peter said.

"This is fun!" Mayday said, flailing her arms.

Soarin looked behind, "You gotta hold on tight to me kid, also let me know if it's too fast, I'll slow down."

"Hey you said you're in a hurry, so don't mind me," Mayday said.

"Mayday, remember what we said! Listen to his instructions or you're going back home!" Peter warned.

Mayday groaned, "Fine daddy." Mayday held onto Soarin tightly. "This speed's fine Mr. Soarin."

"Alright, good, now to Stark Enterprises!" Soarin said, flying off at moderate speed.

Later in Tony Stark's building, he's looking through a lot of files while on a phone call, basically a typical day for him.
"I know things have been busy lately Pepper, but that's why I pay you what I do, so you can get the job done on time!" Stark said.

"Really, I've always been under the impression you paid me enough so I can stay around and you have something pleasant to look at," Pepper said over the phone. This phone is able to communicate through dimensions, something Stark came up with recently with a little help from Peter.

"Haha, real cute Pepper, in case you haven't noticed, you're not even in the same building I am right now, we're not even in the same world so don't even try that with me," Tony said, a bit aggravated.

"Yeah, I forgot I'm talking with Pony Stark," Pepper joked.

Stark groaned, "These nicknames are NOT funny, now can you please hurry and get this done! I got Peter Parker coming over soon and I want things to keep running smoothly!"

"Wow you're bossy today," Pepper joked.

"Well considering that I actually am a boss then I think I sound how I should!" Stark shouted.

Pepper chuckled, "You're so fun to annoy, anyway I'll get back to work, Mr. Boss."

With that, Pepper had ended her call while Stark groaned loudly. "That girl sometimes, why does she have to be as charming as she is sassy!?"

Coco Pommel had approached him, "Mr. Stark, Peter Parker's here, he brought his daughter as well."

"Good, thanks for telling me Coco," Stark said and went to meet with Peter. He saw Peter near his office, still talking a bit with Soarin, Mayday near them, listening to their conversation.

"Peter, good to see you, and your daughter too," Stark said.

Soarin waved, "Got them like you wanted to Mr. Stark."

"Yeah that's nice, you can return to Spitfire, I gotta talk with Peter a bit. If you need the Fireworks machine, go talk to Coco," Stark said, barely paying any mind to Soarin.

Feeling dejected, Soarin trotted off, but not before Mayday called out to him. "Thank you Soarin, you're the best!"

Soarin felt a little better, he turned back to wave at Mayday, "No problem!"

After he left, Stark talked a little with Peter, "So Peter, how are those plans coming along?"

"Pretty nicely, even Mayday's been looking it over," Peter said.

"There's a few kinks to work out, but it shouldn't take more than one more day, two at most," Mayday said.

Stark rubbed her mane, "Smart girl, you're gonna be working for me one day, with your own private lab."

Mayday grinned widely, "Do you really mean that Mr. Stark!?"

"You keep helping your daddy like this, and it's a guarantee," Stark said with an encouraging smile.

Mayday hopped in place a bit, "It's a promise Mr. Stark!"

Stark and Peter chuckled at Mayday's enthusiasm.

"She's got a gift, and the passion to go with it, nurture it Peter," Stark said.

"You bet, now let's get to business shall we?" Peter said, he and Mayday following Stark into his office.

Meanwhile on Marvel Earth, Pepper is busy trying to get the data that Tony needs. She had gone to Rhodey's office, where he was taking some calls.

"Rhodey, you have the papers?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, give me a moment, I gotta-" Rhodey stopped when he heard something destructive. "What was that?"

They had gone to investigate the sound and to their surprise, they encountered one of Spider-Man's foes.

"Is that Rhino!?" Rhodey asked.

Rhino had charged into the place, destroying everything in his path. Rhodey turned to Pepper, "Give me a moment!" He then ran to another room to grab his armor. He came back a moment later, ready for a fight. "Alright, time to handle this garbage!" Rhodey, as War Machine, approached Rhino, getting the attention of the villain. "Unless you have an appointment I suggest you take a hike!"

Rhino took a stance, "You don't intimidate me you second-rate Iron Man!" He then charged at Rhodey, though he was caught very easily and tossed aside.

"This 'Second-Rate' Iron Man is already more than a match for you," Rhodey taunted.

Suddenly he noticed a tail coming at him, so he quickly dodged out the way. "Scorpion!"

Scorpion got into a stance, "Think you can handle me!?"

"Is this even a challenge?" Rhodey said, blasting Scorpion back. "Seriously are these guys getting that desperate to be relevant? They're way out of their league here."

Suddenly he was punched by a hammer of sand. "Don't get cocky War Machine!"

Rhodey looked up and saw another enemy of Spider-Man, Sandman. "What's with Parker's enemies showing up?"

A puff of smoke appeared briefly, and when it went away, there stood the master of illusions, Mysterio.

"That's a good question, the answer is simple, we're all after Spider-Man, and we heard this place has a portal to the world he's hiding in. Now stand aside," Mysterio said.

Rhodey shook his head, "As if."

As Rhodey fought them off, a man snuck his way through the building while everyone was distracted by the fight. He went to another secret room, a room very few knew about. Moments later, a big Iron Suit came flying through the window, the man stepping inside as the suit's eyes glowed, ready for a fight.

"Brace yourself Stark, when this is over, I'll be the one running this business." He then called out, "Alright you freak of nature, open the portal!"

"Say please," Discord's voice said.

"Just hurry!" the man shouted.

"Fine, fine," Discord said, then turned to Shocker and Sonata. "Amazing who I have to deal with."

Sonata giggled while Shocker groaned in annoyance as Discord opened the portal.

The man then went through the portal, flying across Equestria to find the man, or stallion, he wants to battle with.

Author's Note:

A new arc begins, The Avengers will encounter their enemies.