• Published 3rd Jun 2018
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Spiders and Magic: Avengers Assemble - Masterob

With more superheroes in Equestria, plus other worlds, thing might get even more chaotic. The adventures of the Elements and Marvel Heroes continues.

  • ...

Sinister Growth

The Aftermath of the failed Peace Treaty was not a particularly great event for anypony who had been involved. What should have been peace between two kingdoms was now on the brim of war, and all Peter could wonder was who caused the attack.

The Capcom Fighters denied their involvement, and Peter did want to believe them, as he couldn't really think of a reason why they would mess this up. But guns aren't really a thing in Equestria, and whoever did this had access to them, but it might have also been likely to be someone from Marvel, though aside from maybe S.H.I.E.L.D., Peter can't figure out who would come and do such a thing and why either, unless there's something else Celestia is hiding.

Unfortunately there were no real leads as to who could have disrupted the peace treaty, the one person Cap attempted to trail had disappeared into a portal, with no real idea where that person could be heading.

Some Changelings stayed behind, be it injury or wanting to stay near their comrades, Thorax being one of them. The poor creature felt worry and uncertainty, while he hoped to befriend the ponies, it seems like that might be an impossible goal, whoever disrupted this clearly did not want the Changelings as friends, and it looks like not even Spider-Man's influence can change that.

With nothing left to do in Canterlot, Peter, Twilight and the other residents of Ponyville took the next train home, the spider with a lot on his mind now.

"Well this is just great," Peter lamented. "Guess we were not meant to befriend The Changelings. Looks like that invasion is gonna happen soon."

"Let's not give into despair just yet," Twilight said. "I mean there's still the chance that Thorax can appeal to the other Changelings back in Canterlot."

"I doubt it, I mean they either got shot or blasted with magic, they might not feel so friendly after that," Peter said. "All my planning to avoid that Dystopian Future and we aren't any closer to preventing that."

"Dude, seriously?" Johnny said, getting Peter's attention. "First of that future only happened because you 'died', you're obviously not dead. Second, in that timeline, none of us were here in Equestria, but we are now, thanks to Twilight."

"Yeah, so Twilight may have already prevented that future just by having us here," Bobby said.

"Not to mention that since we all know, we won't get taken by surprise," Applejack pointed out. "Ah think we'll be fine Peter."

"That's really great and all, but I still would have liked to befriend The Changelings," Peter said. "Plus it would prevent unneeded conflict, it benefits both Kingdoms."

"We'll talk to Thorax later, he still seems to be on board with the idea at least," Twilight suggested.

"It was nice to know that not all Changelings are evil," Rarity said. "Thorax really does seem like a dear."

"Plus he might not be the only one who feels that way," Scott brought up. "Granted he was the only one fully on board but who's to say other Changelings don't secretly feel the same way?"

"The Queen's influence might prevent them bugs from speaking their mind," Gambit theorized.

"That's actually a fairly reasonable reason," Twilight said. "Their loyalty to their Queen might outweigh their reasoning, with them being more concerned about pleasing her rather than voicing their own concerns."

"Plus they probably care a lot about her," Peter said. "She does feed them, she's also basically like a mother to them."

"If she raised them from birth, then there's no question that they'll do just about anything for her," Logan pointed out.

"That's why I wanted her to sign the treaty," Peter said. "If anyone could help shift the Changelings to a better future, that would have been Chrysalis. But now there's almost no chance of that happening because she probably thinks we baited her into a trap."

"Speaking of which, we need to figure out who started that ambush," Twilight said.

"Yeah, I'd like to know myself," Peter said, somewhat bitterly. "Whoever caused this might have just led Equestria into war."

"Who knew about all this?" Remy asked. "Who have you told about this plan?"

"I told Princess Celestia and she at least told The Avengers," Peter explained. "I can't say for sure if they told anyone else. Thing is, none of The Avengers really use firearms."

"Black Widow does," Bobby said. "And don't forget what other group she's apart of."

"You mean S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Peter asked. "You think Fury might have sent some guys to take down Chrysalis?"

"I wouldn't put it past him," Logan said. "Especially if he somehow found out about this Dystopian Future that was suppose to pan out."

"Uh, with all due respect to Fury, why would he really care what happens?" Peter asked. "Not like he's particularly close to anyone in Equestria."

"I think I might know why," Janet said. "If he knew about the impending war, he might have thought it could spread to Earth, so he took measures to prevent that."

"That idea seems steep, even for Fury," Logan said.

"Come on Logan, this guy led a secretive assault on Latveria, this doesn't seem too out of his realm," Janet said.

"Might have to agree with Janet on that one," Johnny said. "Fury's pretty damn paranoid, he might have sent a squad of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to take own Chrysalis before she became a problem on Earth."

"I don't think Cap would have told Fury though, he knows better than anyone how paranoid he would be," Peter said.

"Think it was a Capcom team?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Chun-Li said she didn't send anyone, same with Chris and Spencer," Peter said. "The thing is, whoever did this knew how to properly move around as a pony too, there's no way a new squad would have moved around like that without some practice and I doubt anyone would have been able to get a squad over here for practice."

"Yeah, whoever did this must have had some experience already, but the question is, who could have pulled it off?" Twilight wondered.

"Hey, Logan," Fluttershy said, whispering to her husband. "You don't think Leon had anything to do with this, do you?"

Logan's eyes widened in realization, his wife had a great point. Leon knew about this, Logan now wonders what if he tried preventing the Changeling war in his own way. He knew what needed to be done now.

The train stopped in Ponyville not too much longer after, everyone getting off and being greeted by The Brotherhood, all of them curious about how things went. Not just them, Trixie, Mayday, Lighting Dust and Laura were gathered around.

"So, did you get the Changelings to sign the treaty?" Wanda asked.

"I take it from the lack of fighting that this must have been a success," Trixie interjected. "So was it?"

"Are we getting any new friends?" Mayday asked.

Everyone started asking questions all at once, so Peter had to shout over them, "Cool it everyone!" They all began to quiet down as Peter started to explain himself. "First off, the plan was not a success, sorry to say."

"It wasn't!?" Trixie asked. "Oh great, so my death is inevitable!"

"It's not, I'm not going to let that happen," Peter reassured. "There was an unfortunate commotion during the signing, and well things might have been made worse."

"This isn't helping much Parker!" Laura said. "It does sound like everyone's gonna die soon!"

"No one's gonna die!" Peter insisted. "Not if I can help it!"

"We're working on a way to fix this, but for now The Changelings might not be of immediate danger to any of us," Twilight said. "Chrysalis...was badly injured from an ambush somepony set up."

"Wait, there was an ambush?" Lightning Dust asked. "What type of ambush?"

"A group of unknown ponies attempted to kill Chrysalis," Peter said. "The weird thing is, they used guns, not really a thing in Equestria."

"That is kind of weird," Laura said. "It wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D. was it?"

"That's what we all thought at first, but we're fairly confident it wasn't," Peter said.

"What about the Capcom warriors, were they there?" Trixie asked. "Think they could have done that if they were?"

"Capcom was present, but they didn't do anything to attack," Twilight said.

"Or so they claim," Scott said. "The more I think about it, what if this was set up by them?"

"I don't want to start doubting them," Peter said. "They said they had no idea so I'd like to believe them."

"But it had to be trained people who can move like ponies, if it wasn't Marvel it had to be Capcom," Scott said.

"Let's not jump to conclusions, Chun-Li did say she would be willing to look into this, it's best that we show her complete trust," Twilight said.

"I'm going back to Canterlot later to check on things, including some of the Changelings," Peter said. "With any luck, we can probably still get a few on our side."

"Mind if I join Peter?" Logan asked. "You could use the back-up."

"I can come as well, help nurse a few Changelings to health," Fluttershy said.

"The more the merrier," Peter said. "We'll salvage this peace treaty someway or another."

Meanwhile the Changelings that escaped had flown far away from the city of Canterlot, stopping briefly to catch their breath and to tend to the queen's wounds.

"Damn Spider-Mane, I should have known this was a trap," Chrysalis said, looking over her wounds. She would be fine, she has a tough exterior, but the fact that they would even are try this irked her.

"We'll get our revenge soon my queen, Spider-Mane will regret making enemies with The Changelings!" Pharynx said.

"That he will my dear Pharynx, however due to this ambush we have been left with fewer Changelings, likely some have been left behind, either imprisoned by Celestia or simply perished," Chrysalis said. "Oh there will be a hefty price to pay regardless, no one attacks me or my subjects with no consequence."

"Sounds like you want revenge," Chrysalis heard. Snapping into view was Discord, "Hello Chryssie."

"Oh it's you Discord, what do you want?" Chrysalis asked.

"Now, now, is that any way to greet an old chum?" Discord teased. "But I'll get to the point, it looks like you were in quite the pickle earlier, what with this big ambush at Canterlot, just when Spider-Mane wanted to 'make peace'."

"Wow, quite the observant one aren't you?" Chrysalis said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm just saying that if you want revenge, I think I can help you with that," Discord offered.

"How exactly?" Chrysalis asked, little pessimistic about what Discord had to offer.

"Why it's simple, see your enemy is Spider-Mane, correct?" Discord asked, poofing in a pointy pony Peter. "But he has a team of ponies to help him," Discord said, poofing in pointy pony versions of The Mane 6, along with Shining Armor, Cadance, Trixie, Luna, Celestia and Sunset Shimmer. "That's just the Equestrian Team, now let's factor in his Marvel friends." Discord poofed in pointy pony versions of Johnny, Logan, Bobby, Remy, Deadpool, Wanda, Cap and Stark. "To make things worse, he has his Capcom buddies." He poofed in pointy pony versions of Ryu, Chris, Dante, Spencer and Chun-Li. "See where I'm getting at?"

"Not really, what's the point to all this?" Chrysalis asked. "That he has an army? So do I!"

"'Not just an army, he has friends," Discord said, using his pointy ponies again to illustrate a point. "Your Changelings are essentially the Equivalent of Celestia's Army, and there aren't as many of your Changelings now." He illustrated the possibility of Chrysalis losing due to not only the soldiers, but Peter's friends and allies. "If you want revenge, you'll need allies to combat Spider-Mane's."

"Like you?" Chrysalis asked.

"Oh, not just me," Discord said, using his illustrations to show off many of his villainous allies. "Others. There are more who hate Spider-Mane as well, and while I had already assembled a group to help, the more friends Spider-Mane brings over, the more I need to expand. I've recruited a few allies from the Marvel world but I could use a few more from Equestria itself." Discord held his talon out, "What do you say Queen?"

"Hm...I'd like to see just whom I will be working with before I make a deal," Chrysalis said.

"Fair enough, come with me," Discord said, snapping himself, Chrysalis, Pharynx and the Changelings into the depths of Tartarus. Chrysalis looked around and found herself surrounded by many foul beasts walking about.

"What is this!?" Chrysalis asked.

"Our base," Discord said, then called out. "We have company!"

Stepping into view first were the Marvel villains, whom Discord introduced, "I'd like for you to meet four of Spider-Mane's sworn enemies, Norman Obsborn, better known as The Green Goblin, Max Dillion, or Electro, Herman Shultz, or Shocker, and last but not least, Quentin Beck, Mysterio. In addition I'd like for you to also meet Annihilus, the leader of The Negative Zone, and sworn enemy of The Fantastic Four. You might have seen one of them, he has a fiery looking mane and the 4 Logo on his super suit."

"Possibly," Chrysalis said, trying to remember.

"Do well to learn more about Spider-Mane's friends, that can lead to his downfall," Discord said.

"She's joining out group?" Electro asked.

"Possibly, right now we're negotiating," Discord said. "Oh, Chrysalis, did I tell you that Norman there nearly took over the multiverse?"

"I did hear of a creature who could do that, I seem to remember him broadcasting his battle in the other realm all across Equestria," Chrysalis said.

"Yeah, he's quite amazing...even if he did briefly steal my powers," Discord said.

"Hey you're still choosing to side with me," Goblin said.

"All in good fun," Discord insisted.

Mysterio trotted over to Chrysalis, examining her and her allies, "What can you even do?"

Chrysalis then transformed into Mysterio, surprising the magician, "This answer your question?"

"So she's like a Skrull?" Electro asked. "I guess that's good to have on our side since we don't have any Skrulls at all."

"Maybe we can try to find Super Skrull sometime soon, he'd make a great ally, not just from his shapeshifting powers," Goblin said.

"Oooh, I like how you think Norman, this time at least," Discord said. "Well time to meet the Equestrian allies."

Three Sirens came into view, along with a hooded creature, "Chrysalis, meet the Dazzlings, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk."

"We're Sirens, so we're not too different from you and your Changelings," Adagio said. "We just feed on Negative Emotions rather than positive ones."

"Huh, didn't think there were any Sirens left in Equestria, I heard Starswirl and his Pillars banished them all," Chrysalis said, analyzing the three.

"He did, but well, we're back now, and we want payback," Adagio said.

Chrysalis turned her attention to the one in the hood, "And who might you be?"

"I..." he lifted his hood back, "Am Lord Tirek."

"Lord Tirek?" Chrysalis asked. "So, you are still alive."

"One Thousand Years, trapped in this infernal place," Tirek said. "My time for revenge is forthcoming."

Chrysalis turned to Discord, looking somewhat impressed, "This is quite the team you've assembled, would they be enough to combat Spider-Mane and his friends though?"

"It may or may not be enough, that's why I'm still actively recruiting," Discord said. "There's another who might join us, he came here during the Capcom Invasion, but I'm afraid he isn't very social right now."

"He's been through a lot, you know, coming back from the dead," Adagio said.

"Hey I came back too and I'm fine," Shocker said.

"You weren't actually dead, you were barely alive when you came here though," Discord said. "Vega was dead, then Celestia revived him and left him with a scar, so he's a bit moody about that."

"Celestia revived somepony just to leave them in here?" Chrysalis asked. "With a scar no less?"

"Kind of cruel when you think about it," Adagio said. "Some all loving Princess."

"I mean he did wreak havoc, though I do enjoy chaos so I can't fully side against him," Discord said. "But even if he doesn't join us, we still have other Capcom allies." Discord brought out his Crystal Ball, enlarged enough for everyone to see. "Wesker...oh Wesker! My dear boy Wesker, where are you?"

There was no response, much to everyone's confusion, especially Chrysalis. "Wesker?"

"He led the Invasion with help from Doctor Doom of the Marvel world," Discord said, then tried again. "Wesker! Are you-"

"What is it Discord!" Vergil's voice called.

"Oh, it's you Vergil. Well this is quite a surprise, where's Wesker?" Discord asked.

"He's busy, why are you trying to summon us!?" Vergil asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to introduce him to Queen Chrysalis, I'm trying to get her as an ally for our big Invasion plan," Discord explained. "Say what is Wesker up to anyway?"

"That's for us to know," Vergil said. "Now who is this woman?"

"Why she's right there," Discord said, turning his ball toward Chrysalis.

"So, is this a human?" Chrysalis asked.

"Technically I'm only half human, but my appearance is in fact human so that is a logical conclusion to go to," Vergil explained. "Who are you anyway? Discord introduced you as a Queen."

"That I am, I am Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis," the mare introduced.

"Changelings, I have heard of your species before," Vergil said. "I take it you are enemies of Twilight Sparkle and her bothersome friends."

"I desire vengeance against her and her husband for their ambush against me, they wanted me gone and took desperate steps for that," Chrysalis said.

"Spider-Man tried to have you killed?" Vergil asked. "That's unusual, I thought he was too righteous to do anything like that, perhaps his battle against Vega changed him. Wesker will be interested to know this."

"Vergil! Where are you!?" Tron's voice called.

"Over here Tron, I'm taking a call for Wesker, it's Discord," Vergil said.

"Who?" Tron asked.

"What does she mean 'who'!?" Discord asked in annoyance, then took a closer look. "Wait, are you in the Marvel World? I swear I can see the New York City skyline. What are you all up to?"

"That is not your concern right now," Vergil said.

"Hey! We're suppose to be allies, and allies don't keep secrets!" Discord said.

"Get used to it, besides I have a feeling you're hiding things from all of us," Vergil said.

"Vergil! It's time!" Wesker called out.

"Very well!" Vergil said, then focused back on Discord. "I must be going, Wesker needs my assistance."

"You know if you're going to be part of this, you can contribute a little more honestly," Discord said. "Seems like I only get to talk to you once in a blue moon and even then you barely have anything to say!"

"You want us to help you with an Invasion, and we're going to do so, that's all the promise you get from us," Vergil said. "Anything else is to us and us alone Discord, do not mistake this partnership for a sign of friendship!"

"But Vergil!" Unfortunately the half-demon disconnected. "What a spoiled brat."

"Is he really going to help us?" Adagio asked.

"I don't know honestly, every offer I've made recently has left me with such unhelpful answers like 'Doom answers to no one' or 'My robots will take care of everything' or 'How did you contact the realm of the Kais', it gets really frustrating!" Discord said, poofing a handkerchief to wipe his head. "So stressful too. Even Starlight Glimmer has been giving me attitude, wondering when she would be able to enact her plan. I was going to have her wait but I might just do it now. At the very least I did accomplish one thing recently."

"What would that be?" Adagio asked.

"I finally got in contact with my ally from the Marvel world," Discord said, grinning mischievously. "He's on his way to Starlight's village, where she agreed to be his host. Oh The Avengers will be in for quite the surprise."

Over at Starlight's village, an Alicorn in green is seen walking through town, levitating a staff overhead. He seemed awfully cheery, occasionally waving to the smiling ponies of the town. He arrived at the house of the village leader and knocked, awaiting her answer.

Starlight opened the door to see her visitor, "You must be Loki."

"How did you guess?" The God asked.

"For starters, why would an Alicorn be at my village?" Starlight asked. "Two, there are no male alicorns, three Discord just told me you were on your way, I doubt you'd be anypony else."

"Wow, you're quite perspective aren't you Miss Glimmer," Loki said. "May I come inside?"

"Sure, why not," Starlight said, allowing the God into her home. "So, what did Discord tell you?"

"He told me of a plan you had to steal the Cutie Marks of the Equestrian Princesses, that it can somehow seal away their powers," Loki said. "I don't know or understand how Cutie Marks work but if you can depower our enemies then I guess I can see why Discord would consider you a valuable ally."

"How do you know Discord?" Starlight asked.

"When I heard that a man in Midgard, that's Earth for you non-Asgardians, had captured a being of Chaos magic, I became a bit interested, being one for Chaos myself," Loki said. "So I decided to pay a visit to this world sometime after Spider-Man defeated the one called Green Goblin, where Discord revealed his plans to me. I was a bit skeptical at first, but seeing that my brother has made a home here I figured why not join Discord and finally take down my brother, so that I may rule over Asgard like I rightfully should."

"You're ambitious, taking out your own brother just for power?" Starlight said. "I mean, I honestly don't care but I do find that a little amazing."

"It is amazing, isn't it?" Loki said. "Now for our plan to come together, we'll have to work very cohesively, I'll help bring whomever you need to this village and we'll use their power to take down The Avengers."

"Along with the Equestrian Princesses," Starlight added.

"Why yes of course," Loki said. "Now tell me more about your plan Miss Glimmer, or may I just call you Starlight?"

"Starlight is fine," the mare said. "Now, here's my plan..."

Later in the day, as promised, Peter did return to Canterlot with Logan, Fluttershy and Toad by his side. The Changelings were all being tended to by several medical staff, including Rebecca Chambers of Capcom, just as Chris promised.

Peter stood by Rebecca and Thorax in a small room, just as Fluttershy was tending to another creature, Toad helping bring whatever she needed and Logan hoping to see if Chun-Li was around.

"How are they doing?" Peter asked.

"They took some heavy damage, and there were some losses I'm afraid," Rebecca said. "But most of them will live."

"I'm so sorry to hear about the losses Thorax," Peter said. "I didn't want this to happen, I swear to you on that."

"I know, I'm good at telling emotions, and you're so full of kindness that I can't fathom you doing something like this," Thorax said. "Whoever did this probably just wanted revenge against us for the Wedding Invasion."

"You never found out who did this, correct?" Rebecca asked.

"No, I don't even know which world they came from, but I will find them and bring them to justice," Peter said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if someone caught wind of Chrysalis's invasion plans," Thorax said. "They might have told one of the worlds, thinking they'd be better suited to take down the Queen."

"Spencer's actually back in the Capcom world, cracking down on a lot of the guys, making sure it wasn't any of them," Rebecca said. "I heard Captain America went back to Marvel to do the same."

"He likely did, probably went to confront S.H.I.E.L.D., I don't think it was them but Nick Fury is a sneaky guy, if he found out and organized this attack, Cap will get him to talk," Peter said. "I hope Spencer can get his guys to talk if they were involved."

Fluttershy finished up on a Changeling's treatment, "There you go, now rest up and you'll feel better in no time."

"Gee thanks Miss Pony," the Changeling said.

"Call me Fluttershy," the mare said.

"Well thanks Fluttershy, I hope I can go home soon and see my daughter, no doubt she'll be worried when she finds out about this," the Changeling said.

"Oh, so Changelings do have kids of their own, I thought Chrysalis hatched you all," Fluttershy said.

"Sort of, I mean we're assigned family members to watch over, so I have a young daughter back home named Ocellus, she's actually really shy, Chrysalis doesn't expect much from her in the future," The Changeling said.

"I know what it's like to be shy, I was once shy myself, until I made some friends," Fluttershy said, "Maybe I can help your daughter find friends sometime."

"I'd like that, thanks," The Changeling said.

Logan came into the room, making his way over to his wife, "Fluttershy, I found her."

"Just in time," Fluttershy said, then turned to Toad. "I have to talk to Chun-Li, can I trust you to stay here and not cause trouble?"

"Sure thing Fluttershy," Toad said.

Logan turned to Peter, "Hey Peter, the wife and I want to talk to Chun-Li, we're leaving Toad, that good with you?"

"Yeah that's fine," Peter said.

Logan and Fluttershy made their way out of the room, meeting with Chun-Li at the end of the hall.

"Thanks for meeting with us Chun-Li," Logan said.

"Thanks for pulling me away from Luna, I was this close to cracking her horn off with one of my kicks," Chun-Li said, still somewhat bitter about how annoying Luna was.

"I'll get to the point, we need to contact Leon, we think he had something to do with this," Logan said.

"Leon? But why?" Chun-Li asked.

"He is in Equestria's future right now, he knows how bad the Changelings are, and the attackers did leave without a trace," Logan said. "Even Cap said one of them just disappeared, he didn't think it was Unicorn magic either since the attacker didn't even have a horn."

"But, I can't imagine Leon doing something that reckless..." Chun-Li thought a moment. "Then again, he's always been a bit headstrong, so maybe it's not too out of reach..."

"We should contact him," Fluttershy said.

Chun-Li nodded in agreement, "We should." She grabbed a radio, one specially designed to reach Leon. The wonders of Capcom's technology mixed with some Equestrian magic. "Leon, it's Chun-Li, do you read me?" She waited a bit for an answer, but none came. "Leon!"

"Chun-Li?" Leon's voice came through the radio, almost static like but he was there. "Is that you?"

"Good, I got a hold of you," Chun-Li said. "Now listen, I have something to ask you."

"We have something to ask you," Logan corrected, getting Leon's attention.

"Logan?" Leon asked.

"There was an attack earlier in Canterlot, The Changelings came under fire, including their queen," Logan said. "I'll get to the point, did you have anything to do with that?"

Leon hesitated before answering, so this time Chun-Li spoke up, "Leon, you better not be stalling! Answer Logan's question."

"I...I did what needed to be done," Leon said from his room in the future.

"Leon, it's me Fluttershy. I know you meant well, but this wasn't the way to go," Fluttershy said. "Peter was about to sign a treaty, your ambush wasn't needed."

"Those Changelings destroyed this future, you should be thanking me Fluttershy, I pretty much prevented your death," Leon said.

"Leon, you didn't even finish the job, those Changelings probably want revenge now!" Chun-Li shouted. "There might be war!"

"Then I'll be back, I'll face the Queen myself if I have to," Leon said. "And this time, I'll go for the head. Catch you later."

Leon turned off his radio as Chun-Li tried speaking into it again, "Leon? Leon!" She groaned in annoyance, "That guy can be so...it's like he's trying so hard to be this badass hero, but he comes across so naïve at times."

"What should we do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'll keep some of my guys posted around this world," Chun-Li said. "If the Changelings try for revenge, we'll be ready."

"I'll talk to Chuck, maybe he can send a few X-Men over to keep an eye out too," Logan said.

"We also have The Wonderbotls and the Royal Guard to help keep us safe," Fluttershy said.

"We'll prevent any more tragedies, you have my promise," Chun-Li said, doing a slight bow.

"So now what?" Fluttershy asked. "Should we tell Peter about Leon?"

"We'll tell the Princesses at least, just to get them off Chun-Li's back, we'll tell Peter a bit later, right now he's a bit on edge and likely to do something rash," Logan said. "We don't want him building a time machine just to find Leon, and then making himself disappear for another thirty years and ending up in some different alternative future."

"Yeah, you're right," Fluttershy said. "Let's go tell the Princesses, hopefully they can come up with a story to ease Peter's worries."

The Changeling treaty has not only failed, it has given more of a chance for Discord to take over Equestria as the villains have one more potential ally, or perhaps two more, given the newfound duo of Starlight Glimmer and Loki.

The future of Equestria and even the different Earths are still unknown, and it's up to the heroes to keep things safe.

Author's Note:

Gotta take a quick break to get my computer fixed up, next chapter in like 3-4 weeks.