• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,652 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 10 The Girl Wonder

The elevator lowered itself to the floor of the Batcave. It's doors opened as Scootaloo whistled on her way out. She heard the screeching of bats as a couple of them flew by her, but she wasn't startled by it as she was used to it by now. She walked over to the Batcomputer where Bruce stood in his batsuit, the mask hanging at the back of his neck.

"Hey, Bruce." Scootaloo smiled.

Bruce glanced his head at her before returning his attention to the computer before him. "Oh, hello Scootaloo."

"Whatcha working on?" Scootaloo asked, her arms held behind her back.

"There's a gang I've been tracking for five days now." Bruce replied "But I should be able to catch them by tonight though."

Scootaloo wondered for a moment before saying "Uh, Bruce. Is there any chance I could...I don't know, come with you?"

She heard a faint chuckle as the billionaire before her turned around and pulled his mask over his head.

"I'm actually being serious." Scootaloo crossed her arms.

"Well I'm afraid not." Batman answered bluntly as he walked past her.

"Oh come on, Bruce." Scootaloo pleaded as she followed "I could be good out there."

It appeared that the vigilante wasn't listening, due to him keeping his head forward and not saying a word as he walked.

"Please, Bruce? C'mon." Nothing.

The windshield on the Batmobile slid forward as they neared. Batman hopped in the driver seat and began typing the buttons on the dash panel, getting the car ready.

"Ugh..." Scootaloo groaned "Why won't you let me go out there?"

It was within this moment that Batman finally showed attention by turning his head towards her.

"Because of what happened yesterday." he said.

Scootaloo recalled the events of the previous day as a memory the thug that slapped her flashed in her mind.

"Something like that could happen again." Batman stated.

"Oh come on!" Scootaloo protested "Did it hurt? Yes. But it was just a slap."

"But there are criminals that could do worse." Bruce countered, his voice stern. "I can't let anything else happen to you; you're staying here. End of discussion." before Scootaloo could protest any further, the windshield slid itself shut, the car driving off, leaving a pretty pissed off Scootaloo.

She folded her arms, head lowered and eyebrows furrowed. The anger inside her stomach burned as she kicked the floor. He thought of her as a weakling, didn't he? He must've doubted that she could ever be a hero, right? All the other foals back in Equestria did. Everybody said she wasn't strong or that she wouldn't reach up to a high rank.

"Hah!" laughed Diamond Tiara "You think you can be a hero?"

"Yeah." Scootaloo's teeth clenched "You think I can't?"

Diamond Tiara giggled mockingly "Oh please. There's no way anypony like you can be strong enough to be a hero."

"How come?"

"Well." Tiara started "You're too small, too weak, too incompetent and..." she tapped her head with her hoof "...there's not enough thinking up there."

Scootaloo angrily snorted as she stomped her hoof. "That's it!" she stomped in her direction, but was stopped by a hoof holding her back.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom pleaded as she was trying desperately to hold her Pegasus friend back "Remember what Me. Cheerilee said! You'll get suspended if you get into another fight!"

Scootaloo took a deep breath before walking out of her friend's grasp into the opposite direction.

"You think you have what it takes, weakling?" Diamond Tiara yelled "You'll never be a hero."

Scootaloo's eyes shut as she looked back on that memory. She sighed as she opened them. "Everyone thinks I'm a weakling." her head lowered "Everyone thinks I can't be a hero." her head turned to the glass cases of Batman suits displayed over to her far right. In one of the cases stood a red suit that was labeled as Grayson's suit thanks to the plack that was built over the door of the case.

Scootaloo looked at that suit for a moment. An idea forming in her head. She smiled as she was growing fond of the idea already. "I'll show 'em."

(This music is owned by Warner Bros. and Hanz Zimmer.)

The darkness of the night floded the museum. Only light emitting was the light of the moon shinning through the windows and occasionally a flashlight held by a guard that walks by here. The museum had many things in it's collection. Every item was valuable, but there was something in particular that caught the interest of someone.

The top window opened and a dark figure peeked his or her head through. The coast seemed clear, not a guard was in sight and the pathway was open. The plan was simple, get in, take the diamond, and get out. The figure jumped from the window opening and was somehow able to land on his or her feet in a crouching position. The figure fully stood up, cloaked in shadow until he or she made his or her way to the shining moon light.

Once the figure stepped out of the shadows, it was revealed to be a woman. Her outfit was a black skin tight leather suit with cat ears over her head. On her left hip hung a whip and at the tips of her gloves were cat-like claws. Over her beautiful face she wore red goggles that masked her identity.

"Alright Selina, just play it like you always do." she said to herself. Catwoman made her way down the hall, her hips swaying on every step. She almost turned a corner, but stopped herself as she hid with her back against the wall. She peaked her head over the corner to see a guard coming her way.

She heard the steps of the guard getting louder, he was getting close. Catwoman showed no sign of dead or worry as she just stood there with her back against the wall. She knew what she was doing. Just as the guard came around the corner she backflipped right onto his shoulders.

"What the..." before the guard could react any further his face was met with the chief's hands covering his mouth and nose. He muffled and struggled as he tried to pull the woman off him, but to no use as he fell to the floor unconscious. Catwoman lifted herself up from him and wiped her hands together.

"Not bad. Now," she turned "time to get what I came for." she walked down the hall, passing many exhibits, but none of them caught her interest. Before her stood a glass box containing a precious diamond. She made her way over to it as she put her claws onto the case and twisted her hand in a circular motion. Once that was done, she pulled the circular piece of glass away and dropped it onto the floor.

"For having a precious diamond, this place has lowsey security." she commented to herself as she took the diamond and made her way back where she came from.

The night's wind welcomed her and she inhaled the air. She sighed.

"Ahh, the sweet smell of victory." she looked at the diamond that rested in her palm.

"No so fast." a voice said.

Catwoman turned around to the voice to see something that was anything but intimidating. Standing before her was just...a kid? She couldn't tell who she was thanks to the green thanks to the green domino mask, but judged that she'd be around ten or eleven. The kid had purple hair and wore a red tunic with the letter R on the left side of her chest, a yellow cape over her shoulders and green gloves, short sleeves, and boots. She also wore green short shorts, but it was nothing too revealing, and around her hips wrapped a yellow belt.

Selina chuckled "Let me guess: you're some kid who snuck out of the house in her pajamas, right?"

The kid looked as if she ignored the insult as she rested her hands on her waist, trying to look 'heroic'.

"You better stop right there or else." she spoke in a gravely voice that didn't even sound real.

Catwoman snorted as she began laughing, her hand holding her forehead.

"What are you laughing at?" this kid was trying to sound intimidating, but it wasn't working.

After a moment, Selina was able to silence her laughing as she crossed her arms.

"If your trying to scare me with that voice, it isn't working." she smirked.

"Yeah well..." the kid was struggling to find the right words "...I'll...I'll stop you."

"Ohh I'm scarred." Catwoman taunted as she turned around "See ya 'round kid."

Just as she was about to make her way out of here, Scootaloo immediately began searching her belt for something useful.

"Come on, come on." she mumbled "There's gotta be something I could..." she began to feel some kind of object in the pocket of her belt and began to pull it out. She grinned as she knew what to do with the batarang. She rose it above her head before swinging her arm forward in a quick motion, letting the batarang fly out of her hand...and miss.

The princess of plunder noticed the batarang fly past her. It didn't even come close. She chuckled.

"Nice throw." she sprinted her way to the ledge of the building before leaping across the gap to the roof of another building across.

Scootaloo's mouth hung open in utter shock at the sight of a person being able to leap that distance. She shook off her shock as she noticed the literal cat burglar making a run for it.

"Okay Scootaloo, think..." she looked around frantically for something. Nothing. Dammit, how is she gonna catch her now? She's getting away. Without seeing any other option, there was only one thing left and she did not like it. She deeply inhaled as she knew what she had to do.

"Alright, Scoots." she took a few steps back "You can do this." she began sprinting forward "Come on." she neared the edge. "I can...jump!" she leaped over the gap, immediately regretting her discision. She thought she saw herself nearing the edge. That's it! She was gonna make it!

However, luck didn't seem to be on her side as it looked like the ledge in front of her grew. Her stomach would have dropped, but thanks to gravity, it seemed that would be physically possible. She spun her arms, trying to grab hold of anything miraculous that'll stick out in midair.

Thankfully, she was able to grab onto something unknown to her, but unthankfully, it was falling down with her fast. She was nearing the ground. This was it, her life in the human world wasn't going to last long. She was done for. Or at least it seemed until her fall suddenly stopped.

Scootaloo slowly and hesitantly looked below her to see that the ground was only a few inches below her. She raised her head up to see what it was that she was holding onto. It was a fire escape ladder, it must've slid down with her.

She let out a heavy sigh. She thought she was done for for sure. She set her feet onto the ground and felt her whole body shaking.

"I am never doing that again." She said.

Scootaloo staggered her way out of the ally until she found herself on a sidewalk. She thought she'd just stick to the ground for now. She walked the streets as she kept a look out for crime. The street seemed hardly crowded tonight. There were hardly any souls to be seen as she kept walking.

There wasn't a crime in sight, but her luck would soon turn. When she turned a corner, she saw a couple of men wearing suits walk into what appeared to be an abandoned building. One of them Scootaloo felt intimidated by, for he appeared to be very big and muscelly. The other guy didn't look so intimidating by the way, but it looked like he was carrying something.

The two entered the building, with the fedora wearing muscle man politely stepping aside and opening the door for the other man before making his way in, closing the door behind him. Scootaloo felt that these guys weren't up to any good, so she made her way over to the building.

Once Scootaloo made her way into the building, she quickly noticed some guys and sprinted to nearby crates to hide behind. She poked her head over the side of the crate to see that the men were wearing suits and fedoras like the big guy. As for the guy that was being escorted, Scootaloo was able to make out his appearance. He was a bald man who looked like he was somewhere in his late fifties or early sixties and he was carrying a suitcase in his right hand.

He didn't wear a hat like the others, but wore a pair of glasses over his eyes. His getup consisted of a brown suit jacket with a yellow buttoned shirt and a red polkadotted tie. He adjusted his glasses and turned to the muscular guy.

"Thank you for escorting us, Rhino." he held out his hand. Us? As far as Scootaloo's concerned, there's only one guy.

Rhino shook his hand "No problem Mr. Ventriloquist. When can we see the boss?"

"You'll see him soon enough, I just have to get him ready." the Ventriloquist responded.

He made his way over to a door, closing it behind him as the men waited with most of their arms crossed.

"Why are we following this nut job?" asked one of the men. He immediately regretted that question as a hand wrapped around his neck.

"Don't talk that way about the bosses associate." Rhino warned "Only he can do that." he let goed of the man.

"Sorry, Rhino." the man rubbed his neck "I'm just saying who's the geniuse?"

"Scarface is the geniuse and you do everything he says. Got it?" Rhino raised a fist.

The man nodded "Y-yeah. Sure thing, Rhino."

Scootaloo's was filled with questions. Why did the guy think the Ventriloquist was nuts? What was in the suitcase? And who was Scarface? But before Scootaloo could think of any answers she suddenly felt a twitch in her nose. Uh oh. She felt pressure wanting to get out of her nostrils.

She held a finger up to her nose, trying to keep it from coming out as she started sniffing. After a few sniffs, the pressure cleared. She removed her finger. She felt safe...until she sneezed.

"What was that?" Rhino looked over his shoulder.

Scootaloo gasped at Rhino's voice; a mistake she intantly regretted as she hastily covered her mouth. Idiot. Scootaloo reacted quickly as she moved her head from the side of the crate, fellingher back against it's surface. Sweet Celestia, she was doomed.

"Sounded like it came from over there."

She heard footsteps coming in her direction. Tension rose within her as she felt the footsteps getting closer. She looked around frantically, trying to find another place to hide, but there was nothing. Just then, she felt the crate against her back move, making her fall to the floor to see Rhino standing above her.

"Well, looky what we have here." he grinned.

Scootaloo gulped "Uh...hi?" she nervously waved.

Rhino grabbed her by the arm and forced her to her feat. Scootaloo struggled, but was unable to get out of the man's grip.

"Let me go!" she yelled, her fist pounding against her captor, but to no avail.

She felt herself being thrown onto a chair. Before she could get up, someone from behind was able to wrap duct tape around her like rope. She struggled, but couldn't move. She was helpless. There didn't seem to be any way of escape. She tried struggling until she heard the door slam open.

"What's all dis wrackit?!" a voice yelled.

Scootaloo looked to see who it was. It was the older man she saw earlier, but this time he was holding something peculiar. It was a ventriloquist dummy with a gangster getup that consisted of a blue suit, red tie, and a purple fedora. A cigar hung from It's mouth and a tommy gun was held in it's hand. The paint over his wooden skin was as white as Rarity's coat and a red scar was carved on the right side of it's face.

Rhino approached the Ventriloquist, nervously rubbing the back of his neck "Sorry, boss. Y'see, we're just takin' care of some trouble." he gestured over to the kid in the chair. Wait...was he talking to the dummy?

"So..." the dummy said slowly as the man holding him began to approach Scoots. "either yer just a kid who tought it'd be a good idea to play dress up like it's Halloween or you're the Gatman's new kid."

Scootaloo was lost for words as she just sat there more confused than scared. Was...was the Ventriloquist talking to her or the dummy?

"What's da matter? Cat got yer tongue?" the dummy said as the man stood before her. Scootaloo only stared at the dummy in confusion "Well?"

The only thing that could emmit from Scootaloo was a snort which quickly turned into a laugh. There was no way a group of gangsters had a dummy in charge.

"What's so funny?" the dummy's eyebrows moved in a confused facial expression. "Was dere somethin' I said?"

"I don't think so, sir." responded the Ventriloquist.

"Den what's de gag?"

"This...this can't be real." Scootaloo laughed "There's no way a gang would take orders from some kind of dummy."

The dummy's eyebrows furrowed slowly as if it really understood her "What did you say?!" he shouted in a voice so angry and loud that it made Scootaloo immediately silence her laughing "Did you just call me a dummy?!"

"Uh...yeah?" Scootaloo hesitated. The dummy's tommy gun was then pointed to her face.

"You better watch dat mouth, kid." the dummy threatened "Dis is Scarface, you're talkin' to and I don't take no disrespect, ya hear?"

"We just do everything he says." the Ventriloquist stated calmly. He turned Scarface's attention to him.

"Can it dummy, no one's talkin' to you!" he yelled.

The Ventriloquist held a face of fear "S-sorry sir."

Scootaloo could only stare with the most confused expression she's ever had in her life. It seemed as if these people believed the dummy was alive, even the Ventriloquist himself.

"Now den," Scarface's attention was brought back to the Equestrian "first ding's first, how'd you get in here?"

Scootaloo felt unsure to respond back to the dummy or the Ventriloquist.

"Well?" Scarface yelled, running out of patience.

"Uh...your door was unlocked." Scootaloo answered unsurely.

"Rhino..." the dummy turned to the big guy "I tought I told you to lock the friggin door on our way in!"

Rhino shrunk back a little afraid of his boss's tone. "Sorry, boss. Won't happen again."

"It getter not," the Ventriloquist approached Rhino, holding the dummy up to his face "'cause next time..." the dummy's hand was slapped across the man's face, hard. The slap sounding like it were being leather hit against something, as if it were realistic. "...it'll be worse den dat. Get my point?"

Rhino nodded vigorously. As soon as the Ventriloquist turned his back, Rhino gave Scootaloo a glare making her shrink in her seat.

"So," Scarface spoke "how'd you find this place?"

"I just..." Scootaloo was looking at the Ventriloquist, but was interrupted by the dummy.

"Hey! Eyes down here."

Scootaloo remembered the dummy was in charge and decided to just play along.

"I just came across this place is all." She answered.

"Oh are you lost?" the Ventriloquist asked with a concerned voice. Scootaloo was just about to answer before Scarface slapped him.

"Quiet dummy! We're talkin' here." Scarface barked.

"Sorry, Mr. Scarface." The Ventriloquist rubbed his cheek.

"So let me get dis straight..." Scarface started "...you put on some cheap costume, take a little walk in de city, and came across our little hidey hole?"

That wasn't exactly the full truth, but Scootaloo decided to nod and not explain in full detail. It's best if these guys don't know much about her.

"So what do we do with her, boss?" Rhino asked.

"Shut up, Rhino! Let me think!" Scarface barked, making Rhino instantly close his mouth. The dummy rubbed his chin "What are we gonna do wid her?"

"We can always let her go." The Ventriloquist suggested.

For a moment, the dummy looked stunned before he slowly turned his head to his wielder "Dummy, can you take off my hat?" he asked calmly.

"Or course, Mr. Scarface." the Ventriloquist obliged as he removed the gangster's hat before his face was met with his forehead. "Ouch." he rubbed his nose.

"Got any more stupid ideas?" Scarface asked with his brows furrowed.

The Ventriloquist shook his head and put the fedora back on the dummy's head before facing him to their men.

"Anyone with any gright ideas?" Scarface asked.

The gangsters were wondering for a moment before one of them spoke up "Hey, uh, maybe we can just throw her in the river?"

The dummy rubbed his chin as if he were in thought "Why not? It's less messy anyway." he turned to the aforementioned hostage. "Y'know, maybe yer a duck instead of a Robin. Why don't we test dat? Rhino."

Scootaloo's eyes widened in fear as she started struggling to break free. It was to no avail as the big gangster picked up the chair by it's back, the tape feeling as if they were tightening around Scootaloo.

Come, Scootaloo! Come one, there's gotta be a way to...wait a minute!

She just remembered her belt! Of course, there had to be something in there she could use. As her hand dug it's way into her belt, she heard...


She jerked her head upward to see a bat-shaped being shatter through the glass window from the ceiling. Batman landed on his feet in a crouching position, a burning scowl on his face.

"It's Batman!" Rhino yelled as upon instinct he reached into his jacket for his gun, dropping Scootaloo in the process.

Scootaloo couldn't help but "Oof!" when she landed on her side, groaning.

Before Rhino had the chance to shoot, a batarang quickly knocked the gun out of his hand. Before he had time to react, the dark knight leaped off the floor, his fist impacting with Rhino's face, sending him flying off his feet into a stacked pile of crates falling on him.

Scarface caught his men in a frozen state as they saw what happened with their jaws hitting the floor.

"What da hell are you bozos standin' dere for?" he yelled "Get him!"

They were all brought out of their stunned state as they all came charging at the detective. One of them sent his fist flying to Batman's face before being blocked with an arm and his face met with a head-butt. Batman then spun his body around at the speed of light and brought his fist to a man's stomach, causing him to fall backwards onto his back, clutching his tummy.

As the fighting continued, Scootaloo was searching her belt frantically for anything that could help her out of these bonds. Anything. She felt her finger touch something for her to pull out a batarang. She began using it's sharp edges to saw the tape that bound her as fast as she could. But before she could go any further, a shadow began to loom over her.

"Where do you tink yer goin'?" Scarface pointed his tommy gun down at her.

Scootaloo gulped; her eyes shut as she awaited her demise.

"Any last words?" Scarface chuckled as he readied to shoot. Just in the nick of time, however a batarang flew by, severing the dummy's hand as it and the gun hit the floor. "I'm hit, goys!"

Batman leaped forward, his arm swiping the puppet out of the Ventriloquist's hand. His nose under his mask twitched as he took a hold of the Ventriloquist's collar, his fist raised.

"W-w-wait!" he pleaded "I-I didn't mean to hurt your partner! Scarface was-" before he could finish, a punch met his face, knocking him out cold as his body hung limp in the detective's grasp.

Batman dropped the man onto the floor and walked over to Scootaloo, taking a batarang from his belt. He crouched down and used the batarang to release her from her bindings until she was free. They both stood up with Scootaloo looking up at him with an impressed smile on her face and hands on her hips.

"That was awesome." Scootaloo leaned to her left to see a series of unconscious bodies littering the floor. "You took out all those guys, you were...you were..." Whatever amount of excitement she had within her was lowering as she saw her legal guardian looking sternly down at her with his arms crossed.

"What were you thinking?" he growled. At this point it didn't seem so bad for Scoots when she was tied to a chair.

"I..." Scootaloo nervously rubbed the back of her head "I was..."

"You would have been killed!" Bruce's voice rose. "If I hadn't shown up here, something could have happened to you."

"Look..." Scootaloo raised her hands defensively "I was just thinking..."

"You weren't thinking at all." Bruce interrupted.

"Yeah well I uh...uh..." sweat was beading down Scootaloo's forehead. "I wasn't in trouble." Batman held that stern look at her "Uh...before this anyway."

She felt her head lower in shame. She has disobeyed her guardian. She was almost killed tonight if he hadn't shown up. But despite all this, she still had a good reason. She sighed.

"Look, Bruce..." She peeled off her mask and the fear from her face gone. "I know I did a stupid thing tonight and I was over my head but...at least let me tell you why."

Batman held that stern stare, but didn't say anything, so Scootaloo concluded he was paying attention.

"You see...all my life I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to help people and stand up to whoever or whatever was hurting them, because I was bullied." She sighed "I was bullied and underestimated because I couldn't fly and was too small. So, nopony took me seriously with my dreams, except Sweetie Belle and Applebloom of course, but two ponies weren't enough. I was bullied for so long that...I...I began to believe them."

Scootaloo lowered her head again as she remembered the doubt she had. Nopony took her seriously that she was experiencing self doubt. This was something she had to find a way to overcome.

"I...I need to prove it to myself. I need to prove to myself that I can do great things. That I am capable of becoming what I want to become. That I'm capable of becoming a hero."

Scootaloo looked back up to see what reaction Batman would have. He stood there in the same pose, arms crossed and stern glare. The two were silent for a moment before one of them spoke.

"I understand." Batman admitted "I understand that you want to prove to yourself that you can be strong and protect others."

Scootaloo smiled. She was glad he understood.

"Tell you what," Bruce said "I know someone who can teach you in ways to become Robin; he and I will teach you everything you need to know and when your training is complete, you'll become my partner."

Scootaloo's eyes went wide, her mouth agape. This...this was her chance. How could she say no?

"Yes!" she hastily nodded "Yes, that'll be great!"

"You have to do everything I say."

Scootaloo nodded "Yeah, sure thing. I'll do anything you say."

"Good." Bruce lowered his arms and his expression still stoic. As the two were leaving the building, Batman looked down at Scootaloo. "Oh yes, there's just one more thing."

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Your grounded."

Author's Note:

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Hey everybody, Batfan98 speaking. Sorry this chapter took so long, school has been keeping me busy. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm gonna make a change to the previous two chapters. It's nothing big, but here it is: remember that Human Life was two parts? Well, looking back on that I decided that splitting it up into two parts was needless and that it all should have just been one part. I will copy part two and pace it on part one and it will no longer be chapter ten, instead it'll be part of chapter nine. That's all, short update, but thought I should let you guys know.

The catwoman music, 'Selina', is from the dark knight rises. It is owned by Warner Bros. and Hanz Simmer.