• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 2,652 Views, 60 Comments

Gotham City Heroes (rewritten version) - Batfan98

Scootaloo's life changes as she gets pulled into the DC universe. Batman takes care of her and it looks like she will get her wish to finally become a hero.

  • ...

Chapter 15 Two of a Kind

Scootaloo awoke the next morning, stretching her arms out. After turning in Poison Ivy and Boris Franklin last night, she was about ready to turn in. All that crime fighting really took a lot out of her that she was given a good night sleep. The girl headed down to the kitchen to find Bruce sitting at the dining table and a plate of scrambled eggs waiting for her.

"Hey, Bruce." She took a seat.

"Morning," He greeted back. "Did you sleep well?"

Scootaloo took a bite of her eggs, "Oh yeah, I slept like a baby."

"Last night, you did well." Bruce commented.

Scootaloo nodded, "Thank you, can't believe I fought a supervillain. Do you think we'll fight another supervillain tonight?"

Bruce shrugged, "Perhaps, it does happen often, but not every night."

"Yeah well I'm ready for anything."

Bruce chuckled, "I know."

"Good morning Master Bruce and Miss Scootaloo." Alfred greeted as he came in through the door, holding a newspaper.

"Morning, Alfred." Scootaloo greeted and Bruce waved, sipping his coffee.

"It seems you had recognition last night, Miss Scootaloo." Alfred said.

Scootaloo grinned, "That's awesome! Now people know there's a new Robin in town."

Alfred placed the newspaper in front of the excited girl, "Yes, but I don't think you have the recognition you were hoping for."

"What are you talking about?" Scootaloo asked, confused before reading the paper.


Scootaloo slumped her shoulders, "Boy Wonder? Don't they mean Girl Wonder?"

Alfred shrugged, "Well, even the press can make mistakes."

"They seriously think I'm a boy?" Scootaloo exclaimed, Bruce suppressing his chuckle as he tried hiding his smirk. "Do you think I look like a boy in my costume?" She eyed Alfred.


The Batmobile roared as it sped through the streets of Gotham. Robin sat in the passenger seat, arms crossed.

"I can't believe people think I'm a boy." She grumbled.

"Well you haven't been at this for long, I'm sure they'll know your gender at some point." Batman reassured.

Robin sighed as she rested her head on her hand. At the corner of her eye, she noticed something. She put her focus on it and saw that it was a black figure running on the rooftops.

"Hey Batman, look." She pointed.

Batman stopped the Batmobile and looked in the direction the girl was pointing. He narrowed his eyes.

"Come on," He said as they exited the car.

"Purrrfect." Catwoman purred as she eyed the diamond necklace in her hand.


The Princess of Plunder turned around and smiled seductively, "Batman, it seems no matter where I go I always run into you."

"Hand over the diamonds, lady." Robin oderdered.

Catwoman chuckled, resting a hand on her side. "Cute, y'know if it wasn't for the fact Bruce Wayne's new ward was a girl and we haven't met before, I would've thought you were a boy on first glance."

"Why you..." Robin started, but stopped at the realization of Catwoman mentioning Bruce Wayne. "Wait, you know that..."

"That Bruce Wayne is Batman? Oh I know, don't worry, I can keep a secret. Maybe we should have a more proper introduction." She gestured to herself, "Selina Kyle."

"Selina," Batman growled, "I'm telling you to put the necklace back or else."

Catwoman placed the necklace around her neck, "If you want it, you'll have to take it from me." She ran as Batman and Robin began to pursue her. Selina leapt off the edge, into a neighbouring rooftop. The duo did the same as they were giving chase. The cat burglar proved to have quite the skills as she jumped over a farther gap and was still able to land on the next roof.

"Woah!" Robin exclaimed in amazement at such agility.

She and Batman briefly glided off the building and grappled their way straight to the other one. Catwoman began jump-climbing a water tower. She looked as though she was about to lean forward.

"She's not going to..." Robin doubted, but to her surprise Catwoman leaned forward to the point she let gravity overtake her. Just as Robin thought she was going to become street pizza, the burglar cracked her whip as it wrapped itself on a flagpole. She swung as though she were on a vine. Her whip came loose and she back flipped in midair until she landed her feet on another rooftop.

Robin was left speechless in her chase, she has never seen anyone perform a stunt like that, at least anyone without wings. The Dynamic Duo glided onto the roof as Catwoman stood at the edge, seemingly at a dead end.

"Alright, you better give up now, because there's nowhere to run." Robin ordered.

Catwoman chuckled, "I can tell you haven't been at it this long, I always find a means of escape." She leaned back and fell.

The two superheroes ran to the edge and saw Catwoman land on the roof of a coming bus. She stood, smiling smugly, waving her hand.

"Let's try and get after her," Robin want into a sprinting position before suddenly hearing what sounded like gunshots. Across from them was a building, a casino with the name Double Deck Casino flashed in light. "You think there's a..."

"Robbery," Batman confirmed.

"You think we should split up so one of us can go after Catwoman while the other stops the robbery?"

"No, we should both go and try to put a stop to what's going on there."

"But, what about Catwoman?"

"She's harmless, she's not willing to kill anyone for jewelry or money, but the people at the casino are." Batman pulled his grapple gun from his belt. "Come on."

Robin nodded and pulled her gun. The two fired and swung over to the building.

"Alright, everyone move it!" Barked one of the robbers. Four of them were keeping watch on the hostages in a corner as the boss stood by the door, flipping his coin as always, and the rest of the men rounding up all the money, or well half, as the boss wanted. Thankfully they were still able to carry much money, thanks to the hired help from the sewers.

Suddenly, four objects came flying in, hitting the head of each man guarding the hostages as the all fall unconscious.

"What the..." One goon looked to see all of the guards down, much to his surprise. Before he could fully comprehend the situation, something, no, someone came flying in, kicking him down to the ground.

"Batman!" The leader yelled.

Robin and her mentor turned their attention to the voice and Scootaloo looked on in horror at the man she saw as Batman grimaced. Standing there was a man wearing a two toned suit, on it's right a light grey, on it's left a raven black. But what had Scootaloo's attention the most was his face...his gruesome half face. It's right side was that of a handsome man with combed brown hair, and an eye that spoke of good. His face's left side was severely scarred, as though something happened that showed the ugly side of this man's nature. His scarred side had a stretched open mouth exposing his teeth, white messy hair, and a bulgy yellow eye that spoke of evil.

"Two-Face," Batman growled.

"I see you are quite devoted to protecting Gotham, just like I once was," Two-Face smiled, to Scootaloo he seemed almost nice. "But every time I'm doing something, you always show up and ruin everything!" He exclaimed angrily, this time speaking in a voice that sounded more menacing and scratchy. Robin was confused by the sudden mood change, it was as though this man had a split personality.

"Enough, Two-Face!" Batman said. "You're going back to Arkham."

Two-Face chuckled, "Oh, really? I don't think so."

Robin was startled as she heard a loud, sharp hissing breathing. She looked and her heart sank at the sudden figure standing across from them at the room with the gambling machines. Unlike the other beings she met in this world, this creature didn't seem human at all. His body was covered in green scales, his fingers tipped with sharp claws, he had eyes of hellish red, and teeth as sharp as knives. He looked as though he were some kind of crocodile.

"Looks like we have some bat-company." The creature growled in a deep voice that came from the throat.

"Yes, Croc. Why don't you take care of them?"

"With pleasure."

The crocodile man came charging at them. They leapt out of the way as he swung his claws.

"Why work with Two-Face, Killer Croc?" Batman asked.

"He hired me for good muscle," The man, now known to Robin as Killer Croc, said. He was muscly and tall as he towered a few inches over Batman. "Said he'd give me half the take. Heh heh heh heh." He chuckled. "Best part is, I get to knaw my teeth into you, Batman!"

Robin gulped, "Y-yeah, well..." She inhaled as she showed a face of determination. "You're gonna get your butt kicked by the Caped Crusader and the Girl Wonder."

"Wait, you're a girl?" Killer Croc asked, confused.

Scootaloo stared dumbfounded, "Seriously?"

"Never mind that," Croc growled. "I'm gonna rip you both to shreds."

The monster of a man swung his clawed hand at the duo, they dodged. Croc struck his hand forward at Batman, narrowly missing and receiving a punch to the face by the dark knight. The armoured glove were hard enough to make Croc feel the pain of the punch, but he ignored it and batted his arm at the Batman, sending him flying into a wall.

"Hey, boss should we help out Croc?" A henchman asked, carrying a bag of money over his shoulder.

Two-Face flipped his double headed coin, it landed on it's scarred side as he caught it. "Leave him, we got the money so let's go."

Meanwhile in the fight with Killer Croc, Robin searched her utility belt frantically, hoping to find some kind of gadget to help her and her mentor win this fight. She found her taser and smiled hopefully.

Killer Croc was slowly approaching the Dark Knight, growling. "I can't wait to feast on your bones."

"Well then how about you try a good taste of electricity!" Robin jumped up onto the criminal's back, hooking her arm across his neck. Due to Croc's strength compared to her lightness, the choke hold had no effect, but that wasn't the point. Robin jabbed her taser onto Croc's neck, sending electrical volts into his scaily skin. Croc roared in pain before throwing the Girl Wonder off his back. She gulped as he looked at her with eyes of fury.

"I'm gonna rip your skin off and watch you scream!"

"I don't think so," Batman said from behind Croc. Croc felt some kind of bubbly substance spray on his back before seeing Batman suddenly jump over him and landing protectively in front of Robin. The substance on Croc's back exploded, mocking him forward onto his knee. Batman upper cutted him, knocking him out.

"Are you alright?" He asked his ward.

Robin breathed, "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked around frantically, "Hey, where's Two-Face?"

She was right, Two-Face and his men were gone. The duo ran to the entrance door to see a truck hiss against the street, taking off. The vehicle had a paint job where it was half white and half black, Batman needed no further convincing it was Two-Face's truck.

"Well, he got away." Robin shook her head in disappointment.

"I wouldn't say so," Batman reached into his belt, pulling out some kind of remote, pressing the button. Robin rose an eyebrow, she opened her mouth to ask what her mentor meant, but was interrupted by a loud road hiss. From the corner of the building emerged the Batmobile, screeching to a halt in front of them.

"Get in," Batman ordered as he and Robin entered the Batmobile.

"Looks like we managed to pull it off," Two-Face commented, flipping his coin as a goon drove the truck. "Unfortunate we had to leave Croc behind."

The goon glanced at his rear view mirror, in surprise he eyed it, gulping. "Boss,"

"What is it?" The former DA eyed the rear view mirror on his side and gasped. "It's the damn bat!"

"W-what do we do?" Asked the worried driver.

Two-Face flipped his coin and saw it land on it's scarred side. He reached behind his seat. "Give me the gun!" One of his men handed him a tommy gun. "Keep driving." He told the driver. The supervillain leaned out of the side window, his gun aimed. He began spraying bullets at the pursuing Batmobile.

Robin jumped back in her seat as Two-Face starTed firing, but relaxed at seeing the bullets deflect off the car's armour and bullet proof glass. "So now what?"

Batman thought about using the Batmobile's homing missiles. They were always handy in a car chase, but with Two-Face leaning out the side window, that would risk the truck flipping over and landing on his side, killing him. There had to be some other way... That's it!

"I have an idea,"

Two-Face kept shooting his machine gun at the Batman's car, but to no avail. It wasn't long until he ran out of amo.

"Sonuva..." He leaned back into the truck, holding out his hand to his men in the back. "I need more ammo." His men quickly reached into the ammo bag, handing a clip to their boss.

"Alright, then." Two-Face loaded the clip into his gun. He leaned out his window again, to his surprise Batman and Robin were seen ejected from the Batmobile. They spread out their capes and leaned downward, gliding towards the truck.

Robin landed on Two-Face's door, opening it. "Hi," She yanked the scarred man by his collar, pulling him out of the vehicle and rolling onto the street. Batman did so as well to the driver before grabbing a hold of the wheel, sending the truck swirving off the road. Robin held on tight as the truck swirved until it came to an abrupt stop by crashing into the wall of a near building.

Robin breathed as she let go, firmly landing her feet on the still road. "Batman?"

Her boss emerged from the side of the truck. "I'm fine Robin." The rest of the goons came crawling out of the truck, grunting and groaning. They all heard the sound of sirens and looked to see police cars approaching. Batman and Robin looked at Two-Face out in the street as two cop cars were beginning to apprehend him and the rest were coming for the henchmen. The Dynamic Duo knew their work was done here. They grappled up the building, leaving the scene.